THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1919. _.. ne "PAGE FIFTEEN ma = == PHILADELPHIA GIRL } . Bh EG |" SENSATIONAL SWIMMER -- SMILES FOR" WHIG READERS .... | Has Been Placed Fifty-Four | '{ PHE CASH STORE Ni 0 in S3evsu = Special Sale This ee 1 | i Elizabeth Ryan, the . sensational r Wf the 1st. Regl- 2% Ih. Tine Cal pry a Philadel. .* English Peaches, glass jars J am of Philadel Niagara Peaches . . >. Kirst to send in J. 14 1b. Tins Pineapple en 509-yard national 2 ih. Tins Pineapple . ub ami h male hie . New. Maple Syrup, New Ca age, mplonsh 'P Amatenz, Athletic Tematoes, Onions Lettuce and { Union race for women, which will Celery, Fresh Garden Seeds, {be held at the winter pool at Brigh- Dutch Setts and English Multi 'ton Beach, April 13th. This event pliers, Neo. 1 quality. {will inaugurate the spring and i . summer season at the pool. The United Grocery SURE THING AD HIM THER | Miss Ryan has only been compet- ' COMPANY H E PAID SOMEJ0DY ing for two and a half years. She : "Is your hair like your mother's Hoult 1h said that & man's brain "Did that little deal of yours turn |i. eighteen. Her record in the wat- i 138 Princess street, or your father's, Ethel? . ge , wens = i out a paying investment?" |, ier is remarkable. She has partici- : Next to Stangurd Bank. Phone "You 'see mamma can take hers Yo e same thing lg true "Oh, yes; only | wasn't the payee." pated in fifty-seven races, being off!" about his feet, but they are no more | placed fifty-four times, a perform- gatviseaniy than a woman's. ance jwever surpassed by any girl swimmer in the world. . . f psi a ----__ oot In Philadelphia she is regarded | 79 Princess Street he fal OVERHEARD |, . 2 marvel, She is the holder of A AAA AAA AAA AAA rier enn gnd Mrs. J. M, Coleman, 7 . IN THE tha SHO. . . ] . andounce the engagement BASE OF NEC. ' ; i EDITOR'S the 229 yORS A Inder Widdle Ai clay target shooters. The aiternntes trap-shooting team won the event, jofMfieir second daughter, Anna INCREASING ROOM fo A of ales Olga | Dor ar a: will be the second ten on the offic ali one of its chief contenders for the Margaret,' to Morley Edward Shav- > Judge -- Why LIKENESS " } Caller -- This PS the et for ¥ et averaga list. title being Germany. James Gra-'er, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W did you count a Wifey--Don't poem was writ- | district last summer a At the Qlympic games held aidan, ol Ingieside, Ills., won the in: | Shaves, Peterhoro The wedding second theft aft. a . you think baby ten by a lawyer. | It was only recently that she won Stockholm in 1912, the All-American | #fvidual title. will take place on April 30th. er you had been grows more like \ Has it any |the middle Atlantic states 100-yard A, q acquitted of the p Z 'value? | | championship in 1.09. first, A Hubby -- Yes, R Editor (glanc- | The National Women's Swim-]' -- ~~ -~r " Prisoner -- 1 dear; especially BN ing through It) {ming Association, which is conduct- had to pay my 80 since she be. NE --About as |ing the 500-yard event is making lawyer, your 1 ' gan to talk. much value as a |an effort to obtain an entry from honor, ; { i legal opinion | Claire Galligan of 'New Rochelle, a ou e or e g § | who is national champion at all dis- written by a poet. tances from 440 yards to five { miles, She announced her retire- { ment from competition upon her | marriage last fall, after breaking | numerous records. She has been 4 as racing six years. It is =aid that Miss Galligan fis | training under the watchfyl eye of Louis De B. Handley, and if she can HAT is i ) get back into her former condition AT is it worth to you { will defend her title for the last - that your C.C.M. will {time before leaving for the west, be running moresmooth- | where she will make her home witn ly after long use than many | her sailor boy husband ordinary wheels do when Rio ---- that it will still be giving sturdy Like Lepers. i sgrviee years after an inferior ge f Germans, Austrians, Turks and wheel 18 played Out that fewer Bulgarians have been expected from repairs are nee owing to es SUCH IS LIFE oh RATHER DIFFICULT APRIL FOOL | the International Cycling Union. C.C.M. sincerity of workman- . e: I've spent fifteen unhappy ohn writes his regiment is or Hubby plays a mean t.'ck on trust. | This was decided at the first meeting ship in every part--that in case \ | Three times dered home. He says that rva- i > . - ysArs with you, tion in Paris | a It COnSeIVA' ing little wifie. . | of the parent cycling body that has | of accident, you can get C.C.M. ; : as ~- She: Yes, but you've never spent aris Is difficult now-a-days-- been held in four years. It convened | I " * > nd y pe wll the Americans are trying to speak at Paris recently and decided unani-| Service almost everywhere in J many unhappy dollars on me. French and all the Frenchman doing mously not to permit entries from Canada? their best with English. . |any of the Central Powers. The . : | charters of all the allied cycling or-! Imagine getting all this extra service for the last ten dollars you pay! Spr ad over ganizations of the Central Powers the much longer life of your C.C.M., the cost to you is but a trific! were cancelled. f° Angus Fraser and his wife, The British House of Commons Deloro Athletic Association. This means that Walter Rutt, of Woodstock, aged respectively seven- [decided that Britain wanted no. ne- The Deloro Athletic Association] Berlin, who won the last competition | ° ty-nine and sixty-seven, di¢d wiih. |gotiations with' Lenine and Bol-| met for organization and elected the! for the world's sprint championship, ! in twelve hours of each other from |shevism and wired Premier Lloyd | following officers: Honorary Presi-| will not defend the title he won at . . ® o jaehmonia. George its deeislon. dent, S. B. Wright; President, R.|Leipsic, Germany, in 1913. The em- ' ' A. Elliott; Vice-President, F. A.|bargo on riders of the Central Pow- Bapty; Secretary, Mr. Leavens;|ers is for an "indefinite period." | Treasurer, Mr. Losee; Manager, T. No American or German delegates, . ) Clement. were at the meeting, which was rep- TY Every running part of, a of all brakes, the Hercules is sen« Negotiations are under way to|Tesentative of only England, | 5 A C.C.M. bicycle is made true sitive, sure and powerful! The FB ) . , Twice as easy as walking nnn 3 : A AAAS AAA form a league with Madoc, Tweed PBelgium, Switzerland and Italy as a watch. And it keeps clutch engages with utmost NRRL) and Stirling, and if these are car- The cycling ranks of France were . NL | "Yh a - : Yb phi Bicycle and A IE: no excitmg baseball | thinned by the war, while the lead- Fane) true. Eve rider of an ordi- smoothne ss. We back this brake matches will be the result. Deloro|ing riders of Germany were instruct- | ? dary wheel has felt the hard with a hard and fast guarantee. Motorcyc ball grounds are being put in good|ors in motorcytle corps. pedalling caused by inaccur- shape for the season. : acies in the crank-hanger-- Look at a C.CM.! After WILL rcycl OD WELL es : the power plant of a bicycle. He feels an alter- years of hard use its graceful bo Trapsheoters' Farly Start. nate looseness and tightness, indicating friction kines are still enhanced by the . Start From the Bottom. American trapshao ers are the first and loss of driving power. In C.C.M. bicycles sparkle of its brilliant enamel. Everything that you could ask for, in easy Con Reilly, the old Winnipeg|of that nation's amateur sportsmen |, the parts subject to wear are not stamped out he handle bars, and all bright riding, long mileage, staunch wear and free- Henley oar, is back from the front.| to make oficial plans for competing but are accurately machine ground. Not a parts, defy the rain--these are : : ¥ rhe: I 5 El e 1920 Olympic games to be dom from ordinary tire troubles, you will yhore le Bold (he I Lot i jeanne WETS, CA rend of whit of driving power is lost. nickelled over a heavy coat of : copper--and copper can't rust. . : Chas ot ER: find in "Dominion" Bicycle and Motorcycle states that they will hardly be in|the American Trapshooting Associa- And the "Hercules" Coaster Brake! All Tires. They are sh i i < : : ! . ape to send oarsmen or scullers to} tion, announced that the high ten : There's a § "UN UES the CA AO. regatta, but will spend| men in the official averages on! GCM igyeles have Rx ) it is the only brake There's a C.C.M. dealer not TIONABLY their time the first peace year in 2,000 or more registered targets shot without a side arm. Lightest and simplest far away. TH A BEST TIRES" , club Paes at this year would form the team of Be sure to ask your dealer Red Bird Massey Cleveland Perfect Columbia - f } "3 Do : ~ : for "DOMINION TIRES" i. YA NT that have proved their : R D. , > % a a high quality and dura- [1% & hg ams®on,, i bility under every road = Na =e x wv i o : : condition. 4 NX - o ~ R these Na tes when choosing a bicvcle Sold by the Leading ; \ i : \ oe ) . All of book Sov Bowe 8 ame plates ve rhe CCM. family. ~ 90% of the Parts of Every C.C.M. Bicycle are Made in Canada and Each Machine is Fully Guaranteed by Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited Montreal Toronto WESTON, Ont. Winnipeg Vancouver rf ----tb oY OM, . ARDS ONO Ae BE Tr 7eD Staff OMecer in Car (who has had a rotten journey on a rot- j Tread Id S ortin Good ( ST 8 Ti ohnill- lsh tad i= : d say, is that road any Jetier? am pig = S 0. eter ste 0 1© I'oad you € On. Ss 1 on y irsi-raie roa« Biron ere." Agents for C.CM. Bicycles Passing Show, London. 'a Fao J 3 8 by BUD ri, HAT WAS A GReAT Ff twat Stub SEE WHAT THAT SAYS? O SAY 1 " ¥ ES You SAY THAT EF ANYTH IDEA oF curs -- Me fl ALL RIGHT BUT KEES YOUR LIFE PRESEWER KAVDY | ADPENED wo YOUR Libe JOINING THE BRITISH AT ALL TIMES. ® You BETTER Read TIMES, WERe LABLE ; / ARMY AND YOU THe RY Be LIES TOBE HIT Any MiINOTE. THOSE BELT YOU'D @O. RIGHT | ] Aw, FOR THE AMERICAN ARMY LIFE BELTS ARE TESTED AND DowN AnD WOULBA'T Have 5 : 1) : -- BLove of MIKE, YO PROMOTE A NG ResuaTns Sink PRooFL THAT'S ALL THAT 3 A CHANCED, § i 600D INTERNATIONAL Jl DEFORE WE CE STANDS BECwWEEN YOU AND [ 4 -- MUTT, LISTEN FEELING. IT 7 ib SrA DEATH. IF you HAPPENED . : R WHAY Awe ; +f DONT. MAKE TL To Lose (FoR IT WAN Puls : Ses +33 > ANY DIFFERENCE OF ROTTEN CORK YOU WOULDN'T | RP, ; {WHAT'S / YOU DOING? WHOSE KHAK Waive i ol HAVE A CHANCE. COME h, i ; bo