THE BRITISH WHIG|" S6TH YEAR. Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. Elliott ..' . President Gulla .. J. G Leman A | Edit Manag! ng-Director -- Telepronens Husiness Office maltorial Rooms .. «eo. Job Office ve su BSCRIPT (Daily One year, delivered One year, If paid bs One year, by mah t One year to United (Bemi- Weekly Une year, by mail, cash . Une year, if not paid i: advance $1.5 Une year, to United States % 3 5 Six and three months pro 'rata. dition) MONTREAL kerrns INTATIVE HR. Bruce Owen .. St. Peter St ¥,R.Nonghrup, 225 Firth Ave New F.ILNoOTthrup 151 10 Ass'n Blig., C Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the writer Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada The circuration of THE BRITISH Whig is authenticated by the ABO Audit Burean of Olrculations. some crumbs for the that arrived b>. ore Snow ure Scatter spring birds their time. The real hardships for them cold and German cannon are being melted up to make farming tools. That comes near enough to fulfi]ling tha Biblical prophecy. Sr ce -- Have you geen the latest copy of "More Pep" ? The Whig's little house organ is typléay*of' the spirit which is needed to put Kingston on the map and keep it there. Preparations aré being completed in Torouto for a monoter celebration when peace is signed. It is hoped that Kingston will not wait until the last minute before doing Hkewisé: The finance committee are to give an audience to A. M. Rankin, M.P.P,, on the subject of the Suburban Road Area. If the committee can put any- thing. over on "Good Roads Rankin," we'll eat our hat. -------------- When a highly disciplined and trained German army could not overcome the Allies, what chance will an unruly, poorly-equippel mob have? Their threats to renew the war are only talk The Whig's recent articles on King- ston's need for a big: hotel were the subject of much comment in the city Now let up have some results. The city's boosters should immediately get busy and start the campaign, The next reception to be held in Kingston will probably be when the 2nd Royal Canadian Battalion arrives home in about two weeks time, As Kingston's first contingent unit, they should have the best reception of all. The new Liberal leader is mak- ing desperate efforts to win over the Liberal Unionists. Hig efforts will meet with success only, when the work of reconstruction has been finished in a manner worthy of Can- ada, While we all homer the Stars and Stripes, perhaps there will be a greater display of the Union Jack -and less of "Old Glory" at the nexi reception to Kingston's soldiers. The Yankees think they won the war, and surely no Canadian wishes to endorse that opinion by a lavish display of their colors. American soldiers have been par- ading the streets in Berlin. Pro- bably the idea is to show the Ber- liners that America Won the war. But the rank and file of the Ger- man army, and their leaders know only too well which nations were responsible for earrying it on to a sueeessful conclusion. The startling news which came from Europe a week ago that the Bolshevists Were) uniting to declare war against the Entente has turned out to be one more piece of bluff. The Huns : evidently expect to get better peace terms by those man oeuvres, but they are doomed to dis- appointment. TT -------------------- "In view of the great wave of un- rest that fs sweeping the world to- day, it will be wall for all Canadians to remember that more progress can he made by evolution than by revolution. Every necessary re- form can be accomplished by the pallor. It is the duty of both capt tal and labor, if they. would be 'oyal {force {lined i 1 fight against the | easier But no peace treaty. when it is' presented, {general advance along the Rhine. We {to join hands 1] accomplishment GERM AN- HI NGARL, AN BLUFI goes on to say nce NOW nu If the not so pitiable, it 100,000 mien would 9! i amusing The idea of such a small equipped and disciy tarved, advancing t combined force poorly and half France, absurd one of Britain, Italy Britain is | to maintain a force of 384,000 ir America is t men in Europe, an army of over a mi is an France and Germany, leave 800,000 France has lion men still in arms Can any one possibly imagine a force men waging war again this mighty Allied force! The figures of the case show that scheme is one of bluff, Indu 100,000 whole wcheme the Allies devised in order to to make the peace term hope ean be successful. Foch | is on watch on the Rhine, and that | thing that has any real | | out that it will be is the only bearing on the peace treaty ADVANCING WESTWARD. The establishment-of a socialis! Hun an event of muvh | communist government in the garian republic wider graphical area to which it ately applies It is an event of limited geo immed:- import than the world signiti- | cance The conservative forces in gary have of government in proclamation surrendered the reign In hi announcing the resig despair nation of the bourgeois cabinet, th» retiring provisional president of the Hungarian republic says: "I turn as against the peace conference to the proletariat | of the world for justice and sup- port." The proclamation means, in fact the declaration of a new war against the Allies by a beaten, bankrupt and | dismembered Hungary. Were the question one that merely Hungary, it could easily be answer-| ed by the application of force. Hun gary is already almost complet policed by French and other Allied troops. _ The Bolshevik governmeat at Budapest lacks the strike an effective, or even a = ous, blow swith arms. But close to the frontiers of Ger many, and advamrging all the time, is a great Bolshevik army. While the bourgeois forces of southern Russia, called the Ukraine, hav been busy earrying on a campaign against Poland, and have at last succeeded in taking Lemberg, th Red army directed from Moscow has been taking possession of the Uk raine, i now comes the ominous report ¢llat Lenine is raising army of three milllon men in which most high offices and staff posi tions will be filled by the old ge rals and officer8 of the cz: army Should (ermany reject the peace terms, as she has threatened, and seek an alliance with the Rus- sian Bolsheviks and with the soviet government of German Austria and Hungary, the Allies will have 2 problem on their hands most diffi cult of solution. The next few months, perhaps weeks, will reveal what is in store for the world. The signs are not. encouraging. Paris concerns power to a Red GERMANY A AND THE TERMS, During the past few days rumours have been frequent that Germany: would refuse to sign the peace terms imposed by the Allies. While it is hoped that the terms of the peace treaty will be sufficiently se- vere to satisfy even the most rabid enemy of the Huns, there are few peo ple who really beHeve that the Ger man delegates will refuse to sign the treaty when it is presented. In the first place, they have absolutely noth- ing to gain by such a refusal. If they imagine that the terms will be made lighter by such an action they are greatly mistaken. The delegates of Fran Belgium and Britain to the peace conference intend to make sure that never again will Prussianism raise its head in Europe, and nothing less than that will satisfy them. The news despatches state that should the Germans not sign /the PEACE Marshal Foch has orders to make a situation jp America anl |; held {a Isolde Hun. | ' 11t _hds been fitted up in excellent help orfca AN! NADIAN NATIONA AL RAILWAYS. this respect seers oo | " . | Change of Time at 2 a.m. EE, ' March 30 and- w Sunday, | { time 4 f 25 W . and other municipal bodies do hange theiry OME | oc al time to correspond with the} 2» new ratlway time, all concerned | mind that while trains | tations on | chedule will 'b hour ahead of pres-| here ent local time Ther re in muni- should this|cipalities where local time is wot | | changed to correspond with the new | { railway time passengers must reach | f the Allies in| rajjway stations one hour earlier | rus upon the|than shown im current folders and it} public time table posters | 1 Where the municipal time {sj " changed to correspond with the new | ®l railway time, passengers will not ex-| | perience any difficulty growing out of | 1g {the change should keep in ntinue to leave railway esent Schedule, such operated one there will be no there is gre ¥ To Conduct Gymkhana. | A great gvimkhana will be given by dians Corps on the race track | vostok, on April 19th, with t of a demonstration of Ca- | horsemanship to the Rus-| z The programme includes the| usual equestrian featu wd west- | ern stunts Col. Dou 1 Young, | on of Col. D. D. Young. formerly | f he arrange- | ------ WORLD-FAMOUS VIOLINIST Menges to Play in Convoca- | tion Hall To-night. | event I the) xtra he front springs for u s 1 & Sons How to Kill Dandruff So It Won't Return By a Specialist. Is violi * + ; ¢ : i re Be re Be Bec Sted | | That the dandruff germ is respon- ible for nearly all the 3 to | which the sealp is heir, as well as I {for baldness and premature gray | rak-Krejsie (hair, is a well-nown fact. We a { Hubay | preciate, therefore, the importance H. Tod Boy ny agent that will destroy its power. | Chabrier | For this reason it is a pleasure to n Beatiie |give herewith the prescription which ani wr -- |a famous scalp specialist states he {has found after repeated tests, will |completély destroy the dandruff A number of Kingstonians are re-jgarng jn from one to three applica- ceiving cards of announcement of the [inet will also almost immediate-| wedding on March 6th of Dr. Beres-\;, i, falling hair and it has in nu- ford H. Thompson, son of the late J {merous cases produced a new hair- D Thompson, of Kingston, and Vera, lgrowth after years of partial bald-{ daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles, s3. This prescription can be made Rahm, 130 Milton street, Brooklyn, | 1; at home, or any druggist will put N.Y Dr. Thompson was with the 4 up for you--6 ounces Bay Rum, 2 Army Medical ( orps for some time | ounces Lavona de Compossee, one- \ 4 r= half drachm Menthol Crystals. Mix A NewGroeery Store. {thoroughly, and after standing an A new grocery store will. be open- {hour it is ready for use. Apply night ed at 412 Mon{real street, corner {and morning, rubbing into the scalp Stephen street, 'an_ Tuesday ne xi, with the finger tips. If you wish under the proprietorship ®t J, Rose {it perfumieg, add 1 drachm of your favorite perfume, While this pre-| le, and will doubtless be: of great paration is not a dye it is unequalled service to the residents im the east for restoring gray hair to its original | énd ; color. | A AA. SAA AAA AN At. PNM AANA NINN Rippling Rhymes J RURAL DELIVERY In winter, when the tempests 'rage, I sit in my upholstered cage, before a cheery blaze, and think" about the postmen bold who, in the blizzard raw and cold, undaunted go their ways I see them so from town thew go, to journey thirty miles or so, o'er beast- 1y country roads, and wish I had J. Milton's lyre, that 1 might sing, with proper fire, some eulogistic odes When wintry tempest rips and tears, we Snug- gle down in cozy chairs, and read detective tales; | but on his route the postman goes, and faces every | wind that blows, and all the tinhorn gales. Through every kind of misfit storm, while others bask in houses warm, the postman has to chase; the sleet is made | of frozen rain, and where it hits it leaves a pain--all day it swats his face. The snow lands on him by the peck, the rain is running down his neck, Dame Na- | ture"s maudlin tears; still, still he drives through | a i} mud and sleet; his shoes are full of frozen feet, and | slush is in his ears. He earns a hundred bones a day; alas, alas, his | meagre pay deserves the country's scorn; his children cry in vain for pie, | for he has just enough to buy his pony hay and corn. --WALT MASON. AN ANH i it | min piano . . Kilee A Brooklyn Wedding. A A A A tat NTT \bbits. Rabbits (Australian) f The Meat That Eats Like Chicken VEAL, FINESE: QUALITY TT HH .25¢ 12% 18¢ believe that nothing. would give the veteran French commander greater pleasure than to order this advance, He has at his command one million British and American troops, i as a. million and a half F diers who are eager to go further into German territory. Once this advance begins, there will be no stopping it until Berlin is reached. The armis- tice terns have stripped Germany of its, military power, and nothing whl be ade fo halt: the Allied' forced |! Here again, we have another stron reason for doubting that Germany will refuse o accept she Attias' p ¥ terms. Germany, too, = now dependent upon ihe Allies for a lara amount 13¢ Oleomargarine, per 1,000 Tins June Peas, 2 tins for 500 Ibs. Pickled Hocks, per Ib. . eC SUEY, Sqer: Mh ibbys | A little smarter, The Ace at The Gaby . . The Swanke . The d'Orsay The Claude . . The Bryson . . The Grosvenor The Beverly . The Militaire The Bud . . . The Ritz- Carlton Special value BOYS' 'Nifty Hats IBBYS. 78, 80, 82 Princess Street A ot, SARA \ Spring's Snappiest Clothes for Men Smart, undeniably new .suits that carry the absolute standard of fashion from collar to trouser hem. a little finer, and a little hetter made for the money than any others you can possibly get. NEW BELGRADE OVERCOATS EXTRA SPECIAL Young men's suits, $18.50. Form- fitting, belter and pinch back models. WAISTLINE SUITS Sizes 30 to 36. $12.00, $15.00, $16.50, $18, $20.00. NOBBY SHOES Fett te reread . $22.50 -Real beauties: . Fussy Furnishings Limited Kingston, Ont: . Where There's a Wall, There's Need For LOWE BROTHERS MELLOTONE "Soft as the Rainbow Tints." Flat Colors. It is better than any other for THE INTERIOR OF YOUR HOUSE: Because it is a paint--not a whitewash--giving the dull, soft, velvet effect of water-colors. Sold only at BUNT'S DAVIES] FORSALE 7 rooms, stone foundation, good cellar. Price $2500. Brick dwelling, Sydenham street, 8 rooms, hot air fare CANNED FRUITS California Peaches Canadian Peaches California Pears Canadian Pears California Grapes Hawaiian Pineapple Strawberries Brick dwelling' on Cherry St. oi are the wit of one wisdom of none. Chestnut Coke The de le for oumald i purposes. It is . coal with all the smoke and gas producing substances removed leaving pure carbon-----no dust, no soot, little ash--Ilots of heat. "We do not ¢lsim this to be the hest fuel because we it; on t%e contrary, we handie it because it is the best. =| Crawford Foot of Queen St. Phone 9