Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1919, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. a oan sou UAE RAGE ENON : Ty American millionaire stopping at the THEATRICAL same hostelyy, and win a promise of . {marriage from him by fair means or s foul {i The mesting was easy for this | worldly -wise young girl with more ray, who has the greatest|than her share of good looks. Her 1y actress in pictures fof plans were progressing famously rroductions that grip the when there appeared on the scene al with "their tense moments beautiful masked dancer who threat- rek them witly their ened to upset her schemes and rob her ene {f romance and comedy of the $25,000 she had been promised stellar attraction at their she secured a proposal from Fen. t evening in another of her| wick. films. This one was) A glamour of mystery surrounded Shadow" and was a fit-}the dancer. It was whispered she to her last which was| was a prominent ty girl on a lark namely, "Danger, Goulor a dare. Fenwick seemed to be satile Mae takes another| failing a vigtim te her charms. sle im this picture and her! Then, to further complicate mat | work was appreciated bY ters, Rocky Van Sandt, handsome many remémbered how shejand debonair young clubman; appear- boy's part to such perfection inled on the. seene and his attentions Gp Slow," and they were!were far from distasteful to the lisappolnted" by her interpreta-!<(Countess.' her role in this recent re- How the Countess "of Tuscany € hough, this was the feature! forced Fenwick to compromise her re there were al=o other reels of gzood name and won an unwilling t on the programme, such &s an{ promise of marriage from him, and ). Henry story, a regular scream of al how love found a way out, is the womedy and a Screen Magazine that|ihrilling surprise in the new Tri shows many things of interest. For|anpgle comeda-drama, "Indiscreet he vaudeville, Helen Macey, charmed | Corinne," starring Olive Thomas, at r hearers with a superb rendering| the Strand on Friday and Saturday.- Irish songs that was a splendid Adve, ' IRs bill will be shown again Advt 1 | Nifholas , Penwick, a ung Sout i | -- HHH EN io ft At The Grand. t Just Received for Saturday 200 Charming Women's and te ltl. Et Si, TT % ~ Misses' » New Spring Suits | . Many have come direct from New York. With: youthful little box coats, or smart coats with belts, but- tons and braids. Also coats on more severe lines with wool tricotines, fine wool serges, wool poplins and wool gabardines, as the fabrics in highest favor, while navy blue holds undisputed sway as the favorite col- or, with tan, dust, grey or browns to offer some var- iety. Our prices range from $25.00 to $75.00. WTAE a------ "Pretty Baby." ) hae 2 Fhe 1919 Jimmie Hodges' version tary ers - §iil Hi of "Pretty Baby" is bound to be a popular as Its two predecessors, in 1917 and '18, said one enthusiastic = {reviewer after the premier last fah On March 12th, the second round of the famous musical comedy which} oe 10 billiard tournament now inj is to be seen at the Grand Opera progress between the boys of the] House on Saturday atnoe any Queen's Military. Hospital and those| Bight. Muse B 334k. iva oad on. of the Mowat Sanitarium was play that the prophet ye ed off. The Mowat boys won thusiastic but rather lukewarm in his} = Ya ames although praise, for the new musical offering Hoe ry Su. a g 3 ne] f Jimmie Hodges, responsible for Queen's cue artist: ue o tty Baby' the two past seasons The evening was concluded with a rotty Baby > ast seasons, i : he J 4, not only lived up to the reputationj Very enjoyable elchry party a of the former two but greatly eclipsed as got up Jy the Mowd Joes) rine er an he| The first prize was carried © Yi them, both in drawinm power and the x 28 Was 1 i" ereation of enthusiasm in the audi- | ex-Private Hawkins of the Mowat, | ences. Jimmie Hodges seems to be and the second by ex-Pte. MeGur- | an inexhaustible well of musical jol-| vey, also of the Mowat. The third} lity Advt was won by Sergt.' Smythe of| : ' : -- Queen's whilst the consolation prize} st. Patrick's Day Attraction. was awarded to Pte. Young. Much interest for local lovers of| freshments were provided by the Irtsh drama is contained in the| kindness of the dietitian HIT I Who want the style limit in every thing they wear, will find their ideal spring and summer clothes and toggery here all ready for their choosing. PN ~~ Our good clothes will please you and our moderate prices will prove very satisfactory. St You are cordially invited to come and inspect these models to-morrow, whether prepared to buy, or not, and if it's your wish we will place aside any model in the store until you are ready for it. REMEMBER--AII alterations charge of experts. announcement of the coming ee | | Patrick's Day attraction at the PEE rS FER bPPbb ESSE bE bRbi ee Grand Opera House. The production | % +] rights to a real Irish comedy-drama, "True Irish Hearts,' have been se- cured, and a capable caste of com- petent local artists have been re- hearsing diligently for the past (wo weeks under the careful direction of May A. Bell Marks, the well-known Canadian actress. "True Irish Hearts" contains a wealth of Irish wit and humor interwoven through- out a plot depicting in a delightful manner a youthful romance in old Ireland. The play is presented com- plete in five big acts and nine won- derful scenes. As an added attrac- tion several specialties made up of old-time Irish songs and Irish dances will be presented between acts. Worthy of special mention in the list of specialties will be "The Dance of Nations," presented Ly thirty child- i on Thursday, after a pro- ren. To attend this excellent enter- Sigel illness. 'Interment will take 1 tainment, which is undoubtedly the| Paco at Ottawa : best of its kind ever offered here on $ -- | | a The civic finance committee decid-| EEE Our spring garments are very handsome indeed. No better clothes than ours are made, and none are more reasonably priced. We give 10 per cent. discount off all ready to wear clothing and furnishings to SOLDIERS. All goods marked in plain figures. » 21st TO ARRIVE ° END OF APRIL a A message has been received by Mrs. Millican, from her hus- band, Drummer Millican, 21st Jattulion, which states that the battalion is now at Ham, Bel- gium, Waiting fer transporta- tion to England and Canada, It was expected that the battalion would reach England during the next two weeks und be arriving in Canada before the end of i 4 A ) CAYSER'S April. its | i t ~ "Be . H { FAMOUS seed dededpiedoldriod li i ¥ mw - "Uo WASHABLE are free, and in A Aa [pri = PO Livingston's If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk. PELE EPPE TEP er TI Pte. Gawn, late of the Canadian | Engineers, passed away at the Mowat OE Jami Ais St: Patrick's Day, will be a fitting ed last might to-$o'n in: with the ay to celebrate the national day. ¥ : 1 | " 3 Thi ro mini the aus.| committee arranging for a big recep-! Special Saturday, a Pair ". y : ati tion to returned soldiers. It os of > 21 Dieu Hospital.-- RavE, \ the Hotel =) sp! make the financial arrangements which will cost about $1,500. No explanation is necessary to make you realize the: quality, for you know how good Kayser's: gloves are. Six different shades in light and dark. Sizes range from 6 to 8. Two dome wrist. Coming, "The Pierrot Players." f Another rare treat is promised the Brown's Shoulder Dislocated, i patrons of the Grand Opera House Brown, who played right wing for! on Tuesday, March 18th, matinee|ihe Kingston intermediates, in .the' and night, when the famous Pierrot| hockey match with Collingwood! Saturday! Many new styles in suits and coats fash-¢ tonably correct for this season's wear. All the new colors and all the popular mater- ials. ~ Now is the best time to buy while the assortments are at their best. Suits from . .. .. .. . .$22.50 to $75.00 Coatsfrom .. .. . .. . .$18.75t0 $59.50 | Extra for * - a i quality American colors, beautiful demand for dres- | classified, for it has comedy and | pathos, and once or twice, it Players who made such a name for themselves when here last week will again present their clever and charm- ing little show for the approval of Kingston audiences. This company when here before pleased everyone as their performance is novel and al- so entertaining and the whole thing from start to fizrish is new to the theatre-goers here and it made a de cided hit, Eugene Lockhart is at the head of this unique show and the performance contains all the song hits from the best of English musical comedies woven together = by bright dialogue and melodious song. A de- lightful orchestral effect is gained by the orchestra of ladies whose playing is wonderful and their accom- papiment of ali the popular songs is well worth beating. Don't miss this return engagement as this is positive ly the last time this organization will appear liere.--Advt. = At Griflin's, Marguerite Clark, best known as "the sweetest girl in pictures," prov- ed an artisti¢ delight in her new photoplay, "Little Miss Hoover," at Griffin's yesterduay. That those who saw the premier presentation apprec- fated it was frequently demonstrated throughout the show. Miss Clark has the role of an enthusiastic soc- iety girl who becomes a farmerette and raises chickens to help win the war. There is also a charming love story, the interest of which is sus- tained to the end. It is difficult to place "The Way of a Man With a Maid," the new Bryant. Washburn picture which also opened an engage- ment at this theatre yesterday, for le he y almost verges on tragedy, but it is entirely humiin; but its vharacters are never tgiven $50 'a year advance in saary. of some 6,000 tons in its icé supply. Thursday night, jock a fall just when | it looked as if Kingston would tie upi the round, and 'had his shoulder dis-| located. He had the same shoulder! injured in the first game, t St. Patricks Cards. St. Patrick's Day cards, booklet tally cards, dance programmes, etc i at the College Book Store. Open! nights. Shaughnessy Heights Golf Club, Vancouver, will allow no enemy! alien to be a member or guest of; the club in future. Deported Germans and Austrians left Shanghai, China, Thursday, op three steamers for Rutan. The first méeting of the Interna- tional Labor Conference will be held at Washington in Octgber. At New York, Enrico Caruso, the tenor, will pay an income tax of $153,933.70 for 1918. : Toronto council has dropped the grant of $15.000 it made to the Cath- olic Army Hut fond. Stratford policemen have been Watertown, N.Y., faces a shortage At the next tax sale in Calgary, 259,200 lots are slated to be soid. President Wilson arrived in, Paris on Friday. - Lettuce and leeks at Ournovsky"s. PRINTING Manson, Ors, Edgar LES fo iron, FT saad ] i BORN, NEW SKIRTS FOR SPORTS AND DBESSY WEAR HAVE ARRIVED They are made on decidedly new lines this season. One particularly unusual feature being the fact that some are buttoned to the hem. There are handsome all wool plaids, all wool serges, all wool gabardines for sport wear, and taffetas and heavy silk poplins in the more dressy models. Prices range, $5.95 to $17.50 STILL SELLING NEOLIN SOLES FOR MEN, LADIES AND CHILDREN i We have received some new lines in me- dium price boots for girls and we think you 3 different styles: all tan or mut brown color, and all with fibre soles, size 2} to 7. $4.75, $5.00 and $5.50 auMM 5 March 13h. 1919, to Mr - and Cc. mer 143 ol © Hngwotd street,

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