PAGE F OURTEEN IF YOU WANT . A CROP OF GOOD Potatoes Get SE ECT SE a Bag aes This Season, Change the Seed. New Brunswick Delawares White, Prince George Hotel . eT IRONTO n tre of Shoppi and Shas Donic 250 ROOMS EUROPEAN PLAN Smooth and the aI oon: HOt Stock in Canada at Kelley & Co. Grocers, 270 Princess Street Choicest A woman who is other women favorite with men. A man is seldom as black as he is is powdered. Ever notice how none of-.your business will interes you? popular with is seldom a reigning painted or a woman as White as she things that are THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1919. 1 | The Market Reports JAVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. § --Extra 50 to.$15.60; Choice to $14; Butchers, choice 50 to $13; do, good $9.50 do, medium $9 to $9.50; s, choice, $10.50 to $11.25; do, good $9.50 to $10.50; | do, medium $7 to $7.25; Butchers' vs, choice $10.50 to $12; do, good i 50 to $10:3 85 5; do, medium, $3 to $10.50; Feeda $0 to $10.50; Short- ke ep feeders $10 to $12 | Stockers, $8 to $9; Cutters, $5.50 to $6; Canners, $5 to $5.75; Springers, 1 $90 to $145; Milkers, $85 to $135; | do, com. and medium, $75 to Calves, very choice, $14.50 to $16; do, medium, $13.75 to $14.25; do, common to fair, $6 to $19; do, heavy fat, $9 tp $12; Lightweight lambs, $18.50 to $19.50; Heavy lambs, §17 to $18; Butchers' sheep $11 to $13.50; do, fat and medium $7 to $9; do, culls $5.50 to $7.50; Bucks, $10.50 to $11.50; Hogs, fed and wat- ered, $19.75 to $20; Hogs, -off cars, 20 to $20.25; Hogs, fo0.b, $19 to $19.25. ont choice $14 $13 | $10 ito $10.50; Butchers' bull s t A RECORD OF GROWTH AND STRENGTH 1917 # 1918 $15874,283.00 $17,398,195.00 Assets 2,248,896.07 2,554,434.33 Surples. (and Capital) - 191,809.19 209,595.36 Epidemic and War Glaims all provided for. OROWN LIFE INSURANCE ©O., TORONTO . W. H. PENWARDEN pistrict Manager. 97 Piece Dinner Set and lovely * Silverware GivenTe You ou fan, seciite without a rod Bo e 9ipiece English Dinner Service and a lovely set of half-dozen Wim. A, Rogers teaspoons. Each dinner service Is guaranteed full size for famil use, plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 Soup, Plates, 12 sauce dies 2 Dace ny boat, pickle dish, and a salad bowl. Beautitui set of Teaspoons are in the famous Wm. A. Rogers rrench Carnation design with Read our Wonderful Offer * We ase determined to establish a national reputation for Drs Rdson's Famous Life Blood Tonic and Nerve Pills and are sparing no 10 secure rep. Ieseotalives ail Sartsot Canada who will help us by introduc beh this famous rem _-- 0 thie rien and it is why we offer to give away those magnifl. Insurance in Force Keand nd Paiiedy. it is one of medy for weak Carnation French Canadian Teaspoons Genuine Wm. A. Rogers make ~the most beautiful pattern ever seen. These magnifi. cent spoons will delight any bousckeeper and they are guaranteed to give every sat. isfaction in wear, the 12 boxes i Dastage paid. cash commission on vantage of this Hiveral offer. 0. 2 *s, 2 platters, 2 oval covered vegetab's dishes, a cream jug, covered suga It is handsomely decorated in rich floral design and will surely delight the most fastidious DousEsaper. and impure blond, nervousness, indigess In all run down conditions of the system it ill b be y found builder and revitalizer, and No you with our un sell them we will aha ih them back and give you beautiful premisma or Pay yi he Juantity you do sell. Wi a als The International Mfg. Co., Dept. D 6 Montreal. April 4.--Choice steers, $13 to $14; med- common, $10 to Montreal, $14 to $15; good, ium, $12 to $13; $11.50. . Choice butchers' bulls, $11 to $12; good $10 to $11; medium $7.50 to $9.50, Cows, choice, $11 to $12.50; good $9.50 to $10.50; medium, $7.50 to $9. Sheep, $10.50 to $12; lamiss, $13 to $15; milk-fed calves $8 to $15. Chicago. Chicago, April 4.-- Hogs -- Re- ceipts, 39,000, market active; most- ly 20c to 256¢ higher; bulk of sales, $19.60 to $19.85; heavyweight, $19.75 to $19.90; medium weight, $19.50 to $19 light weight, $19.50 to $19 "light lights, $17.- 856 to $19.40; sows at $17.50 to {ts 97 pleces comprising 12 cups and 12 saucers, 12 tea plates, 12 dinner r bowl, a French grey handles and brightly polished bo Will you sell just 12 boxes among your friends at only 25c. per box? You can easily do this because every one you know will be glad to learn of this d proven the world's best knawh reacriftions, a tried an Sonstipation and 0 38 1 gesieral tonic for blood and nerves it has no equal. 2 cent of Foils own sold sad i? for any reason You & cannot 2 big if you wish to. take ads Alife-time. Address X2§ Toronto, Ont. you the lo my { | For Every Paint Need Inside and Out Nothing i is more certain to improve the appearance of the home interior than well-painted rooms. And és for outside painting, only does it Deautily but it protects as well. at Home attractive--but do it ccondivically: Protect it and bi i A TL Sn ne surfaces --it cannot to Satisfaction when used for inside work. wo ify it by using a paint that lasts as well as it looks. | Grand Complexion : fed. 4 prompt shipment)--No. 3 yellow, «side )---90¢ to 5c. Improver! Better Than Cosmetics bloom of youth to faded cheeks, when skin disfiguretnents can be re- moved, isn't it foolish to plaster on cosmetics? Go to the Mot of the trouble--re- move the ecause--correct t condi- tion that keeps you from 1 g as you ought. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and very soon you'll have a complex- fon to be proud of. How much happier you'll feel---pimples gone, cheeks rosy again, eyes bright, spirits good, joyous health again return- Never a failure with Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Get a 25¢ box to-day. $19.15; pigs, $16.75 to $18. Cattle --Receipts, 15,000; strong to 16¢ higher; heavy beef steers $11.75 to $20.40; light beef steers, $11.25 to $18.75; butcher cows and heif- ers, $7.40 to $15.50; canners and cutters, $5.50 to $10; veal calves, $13 40 $15.25; stockers and feed- ers, $8.25 to $15.75. Sheep--Re- ceipts, 11,000; sheep, strong; lambs, steady to strong; lambs, 84 pounds of less, $18 to $20.15; 856 pounds or better, $17.75 to $20.15; culls, $14 to $17.95; ewes, medium common, $6 to $11.75. Buffalo. Buffalo, April 4.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, 5,100; heavy slow; others steady. Prime steers, $17.60 to $18.50; heifers, $10 <o $13.75; cows, $5 to $12; stockers and feed- ers, $11.50 to $12; fresh cows and springers, scarce and strong, $65 to $150. Calves--Receipts, 2,800; b0c lower, $5 to $10. Hogs--Re- ceipts, 12,800; pigs, 26¢ to b50c higher; others 10c to 15¢ lower; heavy, $20.15 to $20.25; a few $20.35; mixed, $20.10 to $20.15; yorkers, $20 to $20.10; light york- ers, $19 to $19.50; pigs, $18.50 to $19; roughs, $17 to $17.50; stags, $12 to $14. Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, 7,200; lambs, 10c higher; lambs, $13 to $22.35; others un- changed. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, April 4.--Receipts ers, $7 to $13; cows, $4.60 to $12; bulls, $6 to $9.50; $10.50; stockers and feeders, $5.75 | to $13; veal calves, $6 to $13; sheep and lambs, $10 to $15. Hogs, selects, $19.25; sows and Davies, $13.50 to $15.50; stags, $11 $12; lights, $15 to $16.25, . GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, April 4--Manitoba wheat (in store, Fopt William).--No northern, $2.24%; No. 2, $2. 21%; No. 8, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.1134.| Manitoba oats (in store, Fort Wil-| liam)---No. 2. C.W., 69%c¢; No. 3 CW, 66%c; extra No. 1 feed, 86% ¢; No, 1 feed, 64%: No. 2 feed, 61%ec. Manitoba barley (in store, Fort William )---No. 3 C.W,, 98%¢c; No. 4 C.W., 933%¢c; répected, 90%c; feed, | corn--Track Toronto $1.73 nominal; No. 4, $1.70 nominal, " Ontario oats (according to freights outside)---No. 2 white, 68c to 70c, No. 3 white, 66c to 68e. Ontario: wheat (f.0.b. shipping points, according to freights)---No. winter, per cat lot, $2.14 to $2. 50; No. 2, winter 'per car lot, $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3, Winter, $2.07 to $2.15; No. 1 spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2, spring, $2.06 to $2.14; No. 3, spring, $2.02 to $2.10, side) --No. $1.80, nominal. Barley (according to freights out- Buckwheat (according to freights outside) --No. 2, 90¢, nominal. Rye (according to freights gide)--No. 2, $1.55, nominal. out- dard)----Toronto, $10.76 to $11. Ontario flour (Government stan- dard)--$9.65 to $9.75, Montreal, in Jute bags, prompt shipments, Toron- 0. Mil{eed-..Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights, bags included, Bran, per ton, $42 to $46; shorts, per ton $44 to $46; good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 to $2.90. Hayg--Track Toronto. No. 1, per ton, $22 to $23; mixed, $20 to $21 Straw-----Track Toronto, car lots per ton, $10 to $11. $ Montreal. Montreal, April 4.---0Oats-- Extra No. 1 feed, 80¢c. Flour--Spring wheat, new standard grade $11.10 to $11.20. Rolled oate-- Bags, $3.60 to $3. I i hoy 8 Shorts, $44.25. ton, car lots, $26. Ww to $27 eid, s os Apa 4.--Oats-- No ¢ We Fe: he; No. § ow, faut Hi . 98%¢; No. 93%e; Sloss 90%¢; teed & LNWOL $357: No. 3 3 Ew! fais. C. 89 C.W., $3.48; No. 45¢. ; Oleomargarine, per ib, prints, 34c; tubs, 32e. Lard, per 1b., and good, $11.75 to $15; culls and |P | Bggs, West'n, Local fronts, cwt. Local hinds, ewt. Cod, ve Bels,- 1b. Flounders, Fillets, . Finnan haddie, Ib. Haddock, fresh, Halibut, 1b .... Herring, fresh, Kippers, pr. Oysters, qt. Mackerel, Perch, Pike, b mon, 1b. . 1b. fluor steady; choice to fancy, $9; white corp fleur, 25; ha $1.80; No. $1.50 to $1.55. When it's so easy to bring back'the medium to choice, 1918, 30 to 40c; 20 to 22¢; 1917 37 to 43c; 9 fair to good, $8.50 to $9.05 to $9.50; $3.90 to 1 $1.75 to No. 3 state firm, y, steady, oN. $1.60 to $1.70; Hops firm; Pacific coast, 1918, 1917, 25 to 30e. GENERAL TRADE. Montheal, April pound---Finest creamery prints, { solids, 60c; dairy, Montreal. 4. --~--Butter, per Sle; 46¢. Eggs, per dozen, strictly new laid, in tabs, 31¢. Shortening, per Ib, 263%e¢, Hams, per 1b, cooked ham, per Ib., 50¢. 16¢; Bacon, Dressed chickens, geese, J0c; turkeys, 45e.' Honey, combs, 30c¢; wheat, Maple s $2.25. large, 33c! small, per lb. breakfast, 3%¢; Windsor, boneless, 47c. poultry, per Ib. milk fed, 42¢; fowls, 30¢ to 3c; Ib.--White clover, per 27¢ to 26e¢; buck- bulk, 24c to 26e. yrup, 8 1b. tins, new crop, Beans, per bush.--Canadian band picked, $3.50 to $4. Potatoes, car lots, 90 Ib. bags, Que- ec, $1.30; Dressed Ontario stock, $1.25. hogs, per 100 pounds, fresh killed abattoir, $2%.50 to $27. Flour, per bbl, ment standard, $11; smaller guanti- ties, delivered to the trade, $11.50; winter wheat, per bol, $10.30, in second-hand bags, $10. Hay, per ton, car lots, No. ehy, $26; No. clover tand timothy, hay, $23. car lots, Govern- $10.20 to 1 timo- 1 clover, $26; No. 2 $24; timothy sm wd Toronto. Toronto, April 4.--RButter, choice to 65¢c; chickens, geese, 1b, sacks, to 60c; 6c; do. | leeks, bunch] 30¢; parsley, | 5¢ to 15¢; peck, 26¢; 6256 cattie, 3 calves and 1,400 hogs. | $1.50; rhubarp, 2 bunches for 25c¢c; Butchér steers, $10 to $10.50; heif- | psinach, peck,' 50c to 76c; bunch, 5¢ to 10c; oxen, $5.60 to do., peck, 20c. $2.2 do. \pickling, dairy, 52¢ to 58¢c; do. creamery, 60c margarine, eggs, new laid, 1b., 36¢ to 40c; o 50c; tu HA hil "40¢ Oc to 38c; onloms, 75 to $2.50; do. bskt., bkt., 40c¢ to green, bunch, be to 10e¢; bunch, bag, $1; do. bag, $1.40 to arsnips, p\tatoes, savory, turnips, bag, 76¢c; | The Kingston Marke Creamery i Butter, rolls .. | Oleomargarine .. Cheese .. Chickens, dressed, Chickens, live, 1b. Hens, dressed, Hens, live, Ducks, dressed, Turkey, Beef-- Porterhouse steak Sirloin steak, Ib. Round steak, Rib roast, 1 {Shoulder roast, Boiling cuts West'n, carcase, cwt. fronts - cwt, Pork--- fresh, doz. Kingston, April 4th Dairy Produce. butter, 1b. pi v H 60 to 50 to 35 to 36 to 40 to 36 Poultry. ib. .. ib. . Ib, .. .. .. Mb .. .. 1b, to to to 30 5 to 40to dressed, Meats. 30 to 30 to 25 to 30 to 22 to 30 20 to 22 to 22.00 -16.00 to 14.00 to 18.00 38 32 35 Ib. 1b, Peas (according to freights out-; Foin roast, 1b. Leg roasts, 1b Chops, 1b. Hogs, live, owt. Hogs, dressed. Lamb-- Fronts Hinds Manitoba flour (Government stan-jLeg .. .. Loins .. Chops Mutton, Rabbits, 1b, 1b. Ib. les, 1b. Steak, cod, 1b. :. ... gi No, | Trout, salmon, ib, Tom cods sh, Whitefl 4 [Whitings, 1 wm. Ib. ib. .. 1b. 25 to 35 25 to i % "1234 to 16 20 to 25 10 15 to 20 alee ew "us heat, ib" he sw en a hi w teed, 8.8 « 5.00 to 5.50 1.76 to 180} 5 to EE 40; > THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA COLLECTIONS Business houses will find our facili. ties for making collections particularly sere 87a favorable. "KINGSTON BRANCH, J. F. ROWLAND; ~ Manges. SOLDIERS NY branch of this Bank will cash your pay cheques, and if you desire will transfer the money without charge to any one of its 400 branches in Canada. THE CANADIAN 'BANK OF COMMERCE County of Simcoe 615% Due Any Year 1924 to 1948. Price to Yield 53% Hedley Shaw Milling Co. 619% Debentures Due 1935. A first mortgage an Medicine Mat plant of Maple Leaf Milling Co. valued at $1.500,00¢ Total Issue of these debentures only $130,000. Kindly let us , your order early. par, Call our office for further offerings and information. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. 237 Bagot St. Phone 1728. H. J. Bongard, Manager -1 Home in Halifax roofed with Brantford Asphalt Slates A handsome roof that defies the weather An added touch of beauty to any house is a roof of Brantford Asphalt Slates, which are in soft, harmonious shades of reddish brown and dark green. The colors are permanent and unfadeable, being the natural shades of the slate just as it is taken out of the quarries. t will also prove a very economical roof, because Brantford Asphal( Slates do not split, get loose, absorb water or rot. They are strongly fire-resistant and are classified as non-combustible by the fire insurance companies, and allowed to be used in cities where the most rigid fire-prevention By-laws are in force, Brantford Asphalt Slates are very moderate in cost. The xegus lar size of the slates and their pliability make them easily and quickly laid, thus saving time and cost of labor. made of high grade felt Rome ob! a 1d coated with asphalt, and with a surface of crushed slate, they sake 3 roof that defics the elements and is a permanent part of just like the walls and the foundation. wet more extensively, every year for cit} country and garages, and wherever SRR hE , Canada Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax For Sule By. 2.15 10 "50 Wool, unwashed, 1, ie 4 Gensing, wild, dry, 1b... Hides, deel, 1b. .... 15 te 16 Whagt, local, bush. . . ei mb skins, fresh .. 2.00 to 2.50; aking, 15... ia F ron skins, No. 1, 1.50 to 1.75 s skins, No. 1, Marge .. i.vx viva 540 10 5.40 jw cakes .. LL 5 pl, washed, 1b, ., Unless his wife's relations are iioh and distinguished, the average | is never futerestod in them, eh You may know sofas ten it you know some people they know, »