GRAND IE a 9 ki The People's Forum JULIA ARTHUR Incorporated 1833 © Te oe o-N 18 ht Funds $6,625,623 » ooh ) | In Her Wonderful Fim Pi I Your Banking Business "THE CASE OF | costanss ovEETnG utr WANTED GENERAL YOR Sus NURSE CAVELLY [r= insertion, 1c a Word. Hach com |W ANTED--T0 RENT, SMALL UN- FOUND ONE, UPRIGHT PLANO, SHERLOCK secutive insertion thereafter, half. Turmished use for family of two ENTLEMAN'S 81 . =e ron . : nh Apply x D3, Whig Offce. GENTLE 'S SIGNE NG Savipgs Accounts are invite d. Intervst ix balances haif- In Conjunction With a Special { cout Riwhrd. Jistlihsm haegs fur PE pay 3):% WIE Qiice "" dua store on Princess sheet. 11 Soon FOR SETTING, THOMOUGH- eArly » mom WANTED TO RENT, MODERN FUR- Uwner may have same by bred Rhode island Reds both Business Men's Aceounts receive the satisfs service wien || Vaudeville Programme 6 six is one moses, 82." ( a po Ea yNanERN FUR. SNEE day Save same | a Thule Jaina Reda, both this Bank to. rw Pe ° 1 193, SARbie (3 Excellent Acts 3 nELE WANTED yy a rol oh Brant PRY RE odin ro FY A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE; GAS ve. -- a " rroll, 58 Brock street. a fo © - 2 Al = 4 | Ne Weekly Special v EERE NRE -- - tel Dieu. Owner will receive plate and oven. sewing machine ews Weekly. Special Comedy | 4 ON yiTH REFERENCES. AP-| RCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO] the same at the office of the Appiy 169 Stuart Street, city. ally o Buonrt - ply Orphans' Home, ol . for cash or in part payment of new | above institution. Daily . at 2.30 | Evits - at. 7.30 . Plangs and grafoncias, C. W. Lind-{] ON TUESDAY IN CORRIGAVs ||A Two DRUM STEAM HOIST IN 10¢ and 15c¢ 15¢ and 23¢. +2) SERVANT, FAMILY OF say, Limited, 131 Princess street. dry goods store, an amber good repair, besides a Quantity at Apply in evening to 47 ~ { ear-ring with gold trim. stew] cable, Apply Kingston nd _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL S, 1919, = ____ PAGE SE The Celebrated Canadian Actress TTT = Will receive careful and cou t 18 atte t e 'Bank ront east, AN UNFURNISHED FLAT, AT LEAST and Gravel Co, R.R. Neo. §. Monday, April 7| zo | ernie { | n - Tour rooms, modern improvements; | STRING OF PRAYER BEADS : | Y, Goop ad Pan ton. \TURDAYS, centenl: family of iwo. . Apply Box on Broek street Sener ly TW y 1 Shin FIAND ARGAIN, ew 1 y i. = butcher and provis . ppl , "hig Office. i ave same by applyin t the Nordheimer planos, erent sty {Matinee at 2.30; Evening at 8.15 Davies', Princess street, city, 8 > | Whig Office, 7 n8 atthe and prices. Apply' Piano Dept. Re Capital, $3,000,000; Reserve Funds, 36,023,623. st : ' Re | ; : . or, Jewe oO 'B. 3 EE S MMER OOTTAGE, FURNISHED,!| ON SATURDAY MORNING A J. Rodger, Jeweler, Princess street. EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN- M to October, = with open-air gont's tan Kid glove (practi- Incorporated 1835, , Manager i] Y {3 Ap { 1 eral work. One who/ean slegp at ping accemodations: convenient | cally new.) Owner may have GROCERY BUSINESS; GOOD LOCA. t home preferred. Phone 1876. to supplies; small famiiy of adults, same by calling at George 'tion on Princess street; doing a Apply te Box 5, Whig Office. i Muller's Bicycle shop, 3:3 first class trade. Good reasons for PRESENTS h mn Tv Do AL or ORING, 1 King street, city, selling. Apply 138 Princess street. : al a house maid. Apply to "| SMALL HOUSE OR THREE OR FOU or-- Carkon, 72 Barrie street, city. unfurnished rooms Ry bn UN CLE: FER GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN St TIONAL MUSIGAL OR REPAIR WORK: Keeping for three adults: central | Fouxpy ABT CLES APVER. selections; your own choice, $34.58, HANDY AN FOR REPAIR WORK; locality. Apply Box K, Whig OF | TISED FREE. < Terms, §5 cash, §1 per Week, C. W. COMEDY SUCCESS of theSEASON A le ER | yiAnyone finding anything and dindsay, Lamited, 131 Princess Bt 3 Davis & Sen, Kingstoa Tannery. } wishing to resell the OWI may g - ee 2 2 - {] 'do so by report'ng the facts g PE PENT. DISCOUNT ON SATISFACTION GUARANTEED A GENERAL\ MAID; ONE ABLE 7o| WAJIEP--OLD rALse 1 pastas] 'The British Wh The adver EY 1 TA aE BiscoUxT oN do plain ooking; no laundry er to $16 per set. Send by Daroe] tisement will be peilited in this F. W. Cooke, 49 Clarence street, On repair work of magnetos of all kinds, including marine, oo upstairs work. Apply 124 Bagut 0 receive check by return] column free of charge. opposite American Consulate. Tele stationary and motor cars, lghti g i Street mai. FP. Terl. 403 N, Wolfe st! phone $0lw, ¥ + lighting, starting and generating, Baltimore, Md, . - em i br re systems of all makes, and storage batteries. Inquire about th: \ ORK ON » ; MAR- - . e\ A MAN TO WORK ON PARM; W < A new theeaded bone dry battery before purchasing. eT en, Tony furnish reel LIVERPOOL; LONDON AND GLOBE | br DAT roan phim Guz Me Ni Godfrey, oy 3 I ife Insurance Company Available | Queen's University, owned by Prof. ) assets §61,1 15. In addition Aol R TUESDAY IN DOWN . I. Grant; possession May 1st] » - TE X po Pholders have for gN MONDAY O "USS 3 ice, $8,500 Appl A. B. Cun WANTED A RELIABLE PARTY WITH security the unlimited lability of town district, & bunch of keys | price. 38,500 pply . WILLARD SERVICE STATION BOOK BY FRED DE GRESAC- horse and waggon, to Seltvar chy "property, insured at lowest] Finder please return to 187 Brock ningham, solicitor. shrubs in ingston. te Pelheu i afm rimar} + 19 Brock St. I. LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 [| [WORDS & MUSIC BY SILVIO HEIN Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. OE OF VINE now basioving| street. PERFECT COLUMBIA AND CROWN . AND HER FAMOUS ee tn ie rates from Strange & Strange, | «SCOTTI A BLACK, WHITE AND DS YCles, Tor sale chap ee ay a 3 - MEN, QUALIFY FOR BRAKEMEN, Agents. Phone 325. | tan hound Finder return t or $ 8: By ole 2 TD ERFECT 36° CHORUS firemen, $150-3200 mon experi: am 2S phone McKendry & Sons, Gien- Dre tha tu rent, aisn baby car " , ence unnecessary, V - burnie. or E, Sparks, Kingston leorge Muller, 371-373 Kit reet, G WwW PRESENTING Association, care W e. POSITIONS WANTED. Reward. Anyone harboring after poorge Muller, 371-373 Kihg street, . ly A RGE! DISPLAY " this notice will be prosecuted : bh GO ous a er Ro ------------------------------ " (Incorporated) | GENERAL SERVANT, No v FPETAIRS YOUNG LADY REQUIRING A POSI- = HAPPY THOUGHT AND OTHER General Meeting--Mondays at 7.30, OF VARIOUS GARBJ Tefcrances Togatrad, © Apal ng hoi es Boog I YirishL ond will- | PAINTING Ptr aunge, iron dels, large ! : i hot BF A : alse ¢ dwriting. Ap - n raggon. @ Public Dances--Tuesdays § p.m. tof | OF FEMININE Mrs. Harold Davis, 174 Stuart St ply Whig Office, Box 4 sell all kinds .of second-hand fur- 1 a.m. Band practice, Wed. pom, | Aiesnt - ; ! " > A " INDS, RRASS BEDS ture, J. Th VEO 333 Prince Richardson Chapter, L0.D.B., znd MAID GENERAL SMALL FAMILY: orev om nb == | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, | y niture, hompson, T 58 INE oy 8 LL 4 Xs PE a0 SME 3 arn st ieliers refinished. W. J. pet » and 4th Thursdays. | FLIMSY FLUFFINESS. no wash ng; to a Sratclass, tid) BY Fon SAGE NTL AY 1% and ShEhe & Co., 298 Albert street Street. Phone 1600. il i | JONE 30UL10 YEAR AT THE and competent girl good wages ferred. Late chef and steward Pr} PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE, IN- paia. Reply, Dox 34, Whig Office. tne Pittsburgh Coun ng two pie ge - Eng THERE ARE | CORT THEATRE NEW YORK. EN ANTED -- FAPERITONOBD Cou pureh., pha for 3 Ni t i 1 MUSIC. thnding rv anos. large English 1 - . ATED we E) 2 2 énry Pechon, 4 , Frontenac land car and Cleveland bicycle, all 1,000 REASONS PECIAL FLO-FLO" ORCHESTRA al ere noth moa Hotel. Kingston, Ont. _ |T. M. BANKS, OF TORONTO, TEACH- in first dlaes condition. Can be Why yeu should have your | PRICES: in evening, Mrs. I. E. Marti er of music--Hawailan guitar. seen any evening after six. Mess eyes examined, but ve y are THIS IS THE TIME | Matinee: ; 50¢. 7, £1.00 ing and Maitland Streets. | TO-LET, i Hawatan Skuiele, Danjo and man- Toto an ide fioon Sficery mess, > 7 | «me, » , 81, . | olin, 2 > 4 . € p mt I only three reasons why you To choose your favorite shade | pyrG. = , SOc, Tie, $1, $1.30, $2.00] woo . : n > Tote Pree neglect and vo [EV SEATS NOW ON sali #200/ w BT A oN NIESLUN muon TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, 202 Wil. | ee A REAL SNAP; 50 ACRES, SIX MILES overall, to represent us Write Ia ree | 4 i from Kingston, Small house, stable for three horses, orchard, decision. -------- i en. ep Cane rerall © ly, Lon- § " { Price is nothing compared to the Canada Overall Company, Lon- | Scr OLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; | 2 R CALL AND SEE A. maple grove, well watered. Thirty. don, Ont. b . . PHONE 2253 © : i worth ef your eyes. all "mprovements; centrally locat- | MacGregor, 24 Russell street about five to forty acres good tiliable \ y > bi ues e ed. Apply 243 Brock street. | carting your ashes out of celars land. Price, $1400. Possession im- | ® ® Neglect is the biggest factor MAN TO WORK THIS ory _REFIN. artigo ] mediately, Apply Fi W. Meagher, in keeping you away. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN 99 lower Albert street. Phone 657. Hy without capital or experience E E $10 Indecision becomes decision Bargain Matinee Daily Write Gunmetal Co, 318 Elm when you realize that correct | : io A Whirlwind of Skill and Laughter Decatur, INL STORAGE F 'URNITURE, © | 7 sig ery s AGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN! a : from $175.00 each and up, on Mac- eyesight means everything to and dry. McCann's Real Iatate|A- B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER donald street, in.the city. Terms, you. We have a full and complete | SELL STOCK INBOIL COMPANIES. Agency, 86 Brock street Phone and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- $10.00 a : h 4 ay y oR oR 4 ¥. 8 0 pe ne : Li own and $5.00 per month, , Have your tyes examined by assortment of either Colorite | ' Nake Spehotsind dullars" week. 320 or 620. - | ence street. These lots will not last long; get our optometrist. or Dyola in all shades and shooters paid sixty thousdnd. Sup- -- : . | Pusy and build your own houses for i colors, | Ran Fro Write Big Southern | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN FOR SALE the cost of rent. Apply Cawsonm, | Company, Fort Worth, Tex dary, airy rooms; your gwn lock and | . Concession street, near Victoria, . t ey Frost's City Storage, 29% 8 SY | . The SRY y " Queen street. Phone 526; . 989. [BEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY | R.J.Rodger : MAOTEINDOG od pian aot "Ro MUST BE A|___ tn Set Phone 836; order They Are payable every. (GOOD, MODERN = BIGHT-MOOMID MAM) INDOOR ironing. One in family. Middle. | THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS where. C.; granolithic cellar, on cornet of 132 Princess Street ore aged person preferred. Apply to glad to hear from anyone thinking ek ke Cor ok Division and Quebec streets, . for We Are Eyesight Specialists j Mrs. Gildersiceve, 199 King Street, Wpjlsing | classified advertising. | BABY CARRIAGE IN FIRST CL 3 $2.000; Almost new seven, reGmed Branch Post Office m the evemn ' ' Write or, 'phone up about it. We | eondition.. Apply in evening to .o2 frame house, with verandah, large nel un the Bg. may be able to help you. British | Anred street. lot and barn, Alfred, neap Con + Whig Pub. Co, A | A oO ---------- cession for $1,600; also two. Siens LIVE MAN WANTED-SFARE TIME - - ro CUSHIONS. SLIP s . L600; . a y--=8e eed | 3 - AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, SL mer cottages to let or for sale at or steadil ting our guaranteed | "roi RES, SITUATED MILE covers, etc. 15 years at the busi- Eastview Park, J. D. Boyd, 108 trees and plants, Sut free, lib- ishing chandelier APRIL 8TH, 9TH. 37 mobiles, by fow.--mbiiod and dry Apply 3 - Wathen, | EY 143 Nelson Street. Phone 1391). { LEGAL. Ww MY rr PRY SEEKNG A Jisusn ro RE ------ ? amd half from Brewer's Mills, on ness. Judson's Auto Tops, Brock. . eral commission. rowan Brothers Storrington road, well Watered. Inn Pine street. . ; - i Try Something New Everybody Goes to a Circus, Prize Company, rae a a ited. near school, Church and cheese " y Stallions and Monkeys, Dogs, Ponies, wa raeries '3.0. io factory. Apply Thomas Murphy, IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION A IATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE \GENOY. 6 " Goats and Clowns Galore; Acrobats,|EARY MONEY WHILE LEARNING city, oImises, or 55 Princess street, eT A RR : SQUIRR Aerialists and auto driving, repairing, eleetrical ¥ Qarge white sleigh With 0p. APPIY | so--L0T. 28 X 83, WITH FEMMES systems, acetylene and electric 0 & A foundation 20 x 24, and about 7, Prete HARD AND 000 brick, all for a few days only BRAND aq BP v a welding, tire vulcanizing. Classes ' pn BW LADIES FADETTE BAND now forming. Write to-day. | H-INCH STOVE Joel. H and 'soft at this price. PRICES: Crown Auto School, Inc, 15 Willis| $ GARDEN LAND wo RENT; 23 ir large and small quantities wp ° Matinee .(. ... ... ..13¢c, 23c, 83¢c] Ave. West, Detrost, Mich. Cataraqut Ontario Murrison. #| Apply New "Dngland Bakery, 197 | 308--BOUGH = CAST oo ri : éant u er Evening . .. i. 30c, 33ec, SOc | pur ES Coon WONEY IN SELLING | o x qui, Ontario, Collingwood street. 335m, fown. sown mars : SEATS ON SALE MONDAY DUTSSry SOCK UNAEr Present O0B-{ ost dtd td bdidd tots ssn oa VIEWS OF ROCKY MOUNT.LINS -- Better Than the Rest : ditions, = We want reliable sales --_ real photos; post cards, Send 250 |§400--LOT, 50 FOOT FRONTAGE ON 1.7 In any quantity--Flour Bags . for unrepr districts. for sample half dozen. One dozen Macdonell street, near Johnson, fas . 40c per tin; 16 OZ. Good pay. exclusive selling rights DENTAL. 40c Hinsley, 426-33rd Avenue, N. - ' LOAN WANTED for alicted territories. Write im- E. Clagary, Alberta, S500-BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL Feed Bags and absolutely net. mediately. Pelham Nureery Co. |. oo r i on. Sail Sane ots dpm Peat improvements, hardwood fioors and Toronto, A BK) Privesss WDS. DOS.| pEeACHED BRICK DWELLING; NINE stab clean Sugar Bags. $10,000 First Mortgage, 2 or 3 a ---------- i ---------------- 4 ® 250 Princess street. Phone rooms and three-piece bathroom: -- years; security double. Apply || SONG WRITERS--SUBMIT YOUR tne conveniences. Good yard and |... sriox HOUSE, NELSON ST, 8 ro 8 : o ea gor Ite ; ; 3 t Street. Is) " Box 55, Whig Office ethtily Sey (iis| Ph GoNDeY © BRWAR BETES] _ Cave Avo 61 Bago ER GASOLINE EN. corner Princess and Wellington large lot. SE Gs a apg Positively highest prices AUCTION SA booklet explaining our original * " TWO COAL OIL OR Zz Paid. LE W So . - methods for composing music, Streets. Phone 348. gines, neurty pew: one 4 h Vad i28: $000--PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL Restanrant Furniture, 23 Brock street] ~ ou 2 se on oon TANLVG copvrighlingy and facilitating (free s i one 5 h.p. $150. Apply am modern; electric lights, hardwood Wednesday, April 9th, 10 a.m. . CARD OF THANKS publication " sent free Knicker. | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. Davy, Petworth, R.R. No. 1, Har- Por Aron as ontrARce, M Wormwith Upright piano (nearly rocker Studios, 500 Gaiety Bulg. Clinovanys: Sliinston ate oe over ps in Beautitul location, new), Oak sideboard, rockers, Mor- Mrs. William ashie and children de- New York pe er tet ¢ rs, sofas, car AOR sire to express t vr thanks and ap- ---- - - EGGS FROM MY BLUE ANDUSLUS. -- 69 Queen Street er ae ty anus and preciation shawn them during the ill-| MBOHANICS WANTED -- EXPERI. dens. They are great layers of | 3500--BRICK HOUSE, IMPROVE. cash register, show case. iron beds, | less and death of hier husband, the late enced eartiage and automobile PERSONAL targe white eggs $1.60 per setting meats. Central Spring, mattresses, odd dressers, hall illiam Ashlie. painters, upholsterers, drimmers of thirteen. Nine eggs guaranteed. _-- ee a nnn [rack, CIITAINS, bedding, DAth MM. lie SrA A amd top builders, woodworking | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS A MacGregor, 24 Russell street. |y, ouq semame COTTAGE; NEW IM- tings, Large Quebec, Parior, Renown machine hands, fitters and assem- and all growths and skin blem- Phone 2235. provements. and Radiant home heaters, lamps, glass blers; final assemblers, and handy ishes removed permanently, with- - So top cupboards, refrigerators, hotel men ~for various: departments. out scar; y experience. Dr.! STONE DWELLING AND STORE. FARM.-150 ACRES, 8 MILES FROM Chevrolet Motor Company of Can- Eimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, corner. Main and Raglan Road Kingston; bank barn and silo range, counters, procker lassware, Kitchen Utensils, Dining chairs. tables. ada, Limited, Oshawa, Ont. Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 Sood business omer. Broperty Mas. ~---- Eat street : aT arenta; rte 188 WELLINGTON, PHONE 35eW, i ¥ calender clock, ete. Allen, the Auctioneer. Telephone 352 RETURNED MEN--CONSIDER THE Snrden, fruit dress: low price. Ap. Saturday | : EE MON, TUES. WED. railway station gvork: telegraphers MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, ply on premises. Phone 1935w. : me; A A Ss rn in AU ON . : and station agents receive from RH i best and most successful CTI SALE Everybody Loves a Northern Story $104 to 160 monthly ght Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish | ALL, T0 BE SOLD LESS THAN COST, 3 hour day---three men to be employ - marriage soon; strictly confiden- The entire balance of theke boys' at stations where two formerly tial; most Jeliable; Sears of experi. suits must be cleared by the end of 3 i 8m instructed by Mr. Lougher - . - sell by public action on his promises at : worked. Six months average time] eriptions free. "The Sue- April. These are the sizes and . Saturda gh ro FA aes to: qualify. Our unexcelled equip- cessful Club® Mrs. Purdie, Box uantities. two sizes 24; two sizes For - y we Seat 4 Basie and Princess ment, our F¥n Canadian texthoo ks. 558, Oakland, Calf. 3 ¥, oe three slaes 37: three sizes 28: 'Pe re f1Etings and Sock, consist] . 11 expert instructors, coupled wit nine sizes 29: nine sizes 30: thir- 1 ul have a choice lot of Shane Fetings and Sock. consisting of: the Camadian National Ratlway MARRY he LONELY, FOR SPEEDY teen Sizes. 31: five sizes. 33; two . y 8 g 2 4 . - nes and all railway forms insure e ¥ my club, very suc- sizes 3 fourteen rfizes 34; sixteen Western Beef an Sake tains; read and cake Sacks practical results. We secure po- cessful; best, largest in country, | sizes, 35: four sizes 36. Pt Is a A solid brick, very warm house Quantity icing sugar; Egg-o baking Siions. Day and mail courses establish, 13 shame 4p sell these sults for thefl in row of three, below Bagot St. , =» powider; scales, 2 sets: 100 dozén bread * Particulars frée Write Dominjon wealthy 33 money. but they must zo. Don't veal as usual. and 'cake pans; ost bin: several sets of BWIS School Telegrapghy and Railroad- confidential Jesceiptions free. Old delay. get vour hoy one for Faster. || Hot water heating and electric ¥ Thursday, April 10th, at 10 a.m, Shure 0 hitrness, waggons, sleighs: work board: ing. Toronto. , Reliable Ciub, rs. Wrubel, 732 The Lion Cloghing House, 347 Kin lighting: gas for cooking; part of Wire baskets: barrel syrup; wrapping FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED POR Madison, Oakland, Calif. street, near ri fos. : { house has I .cut oak floors, paper, bags, dynamos and motors; seif- July and Au hamid ly decorated; a bargain heaters, three. And other articles too city park: b 4 . Y . 4 MEAT numeTOls to mention. Terms: Cash. A Gy choking essential' Mre Kdgar FINANCIAL ARCHITECT as owner is leaving the cieys Ap- ; MARKET . This sale = bana fide. as Mr Lougher Gives You a Splendid One In Doward, 600 Church St. Toronto. -- - ply to R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarehce" His retiring from business. akers and ~< FI IS ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND A DO- POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER rept. x * . 888 Brincess Street, Minion Express Money Ordex bh. chanty Bank Bullding,- eorner Be ; L BEDFORD, 3 grocers wHl do well to attend this \ sale. ui AGENTS WANTED. Five dollars, costs three cents. Brock and Wellington Sts. Phone 799 Returned Soldier and Auctioneer. URNED SOLDIERS AND OTHERS, | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. : men and women, making $10 a day, ment Society: indorporated 1881. wont | | Ea Wah cate | sa We ¥Sozmieizs ORDERS RECEIVED FOR HIGHEST GRADE 9 b 4 © . farn H n received and interes : 7 honed} > NM. Bailey, Manager, ge ORTH pe Canada 'Food Board License, 7 ODA) a : on C. Cartwright, manager, §1 Clay No.' 9-11988, 8 GENTS ence street. Kingwton. \ ; i i 5 : eal Ra YR Somer tan IAN: tn Local fuel controller has vacated his office so pocket Sam aloe * = i. hand woven, "Cor a Tp Rooms. Phone 2101w. H. L. Bedford, tie returned sol- iF auctioveer, held a sale of liorses the market on 1 the horses sold were two longing to the military authorities brought good prices; bidding |