THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9,1919. [In the TR World of Sport | AMATEUR BASEBALL { MAKING GREAT STRIDES | Leagues Are Springing Up All ' Over Province-Toronto's Big Share. seball leagues are springing up all over Ontario and this season will knock all records into a cock: ed hat Secretary Smith of the On- : : tario Amateur Baseball Association reports that # is hard to keep track : . {of all the new-leagdes. Toronto has {gone into the diamond game With {a vengeance, and last year's mark |of five senior leagues will be holst- led to eight. | Two intermediate leagues will be found doing business in the Queen City, and the juniors will provide {four or five. In addition to this there will be a host of juyenile and {midget leagues. The big™trouble {will he finding playing space for all jthese leagues. | It is the same dll over the pro- ivince. The Midland "Ontario League {will have six clubs and every town The good old bicycle, Massey or Red Bird, will give you better satisfaction than fii itis isgue wil also nave s iowa two or three cheap bieycles. {in Kitchener, Guelph, Galt and ARE DOCTORS' ORDERS Preston. Woodstock announces a town league, and Brantford will again be in line with a league of their own. Hamilton will have three leagues working in place of twd last year Kingston will also bé in line, NEW ZEALAND WON. The Mother Country Was Beaten in Rugby Final. A Inverleith, Edinburgh, on Jaturday, 'New Zealand deteated Mother Country by 6 to 3 in the final of the inter-service rugby football tournament, before 15,000 spectators The game was fast and strenuous New Zealand's scrimmagers showed to good advantage through- out. the play Bellis scored for New Zealand and Stohr failed to improve. Storey rain in from mid- field and Stohr again failed to con- vert, leaving the score 6 to 0 for New Zealand Mother Country forced the in the second period, the backs combining cleverly Lewis broke through and scored a try for Moth- er Country, which was not _convert- ed, leaving the final score 6 to 3. In an exhibition game (English style), Australia defeated Canada by 48 to 0. The best is the cheapest. . Get yours to- day. You can see Massey's on the streets of Kingston that have been running for 15 years and they are good to-day. Pay a little more and have satisfaction. play New Hockey Rinks. A number of towns in Ontario ex- pect to have new hockey rinks for next winter, 'but those interested should get busy right away and not wait until the snow geturns to dével- oP their plans. Braitford, Kitchener Niagara Falls, Listowel, and Lona- don are talking of building new rinks and. Kingston is also taking the matter over under consideration. Preslon" is, to have an artificial = ice Plant in their fine big riuk, and if the other towns do not get busy this town will owtstrip«them all for hock- ey accommodation in Western Ontar- io. » Will Develop Athletes. Ambitious plans at track athleties and swimming are announced at Brantford, by Director George Mos- ley, who is aiming to develop mate- rial for the Olympic trials in 1920. Pete Verity, Ontario 1814 swim- ming champion, and Hume Ryerson; who Is credited with 75 yards in 35 seconds in England, also George Verity, will be under Diréctor Mos- ley, who has a lot of promising mat: arial for the sprints in addition, Weekly medts will be held through- out the summer, ONLY ONE PLACE SPORTING GOODS CO. _ 88 Princess Street ES Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." Easter Suits We Have a Big Line of Suits and Spring Top Coats "Belted" or "Waistline", models in English or Scotch tweed Special Sale This or blué serges. Made by the best tailors at a price that will sult you. Also latest style hats, and caps, fine shirts and ties. Week Inspection ihwited. - 2% Ib. Tins Cal. Peaches .. English Peaches, ginss jars . Niagura Peaches ... .. . io via ® 3 re Tins nea Big.» + Hie neapple |. oe arnet Lipman font BIE Ci o Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce snd Fresh Garden », Duteh Setts and Eaglish Multi | The Up-to-Date Clothing and'Men's Furnishing Store THE CASH STORE pliers, Neo. 1 quality, Occasionally a man knows a good Bad resolutions are good ones thing when he sees it, but ia | have been broken. so -- 138 Princess street, ext to Stadancd Bank. Phone men are too dignified to recognize The tailor's goose has a larger } : } y it. bill than any other. bird. 4 DERBY FOR LONG FLYING. Aeronautical Convention Staged at Atlantie Will Be City. 3 An aerial derby which will be the first comgetition for a trophy offered by Ralpb*Pulitzer and Herbert Pulit- Zer, owners of the w York World and the St. Louis Post-Despatch, will be a feature of the as autical con vention and éxhibition at Atlantic City in May, it is announced. The Pulitzer price is a challenge trophy to be competed for annually in an event to be designated by the Aero club of Amer The trophy must be won three times before it becomes the permanent possession of any aviator, The trophy this year will be awarded to the aviator who covers the longest non-step fHght in cross country flying over land, water or both, starting or ending at Atlantic City. The derby is open to all avia- tors, i Ag eA SK i B ] I) if INION MADE OVERALLS SHIRTS & GLOVES Keep the stomach well, the liver active, the bowels regular, and . the breath will be sweet and healthy. But let poisons accumu- late in the digestive organs, the system betomes clogged, gases form in the storhach and affect the breath. Correct these conditions with Beecham's Pills, They promptly regulate the bodi- ly functions and are a quick 'remedy for sourstomach and Bad Breath Semin Neds sh Wl The MAPLE LEAF TIRE is a thoroughly » designed to offer the greatest resistance to wear Remember! You can have Sk Plain Tread. . LY MADE IN STANDARD SIZES The Maple Leaf Rubber Co. "fbut (to the surprise of the tield) _jwith four spiteful: badgers, and a BS, ACCEPTS CANADA'S DEFI, Leading Golfers to Compete in In ternational Match. The executive committee of the United States' Golf Association has accepted an invitation for an inter- national team match with Canada W. C. Fownes, jun, of Phitsburg, hds been appointed -eaptain. There-will be ten men on % side, and if Fownes sets out to comb the country for the best available ma- terial he will muster a combination of champions that would make any aggregation the world over take no- tice. Here are a few possible selec- tions: Charles Evans, jun.; Francis Oui- met, Jerome Travers, Oswald Kirk- by, Robert Gardner, Bobby Jones, Max Marston, D. E. Sawyer, Jesse Guilford, Gardiner W. White and John Anderson. Twenty-two years ago the first international team match between amateurs from dhe US. and Can- ada was brought off, three meetings being held in all It is, therefore, after nineteen years, that the inter national phase is tg be revived. The American teams woh all their com- petitions in 1898 at Toronto, win- ning by 20 holes; in 1889 at Morris county, léading by 93 holes, and in 1900 at Quebec by 6 holes. The challenge was sent to the U.S.G.A. following a meeting of the Royal Canadian Golf Association, the suggestion being made that 'the matches be held the two days fol- lowing the professional open cham- pionship at Hamilton, some time in August, Irish Tactics. recurrence Rowdy There was a serious of football rowdying in thegirish Senior Cup semi-final betwee Bel- fast CeMic and Glentoran, which was recently decided at Cliftonville During the second half, feeling was introduced by the players which communicated itself to the specta- tors, with the result that the crowd broke intQ thé field and made for the players, many of whom had to run for their lives. Stones 'were thrown and the railings were smash- ed. The referee, recognizing that it would be impossible to contihue the contest, abandoned the game and the official ; had to be escorted by the police and stewards to the pa- villon to escape the mob. The crowd continued their rowdy tactics outside the grounds 'and trolley cars were attacked with stones and windows smashed, intense en- thusiasm was shown in the ;semi- finals, 20,000- people turning 'out to see Linfield and Shelborne battle for supermacy without scoring a goal, while Glentoran and Belfastt Celtic drew a crowd of 16,000. 64 FEET IN ONE MINUTE. Feat of Mrs. C. Boyle Winning Plunge Competition. Mrs. Charlotte Boyle, of the Wo- men's Swimming Assoclation, New York, won the national women's pluage for distance event of the Amateur Athletic Union at Jersey CHy, N.J. going 64 feet in one min- wie. Miss Mable Arklie, of Phila- delphia, was seqond, with 58 feet, and Miss Anna Wright of Phila. delphia, third with 55 feet. Way to Boom Athletics, Canadian championships in which athletes from all parts of the Domin- ion will compete in all branches of sport is one of the methods sug- gested by Major F. C. Smith of Tor- onto Central Y.M.C.A. to boom ath- | ships in Canada. These champion- ships would rotate from Province to Province and would probably be handled by the big national exhibi- tions. It ldeks like a good move and would bring representatives of all branches of sport together once a year, ~ Inferno's Heart 17 Pounds, Inferno, the formfér Seagram turf crack, was dissected sat the Ontario Veterinary College on Friday and the heart and skeleton of the great racer will be preservel by the col- lege. 3 Inferno's heart weighed seventeen pounds, and, it will give an idea of where he got his gameness. The average horse on the farm has a heart weighing about seven pounds, wiile the average racer's tips the scale between 1% and 13 pounds. L The great Inferno also had great muscles in his legs. Wholesale. London Sportsman--A "fox that Was being raced by the Cotswold Hounds towards Divion Hill sought refuge in a drain, and when dis lodged bolted out with another. Both fell to the pack. By a remark- able coincidence, a fox which was being hunted in the vicinity some time before made for the same drain, and on being bolted out, not with & terrified relative, lively fight ensaed. : These Women Can Bowl. High Grade Memorial Monuments Information On Request. The McCALLUM GRANITE CO., LTD. Phone 1021, Kingston, Ont. 3 207 Princess Street. Kiddie Koops ¢ Iron Cribs White Enamel, Kapoo Mattress, Two sizes. See them and have them demonstrated. \ 230 PRINCESS mes R. J. REID ™%e The Leading Undertaker came |, = fe],43 Master J = G= ITSGOOD TOBACCO * Master" Mason is made from choice to- bacco, fully matured, mellowed by age an pressed into a solid