. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1919. PAGE ELEVEN THE NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT EVENTS AT KEPLER. Presentations to Jawson Family-- Someone . Sergt. 8. Hanson Home, CLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS| 1." \irch 22 About forty- MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. five Kepler people assembled at the OF CANADA home of Mr. and Mrs. George Law- ! MEAD OFFICE - TORONTO In Brief From the Events In the|son on Wednesday evening to bid a a Cc n S farewe o the aged couple on the | Country About Kingston Are Told eve of departure gr their new - vs ~~ -- Interest to Many. ROG len he IESS ACCOUNTS Full of home in Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. | . t . h f d t BUSINES 4 George Bonsteel has purchased Joa wode Bs hr Hi So hi vishal 1 0 t C 00 you ca ® - . a y Yanattan at Hall. | [or about fi y jeplerites é " All classes of business accounts ihe arm of J. A. Vanattan at Hall-| 0.000) et their departure. As 261 8 yk the estee v y ' : 2 ; 2 ' C. Lambert Grifin and Annabella |3 10Xo% of 170 oStvem In which they During digestion certain Nujol brings about a return eceive ¢ | attention. Lambert abella|s tOXem | 1 C B8T'D 1873 , wrefy M8, | 0'Hara, Lansdowne, ware married in handsome oak chair, and Miss Evelyn 4 kinds of food containing pro- to Nature's methods of sup- KINGSTON BRANCH, Belleville on Thursday. =~ we Ox.|"Hh @ necklace. Rev. Mr. Charles- teins, such as meat, egg plying necessary lubrication y tory Many Crd) TR ae to F. M.|J0Tth gave 8 Sars re- white, milk casein, wheat of the bowel contents, by ¢ J. F. ROWLAND, Manages, Murray, Burritt's Rapids. J Ra hr Sivan wa) gluten, etc., are split into facilitating intestinal muscu- | Judge Dowsley in the case of ued" ® Cor suitable way, and re.| many different substances. lar action, by sheveblag poi." pe Et Philander Whelan, Dela, charged ieee a. sonous matter. and thus se- = with incest, acquitted the man. Louse ren bygone Some of these the body uses curing necessary cleansing Belleville Board - of Education On Friday evening over fifty of the to rebuild damaged or dead of the intestinal canal and -- ° spent several hours discussing Whe- | friends and acquaintances of Sergt. . tissues; some, however, are rotection of the defensive ther it would allow dancing in the {giapley Hansen gathered at the home t only useless and harm- P. high school. The yeas had it. of Mr. and Mrs. William Horning to no wy properties of the blood itself. . : J. A. Robson, Brighton, announc- fwajeor "41m back after an absence ful but in some cases actually Co ' : es the engagement of his ODlY[o over two years overseas. Games poisonous. Regular, thorough Nujol has no déleterious ANADA'S future prosperity daughter, Jewel Gladys, i riage ty |¥ere indulged-in until a late hour, bowel evacuation gets rid of gfter effects, produces no i .. Norris, Toronto, the m: o n f depends chiefly on the efforts LiKe pias Gaidl The migtie vr acy relvshuiems. Werle served; the latter. bad habits, makesthe bowels d thrift of h tizen Sergt. Stanley Hansen is the second . lar as clockwork. an rift of ner citizens. ' April. of the three Hansen brothers to re- Constipation permits stagna- { regu : Mrs. F. R. Gilbert died in Brock- Ra y . Those who save, provide the means ville on Friday after four months' turn. = Sergt. Otto Hansen returned tion and absorption of these Nujol i is efficient at any aol " i : last April. Trooper Lloyd Hansen : : : ! for rapid reconstruction, and the illness. She was before her mar- |= SRC PO ospital in Eng. poisons into the blood, with _ nder anv conditions--is - P $s at presen n hospital in Eng injury to the whole body. y 2h | in. riage Sarah, daughter of Mr. and enlargement of their country's In Mrs, John Cuthbert. A husband en. pier from here attended the satisfactory and safe. dustry and commerce. and a son survive. sale 2 oT ol NCAT S: Oana] Taking castor oil, pills, salts / : . Sullly 3 sale at Mrs. W. | 8, qul, . Aa * How and Why Nujol over- Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, aged A i OW Ww m waters, etc.,in order sixty-five years, a well known resi-|on Friday. Leo Fowler and Wilma ; ineral waters, etc., comes constipation is ve! . : } : R Garrett are ill. Henry Lindsay and o force the bowels to move . THE CANADIAN BANK dent of Marmora, Was, on TRUrs-|yue sr, recovering from an attack 10 forse ae bows cure con. Scribed in an interesting | 1 day, found dead in bea. i Dereated of the 'flu. Glenn Smith is recover- 4 ipati but kes it and authoritative booklet, was apparently in hef usual hea th ing nicely from his recent operation. | stipation -~- but ma "Thirty Feet of D free when she retired on Wednesday) "yp" [evi Cranston, Sr., had the worse. ity ry olf evening. misfortune to fall om the ice and : on request. nd for it and A Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Moun-j, agi per arm. duis Hester Wart- On the other hand Nujol get a bottle of Nujol from§ tain View, Ameliasburg township, {ya, 45 quite ill. H. Tolles and W. overcomes constipation and your druggist today. Jive seceived Wovd that their pou: Irwin are sawing wgod in this viein-| brings about the habit of : " e. Thomas Armstrong, who enlist-{iy with their outfitt Mrs, J. Wart-| | ;. . ¥ . Kingston Branch «- P. C. Stevenson, Manager [ca with Queen's University Ambul. |\ WIth thelr outs es ey er sab, thorough hows} evade Nujol Laboratories uation a al , : ance, has been awarded the military per brother, H. Buck. Mrs. H. E. Sul ae ------------ | medal. Johnston is visiting her sister, Mrs. because Nujol is not a drug, 3 STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) ptm The death occurred on Friday at|w Cordukes, Elginburg. J does not act like any i 2 " . Newitolk f the residence of A. Whitmarsh, Al- . ; . Brosdws gonquin, of Mrs. Thomas Robison, __ " 2 who succumbed to an illness of AT KINGSTON MILLS. WE OFFER "3 7 2 four months' duration. The late remem ) ) . ' ' Mrs. Robinson was born near Seel- | Lockmaster Anglin to Retire--Sap Is ey's Bay eighty-six year ago. Running Well, ne To Warning: NI 10) S87. n ood ; . " , cs ; . 94 Mr J . Because it was proposed by the Kingston Mills, March 24.--Mr.| JIN Trade Mark. All druggists in U. S. and Ca n Kemptvile council to reduce the{and Mrs. Charles Gilfillan, Lynd- ! a x : ; ry Montreal Tramwa and strength of the volunteer fire bri-|hurst, spent a few days last week | = lasist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes gade from 30 men to 20, with an ac-| with their daughter, Mrs. C. E. ! 3 J 1 i EH ; companying increase in the annual |Clark. The Misses Alice and Ethel | 1 i salary of those remaining from $6 | Clark, Kingston, spent the week-end to $12, seventeen members of the|under the parental roof. Miss Mar-| ower 0 2 0 brigade resigned. The village coun-|jorie Newton, of Kingston, who has| . cil has postponed action. been spending the past two weeks | - ee here with friends, has returned tof i. a io VW Making Maple Sugar. her home. The gang of men engag-| Five year secured gold notes payable New York and curs Phillipsville, March 24.--Sugar|ed working at the locks have their] ada. Denomination $100, $500, $1,000. ixcellent security. making is the order of the day now, | job nearly completed and will soon be | High yield. rae but owing to lack of help there will | leaving for Brewer's Mills, where not be quite so much made as usual. they may have another job repair- | Mrs. Richard Prest is able to be >. E. Cla siness | BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. out for "a short walk. ? Alfred Ww - hs. EA or Wve 237 Bagot St. Phone 1728. H. J. Bongard, Manager lows Jost a valuable cow recently. |c Nixon; formerly of Portland, has| Hillard Warren, blacksmith, for-|movedq his wife and family here, merly of Delta, has moved to the having secured a position in the el | village. Miss Anna Stevens spent |ectrie power house. ' last week visiting. at Lyndhurst, It is rumored that the mills is Glen R. Davison, Queen's student, | ahout go loose its old lock-master, was a visitor in the village on Sun- Robert Anglin, who has held the Sana. ijiti'titi Sunday at Miss Dunham's. Mrs. kaye ade a trip to the city on Sat- Richards is visiting in Toronto. A |Urday and reports the roads in very small' daughter has come to _ the | S01 RAID Mr. 2003 bili This town needs trucks--good trucks. home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Children \n. b> t s sur- | brother Ernest Campbell. For Infants and Children. Broa a ng ALisnas sur The water in the Rideau has rais- That 1s why I hav e contracted with Grace That on St. Patrick's night. Dancing $4 consi derabiy 11 he Jas tow days. _ nd a general good time was en- | Farmers are tapping eir sugar Mothers Know Soved: 5" Hane has Ietsed Somos | bushes an Topart u good Fun of 4 Motors Limited, of Toronto and Winnipeg for Carr's farm for a term of years, ames Kilngsby has return ome from the Hotel Dieu much improved the Fulton selling franchise in this territory. - . . Genuine Castoria : Earnest Campbell has purchased a Arbuckle to Enter Movie Field. g yr 4 . . Woterown: TNT. | March 5. | TOTS car for bis own use. Fulton 1Y-ton Trucks mean much to this community. Maclyn Arbuckle, popular Northern St. P: Y, ; New York actor, is to enter motion | Westport © aerator oA large They mean increased transportation facilities under efficient Pickures, Secetding © 3 uivhiag To panes paironisod se 3. Pairiics economical conditions. And every man in this he J paper. Jie. See Juder the auapises, 9} $13 Womens} trigh mys rake 52 to the fact that transportation 1s the, Dig alo dinner gf the Licy's Club of fully decorad with shamrock and PIODIENT OF 11 any 125 Jersle a's Manitog 0 5 exceptionally artisti Jn green and The Fulton Motor Truck is the best aogier | How 3 = oN ntamatn bois wy ware [Jirgos, rar tot prettelon i ro ow Bow ood alton: Trucks. are Call to Major Frost. piped Bob gh a ar] wh see them, or let me bring it to you. Hacry, Front of Labaioit who. wes | 10a) resident, Mrs. H.W, McNally, chaplain, with 2 enadian unit Iu |chanks fs due Miss "Avice Whelan, Fulton Mo Trucks Je The eas the largest gaclugive Cn Doar, ty ade candy, whieh was won by Mis Builders of J¥0n trucks, The "genes ey Sage the pastorate of Grace Methodist | morte iotire to onorucers and ing" truck of America. It is scientifically designed to church, Trenton. He is at present |cialg of the Methodist church for haul a 3000 pound load of feathers or pig-iron. You can't supplying the Lakefield charge, ren- Te dered vacant by the death last fall [who in any way Contibatad to the "feaze" the Fulton with a ton and a half of anything. or Ver of Rev. D. E. Johnston. success of the fea. The proceeds | amounting to over $58. A=-pretty useful truck for your business, this Fulton. You Purchaser Buildings. On St. Patrick's night Mrs. M. E. Trenton, March 25.--Some To-|Mulyille entertained a number of | only need to use it to recognize its quality. And Fulton . ronto Jews have bought the Club {per friends t i fiv Thirty Years House, Y.M.CA. buildings, the [puta oq®on 70 G BOEIORIRE Hel owners are getting 14 to 17 miles to the gallon of gasoline, bunk house and several other build- seryeq and at an early hour in the | ings at the plant. The price paid ot . . hi for the lot was v0100. The bulld- An So Mag ig Rs Tp Let's talk Transportation--Truck Transportation--at your ings originally cost over Y . Inis h th MP - W : : The ¥M.CA. bullding alone "cost |shur Bonnett, who has been over office or mine. 3,800. e buildings w ¢ OTR teeas with the 156th Battalion since 7 ¢ : down and the material sold. 1916, returned on Saturday. Dr. M. OBERNDORFFER Exact Copy of Wrapper. a aupvAN GUNBANY. HAW VERN Sivw W. D. Stevens was a Brockville i : > An airplane in the postal service | . between Paris and Bordeaux eapsiz- |xoaol of NOGGAr- Miss Lottle 124 Clarence St. Kingston, Ont. ed Monday, injuring the pilot and lj, 0 trjonds in Brockville, Misses the editor of Havas News Agency, |Helena and Edith Whaley, Toronto, who was a passenger. are visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Whaley, i CURE THE HEADAGHE | ~ ... se scsi. Smith's Falls, March 24.--The KEEP THE HOME i 5 ; _ News and the Rideau Record have " Don't Endure it Alasigamated ig will be run under Tal si the name of the News-Record. Hen "H INDUSTRIES GOING i an Su---- Sutton will be manager and editor, : Ook. J. M. Belderson, K.C., Perth, owas the News and holds controlling interest in the new enterprise. Hi spl " A friend in need is almost a twentieth century rarity. day last. Miss Ella Dwyer was n | forced to close her school for a few post for the Past ie gp) AM t oO win days last week owing to. illness. Kit ow & on 0 Wes TL She EO he Thomas MecGrogan, Daytown; spent ingston to reside. am il 'Roads tor Eastern Ontario. Ty Susan, Minister ot lands and: Mines An encounter han. a occurred n | for Ontario, made it r that Morocco between troops Heockville, Mareh 24, tar as he was concermed marching from Tetnan toward Dar before the Young Conservative Club Ontario was to have its share of [Ben Kofish and some partisans = of agtova, Hon. Gy Hemant Puy £004 roads a0d other public works [Rabsull. ag h