Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1919, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. PAGE SEVEN money for sudn an' help may be JHE Incorporated 1833, to start ou an int save BANK or TORONTO Capital, £5,000000; Reserve Funds, $6,625,623, OPERA HOUSE GRANI TO-NIGHT Last Chance to See Mae Murray aff Nee "The Scarlet Shadow" | Comedy Reels, an O. Henry Story, And the Universal Screen Magazine. | Superior Vaudeville | Daily Shows at 2.30 and 7.80 pm, | Music to Suit the Pictures | MATINEE EVENING Sat., March 15 Matinee and Night Jucorperated ' 1588 $5,000,000 Fund $6,585,000 UI) Capital, Reserve 10¢ 10¢ and 15¢ B. McKay, Mausger, G. | a at itt et attl | Jimmie Hodge Presents the Hilar-| | fous Musical Comedy | For Brick Cottage on a corner; six rooms; Price Alfred Street, solid brick. house, light, hot water furnace, electric Price ... J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | 56 Brock Street. Sale lot 90 x 100; barn. $1800 '10 rooms, 6 bedrooms, Bab cooking. Grate, ! . $4100 | | | You Remember Her Don't You?|¢ Everything New But the Name. The Last Word in Scenery, Costumes and Effects And the Famous Dixie Chorus | The Biggest Musical Hit of the Sea- gas for "Phones 68, 874W. YOU ARE trying to do more work «YOU are making your best effort toward success--YOU want success. Do YOU realize that YOU are tremendously handicapped because YOUR eyes are not correct? It's a fact that YOUR strained, imperfect vision is keeping you back. Have your eyes examined by our optometrist, R.J.Rodger 132 Princess Street We Are Eyesight Specialists i FEEEres------ How About 1 hat ~ Kodak you have been talking about get- 't you think it's about time you put your thoughts into action? We have them from $2.50 to $25.00, besides the supplies that go HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office = ' Fresh Cut Flowers on pu, ase deen, tr » ¥J JOHNSON, Flonst _1s Brock St. Phone 220, FRESH HERRING WHITE FISH son MATINEE: . 23¢, NOW 23¢, 35¢, 30¢ 50¢, 75¢, $1.00 ON SALE { { | PRICES, | EVENING SEAT! IST. PATRICK'S DAY le ANY) XhauT | To 'TRUE IRISH HEARTS' A Play In Five Acts And Nine Scenes | Irish Specialities and Modern Dances Hetween Aets H0---PEOPLE IN OCOMPANY--30 A REGULAR IRISH NIGHT tinned 2 SOc Children, EVENIN (Incorporated) General Meeting--Mondays at 7.30, Public Dances--Tuesds ® pm. te 1 nm. Band practice, Wed. § p.m. Richardson Chapter, LO.D.E. Ind and 4th Thursdays, AUCTION SALE Monday, March 17th Of 25 Holsteins, 5 horses, waggons, sleighs and machinery at the farm of George Mathews & Son, Battersea, Township of Storrington A. J. GARRET, Auctioneer, AuctionSale A NUMBER OF Government Cast Horses Alhion Hotel Stables, SATURDAY, MARCH OTH, AM, H. L. BEDFORD, Auctioneer. tLate of CMR.) TUEESDAY. March 18 MATINEE AND NIGHT Special Return Engagement Eugene Lochart Presents The Pierrot Players The Famous English Musical Com- édy Organization in a Great Musical Revue: of the Brightest Scenes From the Brilliant 'English Musical Com- edy Successes Picturesque Costumes -- Original Stage Settings Augmented Orchestra of Ladies PRICES raMatinegt 25¢, 35¢, 30¢ Evening .. ... ec, Ble, 73, $1.00 SEATS ON AE SATURDAY Griffin PictureS TO DAY Marguerite Clark In Little MISS HOOVER Bryant In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew MeAdoo, Deceased: Administrator's Sale of : ..Land There will be offered for sale by pub- lle auction, subject to-a reserved bid, by William Murray, Auctioneer, at his auction rooms; Market Square, Kings- ton, Ont.,, on Saturday the 29th day of March, 1919, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the dwelling and premises on the northerly half of lot "number four on the west side of Montreal street, Kingston, and known as street member §86. Upon the above Mand is a comfortable frame dwelling, in a good state of repair. Ternvs: 10 per cent. and. balance wuthin further particulars ney, Solicitor for time of sale days, For to T. J. Rig- Administrator. at thirty apply the Watt Pops and wedding ouaweis to order. Out of town orders kiven special attention. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done In the earpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will recelve prompt attention. Shop 68 Queen street. LTT WOOD Sawéd in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 AINSLIE'S Western Meat Market Phone 158; License No. 9-2787 ates se | Washburn In THE WAY OF A MAN WITH A MAID Harvesters of the Sea YUBAN Will Be At CAVERLY'S Next Week "Let us Book Your Orders Now, {GOOD | Jelinston in the Ontario SO -- | The People's Forum = CONDENSED aDVERTISING RATES WANTED GENERAL ENGLISH WOMAN Ww ANTS WORK BY the day. Apply te Bo Whig Office First insertion, 1¢ a word, Each com secutive lssertiom thereafter, half. cent a word. Minlmum charge for one iasertion, 20¢; three insertions, B0c; six $i; ome month, $2. 3 303 EIGHT OR NINE ROOMED HOUSE, with modern conveniences. Apply | Box 312 Whig Office. i FIRST CLASS SOFT ELM LOGS, | Highest prices paid at J. H. Bab-| cock & Sons Mills, Odessa. | SECOND-H AND RIGH HBLP WANTED APPLY THE Club. A RIT HEN WOMAN. tewand, Frontenac ERRANDS AND AN AT PIANO | around ment of new 0s and grafonolas, C. W. Lind-| Limited, 121 Princess street. UPRIG or cash or In part pay pi say, WANTED TO RENT BY MAY r AST, house in a central location, rooms; all convemiences: "dren. Apply Miss Muckileston, Undon street W., Phone 2117 ART BOY TO GO A y make himself useful stor Lockett's ¥ > IGHT HOUSEWORK. Phone 323w or apply 182 Alfred. GIR N TO BO { wash A 1 § or 7 | no chil-} 65 in pers i. EXPERIENC ED MAN, MARRIED OR singl to work on farm. Apply R. M. Va Luven, Portsmouth, Ont NO w ANT ED Mre APRIL rofes with "gas for Family of tw adult . he NERA AL SERVANT; 1ST wash i to OR | T. McKay Union, "Ro be nishe d veniences tial n oon essen- | FOUND RED QUCKE SPANIEL Owner University WITH T have san at 240 Ave, ON E-FINGERED mitt, on lower Al Owner may have Montreal street SMALL BLACK PURSE CON. taping small s of money on Unive e, Tues- day ni have same at Aves nue, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FRER Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed 'n this column free of charge. LEATHER ert Street same 158 u r MAY 183 University A Ey Fang -- FOR SALE. FIVE CHOICE MILK COWS. APPLY TO B. Greenless, Mount Ches STEAM besides a quantity © Apply Kingston Sand R.R. No. 5 i ATWO DRUM good repair, steel cable. and Gravel Co, \r AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, SLIP covers, also a few cheap buggy tops and cushions and wagon cushions. Judson"s Auto Tops, Brockville. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own cholce, $34.50. Terms, $5 cash, $1 per week, C. W. ddndsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. GROCERY BUSINESS; GOOD LOCA- tion on Princess street; doing & first class trade. Good reasons for selling. Apply 138 Princess street. TWENTY PER CENT, DISCOUNT ON all fishing tackle for March only, W. Cooxe, J9 (Clarence street, pposite American Consulate. Tele- Sphos S91lw, i 8. Ad- WANTED BY APRIL FIRST, EXPERI. dress Box fice. ID BY ATRL, FIRST. EXPER ress Box M., W nig C fice. | Apply ig own handwriting : { 13. Whig Office, HOUSE OR FOUR OR FIVE| irnished rooms for light house- ping for family of three adult ric conve i about rr , Whig' om e A CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL 3 willjr t » to Mont- . R.A 187 ty 0 AT ONCE. Good pas personally Ww LLEC TOR WANTED Discharged soldier WANTED--OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. $15 per set. Send by parcel post | and, Feceiie check by return mail, | : » S 1 : RYAN UST PA PK erl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, | cook. No ashing nor One in family Middle- rson preferred. Apply to ildersieeve, 199 King Street? evening. TEETH, I pay $2 to A GENERAL good plain TO-LET. ROOM. eet. in the LIVE MAN WANTED---SPARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free, lib eral commission. Brown Brothefs Company, Nursetsmen, Limited. Brown Nurseries P.O. Ontario. THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery stock under present con. ditions. We want reliable sales agents for unrupresented districts. Good pay, exclusive seMing rights for alloted territ ries. Write im- mediately. Pelham Nursery Co. _ Toronto. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD | er ~ all improvements; cer trally locat | ed. Apply 243 k . TEACHERS WANTED. aly Brock street TEAC HE Rn FOR SCHOOL 3 Township of Ki # holding se certifica April te salary Bushell, FUCRNIS . APPLY Brock WITH BOARD, | 204 King street - | FURNIS Apply tD ROOMS FURNISHED ting room ox M-12 BEDROOM, ALSO with fire place. Whig Office SIT- Apply | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry Apply BE. BE. Wathen 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391 3. | | | | | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLRAN | and dry. McCann's Real Estate| Agency, 8§ Brock St rhone $3 or th SOHOOL section ton; one fessional commence please «J. duties 1st. Applicants and experience Sec, Bath Road, A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; ELEC! tric light; all conveniences. Apply in evening To 313, University | avenue, or phone 852w. AGENTS WANTED. HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR BY Professor March. "Canada's Part in "the War," by celebrated Canadian Colonel Nasmith. Mammoth book; three handred Hlustrations: great money maker; sample book free. Bradley-Garreston, Brantford, Ont. pment ------_------ RET TU D SOLDIERS AND OTHERS, men and women, making $10 a day, taking orders for authentic "His- tory of orl arm Complete book ready; whole story of war from beginning to; end; Canada's Part in War" by distinguished Canadian officer an@author, Enor- mous dena, ~Na experience necessary. . Wpeite for free outfit, Winston C Co., ,_Toron ronto. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN | ary, alry rooms; your own lock ang | key. frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 HOUSE entrance; ny 187, | conven- fences; r referred. Ap- ply huston street (corner of Frontenac.) HALF OF separate FHIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS | glad to hear from anyone thinking | of using classified Advertising | Write or 'phone up about #t e| may be able to help you. British Whig Pub, Co. LEGAL, | B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor, ence street. DRESSMAKING. | A BARRISTER law ofice, 79 Ciar- | yisS RICHARDSON DRESSMAKER, | having resumed businéss, solicit orders for fall and winter work Addres 202 Alfred street. * DENTAL. PERSONAL KNAPP, BA, LDS, Shee 450 Princess street. Bn nn. Seman DOS, Phone HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. out scar; 30 years' po xbariohes, Fy Himer J. Lake, Throat and Skin Precianst, Wi. Bagot street | PAINTING. SIGNS oF ALL K KINDS, BRASS BEDS and chandeliers refinished. W. J. Carruthers & Co., 298 Albert street. DR. GORDON C, DEWAR, DENTIST corner Princess and. Wellington streets. Phone 1878. . DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 169 Wellington street, over Carnovsky"s. Phone 346 PAN Sl AI Reward ! YS 25 will be given for information -- | of A that broke into my sum- |Quotations P. h he no, ; Furnished by Bongard, | m cottage, Murton's Point, Front g Road. G. Y. Chown, city, Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street, New York Stocks. Opening. Close. | Try Something New "SQUIRREL" BRAND Peanut Butter + Better Than the Rest 40c per tin; 16 oz. N.Y. C.. Reading ia Southern Pac. 80. Railway St. Paul . Union Pacific Atlantic Gulf Marine . | Marine. pfd .. .. . Gen. Motors ,. .. Studebnker .. .. . Willys Overland : Am. "4 Baldwin Loco, rela Am. Smelters .. ,. Anaconda .. Inspiration . . * |THE WORLD'S TIDINGS a | | _IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All ( All Over Told in a Pointed and Pithy Toronto's tax rate may, be less than 30 mills.' The Quebec Legislature abolished Courts of Review. . Sumatra .. .. The bye-election in West Hastings, | Tobacco Prods. .. | to fill the seat of the late J. W.| House, will ot 4% neld until the close of the present session, Marines lave ed the poAmertcan a Yo ms ow ters Ind. Alcohol .. .. Am privet Bums bor Sam Carter, member for South London, 1 ' de- | submarines will bie sold and the mon- | THREE LOST. Wil * THE GIRLS WHO PICKED t the money on Wednesday eventr we Nn ring t © Oler trouble. oF of post y office "Me rchants' KEYS NEIGHBOR- office Finder kindly of Power & Son and Bank, and re- | Bt NC cH IN PURSE C | LADY: S BL A K DOOR L B ATHER © ey, fe n leading to recovery. AND BEECH inches long, bush, 7% miles Apply to J, 500 CORDS OF MAPLE wood, fourteen a cord the tv of Morrisburgh, 'McEwen, Elma, Ont. A SINGLE FRAME HOUSE, SEVEN large rooms; three-piece bath rogm, modern plumbing; electrie Hght throughout; in excellent con dition. Apply 41, Pivision street. GOOD SEOOND-HAND wniture, buffets, chairg and ta. will buy all kinds of furnl. ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1608, WE HAVE fu AND LOT IN COLLINS BAY for sale at once; three-quarters of an acre of and, partly planted in strawberries and raspberriés, Ap- ply to Andrew Howard, Box 364, Picton, or Phone 91. HOUSE UPHOLSTERING. JALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. Gavine, uphonlsterer., 21§ Bagot street, ARCHITECT | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, Brock and Wellington Sta. corner MUSIC. MN BANKS, OF TORONTO, TEACH. er of music--Hawaiian guitar Hawailan uku 1lele banjo and ma dolin 23 University Ave MISS MARJORIE LAMBERT, TEACH. er of music. Puplls prepared for Toronto Conservatory examination, Address 459 Barrie street. FINANCIAL INVEST. incorporated 1861. President, W. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A. B Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits recetved and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- ence street, Kingston. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society; LU Ere Tacs LONDON AND GLOBX Fire Insurance Company. Available Assets §$61,187.2 In addition tc which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lfabliity of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Befora renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 315. BUSINESS, CHANCES RETURNED SOLDIERS AND OTHERS make big profits selling "History of World War" Distinguished Canadian Authorship... Outfit free. Winston Co. Toronto. TO RENT OR ON SHARES, FARM, 150 re stock and implements; two "niles rom Barriefield Apply to R. E. raper, Barriefield, ( nt. FOR SALE. » CABINET GRAPHOPHONE; REASON- able. Apply 64 Brock street TABLES IN GOOD OR- Joseph Woodruff, Syd- Pool. der Apply enham, Ont SOLID BRICK HOUSE, MODERN IM. provements: seven rooms, garage. Apply 108 Rideau street. rou R ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BATH and al improvements; hpi water furnace, 79% Quebec street. Good right of way. Apply at the house A SUMMER on the shores Owner leaving city, Apply J. K. Carroll Brock, street, city. COTTAGE, Fu RNISHED, of Deadman's Bay. must be sold. Agency, 58% HEATER FoR Used only about a month. «7.50 Will take $5. Rev, A. . Coleman, 120 Wellington street, Kingston. ELECTRIC SMALL HORSE, KIND AND OITY BRO. a lady can drive him. Also arpess, buggy and cutter, for par- ans, apply Mrs, John Quinn's, t Road, one mile from Barrie- cen; BA k ¥ t ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM; IDEAL water front, nine miles west of Kingston; good house and summer cottage, roomy. Close to school and cheese factory. Apply on premises, Manson Smith, Collins Bay. THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO. 1562 University avenue, opposite Queen's University, owned by Prof. W. L. Grant; possession May 1st; price, $8,500 Apply «a B. Cun- ningham, solicitor. STONE DWELLING AND STORE, corner Main and Raglan Road, Good business corner, property fac- ing four streets; barns, garage, garden, fruit irees; low price. Ap- ply on premises. Phone 1995w. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF bicycles, we will sell cheap and on easy terms; alsé bicycles and skates to rent; skates sharpened and repaired. Geo. Muller. 371. 373 King street. Phone 1033. WHY Wonky SEEKNG A HOUSE TO rent? have several lots, prices from $176 5.00 each and up, on Mac- donald street, in the city. Terms, $10.00 down and $5.00 per month. These lotg will not last long; get busy and build your own house for the cost of rent. Apply Cawson, Concession streat, near Victoria. JIATEMAN'S REAL KSTATE AGENCY, $3800-SUBURBAN VILLA BUNGA- low with all Improvements; good stable and 23 acres of good far. den land, capable of dividing 23 bullding lots, all facing on streets, leaving bulldings and gars den sides, 3500--BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL improvements, hardwood fioors-and stable. HO NELSON ST, B & ¢ 3500----NRIC x, as for cooking; 8 rooms, large lot $000----PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL modern; electric lights, hardwood floors, good garden. Rear entrance, Beautiful location, 2560-BRICK HOUSE, IMPROVE. ments. Central 1700~--~DO1 BLE FR ME, 6 ROOMS AND 'three rooms; on. easy terms. w $1650-FRAME COTTAGE) ) Me provements. TWO, LOTS WITH GOOD cum foundations and a quantity e gement brick Cheap for a quick buyer. FARM--I30 ACRES, 8 MILES FROM Kingston; bank barn and silo 159 WELLINGTON. PHONE SW, FOR SALE ONE SS-NOTE LATEST STYLE Player Piano with all attach- ments; slightly used: and seventy 3 Ilia of music. Weber Plano Co. Y. bhbbb * i: i 3 Eg 3 . FE + All Sjzes of Hard Coal In stock. Aho. oul and Binckami , Kindling Wood, 's Coal. bid lov realized distributed among the Allies on a be adopted

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