+ E DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, PACE SEVENTEEN BEDRIDDEN WITH | Eastern Onta RHEDHATOR r - much sym- HARLEM. April 9,--There is pathy felt) for T. €. DeWell and lit- le daughter, of Chantry, in their sad berepgvement in the loss of his kind wife and the ehfld's affection ate mother. Mrs, DeWell was high- ly respectec by all who came in contact with her for her kindly manner. The many friends of rte. Hollis Chant are pleased to see him home again His brother, Pte.] Perley Chant, Is expected to re- turn home soon after spending ov- er three years at the war Pte, Walter Wykes has also returned home to Chantry since his brother, Sergt. Harry Wykes, returned a few weeks ago. Mrs. A. Gile is Im- proving slowly after her illness. Miss Effie Derbyshire made a re- cent yisnt with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Campbell and little son, Edwin, 'were recent visitors at ihe home of Mrs, Camplell's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Elf Chant at Chantry. Corpl. Ralph Smith, of Kingston, is visiting friends at Chantry and here. W. Baker, of Portland, is spending a while at HG, APRIL 12, 1919, -- RAMSAY'S Interior Floor Paints They stand the Rub--and the Scrub FOR SALE BY who has been ovérseas. Mrs. Davi McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. son proved am ideal bostess. The vicinity was saddened by the death] === zm of Mrs. T iS Dayrell, at .Chantry. Her funeral was conducted from the Ei Lake Ontario Trout | and Whitefish, Fresh ily leave for Winnipeg. Mrs. B. De ' Long, rs Bay, was the gues of ber cousin, Miss Coon. Mrs. W. A Coon spent last 'week at Ottawa. J. G. Delong Bas disposed of his farm to his sou, Harris P, Delong. How- ard Bros., Smith's Falls, spent Sun- day wt hom& Qeofge Howard, Sr., spent Sunday with his family. Mrs H. T. Davison entertained the Ladies' Institute. - A recitation was given b) Mrs, Pearson, two" vocal selections were rendered by Mrs. K. M. Wat- son and Mrs. Hunter and a Short talk was given by Mrs. Mills, R.N., Seele We have a supply of cut hard wood and kindling. J. Sowards Coal Co, rio News | 4 | Moroughan made a business trif to Gananoque on ¥yiday last Millard Simpson took a load of calves to Ei- Bolt That He Would Never W: in {gin Station on Saturday last "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Brought i a yy 3 JUNETOWN. 19.--Thomas Gummer and moved to this vicinity and will assist Willam Hall this coming season Several from here attended the funeral of Isaiah Grif- fin at Yonge Mills on Wednesday fast Mrs. Thomas Franklin unt derwent a critical operation at Brockville &@neral Hospital on Sunday last. Mrs. S. Ferguson and daughter, Mildred. Brockville, spent last week with Nerf parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant. Miss Agnes Price spent the week-end with hor sister, Mrs. Leslie Warren, Rock- field. Misses. Beatrice and Arvilla Avery, Brockville Collegiate, spent the week-énd at their home here Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Franklin spent the week-end at Brockville, Master Earl Flood is quite il with pueu- monia. Dr. Harte, Athens, fs at- tending him Mr. and Mrs. J. A] Herbison were in Broekville o. Wednesday Mrs. C. N. Purvis, Lyn visited at J. 8, Purvis' on Wednes- day April wife have "NOW IS THE TIME To get your car repaired | stored for the winter.' Ford Truck for Sale Robinson & Wiltshire 8303 Bagot Bt. Phone 24% home Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs George Stanton, where a large fium- ber of friends and relatives gather- ed to show their last mark of esteem to the departed. A pretty house wed- ding was solembizéd at the home of her father, H. 8. Brown, in tha 2nd] inst, when Nis third daughter, Cas- rie, of Toronte, was united in mar- riagé to Mr. Darlington, Brockville. Rev, Stillwell, in the presence of a few immediate refatives: . Mr, and Mrs. Darlington will reside in Brock- ville. ~ Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street ee eee ERD | : f iH MR. LORENZO LEDUC 8 Ottawa St, Hull, P.Q. ""Fruit-a-tives" is certainly a wonder. For a year, I suffered with Rheuma- Zism ; being foreed to stay in bed for five mondks. 1 tried all kinds of medicine but without getting better; and thought I would never be able towalk again, ELGIN. April 8. ~~Blake Halladay, Toron-|. Cran FERGUSON PALLS. "One day while lying in bed, I read about 'Fruit-a-tives' the great fruit medicine ; and it seemed just what I neocded, so I decided to try it. The first box helped me, and I took the tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism left me, I have every confidence in 'Fruit-a- fives' and strongly recommend them io every sufferer from Rheumatism®, LORENZO LEDUC, 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent post;ild on receipt of price by Frjit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, Sead direct to Ottawa for port aad booklet "patents advertised in the PeEEVISH ESTLESS CHILDREN | friends at Jones' Falls. We are ready for it i with. a splendid as- sortment of : 3 = i : the home of his uncle, C. Baker. Mr, and Mrs. W. Chant, of Phillips- ville, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chant. E. E. Campbell hag started his butter factory in connection 'with his cheese factory Everett Chapman has moved to Portland. HARTINGTON. April 8.--The Epworth League held a box social in the school house on Friday evening A good pro- gramme was presented. The chair was occupied by Frederick Denison. Those present had an enjoyable time. The officers of the Sunday school met at the home of the Juperinitudent last Monday evening for the regular quarterly teachers' meeting. A pro- fitable time was spent. The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. Deni- son's. George Jeffrey and wife, Des- mond, spent Sunday with Mrs. Gos- lin. Josie Goslin, Thurlow, was at hfs mother's, attending the family re- union in honor of Herbert's arrival from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Smyth, Elginburg; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McRory, Sydenham; Frederick McWilliams and family, to, wns the guest of relatives, Pte. Clifford Mustard, who has been éver- seas the past two years is welcomed home. Pte. Delbert Ripley, Ganano- que, & former Elgin boy was renew- mg acquaintances since returning from oyerseas before he and his fam- Suffered Since Kidneys at the Root of the Evil Think of it! The joys of youth marred by sgounizing pains, and all hopes of x bright future hiotted out by thoughts of a life burdened #ith Backache and other sufferings. Sué¢h was' the case of Mr. A. Cail until & good friend advised himi that there was a remedy for his trouble and he would find it if he used Gin Pills.' Read what Mr. Cail says: n h h people attended an enjoyable party dt William Waters" lst Friday ev- ening. from this vicinity, Perth Collegiate acquitted themselves very favorably in helping to make the high school domcert iast Fricay resumed syrup making. E. Quinn, who is teaching in Pres- tonvale, The trappers of this agaih preparing for a big Mr. Murray and Mr. Command are | moved up the-river for the present | to another hunting ground. Gray visited F the start on the bridge to be erected | over the Mississippi river. C the home, April T.--& few of the young It is reported that the girls attending the The farmers have Miss Mary ight a success. speut the week-end with | or sister, Mrs. Carberry. Mrs John | Quinn is spending: a short thane with | er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byrnes. | vicinity ' are! season. | Francis | friends in Perth last] riday. All are anxiously awaiting | Harold | ecil and Dorothy Rothivell spent week-end at their parental] 3 i "I was troubled with my Kid- ~ WALTHAM . THE WORLD'S WATCH OVER TIME TI Ges a 0h / ALTHAM Bethel, at John Moore's to attend the memorial service held in the Meth- odist Church on Sunday for the late Ritchie Moore. Mrs. McLean, Har- rowsmith, is at Ross Patterson's Miss Nina Duecett, Godfrey, at W. Bab- cocks. Mrs. A. Vandusen, Kings- ton, at Roy Leonard's; Miss Minnie Campsall has returded from Wolfe Island. Born to Mr. 7 4d Mrs. Ross Patterson, twin boys. Mart Loyst has purchased a car. Maple syrup is a. poor.crop.this year. . Mrs, Or- [| About 12 o'clock, an ser, Murvale, is at Elijah Sigsworth's Mr. and Mrs. Queen, Odessa, spen Sunday at Mrs. Jamieson's,. Frank Thomas and Gene Goodberry. lately arrived from overseas, are visiting at Mr. Sigsworth's. The Farmers' Im- provement Society has decided. to form a Farmers' Club. Mr. Sirett, Kingston, district agricultural repre- sentative, addressed a meeting in the school house lately. Leeds Use Gin Pills and obtain Kidney or Bladder Trouble, and the pain, they neys since childhood and spent a large amount of money on doe- tors trying to get cured. Instead of getting better I kept gettin worse until & friend of mine ad- vised me to try Gin Pills, I did 80, and after taking one box I was able to get out of bod apd walk around, Two more boxes relieved me completely and since then I have had no return of the trouble." This remarkable testimonial wag written by a man whose statement cah- £] mot be doubted. Mr. Cail's reason for writing this history of bis case was-- gatitide for the relief that Gin Pills ught him. Wouldnt you do the same if your case was similar? If you suffer now--don't suffer any longer. relief from suffering and inconvenience that cause, B80c 8 bos. Sold everywhere. Write for sample box. The National Drag & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronte, Ontario, U. 8. residents should address Na-Dry- Ine, 202 Main St, Buffalo, N.¥. j- MORTON. April York 7.----Miss was the gudst of the Misses Maril and Winnifred Ken- ney, Jones' Falls. Miss Daisy Som- erville spent a few days in Lyndhurst, the guest of Miss Annabell Earl. B. G. Somerville has started his work at Ellisville where he is engaged as cheese-maker for this season. The saw-mill is running full Blast. Mrs. H. G. Deam has returned home alter spending a few days in Ottawa, Miss Janet Yelk spent the week-end with Maple syrup is being sold in the village for $1.50 a gallon. Tiken then, they Grippe. Taken after Shere is nothing better for the pain Cure That Cold 'Don't Get Grippe SEs Take them at first pain or of a cold once when feel the Shiver--the f7at symptom will prevent th it has " POOLE'S RESORT. April 9.--A number of oriends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salter last evening to welcome their son, Sergt. George Sal- ter, who returned a few days ago from overseas. The evening passed very pleasantly in music and dancing. dutch d, and in the "we sma' Nous of th th hours of the morning the guests de- 5 i SE TLIT : . Z { | {Lennox and Addington] { v BATH. i April 19.--Rev. A. L. Phelp | Conway, took charge of the ser-| vices in the Methodist church here | on Sunday evening last. Miss Mil- | dred Calver, Kingston, spent the week-end with her patents, Mr. and -Mrs, William _Calver. Mrs. | Henry Switze#, one of our old resi~ ; dents, passed away on Thursday | morning. The funeral will be -heid | on Saturday at 2 pm. Cornelius Jackson, Enterprise, is visiting at | Henry Switzer's. Mrs. George | Brachenbury and children, Well- | and, is visiting at Charles. Bur- | ley's. The Bay View Hc el last | week installed two pool tables, also | 8 barber shop, conducted by Sidney | Howard. , i SPORT ted i | 1 i BETHEL. | April 8.---Maple sugar making is wot a rushing business this segson | so far. Frank Baker has taken Wes- | ley Cutl's farm to work. Mr. and] Mrs. James A. Jayne visited at their | son's for a few days, returning to their house at Sharp's Goimers on | Sunday. Vincent Marien' has gone | back to Buffalo after visiting his par-| ents and other friends for a touple of . weeks. Miss Leacock spent the week-end with Miss Olive Salis- bury. Miss Flossie Hyland spent Saturday with her folks at Bicknell's Comers. Every one is pleased to see! George Smedley and son Hubert, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Salsbury, also Mr. apd Mrs. George Emberley were recently entertained one evening atl] Mr. and Mrs. Alenbrack's. Mr. andl Mrs. Perry ANenbrack were in King- | 'ston on Saturday. . 10,000 MEN GET WORK Throtigh the Efforts of the Dominion Agencies. _. The report of the Dominion Em- i} ployment agencies operated under |} the department of soldiers' civil re- |! alisha for the TYpose of H discharged sold fn em- | ployment gives a clear iden of labe and looking so well. Mr. and Mrs. | Novus New. Brunswick .... Proviace..[. Accuracy is due very largely to a factory organization and equipment that leave nothing to chance. Every part of the Waltham movement is mide in the Waltham factories under the supervision of master horologists who have no superiors in the world, And the manual skill of thousands of expert workpeople is reinforced by exclusive auto- matic machinery Jor shaping, drilling, polish- ing and finishing with marvellous accuracy and speed the myriad tiny parts entering into Waltham Zngchanism. Every plate, wheel, spring, screw, jewel, ' Land and dial is rigidly inspected and must be pronounced perfect before going to the assembling rooms, As a result the completed Waltham Watch is as perfect as any mechanisfg can be made, and carries the company's full guar- antee, Waltham Watch Company, Limited, Montreal Makers and Distributors 'of- Waltham Products in Canada $ Factories : Montreal, Canada; Waltham, US.A. ' LEH EITITTIT ! _ ATI The Vanguard The World's Finest Railroad Watch 23 and 19 jewels (LLL EULLLELLULLLLLUUL ELL LULU UL L i I Arthur Ashley back from France) soni inn TTTTYTYYTYTYTRTYTYTYYE ELECT & SHIP I '4 ic CO. 14-16 Jurors Street Head Office: