A + i | Es -- 00 Cs of delicious Tea 300 can be infused from a ene ---- pound packet = and Always of one Uniform Standard of Quality. "SALADA' "The Tea that Never Disappoints" The foregoing is not simply an adve«- tisemen A a tt SEE The Hoppgr of a concrete mixer has a good appetite and a great capacity at the top. * But all that goes into it must pass easily through:the narrow outlet at the bottom. [If the man on the jo goes away and leaves the mixture to harden in the hopper-- he gets fired--that's all. And the machine is put out of working order for a time. It's easy for you to satisfy your appetite with food. But if you neglect yourself, and the food waste dries out, hardens and stagnates in your lower bowel--if you be come constipated --your body machinery will suffer; and if you try to get rid of the mass by taking castor oil, pills, salts, a ay etc, to force the bowels to move, you will only make matters worse. You can't fire yourself for neglect. ¥ And you can't cure constipation by forming the habit of taking medicine every time you want your bowels to move. But you can overcome ge trouble by taking Nujol. Nujol brings about the habit of easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals, because Nujol is not a drug, does not act like any drug. Nujol brings about a return " Nature's methods by supplyin, necessary lubrication of the bowel contents, by facilitating intestina muscular action, by absorbing poisonous matter, and thus securing necesssary cleansing of the intestinal canal. J it, and yéu'll not have to fluiol makes gn Fogler us <lockwark --use te ability of your bedy machine to get rid of dangerous food waste. Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today, and send for free booklet *' Thirty Feet of Danger.' --- ,. Nujol is sold only in sealed Warning: tii szd min gi Trade Mark. At all druggists. Insist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO, (NEW JERSEY) 50 Broadway, New York Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broadway, New York. Please send me free booklet * 'Thirty Feet of Danger' ~-Cohstipation and auto-intoxication in adults. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1919. F rom The {Countryside Frontenac e | late Miss Nancy Mérah, FALL RIVER. March 29. --Sugar-making is the order of the day around here andball report a very good run. So far, ow- ing to the snow storms, the roads time. Kingston to tinue bailing for a Gray was called to but plain Statements. of **Fact"' the week with her mother. Fleet- wood Gray and sister Tepa, spent Sunday at Alexander England's, Maberly. Thomas and John Palmer spent Sunday with their mother here. JOYCEVILLE. March 27.--The cheese factory has started operation again with a fair supply of milk. Maple sugar making is a decided failure owing to the snow leaving eo early, Quite a num- ber are suffering from flu. No ser- fous losses are reported so far. Mr. Townsend and mother have taken up residence 'here. The boys have Stored gway their hockey sticks for this season after some interesting games, B. Hitchcock has purchased a new sawing machine and is doing a rushing business. T. . Woodstock and soni John, who have returned from overseas, are looking none the worse after their experience. James Halpin, Montreal, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mullen, Recent visit ors here: Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Shortell, Glenburnie; Mrs. J. Good- friend, Kingston; Miss Martin, aBt- tersea; Mr. wnd Mrs. J. Martin, Cushindall; Miss P. Milne, Chester- ville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Spence, Pit- kinson; Mrs. D. Baker, Kingston. HOLLEFORD. March 28.--Snow and high winds, is making it very disagreeable. Quite a number are attending the series of meetings at Harrgwsmith in connection with the Free Methodist church, Quite a lot of Syrup was made last week during the pleasant weather, Mrs. 8. Martin is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, S. Clark of Sydenham, who is ill. Mrs. T. F. Townsend entertained on, Wed- nesday. Four sawing outfits are at work in the neighborhood operated by the Messrs Vanluven, Abrams, Snider and Freeman. Russel Martin recently visited Albert arslake. Mrs. Elmer Smith bas returned after vis- iting her parents at Verona. Mrs. Ray Babcock with her mother at Hartington to welcome her brother, R. H. Gaslon, just returned. B. Green und family, Verona, spent Suh- day at John Gregory's. SUNBURY. b March 29--Mrs. George E. Wehb, of Ida Hall, has been spending the last few weeks on a visit to her mother, Mrs. MacCadden at Perth Road. Mr. Webb is superintending the 'phone lines and for a time wiil be fully oecupied. Mrs Aggie Mc- Coll made a rtip out to Kingsgton on the 28th inst. The stage driver has managed to keep up his trips, though the roads have been quite badly clocked at times. Several loads of hogs were taken out from here on Wednesday last as the price was good and the animals were ready 'for delivery. Some farmers tapped their trees, but report the run of sap as very small Some farms continue to change hands €éven at this late peried of the sea- son. The people welcome Mr. Orr, who has recently moved on the farm between here and Inverary, * which he purchased from Mr. Perry. The latter hag taken up residence in In- verary, .where the good wishes of many friends follow him. INVERARY. March 28.--The Model cheese fac- last night. James Shepherd was again chosen salesman. Mr. Shep- herd is at present confined room through iliness. George Gar- rett and family have moved on to Alfred Garrett's farm. . Mrs. F. 8. Ferguson is receiving medical treat- ment from Dr. T. 1. O'Conner, of Kingston. Mrs. Bernhardt Patter- son 'and family moved to their farm -jat Portsmouth. Mr. Patterson still continues his studies in medicine at Queen's. W. Or has moved on to his farm lately purchased from Shel- tory held its annual cheese meeting | Mm o {don Perry Mir. Perry is preparing to 'build a 156 On a lot in the vil- | lage 'at present, he ia Hying | in | Charles Loney's house on the farm. | Rory Darl 128 moved into the { house he purchased from Daniel Bar- | ret Mr. Darling will engage in | cheese making. 'Daniel Barrett has | purchased the house belonging to the Mrs. Herbet | Gibson is under-going medical treat- | ment in Kingston. Miss Hester Gib ison is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Sydenham. Mrs. An« | nie Thompson still continues serious- fly ill. Mrs. Richard Arthur and | daughter Margaret, spent the week- | end with friends in Kingston. John { Ferguson is not improving in heaith. Mélville Young "is engaged with are ip a most unfavorable condition, Thame A The Jessen, A and the people have had to discon- | Rumber of farmers have tappe ! Archie | bushes and report a good supply of John Gibson has purchased a attend County council on Tuesday. | Smal) tar Jom ha 1 erguson. Mr i Violet Scott spent the latter part of | 20d Mrs. 'Wilson Knapp spent par of last week at Wilkie Aykroyd's. ---- et, EMIR FEISAT, Son of the" King of the Hedjaz, the most picturesque figure at the Peace Conference. | HEARD ON THE SOE While the average citizen is clamoring for more sunshine, the members df the "dry crowd" are figuring out how they ean get thelr supply of "moonshine." Judging by the press reports, the discussion in the House of Com- mong on daylight saving was a re- gular burlesque. A member who hails from Peterboro declared that the hockey fans were responsible for the scheme. Do they play hoekey all summer up in Peterbroo? Talking about real estate deals, one that took place in London, Ont. the other day "takes the cake." resident, after selling his found it impossible. to secure other dwelling to suit, so bought his property back at a figure $208 in advance of his sale price. During 'the discussion in the House on daylight saving, Dr. J. W. Edwards played the dwilight golt- ers. He did not wish them any harm, but invited them to go on the Course in the early morning and get a dose of dew; "Doc" - evidently wants every man to get his due, The city is flooded with pedlars, book agents, and picture framers. r WHY EXPERIMENT? Food scientists claim that t responsible for the someness of your home baking. other one ingredient d important. thereéfore. that you know qualities. powder made NEW COAT OF ARMS FOR THE DOMINION Will Be Representative of All Provinces--GCommittee to Consider Design. Ottaww, April 1.--Consideration is being given by the Government to the question of adopting a codt of arms for the Dominion of Canada which will be representative of all the provinces comprised in the Con- federation. A committee of officigls | has been appointed to take up the subject and consider designs submitt- ed to it. The committee consists ot Thomas Mulvey, K.C., under secre tary of state; Sir Joseph Pope, under secretary of state for external af- No doubt this is all after-the-war reconstruction. The Portsmouth Philosopher rises to remark that if the members . of parliament are not in favor of day- light saving, they might at least cut down a little. on the "gas" in the House. % "We've won the war, and the country has gome dry. What more do you want?" asked a comedian In the show the other night, "Daylight saving," Mayor Newman to friends. remarked some of His Evervbody's doing it. Reading the Whig's "More magazine for March. What? Pep" Some of the loeal clothing stores did a rushing business on Saturday, getting the "'soldiér boys" back into "elvvies.™ Harrowsmith Happenings - Harrowsmith, March 31.--The cheese factory opens to-day undes the management of Mr. Keown, On Wednesday evening, Match 26th, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Babcock w, "at home" to a number of their friends, who were entertained cards. On Thursday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carséallen enter- tained a number of their friends at a tea party, after which gq very en- Joyatle evening "was spent with édrds, t J. pes Mies Glos. » ank Pat "8; KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and 'most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. are ready for use, it takes little to penetrate without rubbing and pro- duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made in Canada. At all drug stores. A large bottle means economy. Sloan's KS OCRE UL See beats ab 54 Ie Ea 0c, 60c, $1.20 Benjamin Turher, aged 'seventy- ati two years, died at Wallard, Sask. He formerly lived at Tweed. a and is the only strict] in Canada selling at tation is built on purity and highest The only well known 'medi alum and that has all its stated on the label. Pm to use'a Contains No Alum oes so much depend. baking powder possesses the necessary leavening a moderate price. um - he leavener is largely flavor, texture and whole- That on no It is MAGIC BAKING POWDER y high class baking powder Its'repu-- quality. priced baking in. Canada that does not contain Made in Canada ingredients plainly ----. fairs; Major-Geneml Gwatkin, chief of the general staff, and Dr. A, G. Doughty, Dominion archivist, The present coat of arms is repre- sentative of the provinces of Ontar- fo, Quebec, New Brunswick and No- va Scotia, which originally compos- ed the Canadian Confederation. That coat of arms was adopted since then Prince Edward Island and British Columbia have entered the Federation. Manjtoba has been con- stituted and finally Saskatchewan and Alberta have been carved out of what was the northwest territories. When a design emblematic of the nine provinces. of Canada has heen selected by the committee just ap- pointed by the Government, it will be submitted to the Royal Collége of Hemlds in England and registered. in 1868; A royal warrant declaring it to be the official arms of Canada will then be issued, Chief of Police Plaunt, Renfrew, has resigned He was in the office for ten years. The council granted him an honorarium of $300 and ac- cepted his resignation. The Renfrew Council will ask the ratepayers to vote on paying $10,000 for the Carswell block for use by the Great War Veterans as a club room, Mrs. John W. Shaw, Tweed, died at Battle Creek, Mich.,, on March 26th from heart failure. Her remains were burfed at Tweed. Simon Morrow has disposed of his fafm near Bogart to his son, Phillip Morrow, who recently returned from the west. This illustrates but one of the many uses to which Zam-Buk, the great herbal balm, is daily put. Accidents will children. Mothers appen, especially where there are happen, be etany Zam-Buk. is the best "First Ald." - Its strong antiseptic kill all properties jerms, preventing blood-poisoning and inflammation. Its rich, rhal essences quickly ease n and build up new heal thy tissue. Zam-Buk is entirely different fromall other ointments. It is purely herbal and contains mo poisonous coloring ma (ter, Take m0 substitute. See t ev! bo: fore paying, ZAM-BUK NEALED SEVERE CUT Mrs. J. E. Bierwirth of Carnduif, Sask,, writes : | As it was such & severe cut, T was doctor, but in the meantime to ease the pain, I appli 'This stopped the bleeding and gave him such relief that and seemed quite atease. end off his finger he ceased eryi ""My little son cut the to take him ton some Zam-Buk. I therefore Zam-Buk sold by ail decided to see if Zam-Buk would heal the wound. Next Fhe 38d stores, or day I replaced 'the dressing, and continued todoso®ach Spe pos. day, using nothing but Zam\Buk. Complete 'cure resulted.' FREE Stamp for free Wiad YotR HOME NEEDS i77]=:: For Sale 12 in. buzz planer, 86 in. band saw, table saw, all in good working condition; 5 h.p. gaso- line engine nearly new. Would exchange for hardwood lumber, McNAMEE & SLACK Repair ng 54'Queen St. Phohe 1217w. and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut Cod. To get your car repaired and stored for the winter, fp CN ng or 3 Bhapesmbe kG