ne Spring tonics are now in order. Please let us suggest the proper tonic or blood puri- fier for you. If you do you will feel. fit and fine, BEST'S The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays --~ Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin~ ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inoconven fence, And We Use No Drugs, Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 Princess Street Royal Canadian Ww ringer . .. 1-X Wash Boiler, (Copper Bottom) Self Wringing Mop Stick Zinc Wash Board { - " Pott Ati i § Daylight Saving Time Comes into force in Kingston at mid- night to-night. We shall be glad to set, vour watch ac- cufately to the new time. OR If you have a striking clock, which is diffi- cult to turn ahead, we shall be glad to send one of our men to do this for you. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Limited Established 1840 King Street, Kingstom | RENOM N No. N No. 1 SN Ns No:2 N Spring's coming with the open window and house clean- ing times. To help you we will, offer this week: Ramsay's Paint, 24 shades. Regular price $1.23 quart. On sale $1.00 quart. " White, bright red, window blind green, $1.25 quart. We have also a good paint suitable for inside use--Thistle brand ----some very choice shades to choose from. Regu- lar $1.00 quart can; on sale 75¢ quart. White and dark red are slightly higher in price, at 80¢ quart. We will offer this week these laundry helpers. Time Saver Electric Washer . . . $05, Connor Low Pressure w iw Power Washer . 822.00 Beatty Bros. Ideal Water Po- wer Washer . $10.00 . . $3.50 «+ «..B0c es «+. 40c ents for McClary's Sunshine Furnace McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. 65-71 Brock St. HAVE YOU STARTED YOUR HOUSE NING? C You will reavice néw furniture and carpets to brighten up the than the wholesale rooms, In a great many cases we are offering goods to-day less your selections early. while our stock is well assorted. Wo Wall iciver You Hoste whet pon Foye thea Victrolas and Victor Records; a Complete * # Th St k 0 3 ¥ » CO., LTD go 7 al THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1919. CITY COUNCIL AWARDS TENDER TO IMPERIAL COMPANY. To Supply Oil F ject on Monday Night, After a thoro merits of road | by or- I and tarvig night ou neil Sto oils last vote of 1 mer I year, ; tract for 16,000 gallons perial Oil Company of whose price was 8.6 Kingston for fifty per cent asphalt liquid This figure is about $900 less than the tender of Barrett Com- pany, of Montreal, for tarvia The Board of Works held a meet- ing just before the council session, and recommended that the tender of the Barrett Campany at 12 cents a gallon, f.o.b. Montreal, be accepted. In supporting this recommendation, Ald. Graham, chairman of the Board of Works, statéd that the city engi- neer had been asked to recommend the oil that should be accepted The engineer reported that if the Impe- rial Company would give a guaran- tee bond that it would indemnify the city against loss that might be sus- tained by its asphaltic oil doing dam- age to the roads that have bedf for several years treated with tarvia, he would recommend the acceptance of its tender This, he said, was not satisfactory to the board, which wanted a straight recommendation, and the majority of the members de- cided to take no chances with the as- phaltic oil, but to use tarvia, as had been done for some years, and ac- cordingly it recommended that the contract be given the Barrett Com- pany at a higher price than that of the Imperial Company The board thought that if the asphaltic oil soft- ened the road surface, as it was ad- mitted that it would, the city might be the loser The engineer would not take the responsibility of recom- mending the asphaltic oil without a bond, and the chairman claimed 'the board was justified in sticking with "Old Friend Tarvia." In reply to Ald. Mills, the Board of Works chairman stated that the prices in the tenders for road oil ran from 6% to 26 cents a gallon to the Im- Montreal, cents f.o.b. Little Difference in Them. Alda Chown said that to his mind there was little difference in the road oils He thought the council would be well advised in accepting the low- est tender, whatever it was Ald. Chown wanted council to hear Mr. Gray, of the Imperial Oil Com- pany, with regard to the statement that his oil would soften the tarvia- coated roads Ald. Litton objected to this unless other oil representatives were heard He thought that the engineer gave a very wise report when he said that he would recommend the Imperial Oil Company's oil if a certain guarantee was given. Ald. Litton declared himself in favor of using no more oil on the city's streets, as the cost of up-keep was just as great with the ol. Let the road paving be hurried cnr om om. GIRLS! BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF Becomes Charming, Wavy, Lustrous and Thick In Few Moments. Hair Bit of Dandruff And Hair Stops Coming Out. Every Disappears For a few cents you can save your hair. In less than ten minutes you can double its beauty. Your hair be- comes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and charming as a young girl's after ap- plying some Danderine. Algo try this ~---moisten a cloth with a little Dan- derine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have doubl- ed the beauty of your hair. A delight- ful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle: or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dis- solves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new halr--fine and downy at first---yes--but' really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a small bottle of Knowiton's Danderine from any drug store or tollet counter and just try it. ASPHALTIG ol WINS our or Kingsto n Ros nds |} em. Ir A Lively Discassion Upon the Sub- | ssfon of the} we; ro tes f an oil was to be u this 3 e would favor the lowest tender. * Ald: W ht pointed out tha ! Board rks had information to | show that 16 cheaper oils woul [ 8 often injure the tarvia r« ads, and als hat they would not injure view of uncertainty as to the value of the oils, the board de- {eided that it would be safer to con- | tinue using superior road ofl Another supporter of the dearer a lO was Ald. Couper, who lives on up- ! per Prin s street, which is a tar nacadam road, that he The cost of sweeping | the tarvia oiled roads was nothing in | compariso on to keeping the paved | roads clean Ald. Couper refused to take a chance with any other ofl on the tarvia-covered roads. Ald. Simmons agreed with Ald Couper that it would be risky to put asphaltic oil on roads that had been treated with tarvia for several years The aldermen then agreed to hear the oil representatives, and E. A. Gray, of the Imperial, was first heard. Ces a the | Mr. Gray's Statement, Mr. Gray said that the asphalt would cover every hit as far as the tar. In fact, if it was 'swept down it would spread further. Further- more, he claimed that the asphaltic oil would not hurt the tarvia roads i | That would be proven if the council tried the former True, the asphalt would soften the tar, but it would not hurt it, for it would create a bond. Tar itself would soften tar, and more so than would asphalt. The Imperial Oil Company had spoken through the papers in order to create an interest in the question Mr Gray claimed that his company's oil would give better results on the roads than tarvia oil The Imperial's ten- der was about $900 lower than that of the Barrett Company, which the Board of Works recommended In reply to Ald. Wright, Mr. Gray said he had no doubt but what his company would give th. city a bond | guaranteeing against loss in regard to any damage that might be done to the roads. Mr. Roberts, of the Barrett Com- pany, claimed that asphaltic ofl would injure ithe tarvia by cutting it back and destroying the life of it Mr. Fife, of the British-American Oil Company, stated that Ottawa had used his company's oil with good re- sults, and he understood that Hamil- ton was using it this year. In reply, Mr. Gray stated that Pe- terboro this year was applying as- phaltic oil over tar-coated roads Asphaltic Oil Best. Gordon Smith, C.E., Kingston, clared that in his opinion it was 2 absolute mistake for Kingston . to have used tar on its streets in the | first place The only part of the] substance left now on the tar-coated roads was the fifteem per cent. of coke which was worthless Therefore, what damage could be done by put- ting on asphaltic oil now? This lat- | ter oil would not injure what already was on the roads. He knew the chemistry of oils, and knew what he was saying to be true. The city might as well save $900 by using as- phaltic oil, which would build up bet- ter roads. Ald. Chown said that from the dis- cussion it was deduced that asphaltic oil was goad and that $900 a year was worth while saving. He would move that the lowest oil tender be at- cepted. Ald. Mills admitted that the Board of Works was up against a hard pro- position in awarding a tender for oil, as the question resolved itself into a question of analysis, and the city engineer would give a recommenda- tion only on condition that a guaran- tee was given by the Imperial Com- pany. The speaker thought it un- fair to ask a bond from one company and not from another. He was strongly in favor of Ald. Chown's mo- tion. The bond, Ald. Wright explained, was on a matter of principle, as to whether asphaltic oil could safely be used on top of tar. Ald. Wright further said that no aldggman could conscientiously vote for either oil af- ter hearing the 'discussion pro and con. The city engineer could not be got to give a definite opinion on the matter. Ald. Litton had great faith in the asphaltie gil, and had no hesitation in voting for it. He did not blame the city engineer for not giving a defi- nite opinion in view of the conditions. Attacks City Engineer. The Board of Works decided on tarvia oil because the city engineer would not recommend the asphaltic oil, declared Ald. Graham, who, in defending the Board of Works ma- jority, remarked that according te the newspapers the aldermen did not know very muéh and that his com- mittee had not acted squarely in re- gard to the recent.award of paving cofitract. He repudiated these In- sinuations, The aldermen were do- ing the best they could under the éircumstances. Ald. Graham made @& strong attack upon the city engi- neer for not making a straight rec- ommendation to the board when ask- ed to do so. If the engineer did not | know the merits of the road oils, as he admitted, how were the Board » Works member: to know about them? Ald. Armstrong was of. opinion MILLINERY The Modes of Springtime. Beautiful hats street wear, that are skillful reproductions of the finest New York and Paris creations. Your Easter hat is here, but the day after to-morrow it may be gone. There is one hat in this charm- ing collection that will just suit you and that will make your Easter happier. claim it. erate. Trimmed Hats from $5.00 to $16.50 and up Fashions Fairyland of Dresses In the graceful sweep of our better than ordinary stock of spring . dresses, you will find the victorious spirit of the times. ments are right up to the moment in style, fit and make. another assortment in town that can approach it. We have a splendid display for the miss as well as for the matron. The newest fabrics, such as: Silk tricollette, wool jersey, botany, wool serge, crepe meteor, crepe de chene, pussy willow and queen quality taffeta and silk poplin are here in a broad variety of the smartest styles. Don't wait until the choice is gone. sadder word than "too late." Dresses priced from .. .. for dress, We assure you its price is most mod- Probs: Wednesday, fair and cold. | gE EEENEEEEEN a semi-dress and Come in and TOR ET Lr oh _--_--_------ These gar- There' s not There is no . $15.00 to $65.00 "Arriving Daily The latest novelties in suits, coats, cape, dolmans and skirts direct from the foremost manufacturers in New York. teacy' 's - Limited | glin seconded the motion. Mayor Newman--"Had you not better add to your motion that a bond be given by the company?" Ald, Chown--"'"No we don't want a Ao. White--Certainly we don't." Ald. Graham--- "Then the council does not want to take the engineer's advice regarding the bond." The vote on Ald. Chown's amend. _| ment to the Board of Works report was: ong Newman aod Alds Anglin, A strong, Chown, Corbett. "Kent. Litton, Mills, Norris, Poters. Reid. Robertson, Smith, Stroud, White and Wright-- 18. Nays -- Alds. Couper, . Graham, D.D.D. The Liquid Wash For Skin Disease. We have witnessed such remark. able cures with this soothing wash of oils that we offer you a bottle on the guarantee that unless it does the same for you, it costs you not a cent. Mahood's Prue Store, Kings- ton, EMPIRE GROCERY Fresh Farmers' But- ter arriving daily. - EEWIs ORR: Sua Poe a Large Assortment of Hudson Seal = (Coats and Capes W.F.GOURDIER 76-80 Brock Street. William Allan, Charles street, went to Kingston on Saturday to join Mrs. Allan, who bad been spending a few days with their daughter, Miss Clara Alan, a student in Kingston Busi- ness College,