THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH26, 1919. and their -------------- ion "? | years, acoording to our way of count- j people are no Seems as though the old |faith, .lacki | I : iz {ing time. ork, i . ay | had has Been Jaying in a store ¢ 1 {thei ry prayers ar n Gage's Cash G | Letlertothe Blt || 3500 BEE tt ETE ge Ss rocery | | interids to make up for } time, forthe liv 1g, not the dead; that the ° l | he soen stirs up the people and en- | whole Trinity has a certain part to Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. in Shaw 'Writes Again. gages in the greatest that ever [do to complete our salvation. First, Special Sale Canned Goods. Wise Huyers Will Take Advantage, > L yroke, March 22 (To t me ago | concerni War was, that ends by the whole earth be-{it i8 God the Father who forgives ins Ae oo aoaie sias; ov, fhe on swe Book 100 tins Damson Plums 15¢ ean | £ cast into the lake of fire, leg Ss s om als "eo 230100 tims Strawberries ..34c ean tiriffs, free trade, etc : cording to Isa., Eze., Dan. and Rey. get those mixed) and God. the Holy 15¢ tid theavy Syfup) i eral letters as Now, the grafter, the extortioner |Ghost, that &noints the ones thus Sie 190 un Navabeiries . ome and the oppressor ceptainly will no¢|favored ° enjoy this dispensation of peace, tor| But to come back to the Bible says that they shall be of unions agd combines under the consumed out of the lands. The |Rame of unions, which are many Bible says that anyone who compels | True unity is a glorious thing if it is another to pay more for any article {in a good cause Most unions are than it is really worth is an exter-|only a combine to protect a certain tioner, a thief and a robber. Have |Clas8 or enterprize at the expense of any of our good people, who are the outsider. For instance, a unit- trying to foree other people to be{ed government is all right as far good, ever tried to find the exact |aS governments are concerned, and limit between reason and extortion |united farmers are far as farmers wroie you VEGETARLES Peas at 2 for Tomatoes nt Corn st 3 for Pears 19¢ 800 300 300 100 tins tins tins tins 34¢ cam and the subject 100 tins Clark's Pork Week only "oe Phone 248 0 to t would seex to the med- First,, and Deans tn Chill Sauce, regular 30¢. Thia .. . .y . 25¢ enn Prompt Dellvery / Muhici- pality ation als views through yur valuable paper a few words, con- | Net cost per Kw. Year [Hr of Cutrent ac- tually used » w ke to say 4 hice little poem wwitten by BE SURE YOU HAVE A DOOR MAT Job ie Oa oe |N-e | ~ | } dn Be RA CNOBLPWUNIS TOT Lam TIT 1916 » | 917 | TE AE RS = but | Si Thomas | 1917 From Vol. 210th Annual Report of Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ongasio a i ir ----_-- Freezone is magic! Corns and calluses lift right off-- Doesn't hurt a bit tn Sl 26 to But remember that naturall man receiveth not the things of the , neither can he know them be * they are spiritually discerned Therefore ycu have got to have the spirit of understanding to understand spiritual things Education will not suffice So, as 1 have said, it is not generally known that as the way is prepared by the spirit of right and reason that will lay hold of old serpent, the spirit of partyism, the cause of division and all the evils 'thereof in party church, party politics and pairly secieties, that then there shall be a resurrection of the dead in Christ, the first resurrection and a new dispensation will begin, a dis pensation of universal peace, when the saints, the twelve apostles, shall judge Lhe world for a thousand years, and Christ shall walk and talk with his people. Then Satan shall be set free again and go out as\mad as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and there shall be a time of the A Message to the Young Men of Canada Canada needs Trained Men and Women! Whatever be the task confronting the nation, in war or peace, Canada is always in peril of failure so long as the young people of the country are economically unfitted for their tasks, Never were opportunities so great. Thousands of ood-paying positions are waiting in every field of en- eavor for men and women trained to fill them--in offices, stores, shops, factories, mines, railroads, on the farms--in all lines of technical, commercial, and agri- cultural work. For over 26 years the International Correspondence Schools have been training Canadians. Thousands have been helped to bigger careers through the I.C.S. plan. 6500 are getting ready right now. Many of the largest employers in the country are interested in the work of the I.C. S. in Canada, and, at their request, are being informed regularly concerning the progress of I. C. S. students among their employees. RE ER You can win success with the aid of the I. C. S. , | lie on the roof of the minister's house J. F. Parker, of Winnipeg, climbed from a'$40 a LESSON. S F | on Bion i Hs Dae month job to a $6,000 a year income as a Contractor. HH or E b d | ust to see them jump. Nor were we Wm. T. Griffiths advanced from carpenter to Superinten- | then aware that surprise was the chie dent of Construction for Lyall and Signy pe ome m 101 €rer fe ii. SFuaiy Shot uke . E. H. Monro, Chief Engi- = on wn wn So TEAR OUT HERE man, wm ts » | bent pin." Riddling the windows of a RESPONDEN i ; | ¢ SY at Cl Me Co | (§ SPecold prepared or this Nenspaper by Pictorial Revie, Bi | onnomse ve tom! ay roo neer of the Dominion Tex- tile Company, Windsor, and -- raha ar a eer helare whim ality for x e Bodman's fence. Hitting little boys' { | heads with -iceballsy nof snowballs, hundreds of Canada's fore- LEOTRICAL ENGINEER HAPVERTISING MAN indow Trimmer was a favorite winter amusement. It maostengineers, advertising managers, draftsmen, elec- Show Card Weiter | was considered a good joke to kidnap | a youngster at night, take him far into | { I | tricjans, and chemists pre- | pared for promotion in | | a, nuoldgs one 3h | the Bridge streef graveyard and then | | run away from him. Tormenting cats | l LITTLE DIFFERENCE IN BOYS Silly Idea That Those Bern in May | Are Naturally More Cruel Than Other Youngsters. What is the origin of the belief that | boys born in the month of May are cruel by nature? In Notes and Queries John T. Page says that he was born in May, "and as I loo back into the days of my boyhood I am often horrified to recall many acts of cruelty perpetrated by me, and at my instigation, on birds and animals. I seem to have delighted in these acts of cruelty until I was about twelve years old, when they ceased." Mr. Page adds that as a man he is supersensitive. "I cannot now kill a bird or an animal without ex periencing most poignant feelings of abhorrence of the act." Are not nearly all healthy boys de- structive and cruel? They were in our little village, writes Philip Hale in the | Boston Herald. One of our favorite ---- | amusements was the reckless employ- hdl | ment of sling and buckshot, We would i 18 s00N the ) S@ » BAYS We Wi honest THESE MUDDY DAYS Os oh ! and sane for and have this low, degraded robber [are Sonormed a fo on through : aan a Le » | punished? ink not : {every walk of life ut a union 'of #110) an am s ot ,{ punished? [I think not Most of us| 3 And by 80 doing ; | a jaan -- Df = _-- are afraid that we might get it in | this or that oles is not enohigh, = whan Savilatbad weit «| the neck ourselves. There is a limit | What we want, what we must have, save your carpets, auckily 01 bs, : ) are to all salaries, prices and profits [8 a united people, free from all your wife Ss temper, Lot Dio nes v wig ras ot | Just the same, and no amount of ex- |Partylsm as class, a universal union ] Rot 12 the cirels, pot In the ritg, a cuses will save us at the last judg- |0f true brotherhood, including al! and get the mud he inedight, I va, te ie ment, when every one shall be judg- classes and creeds. The Bible says sh : jj 1orm ou migh ¢ tne 1Oled according to their own Works: {We are all members of one body, oe off your shoes with | stable, or oy the hg Sebing, A not prayers that they or some ome and that one member cannot say, '1 00 [in some of the back seats, but asi.) ooo offered. But, says some, have no need of other members." a gc d door mat on ll ong as 'pagty spirit rules they will all we have to do Is to believe in As all members are needful to which you can pro- j never get to the front. Grafters, oP-| vo Iord Jesus Christ and we shail make one perfect body, as many 1 pressors and extortioners will see to] ho saved. True, but many of these |Pieces are needful to make one per- periy clean your it that no man who is likely to enter- {tect house, as it takes branches to fere.with any of their plans gets any {make a perfect tree, so it takes all feet as anyone ch S WITH FINGERS! : : ance to do so kinds of people to make a world, should who re- | But there is a time coming, and 1 * {and we are all members one of an- . ' . J believe it is coming soon, when the |other" Any way, we cannot get spects their home. We have the kind that I' angel with the key and the great CORNS LIFT out laway from this fact: We are all i . chain is going to lay hold of the old | members of the human race. We d h k - 3 | o the wor every time. serpent,.and shut him up and put a ---- {have necessarily certain dealings seal upon him that he shall deceive {| with each other, but otherwise we WHAT HYDRO STEVENSON & H Bh the mations no more for a thousand {have no fellowship, no more respect ' ! | You have no ddubt all at- {for each other than the wild ani- ' i n 3 85 8 ._e tended some of the many churohes | mals who devour each other if they HTING BILLS F h - 7 Pri = {and listened to some very eloquent {ean I have written more than I " o e ncess t ll sermons, but it has probably never {intended to, and I fear 1 shall tax LIG : . : EY ee been explained to you and therefore {your patience, Mr. Editor, and oc- N contrast with the rising cost of almost . t generally known, and the reason jeupy too much of your paper, but I every other commodity, Hydro Power was vou will fied by putting togeth- {only hope those remarks will do : r d 03 Municipaliti tl er the following pas ages of scrip- | somebody some good and advance furnished in | 18 to 2 unicipalities at less ture: Fl. Tim., 4:3 to 4; II. Tim. |the cause of right and reason cost than in any previods year. 3:1 to 7; Micah 11; Kezi 22:12; --W. D. SHAW. A constant downward trend in cost to con- 29 sumers indicates that the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario is attaining its object-- to provide electrical service at low rates. The Commission is vitally interested in: the user of Hydro Power. The Commission recom- mends only those accessories and appliances which will give thorough satisfaction. HYDRO Quality Lamps are endorsed by the Commis- sion for lighting purposes. HYDRO Quality Lamps are tested for bril- liancy, current consumption and durability. They have a definitely known rating for of these essential features. HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO A few cents buys a tiny bottle of the magic Freezone at any drug store. Apply a few drops of Free- zone upon a tender, aching corn or a callous. Instantly that troublesome corn or catlous :stops hurting, then shortly vou liftit out, root and all, without any pain, soreness or irrita- tion. These little bottles of Free- zone contain just enough to rid the feet of every hard corn, soft corn, corn between the toes and the cal- trouble such as never was since there|louses on bottom of feet. So easy! was a world, for a time, times and a|So simple. Why wait? No hum- half, no doubt about two and a half| bug! SOLD BY-- Enno om, BOR OR) eee ae eile eee COONS) An Orginal Panel Curtain and a Daisy Pillow. « b elegraph E 4 ABER" By KATHRYN MUTTERER. ] Gas En 2 J RE made of sheer handkerchief linen or eal E ng - Sginser The housewife who is anxious to SHIP RAF TSMAR RETTTOR make a splendid front will bet inter. a Shag Feactic IH BOOKKEE ested in the lovely panel shown here. Nothing prettier has been offered this season for the hall door and the de- sign further can be used for win- im RINE FOREMAN OR EW Wetaltorgist or Proaspecte STATIONARY ENGINEER Marine Engineer Railway Accountant spare time through I. C.S. rses. insertion 134 inc i d Thel C.S. can help you wo inches Ba 3% 40 BH algg and dogs was common when a small no matter where you live, HArCHITECT GOOD ENGLISH this model but any pretty lace inser- { boy was not easily caught. The sling- hat h k, or Contractor und Builder [J Teacher Won and edging may be substituted. | ers, the throwers of other missiles and wha Ours you work, or Besa Draftsman | Common School Subjects tin } i -- _ aa th } She a ET a ry PLURRING ARD DEL Spank pion E+ < sas Re . | not all born in May. Nor were all boys : , HM AGRICULT how little your schooling. PLURBING AND DEA TING fre Ovime Spanish 3 AN L nl Mark and mail the cou- Sheet Metal Worker french born in May skilled in rude or ingem- fous torturing. \ pon today---it will not obli- SALESMANSHIP gate you in the least but will give us an opportunity to show you how to pre- pare fora successfulcareer. Dominion Rubber System Belting is : Uniform and Dependable |! A uniformly high quality of materials put together by a process into which no element of chance can possibly enter insures an infallible uniformity of construction. This gives to our transmission and conveyor belting a sturdy dependability thatsenables it to carry loads in-excess-of its. intended capacity. This dependability for service is maintained througho#t our entire Ciganiza ion and it is' on this basis that all of our p cts have been made for more than fifty years. Concrete Builder [J Textile Overs: Navigator Poultry Ra AUTOMOBILE Auto Repairing Name. " | Occupation & Employer. | Street l and No. Defective children. Some startling statements were made by' Mr. George A. Jutnam, superintendent of Women's Insti- tutes, at the Western. Ontario Dairy- men's Convention, relative to the physical condition eof children in rural schools in Ontario. As a re- sult of an investigation covering 20,000 children, in various parts of the province, Mr. Putnam said 65 per cent. were in need of attention by the dentist, 10 per cent. suffered from defective hearing, 10 per cent. from defective eyesight and 33. per cent. from adenoids or enlarged ton- sils. "The condition of children in rural schools is lower than that of chil- 5 City. Prov. i AN ec tl A Pt, Some New Handsome Design for a Window P dows. Shoes Ladies' Black Ladies' Oxfords, turn sole, Louis heel, in white kid, grey suede, black vici kid, patent leather, and Havana ; brown. The smartest shoes in town . . $9.00 Satin . . va ve «$7.00 bands with edging. feature of the motifs of filet crochet. They are ar- . Tr Oxfords, Louis ners where and at the center. It is made of scrim, inset with of insertion and bordering he most delightful nel, however, is the anged most effectively at the cor- the insertion is turned There are many uses to which the motifs may be put, for in the full set there are fifteen different designs. If one desired to make an entire set, consisting of cirtains, bedspread and dresser scarf, the motifs may be re- peated and alternated with squares of scrim or Hoen. In ecru or white mer cerized cotton they are equally effec. tive. Very often a design is more ef- fective worked in ecru linen than ir white, especially if it is to be used to decorate household articles. is original for especially inter The boudoir many reasons, esting is its oval shape. It may be Review No. 12411.--Pn 11, blue, 15 : the the surnam crochet Review 'patterns on sale Closing is at center of back. The mo- nogram used on this pillow is L.S.M. ("S" being the letter of 'the. sur- name). It is 5 inches high. These letters were thickly padded and worked In Ihe raised satin and.stem stitches. monogram is not in- cluded in the transfer pattern. The Jitiow pattern is 1137 inches wide by inches Jong. A pillow 9 inches wide by 22 inches long will fit this 1 design, - pat- copia. The monogram LM: Tiinater i M.S. used ©) ia in style 531 and § inches bigh, furnished at local agents, . SEE BAR Filet Gros Noe. 25 to 29. Working 3 n i hI ° 3 Working patterns and instru dren in city schools," Mr. Putnam said. This statement, however, is hardly borne out by a report recently" made by Medical Officer Hastings relative to conditions in Toronto. Fifty per cent. of the children attend- ing Toronto schools are, Dr. Hastings said, suffering from physical defects other than those affecting the teeth, But in both cases a condition exists that calls for prompt attention. ly four years ago Mrs. Lan- , of Toronto, sent a postcard photograph of herself, her bus- d and two daughters {6 her son, 0 MM SHIN 5 MRA Lb Although uniformity, dependability, nomy and satisfaction are huilt intoeach foot of our belting: we maintain a staff of belting ! doubly experts to certain, ake its dependability These experts will analyze all 6f your belting equipment without charge, and ind any: recom- mendations they may make will Brovi a belt that will not only live up to our claim for dep bil cena il your ity but it will create 4 greater plant. v 4 This service is obtainable through oe Danio aigable through suf cue wire one nearest to you and let us prove its value to your satisfaction. ie Sp "After falling off the level of Lake {has begun to rie. for several years A modified lathe Nyasa in Africa | been perfected iy England for mak- | ing aeroplane peliors.