"3 FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919. ms PAGE THIRTEEN | Tired,OverworkedMothers ---- THAT GOLD IS DAMGEROUS | POTATO CROP DISEASES[™** "piety, Broan THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, rvs } . Don't wait Till you are Sorry: J J -- When yon feel out of sorts, shivery, headachy, don't wait till you are lad up in bed before you take action to remedy these things. Chilly, achy feelings are Nature's warnings, Get mething to clear out your system, cool the blood, éxterminate the germs, There is nothing so quick and - reliable as Dominion C. B. Q.---which stands for Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets. Dominion C. B. Q. cures a scold in a few hours -- takes the headache away----makes you feel fit, Get a box of Dominion C., B. Q. to-day. Keep it on hand. You never know when you might need it. At all druggists, in the RE& Box. Made by that well-known and thoroughly reliable firm The National Drug "Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. g ; "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting suyibing done in the carpes- tery fae. Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs snd new work; alse bards wood floors of all Kinds, All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 68 Queen street. En tn tPA ANNAN ANNAN ANS T2810) ay PNR = TABLETS = NR TT For Liver ls oe Box T. H. Sargent, D1 aggist, Kingston, FOR SCALDS, CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR COLDS, UGHS_ AND BRON- CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR STIFF MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS «AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD TRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY DR THOMAS' ECLECTRIC SATISFYING RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This" warmth-giting; ¢ congestion scattering circulation-stimulating rem- edy pénctrates withons rubbing right to the aching spot and brings quick relief, "surely, cleanly, A wonderful ' help for external. pains, ° sprains, strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today--costs_ little, means much. Ask your druggist for it by mame. Keep it handy for the whole family. Made in Canada. The big bottle is economy. SILO IC Liniment LG Ee en Just Received at the UNIQUE Grocery Old Virginia Pancake Flour, Seif Raising Buckwheat Flour, White Swan Pancake Flour, Fresh Buckwheat Flour. C. H. PICKERING, #90 and 492 Princess Street. Phone License No. S-2152 ed) Most Serious of Them Widely Established in Old Ontario. Varieties of Grains Which (ive teav- jest Yields--0O. A. C. Neo. 21 Best Barley of All-- Get Everything In Readiness for Spring Spraying Now, (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) FFICIALS of the Ontario De partment of Agriculture in spected 313 seed potato fields in Northern Ontario last year of 278 acres, and 119 fields qualified for certified seed. It is esti- mated that there were 16,000 bushels of certified seed secured from North< ern Ontario. All of this is being shipped to Old Ontario to be planted this year. The survey which was made last year by inspectors to detect diseases in the potatoes was spread over 32 counties, although the reports from four of that number are not included in the statistics because of irregulari- ties in the work. The territory cover- ed was from Northumberland and Peterborough counties west to Essex, not including Simcoe and Victoria. Ih was found in this survey that an 'average of 15 per cent. of the pota- toes had the most serious disease of Leaf Roll, and that 7 per cent. were affected with Mosaic, a total of 22 per cent. affected by discase. An in- teresting fact revealed by the survey is that the diseases are most common along the shores of Lake Ontario, through Dufferin and Wellington counties, and along the shore of Lake Erie through to Essex county. Far- ther north the percentageyof disease is much smaller, While the averdge for the two diseases is 22 per cent. some of the counties showed a much higher rate, as Haldimand 29, Wel- land 61.7, Lincoln 33.5, Wentworth 26.6, Brant 44.8, Halton 32.1, Peel 51.9 and York 25.4. The standard in this province permits of two per cent. Leaf Roll in No. 1 seed and § per ¢ent. in No. 2. In severe Mosaic the percentage is the same, although in slight Mosaic: the figures are doubled. The cause of these diseases is not known. Whether there is some ore ganism, or whether the climate has something to do with them, is a matter of doubt. Prof. P. A. Murphy, of Charlottetown, who is the Chief Pathologist for potatoes for the Dom- inion, and who is attached to the Central Experimental Farm, is at work on this problem, and itis hoped that before many months the cause will be known. At any rate, It is known that the diseases are more common in potatoes in the Southern States. That is why it is expected Ontario seed potatoes will be in de- mand there in a few years. Leading Varieties of Spring Grain. The old Six-rowed barley gave way to the Mandscheuri, and that in turn has given place to the O.A.C. No. 21, whieh is-now grown throughout. On- tario to the exclusion of practically all other varieties. The Egyptian and the Black Tartarian varieties of oats which were popular at one time have been largely displaced by the Banner snd more recently by the 0.A.C. No. 72 and the O.A.C. No. 3 varieties. The O.A.C. No. 72 variety has a com- paratively strong vigorous straw, spreading head, and white grain of good quality, the hull being quite 'hin. In experiments at the Ontario Agricultural College it has surpassed she Banper in yield per acre In each of nine out of ten years. It has made a phenomenal record 4n connection with the Ontario Standing Field Crop Competitions, taking more first prizes than all other varieties of cats com- bined. The 0.A.C. No. 3 variety is ten days earlier than the Banner or the O.A.C. No. 72, and is an excellent variety for mixing wsith barley when it is desirable to grow\ the two in combination. Of the spr wheats the Red Fife, the Marquis and the Wild Goose are the principal varie- ties. At the present time, however, when the demand for wheat for bread production is so urgent the Marquis and the Red Fife, and especially the former, should be grown as exten- sively as possible in Ontario, Spring rye does not yield equal to Winter rye but its cultivation will perhaps be increased somewhat during h present year. The O.A.C. No. 61 vartety has given the best results, su ing all other kinds in yield of grain per acre--Dr. C. A. Zavil, 0. A. College, Guelph. i------------ [Prepare for Spring Spraying. Efficient and economic spraying to attain with the use of poor i nery. The power sprayer is an sxpensive piece of machinery, but it is effective when properly handled. its usefulness can be greatly impair- ¢d by improper care. To secure the highest degree of efficiency in spray- ing the maintenance of high pressure {8 pecossary. Probably high pressure is not. needed in all cases; it is, how- ever, true that by means of it more thorough and, consequently, more ef- fective work can be done In a much shorter time dnd with much less effort. The agitation of the liquid in the tank is another Snpartant matter. e of brealy, inability to lie. on the left side, feebngs as if smothering, op- and faint spells, tired, weak, worn out, feeling, involuntary twitching of the muscles, sleeplessness, restless, ete., all point to the fact that eitier the heart or nerves, or both, are not what they should be. Any of these conditions should be remedied ilimediately so as to ayoid a com- plete breakdown of the whole sys- tem, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will bring energy to the weakened constitution, strengthen and regulate the heart, and tone up the tired, overstrained nerves. Mrs. William Steeves, Chemical Road, N.B., writes:--"I have been a great sufferer from nerve troubles and palpitation of the heart, which was so bad 1 had to sit straight up in bed to get my breath. I could not lie on my left side at all. I tried doctor after doctor, also several different remedies, but got no help from them. My mother insisted on me trying Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. By the time I had used one box, I was feeling very much better. I took In all three bexes, and now I am in per- fect health, and can enjoy a good sound sleep, and can lie on my left side Without any trouble." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are b0c a box at all dealers, or. mail- ed 'direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Out. AAA AIAN Canadian Whale-Canning, A Canadian wjaling company has been canning whale meat for a num- oer of months in British Columbia. In a letter to the Commercial Intelli- gence Branch of the Canadian De- SAYS -- to 50,000 cases of whale meat this season. We have also erected three cold storage plants to handle frozen which has a cold storage capacity of 500 tons. The species of whales taken on this coast yields three to twelve tons of prime meat, and only the primé meat is used by us at the pres- ent time for canning or freezing for food. At our plants the meat is nandled in an absolutely sanitary manner, and to this end we have gone to considerable expense. Owing to he whzle beinfy a hot-blooded mam- mal, many of the whales brought in- to our stations are unfit for food, as hey are sometimes captured at great listances from the stations, and whales that have been killed over wenty-four hours are not used for his purpose. Samples of our canned 0. prospective buyers, and we have not at present made any large sales in this country or the United States, although. we have shipped 1,000 cases to Samoa and Fiji. For the frozen product, however, we already have orders for over onc thousand tons, the bulk &6f.Whi¢h if Being ship ped to 'Boston. Our whaling Season ypens about April 1 and ends about October 15 Up to the present we have put up about 18,000 cases of meat at our canpe-=* A Fake Hero, Sergt.-Major A. £. Wood, who has been during some montis past feted and lionized to the limit in Puget has just been sentenced at Victoria to two years' imprisonment for deser- tion from the Siberian Force, with an additional three months under the ordeér-in-council dealing with the wearing of military medals or rib- bons by these pot qualified for.such honor. Wood had put on the Croix de Guerre, R.S.G\M., for life-saving at sea, King and Queen's South Afri- can Medal, with several clasps, Long Service Medal, Military Medal and Mons Star. When he added the rib- bon of the Victoria Cross the last straw was supplied. - He Was Frugal, - Here is 'how one frugal French- Canadian lived on the small sum of one dollar a week. "Eet is simple, vaire simple," he explained. "Sunday I go to ze house of a good friend and sere I dine so extrordinaire and eat 80 vaire much I need no more till Wednesday. On zat day I have at my restaurant one large, vaire large, dish of tripe and onions. I abhor ze tripe, yes, and ze onion also, and to- gezzer zey make me so seek I have no more appetite till Sunday. Eet is vaire simple." / *¢ Another Police Union, The police of Windsor are report ed te have secured a charter prepara tory to forming a union, while the firemen of the Border City are arranging to follow suit. . ° Sounds Like Ancient History. Saskatoon market reports of a few days ago quoted strictly fresh eggs at 35 cents, butter at 35 cents, and beef and pork at 25 cents, any cut. The average man who tries her- ole measures gets a misfit. itation' of the heart, shortness } pressed feeling in the chest, dizzy how to draw it!' : LN A BLANK--AS USUAL. Teachenl-- Now, children, I want you to make a drawing|" of what you would like to be when you grow up." "Please, I want to be married, but I don't know --Sydney (Australian) Bulletin. partment of Trade and Commerce, it | "Owing to the demand for whale | meat for food we have erected a can- | nery where we expect to pack 30,000 whale meat. We also own and oper- | ate two freight steamers, one of | yroduet are only now being sent out | r esentations for changes The Modern Scientific Preatment Nujol For Constipatio n Get a bottle from your druggist today and write for free booklet-"Thirty Feet of Danger." Sound cities and in British Columbia, Nujol Laboratories LL CO, NEW JEnsEY ) < MORE SERIOUS He--You mean to say you'll marry Fred if he comes back with only one arm or one leg? She --1 don't care how many arms or legs he looses, as long as he don't loose his head over A BAD DREAM "Heavens, I'm upset. Last night I dreamed about a can opener." SURE THING Artist--} am wedded to my art. Jewett Your art could get a divorce on the ground of intol., erable cruelty. When a man/tells a widow that he is not worthy of her she mildly denies it--but doesn't argue the point, M takes a wasp to make a lazy man get a move on himself. All it has to do is back up against him and push. dian as a copper-faced type. A Kansas editor refers to an 1 What You Need is Vinol War conditions have made the demand upon a mother's time and energy unlimited. In their zeal to do all in their power for their loved ones, they continually overwork and are soon in a nervous, run-down condition. Vinol, the non-secret cod liver and iron tonic, will build you up and make you strong. "1 suffered from a nervous, run- down condition and loss of strength #0 it was hard for me to get around and do my work. After other medi- cines had failed to help me Vinol re- stored my health and strength and I heartily recommend it to anyone suf- fering from a run-down condition, "Mrs. R. M. Little. HERE IS PROOF Cleveland, Cl to. #1 keep house for my husband and myself and got into a weak, run-down condition, no strength, languid no ambition. After doctoring for awhile and getting no better 1 tried Vinol and to my surprise it built me up and stem. It hole El ro te Hw Won D. Dawson. * hire] ST S170 Td 3 "MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE AND AT THE BEST DRUG STORE IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY IN THE COUNTRY." A SPLENDID PORTRAIT Of The Late SIR WILFRID LAURIER "Is now on sale at the Whig Office. It measures 12} x 19 inched, and is a splendid likeness of Canada's greatest statesman. These pictures will be sold almost at cost, as follows: Over the Counter . . Delivered by Mail . ov + »..10c each . Order early. The supply is limited. @ your conversation with "cuss" words. They may .con- vince you, but they are pretty sure not 40 convince others, It is easy to convart the average man to any théory that promises to benefit him financially. et a ee ee A blind girl in Chio got married and recovered her sight a few days later. "Marriage is certainly a great eyo opener, Don't buy too much ice cream for your 'best girl. It may oause her love to grow cold. A AAA A AN A "AF TEI Do not ¢ responsibly, but THI ~ Help Him to Help Himself \ We owe the eluted soldier every effort we can make towards Secusing steady to throw the burden entirely on employers. They have a grave as every man, woman and child ives willing help | . Ed only insofar - can Canada ensure a fair day's pay for a good day's work for How can YOU help? By investing in War-Savings Stamps. How will THAT help? Canada must secure foreign purchasers for th f ; re Jars, and factories. Many nafions are anxious ey at her men. sof Canada grants evedit to ere] fl |