Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1919, p. 4

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_PAGE FOUR H WHIG/ BE THE RITISH WHIG!: should certainly include sugges- on the lake fr is REE geo- "DR. J. H J. H. BELL PRAISE D. B tions i yrapt V and the = only thing | ' jons for a memorial library graphi Sikes SO0TH YEAR. | . development is tbat For His Work, As Superintendent ot} gre € ri : 13 : the Byron Sanitorium. a handing ) the largest quthorities houle 1 wm : . handing over of the lars ! The London Advertiser has ¢ umers to the United States for g to its possibilities and lyepethy "write-up" of return of troops from overs t f pportunities | tion" work, which i ne of the chief causes for the re I Whig fier out at the Queen's Alex fo " Boss ' ' + at Bvp ¥ i I cod i : a | riot in the - Canadian camp in { ) Wh abe 8 onn | te on at ion, which is located a) @ short distance from London. fer-| | les. The Cang 3 ors are i conformity with the x . i The Canadian soldie r W 1 I f tty ring to the work of Dr. Bell, the Ad-] " tired of the way in which the "nee 1d the natural advantages |yaitiser says: / J | ericans are being pampered by the the tuation, and the marine "Dr. Bell, the milita itn government. 4 wouis dn welt to take te oc |icnjont, iv rou siepitarin, bu "fl | STYLE HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN & BOYS' WEAR nd ---- erent i future acti ab | THE END OF MILITARY GER 'o-be Continued.) cere liking of every man in the a | stitution. Conversation with 2 MANY. . ie Di. LLkonyersatio : . . . EN idier patients leaves no doubt that) Ud 14 Bu : The military terms of the Allies, THE SOLUTION OF KINGSTON'S they fairly idolize Dr. Bell. The| . ; Wr fl to be imposed upon Germany, have HOUSING PROBLEM. doctor was mayor of Kingston for aj Saturday attractions. Curta in rises at 8. 15 sharp. To en- surprised the world, and are far-| No. 2. couple of terms." > re ne to offer some ve sea~ reaching in-their scope and effect | Another of the objections whicn rT, > courage early shopping we are goi g t 1 ry To bring dn arrogant military na-'gome of our aldermen have to the! FIRE IN TOOL SHANTY. sonable articles at attractive prices. tion, with a jpachine-like army of provincial housing scheme is. that!piremen Had Blaze to Fight on M.T. : os ii f me tens of thou- they claim that a se cannot de Co's Premises, Pub! a and Sen IN Biome 3 Eo he or "a BE hs A small ls pa as a tool WORKINGMEN"S SHIRTS WORKINGMEN' S SOCKS HE» 0," LIMITED, third grade power, with an army der the act, This sum is limited to) None BY. the subloyees of fe Mout: Sizes 14 to 17. Light or Grey wool socks with blue i a EMott Lo. ar ere of one hundred thousand men and $3,000, and after deducting 2 5 by yang Portas Er an) "t 4.18} blue chambrays, black and hee! and toe. Sizes 10 to 1 i. four thousand officers is indeed a reasonable amount to provide [for!g' clock on Thursday afternoon. drastic step. It is a step which ox-'the lot, it leaves a margin of from |fire is supposed to have started from | white cotton dnills. "xtra special 19c¢c 2 i } mall stove in the building Te 3 = : C ralue ik a ay a ceeds the most sanguine expecta-i§2000 to $2,600 for the actual | sia A Bot the blage under control Extra special value . tions of the eitizens of every Allied puilding After extensive inquiv in good time. Seve val chests, COR country. The acceptance of these je s from various reliable sources, it aining workmen's tools, were in the 1 2 f gr terms will show more clearly than can he stated without fear of con- { shanty at the time, and the em} Men' s Linen' Col ars or "lel » One year, Seltysrad in city .. 3.00 anything else how complete was the tradition that a very good type of | ployees had a lively time in their en- One year, If p&id in advance .. 5.0 | deavors to get them out. One of the} Ons TORE ot wesitly "1 toi} ni ever put the Prussian nation out of] indeed, should the prospective build-{ when it caught fire, and was com- One year, by mail, cash .. ... . $1.00 the running for world supremacy. er so desire, a very desirable hous | pelted to make a hasty retreat The] One year, If mot paid in in advance F1.60| coo... ¢ y free ts ected at 4 COS ¢ 0 | damage is covered by insurance. ne I. tol United States #1go| Civilization will be freed from Its can be grected at a cost of $1,801 , | damage ) X Six and three months pro rata. greatest menace in all history, and which price, after adding the valu2 Wells-Lee 'Nuptials, BOYS' SUITS 2h BOYS' SHIRTS. JFBECIAL, ESENTATIVE the small mations of Europe will of the lot, would bring the total ex-| The marriage took: place In Kings-| Sizes 30 to 34. Style: Cd The Real Dressy Sort rw BOIL RX 0) ret 1 Bg, Toren once more be able to breathe free- penditure under the $2,500 mark ton, on March 10th, of Mrs, Flora| ' R. Brace Owen, 123 St. Peter vy. « wy @§| Within the last two years many Lee, of this eity, and James Wells, of | Smart 2-button, soft = Sizes 12} to 14 bh i as years J wdicine Hat. The marriage was per-| 1 ( aD: 208 FITth AT New York No one will be sorry to see the houses_have been built in Kingston Neiticrs : Pi he er 11 D 11 1 5 Styles, double cuffs, P end of the military aspirations of at a cost less than the amount al Rov. T "WwW. Savary officiating. 1 he | rolle B coat 3 fu i 7 v stiff cuffs etc Some 1 | X | 3 . . - Nor- \ ; only over the. a Tg ge an the Huns. Even the German people lowed for under the scheme as out- | bride was attended by Miss Jessie bloomer knicker 1 hn ' with separate collar, some collar attached. themselves rill le v this 2a- lined by the , ig sovernment, | Deprose, of Kingston, while H. Per 1emselves wi welcome 1 mea- lined by th provingial governmen rv. also of this city, was groomsman | folk and Belter models. ~gf { Extra special value ; ill en: ' ? able f pure wool serges and ENG ree [Pei circulation of THE BRITISH enlistment will enable the youth of able for working class \ 59¢. One year by malt to rural offices $2.50 defeat of Germany, and will for-| esidence can be buiit for that sum | employees was ut work jn the te { { | | Attached 18 one of the best job| sire of freedom which has been ac- and several builders have stated | yi o"nes Wells will remain fi - . . printing offices in Canada. corded them by the Allies The that they cam duplicate some of ene a an ren] Fabrics are English limiting of the army to voluntary these houses, whieh are very suit [ceed to Medicine Hat The "ON Th families, for | 2a7ved overs as with the 9th Field) Whig is authenticated by the Germany to enjoy a liberty which less than $2,000. So that while | "NEIRCETS - | worsteds. Extra spec- | 3 ave fore ra Mrs. ¢ : flder i | . 3 { : ~ J ' Audit Bares BC enlations. has never before been theirs, and some of the builders whensit in the Late L. M. Lambe, Ottawa. | ial value, $7.50. Boys Collars 2 for 25¢ the Allies are indeed living up 9 city council might not be them- | Lawrence Morris Lambe, well- aad PR their slogan of liberty, freedom and selves willing to undertake to build known scientist in the Dominion t Public Service, and author of num- erous valuable scientific reports and the districts have voted for a re- ' papers, died at sg, home, 226 Ar- tarn from "dry" to "wet" condi- the enemy, mone can be more sig- $2,000, there are many other build-| gvie avenue, Oftawh, on Wednesday, tions. 1s this a sign of the times? nificant than the military terms. ers in the city who can and will do | after a very brief illne SS. He stud- x MEN'S NEW SPRING SHOWING They foreshadow the severity with so, and 'who state that they can |ied at the Royal Military Colle -- which the peace conference intends make a reasonable amount of profit | Whers he graduated in 1883. One © 7 See the Ravenhill . . $35, $37.50, $45.00 son, Morris is now attending the The companions of Bolshevism |¢o deal with the Hans, and the Al- in the transaction. So that the) Ps / _ : ' ' a Cl i Royal Military College. BE I C 0 are vice, famine and death, Canada|jjed peoples will have no fault to arguments put forward that suit- wa : ues d A he Ace rates ww SA. B00. . $35.00, $37.5 has no usel for any of them, and|find with the whole schedule of able houses cannot be buflt for the | A venerable resident of H cert ; J ' . " therefore has no use for Bolshev-|ipeace 'terms 'if this standard Is money allowed can not stand in tho) on-Mareh 6th, at the 7 Distinctive Clothes For Exacting Men | | A ------------------ NAY In Massachusetts the nStjority of democracy. *a house to meet the needs of the Of "all the terms to be imposed ont working man at a cost of less than passed away ism. maintained throughout. . face of the statemen®s made by re-| ripe age of ninety-one years. De- { : : i ; sabe. (\ JY ' 2 We b ve w howing the strongest - a putable building contractors in the | ceased died at the home of her son, / ¥ e€ elie € e ares 1 g t g Golden silence is still the polley ' The scheme James Green, with whom she had liv- y [4 d rtainl the ' nar. KINGSTON HARBOR IMPROVE- ¢ity. The scheme must go through, | 4 ames Groen Yi Ok £18 Bad NY; line that we have offered, and ce y MENTS. ' or some other good reason for| yl tn [EG TRC iy sons and two WN § prettiest patterns and best styles you have || t blocking it must be found. But | gaug No. 8. oFking daughters, seen for some time Onee the "problem of affording with the present' great need for re- Without a moment's warning, f . a : ".lief in the housing situation, it is Eugene Sullivan passed . away on ra 2 harbor facilities for the largest ves- : | Feb, 22nd, at his late home in Mur / > Men' Ss Suits Fauld .$15. 00, $18. 00 up jmperative that some action be tak- A returned chaplain states that] els has been solved, and the means = i + | ray Township, as he was in the act | A ' hé would give the V.C: to-every Can 'of exit and entrance to the hirhor en at once. of dressing 10 89. to Treiton. ) Men's Overcoats | eee $15.00, $18.00 up gain sere gered oft he death oecurred on uesday i ! si geds. And provided, the nex question are | : dian nursing sister oyeigeds. Aud J t qu S Tr ats generally understood that the{at Roslin of James Garrett. De- every Candian soldier who has been those of dockage, transportation Quebec legislature, which went-into | ceased was bon in Ireland in 1835; wounded will second this statement, j and elevator accommodation. The session on Jan. 21st, will prorogue| being thus in his eighty- fourth first proposal to be dealt with Saturday year. Great Britain has removed all r2-ljs that of a municipal and | ~~" } . . strictions on Empire trade. How | government whart or aaek, | | inconsiderdte! - The opposition In which has been proposed many! . = : Limi e the Canadian parliament won't | times since the agitation for | |] lin Rh mes : ve very much left to kick aboul. a: ia! . . have very 5 harbor improvements begun. It da 78, 80, 82 P c Street Kingston, Ont. admitted that the best lecation for Collars, 2 for .. .. .> .25c Collars 2 for of our city fathers regarding bor improvements, and meanwhile other cities are! gaining advantages in the race for rteognition, We believe it. Is quite in order this' municipal wharf would be in call upon the city council to TOTES 43.4 part of the harbor between the their individual interests and act o....0 Street and Brook Street LONESOME for the good of the people they Te- i.) vos put various plans have I'm lonesome when the winter ends; the winter present in dealing with the housing been suggested AS to how it should 3 takes away my friends, by twos and threes and scores; they live through summer, spring and fall, but winger comes, With bier and pall, and stops their earthly Th most feasible plan is that Sug- chores. Methinks this winter wag the worst that aptain MacMaster. It is! ever happened, last and first, it filléd so many graves; | that the Clarence Stre fer a a hundred friends have gone to sleep in couches nar-| ing the Board of Trade with splen- the Brock nh ee rod row, cold and deep, out where the brown grass waves, did results. We mention this as a : 8 A' hundred dear old friends are gone; no more they'll hint.to Kingston, and especially to tended until they are clear of the | ---- gossip on the lawn, or in the Blue Front store; I'm CANNED FRUITS or tower, and that they be joined hy} lonesome~--for old friends { yearn, I look for them at California Peaches Hts progressive young men, a third pier, and the enclosed apace < . every turn, but see my friends no more. An old "INTERCHANGEABLE" McCLARY"S Canadian Peaches pret ! . ¢ gent cannot make new friends, as down the sunset | California Pears The Ontario = Conservatives are filled in. This would, form a large | 4 slope he wends, with halting steps 2nd slow; the GAS AND COAL RANGE & Canadian Pears hunting for a new leader fo take mielpal with ample space] more the bells of evening ring, the more his soul's | California yrnabes ¢t.Sir Willlam Hearst, Tor large freight sheds and rajway + affections cling to friends of long ago, The winter | x California Plums the place o a man lines. 'As an alternative, instead of bore my friends away; I lost a comrade every day, Takes the place of two ranges. Uses less floor space and California Cherries The party is doomed, and any filing In the enclosed : ERE, 9 4 and some days two' or three; I wonder why death's' costs less, Guaranteed satisfactory in every way. Sold only at H Canadian Cherries will do to lead the party to certain sp « 0gel comes to. steal my friends, with muffled drums, and why he side-, : Clarifornfa Plums defeat at the next election. 'suggested that at the Brock Street steps me? : Clasifctufs, Fun sa lend an opening be left, and a dock 5 --WAI T MASON. { \ Hawaiian Pineapple Steamships leaving American At- bé formed with the present whart,} Straw! " = Raspberries question. be built. | In many Canadian - cities the stad by C Chamber of Commerce Is supplant. Beste by 1] AE IN nace, electricity and gas, front and back stairs. Price, $3900. Anxious to get back to Europe. is expected that a million or more 'Brock Street wharf, slightly extend- | will depart. So far, no one has ed, as 'its boundarie® This would! . Nicak unis 20 4 008 re shed any tears over their going. provide a splendid harbor for small f , { iboats, motor launches, yachts and | FOR YOUR Hughes variety is bad for the coun- erly gales. In both these plans the SPECIAL BARGAINS F OR : try. Why does Sir Sam not econ- 'proposal is to have a municipal or 3 g pring demn something that deserves con- government dock, preferably a Kt | demnation? The Ross rifle, for lu- municipal one, built by the city. E Y Y : ' stance. The question of easy transporta- : ® = Re yeing : tion facilities would cause no diffi. The naval veterans of the War| yjiy in this case. Both the C.P.R. 500 Ibs. Finest Creamery Buttes, Ib. . .53¢ 5 ; foun sent wharf, and they could be tap- ) High to ctrie 'tained by Maving 'one big, organiza- neq in order to run a siding down : aot Stain ho Bin ts and gas. tion of all veterans, d of hav- 45 the extended dock. The G.T.R.|E & \ . TA on halt a dozen -- OOS. could be tapped at Johnson street nity means strength. = and a line brought down the Olas : Stns cs Siret whatlt acd alk oh Fines Wiltshire Rolled Bacon, sliced i e : HARDWARE : ar lautle Dotts Are rudely aeons new. iain 2 hd Too] TC eo Jas. REDDEN & Go - . Colonel Cooper was right when barges, #n which they would have he sald that free speech of 'the|complete protection from the west- formi! association 2 Sunset dyes, hes and Brick dwel Nelsol ne new at wil ar be ob nd the G.T.R. run close to the pre O ot Gres Tn one ogerdion. Doos H 8 i on n street, ~The prohibition party have their: N = i 2 the wo. FIOVDIed new 'pier, 'thus bringinaE Le | wi fl oxo, bene Hemor In" Paik the line to th tor" Sheu = | 'gives a permanent col i Fo 2 She rate . iy ui [2 Benohed Breakfast Bacon, sliced, per Colorite--Ha Layo. quickly and #11 Clarence Street fl and ot porous body, hus ad- nythiog in the Jasin and forming |= 1b. ca ' : TRE jo +. maslly 8 fired in larger mass than hard wharf adopted, the line co g Hon 5 A 0 ; . FR . coal. i of Canada will vote flor a then 1 AL , : - OF 0 10 1 Dr A 3 . A large body of coke, burn- turn of the bar. Sonuest a0 wit |= Sweet ickled Bacon. pe 1b. u Ee P. Chown's i Ning with gentle glow, will give en g ith a9 Co : Bee : Ble Saar =i Seore res ll more heat than a small quan- The mien who fought at the front! e seeond plan, that of = Ary i L they p fe | 185 Princess » Phen 2 {] 'tity burning quickly. Use nut the first to condemn Sir Sam' 'basin, the track could rum = = Home ; , : ; Le a Requisites ' {lll sizes for range and stove size end of the new pier, and Ea 3 a. g ; os wi } . for furnaces. * Sold only by i brought buck on a second Fe fire ------------ Hi ' means of a switch. Either HE i x : 2 Sw meee 8 Bgeptin |ee o I| Crawford Even if no other Earn aE and Veal VA : gp Fe anelat Ade Noa i Foot of Queen St. { To ve .

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