7 Pa 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1919. _ PAGE THREE | TO WELCOME LORD |ELLICOE TO | CANADA Best's || 0 Fee. al Branch "For Dr. Hickey's REY FEENEY EE WRIST Speedy Cure For Coughs and 'Colds. Watches i Less nt Sl Tne ® Ck. Copal, Admiral Kingsmill's flagship, the Stadacona, on its way from St: Joha's to as Fowlers, Tileam Pow. Halifax to welcome the former British Admiral t> Canadas | n a Cameras, Films and Supplies, 10 % } | : 0' ' Pins, Neodien and Thread. : A. C. MARSHALL, CALGARY, | Chocolate, Ete. SPOKE ON LABOR PROBLEMS|~ wis xitren on manway BEST'S BRANCH [Ii} he 1h vectal shipment Memorized Eve Test io Get Christmas. G. B. NICHOLSON, MiP, OF CHAP-| Qverseas, aand Was About to | LEAU GIVES ADDRESS. Return When Fatally Hurt. | ! i i Probs: Tuesday, showery, then clearing. bcm 12 ONLY, NURSES' se¥ > a Numerous bargain values not scheduled here--big buying oppor- tunities--a little saving here--a big saving there and in the final sum- In Queen Street Methodist Church--| The Calgary Alberian says: One| ming up, you'll find you've made a trip well worthy of repeating Selfishness 'At Base of All Misun-| of the saddest of the war tragedies] : i ts that have been brought home to Cal-| upon the earliest opportunity. 3 At $18.00, less 10 per cent. derstandings and Difficulties. garians; is that which involves the 3 at $16.50, less 10 per cent. (i. B. Nicholson, M/P., Chapleau, death the other day in. France of Ar-| Ribbon Style The Handy Shop. Phone 2018. Bracelet Style Thrifty women watch our Tuesday bargain ads. It pays to be a Tuesday bargain shopper. spoke on the labor problems imf Cunningham Marshall, of this! Queen Street Methodist church on city, who has been overseas for two Sunday morning. The weather Was! vo rq with the Army Service Corps. unpropitious, but a goodly company| ssiar being rejected almost half a was in attendance to hear him. He dozen times because of defective eye- 3 at $16.00, less 10 per cent. So est) itl intelli=] o: 3 at $15.00, less 10 per cent. discussed the question with inte **|'sight, Pte. Marshall memorized the u SON e gence and comprehension. To his{ ects ang got by. In England the de«| Gold» filled "cases, second §|™ind selfishness was at the base Off ficiency was discovered by the opt: | , all the misunderstandings and diffi} oq experts, but on account of his | hands, sm: n size and guar Hies anit § - we ! Anas sag) 1h Site: a W, gear. culties. Both capital and labor were| gameness they let him go to France, | gnteec. ese are on display apart because they did not TiEhtY| where a few days later he was so} an (a es in our window, comprehend the functions and duties injured in a railway accident that! of each Both were dependent upon his legs had to be amputated and hel Wedding Risgs, Marriage the other. Capital was really thej gig not recover from the shock andl Licenses Bd gs of the people used so as 0] joss of blood interest and the industries of Pte. Marshall came west twelve! the country were kept going on pub-| vagprg ago from Kingston, Ont., where! lic credit. Stop credit and ninety ho was born, and for a time Hved | ol oJ . per cent. of the industries would with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam-| stop instantly. Labor was employed| ya} Marshall, at Langd Jef. A Ms all, @ gdon. Before 76-80 Brock Street. Je 1 in manufacturing and from their! enlisting he was connected with the) dm, weiers work and the skilled management Ajberta Pacific company He : returns were made on the capital in-| ¢w r-5eve rs Of af . | SR TGA Liat riurne were made on the cupial | brenty'seven Sears. Of ago, was uh ted vested profitable alike to manufactur married, was an adherent of Wesley | er and employee. a { Methodist church, and was a member Mr. Nicholson proteste against of the Calgary Tennis c i Established 1810 the propoganda of pulpit, press and| the 1.0.C > ' BER Clad a8 51 " e | ulpit, press a e 1.O.O.F. King Street, Kingston agitators--all due to ignorance and Mrs. Frank Pegler, 1221 Fifth| - avarice The warring elements, sus Street northwest, is a sister Anoth- Sawed in Stove picious of each other, wrought, great er sister, Helen, is with Mrs. Pegler N 0. found the guidance and direction for} Ry i R nN 0° pun re guidance and dire 1 ussell . Morrison, Hiley McSpadden Phone 133 ERI hb. 2 for virtues and found expression in Tikoe uanseo wons Crammer im ak | 1 abolishing jo a mark. | For E ils Dr ohiolis FRR . SAVY. STAMP APFIEED TO GRNUINE 7. @ world, thus abolishing to a mark- «ils Due to Alcoholism Is Pro- WOOL SERGES 500 yards of pure wool serge, full 54 inches wide, in the colors of sand, reseda, myrtle, grape, tank grey, old rose and black. Wholesale price to-day $3.50 a yard. ° Tuesday . ti Ws me ae de me ber de . $2.48 ROXANA CLOTH 25 yards of pure wool black Roxana cloth suitable for separate skirts, dresses, etc. Guaranteed old dye. A regu- lar $2.00 value. Tuesday .... -. ... ..$153 was| MESSELAINE SILK 200 yards of this beautiful soft, lustrous silk offered as a special attraction. A regular $2.50 quality. Tuesday .. ..$1.79 RE THE ONLY CURE, ALL LINEN TOWELLING A limited quantity of pure linen roller towelling, 16 in- SHEETING 200 yards of special quality Lengths THE MH AEMEDY. damage. They forgot the fundamen-| and another, Edna; at home. : HME 1 tals of christianity for in them was He was one of the crowd of which BOOTH & CO. HE true relationship of man with man.{and Fred Cousens; all dead, were Sacrifice, service, love, were all great| members, , 1 for Foot West Street Diseases, Nec for ORronts WeAkBeMSSR. | o)iristian lives. Mr. Nicholson also yids LEADING EMEMIRTS. PRICE TARI0 hoped for a minimum wage all over ed degree competition and rivalry. hibition. He hoped for better relations, for Rev. W. T. G. Brown preached a twill sheeting, 2 yards wide, Fe Ford Automobile | Parts & Repairs | Our stock is well assorted with all repairs such as springs, axles, gaskets, jacks, gears, helpful associations and rightly de- termined plans so that hand in hand capital and labor could move for- ward for the world's best interests. Splendid solos were rendered by Mrs, T. J, H. Coleman and Joseph Hodge and a well-timed anthed by the choir. | The congregational sing- ing was hearty, A Male Choir Sang Well. There was a male choir in Queen street Methodist church on Sunday evening, An octette and a quar tette gave splendid gospel selections and the whole choir réndered an anthem. Dr. A. B. Haffner arrang- ed the programme. Lieut.-Col. the Rev. G. H. Williams, Toronto, chief chaplain of Ontario, preached vivid- ly, -pourtraying war scenes and the dévastations "in Belgium, Flauders good, but, the speaker declared, very effective sermon on temperance | on Sunday evening in Sydenham Street, Methodist. church. He said that the anti-prohibitionists are mak ing demands for moderation and ask- ing rather for regulations to govern the traffic. They claim that people should mot be coerced into being people can be aided by Jaws to lve right. The anti-prohibitionists are proposing most drastic laws against the infringement of their suggested regulations, but they have not, here- tofore, made any proposals to elim- inate the evils of the traffic. Mr. Brown could see no ground for com- promise respecting the liquor traffic. Prohibition was the only cure for the social evils directly and indjrectly due to alcoholisnr, ches wide. Worth 40c a yard. Tuesday .. .. .. .. .. . P8¢ TABLE DAMASK and worth 65c per yard. § Tuesday .. .. .. .. .. "53 Special quality table damask, BATT ENEURC COVE Ss Tavs; full 70 inches wide, with linen Y, ars > finish. Worth $1.75. Aso lace centres. Reg. Tuesday . . ...o.. $1.39 $4.50. $2.98 Tuesday . . WOOL SWEATERS 10 only, children's pure brush- KHAKI YARN ett wool sweaters in.an assort- 30 Ibs. only, of genuine Scotch . unbreakable yarn in khaki ment of colors. Sizes 16 to 32. diade only. A fine, soft knit. i ---------------- 4 and France. He deplored the pitiable SPOKE IN ST. MARY'S. exhibitions of men in parliament. Reg. prices $4.50 to $6.50. in the face of appalling issues there | Capt, the Rev, James Nicholson, a 3 vere ae 0 S008 Make washday easier for your wife and was no place for recriminations Returned Chaplain Toute $ $3.25 2 Ib. ' buy a Washing Machine. . i -- | An interesting or was given MONARCH YARN Tuesday . . Cees 7232.58 Time Saver Electric $95.00 [lll Burning Corn Fains Go! groning by'Cat the ov. Father 1000 balls of this celebrated AMERICAN GINGHAMS Connor's Low Pressure Water | A Safe Sure Method turned rom sefvics in France. Capt. yarn in all shades offered for 1500 yards of American Ging- Powers... -. ou can't beat it. Time has prov-|Njcholson 1s a young Kingston priest to-morrow. Both the floss hails in a range of patterns in- ELEN . $22.00 Il ad it's the best yet. Takes all the|who won the Military Cross for brav- ) : | i and down. cluding stripes and plaids. Reg. Hil] Corn Extractor. Contains no flésh|pened during his period of service|B Power .. .. .. aa i 2000 | Agents For McClary Sunshine Hot Air they are but stop-gaps. Use Put-|performed the burial rites over the 500 yards of voiles, organdies, WHITE COTTON beatings, spark plugs, etc. ting yarn and sold reg. at fee wa ee Bil] iting out of a sore corn. This mar- ery on the field with the 5th C.M.R. Beatty Bros. Low Pressure Water re-working remedy is Putham's|He told of many incidenfs thas hap- - : xtraote i Tuesday .. .. . . .28c and 53¢ 40 a yard. ee | ating caustics. Lifts corns out by with the Canadian troops, and spoke T 25¢ iH on ts, Leaves no sear. on't]of the unity that prevailed in all - 37 uesda til iin vy New Idea Hand Power ow Se $16.00 1 eran with plasters or salves Tor oven OTR ed rat "MILL ENDS y i % d clea ff every corn you ¥ f " Protesta. haphai A p . : Furnaces HII Jave. Jt's safe and wort fail, 20¢| win hon. he rovestant chaplain iog. mulls, nainsooks, etc., in 1000 yards of excellent quality front. -4who died at the McKELVEY & BIR st. om | 4 waiting in eve endeavor for it all dealers everywhere. ¢ Canada eo Needs Trained Men Never were opportunities so great. Thousands of - positions are men trained to fill them. There is a big job waiting for you in ur present work or amy work you Ton, No matter where you live the 1 C. S. will come to you No r what your or how small means, 'we have a plan to meet | circumstances. ' Father Nicholson is at present ate tached to the archbishops palace staff. Before he went overseas helg was curate at Prescott. ---------------- Victorian Order of Nurses, The Victorian Order of Nurses committee met in the Child Welfare Station on Friday with a good at- |g tendance. The report of ithe nurse |# showed 236 visits during February. Religious denominations: Method- ists, 14; Anglicans, 4; Hebrew, I; Baptists, 2; Presbyterians, 5; Ro- man Catholic, 1. De $. lme t clothing, Chalmers, Mack stréet; clothing, Mrs. Trotter and Mrs, Davis. The work of thé nurse at the lengths from | to 6 yards. soft white cotton, 36 inches Worth 40c to 75 rd. wide and worth 25¢ a yard. Tuesday ; . ry . .29¢ Tuesday . . .5 yards for $1.00 And by so doing save your carpets, a good door mat on Bn ag %, Ln -----