E DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1919. TH NIH TIMMERMAN "RESIGNS | AS SANITARY AND GARBAGE IN- SPECTOR FOR THE CITY, NCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITHMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, J Established 1859 149-157 Brock Street - : 50,000 Spring © Muskrats Wanted For Manufacturing Purposes. Cash Prices Paid. John McKay, Limited [ Highest The Fur House Kingston r Bright A Perfect De The Lord is My 4 VICTROLA NO. X., $136.00. EASTER SELECTIONS Beautiful ule of Nomewhere--Jarvig Christ Arose--iiayden Qt. .. "Voaes . (Grantor) Macdonough Noel)-Macdonough ... ... (Fawune)wWerrenrath Chord (Sullivan--Werrenrath Portals (Redemption )wChoir I Know That My Redee: Oh For the Wings of a Lad vey Uacobs-Bond)--~Willlams ... . Light (Allitaen )eMeCormaeck . | "me All the popular voenl and dance records in stock. Mahood Bros. Victrolas and Victor Records +. 10008-=0¢ + . 16060---00c + A5ORS--§1.25 + 35075-9150 and FaleeMarah ... ... r LivethesMarsh OVe-- Wars © [843068125 64726--§1.25 | Ili-health Forees Valuable Servant of the ( Relinquish Duties Served Faithfully and Well. ity to NICHOLAS TIMMERMAN As a result of illness, Nicholas Timmerman, garbage and sanitary inspector, has handed in his resigna- tion, which will be taken up at the next meeting of the committee on public health. In the retirement of Mr. Timmerman, the city loses a valuable servant and at the same time, one of the most faithful in the city's employment. For over thirty years he served the city as a member of the pplice force, and for the past three years, he has acted as inspector of garbage. For many years, during his time on the police force, he acted as sanitary inspector, "Nick Timmerman, as known to his friends, and they | legion, for he is known to almost jevery citizen, both young and old, is | a native of Holland, who came out | to this country in 1873. He lived | for a few years in the United States, | being employed at Buffalo and other | points, but afterwards located in Kingston, and has lived here for up- | wards of forty years. He worked for {a time in the locomotive works, and then joined the police force. .In police work, he served the city faith- fully and well, and when he resigned three years ago, to take over the position of garbage inspector, he left @ record that any man might justly be proud of. He paid strict atten- | tion to police duty and was always | "on the job." For some years, he { did duty as a plainclothes man, and | rendered excellent service. For many years, while a member of the police force, he officiated as one of the yard inspectors, and served und- er the medical health officer as a he is are RE Bargains Re: AUT Estate nson street, east of Division: street, new brick, 9 rooms, oak floors, ter heating. hot wae emember the eyes change, Glasses made for you a year ago may be too strong or not strong enough for your present needs. Better come to me as a registered op- tometrist, have your eyes exam- ined and new glasses made. This double service is combined uan- der the one roof for one price; that of the glasses... Consult: J. S. Asselstine, D.O.S. Byesight Specialist 842 King street Ont. er A Gn condition of your TTvvvYYYYYY ew GOOD VALUES IN PROVISIONS TTY YYYY YY YY YYYYY Wy 4 sinitary inspector, and in both capa- cities rendered good service to the city. Mr. Timmerman knows every inch of the ground in Kingston, and understands conditions so well that be was found to be a most valuable man in this work. ' . Three years ago, when the city er- ected its incinerator, and laid out a scheme for garbage collection, those in authority did not have far to look for a man to head the depart- ment, "Nick™ was the man selected, and during his term of office, . he "made good," and it is much to be regretted that he has been forced to retire from the work owing to fail- ing health, In the retirement of Mr. Timmer man the city' loses a loyal and much valued servant--one who at all | limes, worked for the intérests of the city he loves so well, and whose work did mueh to mark progress along sanitary lines, and whose chief aim was to make Kingston a dis- tinctly cleaner, healthier, and more wholesome city. Medical Dinner Held. The second annual dinner of Medi- cine '22 was héld at the Randolph Hotel on Tuesday evening. The ad- dress was given by Dr. Lothrop, hon- orary president. He outlined the plans for the enlargement of the General Hospital, which will fhvolve an expenditure of $700,000. Other guests who were present and gave ad- dresses were Lieut.-Col. Kidd, Capt. F. X. O'Connor, Dr. Matheson and Prof. Patterson. em Police Court Brevities. Magistrate Farrell made a final settlement. on Wednesday morging in the case of the "west end Tow, in which Kenneth Hermiston and being intoxicated and ill-using Cecil 5 ------ ¥ } Happenings In the Clty an Vietasy | ~~ What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. New cabbage at Carnovsk W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 664W. The Bishop of Ontario will visit Brockville parishes on Sinday) next. | } Now is the time to have your | plano tuned. Wa carry two expert tuners and will assure entire. satis | fagtion. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Peter Richie, county constable, ex- ecuted a search warrant for an oil stove at 'Harrowsmith on Tuesday but failed to find the missing article. Miss" Daisy MacNaimee, graduate of Kingston General Hospitat=ieas- es Monday for New York. to take a six months' post-graduate course in hospital work. ed to have Tren the cause of a fire which broke out over the boiler a the Kingston hosiery mill at 10.08 on Tuesday night, Damage will am- ount to about $25. Remember the boys overseas still need smokes. The Whig will gratefully receive donations of cig- ars and cigarettes to eend to the 21st Battalion as a last offering from the people of Kingston. Dr. R, H. Mason, assistant physi- cian on the staff of the Eastern Hos- pital, Brockville, has been transfer- red to the staff of the Rockwood Hospital Accompanied by Mrs. Mason, he has reached the city. We will rent yau a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal- ance, C. W, Lindsay, Limited. The local yards and offices of the Montreal Transportation Company will probably be closed down cém- pletely by May 1st. At present there is much activity in making the boats ready for the coming sea- gon. At the meeting of the fire light committee on Tuesday, the committee went on record as en- dorsing the proposal of the Board of Health to have two annual clean-up weeks, the first week in May and the first in October. Prevost, Brock street, has just re- ceived a case of tweed, cheviot and blue serge for his order department. His ready made clothing and gents' furnishing department are well as sorted with the latest goods. The city engineer is arranging to purchase signs labelled "'Scheal, Go Slow," to be placed on Unjon and Alfred street near Victoria school, £0 that children will not be in dang- er of being injured by passing auto- mobiles. Elma Cresdee, the five-year-old daughter of Sidney N. Cresdee¢, em- ployed at the Royal Military Col- lege, fell out of a window last Fri- day and dropped eighteen feet to the ground. Both bones of her left arm were broken. The remains of the late Mrs, Bot- and | trell, of Westmount are to arrive in Kingston by the Grand Trunk rail- way on Thursday afternoon, and the funeral will take place from St. George's cathedral directly pon the arrival of the train. By holding up the cement tend- ers in the Board of Works, Ald. Graham, chairman of that, com- mitteee, says he will save the city at least ¥1,750, as he has a new figure to supply 5,000 barrels thir ty-five cents a barrel cheaper. The boys or tae 21st Battalion overseas are in need of cigarettes The 21st Battalion Club is conduct. ing a whirlwind campafgn to send a parcel of two thousand packets of cigarettes and twenty boxes of cigars to their comrades. Donations grate- fully received by Captain Black, the Hub Building; Lieut. Westbeare, Golden Lion Block: Best's Drug Store, and at the Whig office. i CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwals beara d Signature of a, THE HAT STORE Robert MeCormick were charged with |} HATS For Children We are every day hearing very satisfac- tory remarks about Spontaneous. combustion is belfey-| May Cosmopolitan on Sale Thursday AMERICA'S GREATEST MAGAZINE Watch for the magasz ficent organization by Harrison Fisher. the May Cosmopolitan contains Cynthia Stockley Some writ understands polities, some know war, quiie a few understand men; very, very few know women. Cynthia Stockley does She has shown this in one story after another, bit never fo quite such advantage as in the short novel, Lost Loraine Loree, which begins in the May Cosomopolitan. It is the story of a beautiful, impulsive bride left alone in the temp tations of the African diamond-fields. Rupert Hughes Here's good news for the more than a mil- lion buyers of Cosmopolitan Rupert Hughes' short stories are to be a month-to-month feature hereafter. His first story for you, a story called Read it Again, comes -in the May issue. You'll want to do just what the title suggests, James Oliver Curwood. Don't let any mischane e cause you to miss reading his story, The Hungry Horde, in You'll be as impatient to get it the May issue throughout as the thousands of Curwood "fans" the country are for each new red-blooded story of the Great Outdoors from his pen. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights / Phone 919 ne with the Salvation Among Girl cover. fifteen short storie Cosmopolit writers to its pages. will consider on means the work now startlingly America's Great when you read It is by write such attra The Place, and songs as "I Wo Mr. Adams---he' France these da he has been a su will be a feature issue, These are only a hint of the May Cosmopoli- tan. John Gals Oppenheim, Jud George Randolp tion will be among those present as usual. That "as u tan doesn't have the best now and then; it has the best always More Than and then the excellent magni- 8, serials special articles A New Writer an doesn't Introdude many new We demand the best and ly the best Which generally of the famous in writing. But stories of & newcomer are so 48 to warrant a place in est Magazine Remember this The Last Adventure in the May Frank R. Adams, who used to ctive light operas as "The Time, the Girl," and such popular pder Who's Kissing Her Now." 8, Lieutenant Adams, on duty in ys--has gone in for fiction, and access from the start. His stories » of our future. And Then Some worthy, Donn Byrne, BE. Phillips ige JdNds@yr~ Samuel Merwin, h Chester, and others of distine- sual" means a lot, Cosmopoli- And that is the answer to a Million Copies Each Issue, eg WHATWEHAVE We Intend Holding-- Leading Dress Goods E w 2 = = S S = E 5 E = 5 F= gE Fo) EE 5 ES ES ES 5 = =] = 5 £ gE E = = i 5 ss E ES The death of Margaret Dee oceur- Centre of Kingston Aa PAP cl NAN til We note a few of the many good lines we are showing. New serges for suits and dresses, 54 inches wide, in all the best + shades, $2.50 to $5.00 a yard. Fancy Plaids, all pure wool, 56 inches wide ----ccrrect for separateskirts. One of the newest materials shown this season. A big range of all pure wool serge, 54 in- ches wide, navy and black. Extra values at from $2.50 to $6.00. Fancy Tweed Mixtures for suits--greys, Specially priced at greens and browns. $2.00 to $5.00. SPECIAL, $1.00. 200 yards of silk repp, 36 inches wide in stripes and checks, old rose, taupe; navy, amethyst, reseda, green, pearl grey, pink, black. Worth $1.50 a yard. Thursday, $1.00. Newman & Shaw (82 ~~ The Always Busy Store (McFaul's Old Stand) L AAR 1 Co Can el rt -- Se Si a E Es E BE E E Es s E E - E B E HB 5 2 = E E EE = Sm = a : | = NC for Late Mrs. Thomas Dee. SCIENCE NOTE BOOK REFILLS twin-lock binder 20c per 100 BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. at her residence on Wolfe Island We Have in Stock -- ge a a = = == -- == po == = -- -- == == = To --_-- = = = = = _-- _ = m= -- = == -- -- pred = = == = a me] == fren Clark's Vegetable Sou Distributors for Red Rose Bonthe Good Tea. Victory Bonds are the popular thing, Buy Them! W.R.McRae&Co GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 SYDENHAM ST. Semi-detached brick, § rooms, back und front stairs. Side and front entrance. Electric Il | gas, hardwood floors, ga . Good cellar, furnace. Cent ¥ located, . ALFRED ST. Detached brick, hot water fur nace, gos, back and front stairs. Side and front entrance, yard snd right of way in rear, One fire place, 8 rooms. Pose wession April 20th. $3500, CHATHAM ST. Frame bungalow, 5 ly provements, electrie Hghits, Booed garden, Gateway, T . ONTREAL S Farm near city. 10 acres, Stone dwelling, furnace, Weil, Barus, $2700. Complete Lint at Office Insurance of all Kinds Houses te Rent. EWMULLIN & SON Sellers of Real Kutate, Oor, Johnson snd Division Streets. Insurance of All Kinds, Phone 539] and 530w. E. W, MULLIN, E, V, MULLIN ---- Eversha Pencils ? The perfect pencil. Always sharp. Never needs sharpening .R. C. Dobbs & Co. J. Tel. 810 41 Clarence St. LA A meeting of the conference com- mission to pass on the league of nations covenant, which was to dada dt da a aa Total number of casualties in the riot at Delhi are eight killed and twelve injured. The city is now quiet again. the big assortment of hats for the children that we show at very rate prices. You will find it easy to be suited here. have been held Tuesday night, was postponed until Thursday on ac- count of the illness = of Prodtdent Wilson. Ny Birdsall, and which was wired in court on Tuesday. McCormick was fined $20 and costs or ten days andl] Hermiston was fined $10 and costs. | nt -- The late Mrs. Dee | the daughter of the late Patrick i} Kelly, and she was born on the islana ~three years ago, and resided all her life.' She is survived 1} by her husband, Thofmas Dee, one Hi son, Thomas, and one daughter, all i lding on Wolte Island. -------- 00 lbs. Oleomargarine, Ib. . . . .. . § 300 Ibs. Anderson's Pure Lard, Ib. . . .35¢ ne ih fend Him, a ee . Engagemerit An Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mi coty, .