Pg Ae aa PRE way EER REE E Sn J | NR PAGE EIGHTEEN . - 3 y Get Out KeepOut ARE DOCTORS' ORDERS f The good old bicycle, Massey or Red Bird, will give you better satisfaction than two or three cheap bicycles. The best is the cheapest. Get yours to- day. You can see Massey's on the streets of Kingston that have been running for 15 years and they are good to-day. little more 5 i satisfaction. N= . Pay a Nasr ONLY ONE PLACE 4 i TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." IN COMPLIMENT Jack--I'd like to have a siicet named for me, Maud--You have---easy. SECURITY Did you lend that forgetful friend of yours the book he asked for? AS WE HAVE SOLD OUR INTEREST IN ; The G.A.McGowan - Cigar Mfg.Business TO MR. HUGH BENNETT We take this opportunity of thanking the | public for their past patronage and to ex- press the hope that they will give the new owner their libetal support. > E. A. McGowan, Sec.-Treas. ~~ Philosophers take things as they come, but rag-pickers and pickpock- ets take as they go. A woman may not be able to drive & nail, but when it comes to driving # bargain she iy in her glory. Yes, but | Rook care to borrow his um. | brelia the same day. TRYING IT OVER "How are you observing Lent?" "Trying over again to give up the things | swore off on New Year's Day." BOTH SORRY | Sorry 1 had: to ask you for that fiver | lent you, old chap. Well, | can sympathize with - you. I'm sorry you have to too. DOMESTIC FINANCE "What is a revolving fund?" "What your husband gives you and | J} then borrows back." ACQUIRED ~~ TASTE He Did you love me when first saw Shao, no. had to get High Grade Memorial Monuments Information On Request, The McCALLUM GRANITE CO. LTD. Phone 1831, Kingston, Ont 397 Princess Street. Spiteful old cat! She spreads It around that | make up my face. Never mind, dear; nobody believes It. They know if you did you'd make a better job of it. nn er ) SHE'S RIGHT He: I'd be content to sit at your feet and worship you for life. She: How, like a puppy? OBEYING ORDERS "You know what | told you about coming into the parlor last night when George called." "Yes, you said don't let me see you | in this parlor again when George is | here, an' that's why | hid under the | couch." | PEAR SPORTING GOODS Will Not Affect Canadian Sportsmen It Is Said. Sportsmen who are exponents of baseball and other athletic games, need not worry over the proposed tax on athletic goods which will go into effect this summer on all goods manufactured in United States. En- quiry elicits the information that most of the sporting goods used in Canada are manufactured either in Canada or England and, hence will have no effect on the Canadian pub- lic. A. G. Spalding, who supplies a great deal of the sporting goods used in Toronto and other parts of Cafiada, has factories in Brantford and Montreal and witl be able to cope with the demand although it may be necessary to import the: better kind of baseball bats from United States. Golfers, however, may have to pay a slight increase on golf balls or golf clubs if they cannot get the neces- sary material from England. In the United States goif balls which have sold during the war will advance from 10 to 25 per cent. and golf clubs will hereafter bear price tags from-15 to 35 per cent. higher than last year. Kingston golfers should make it a point to buy only golf balls that are manufactured in Canada, or if they don't they will be paying a slight advance. Producers in their spring lists quote golf balls that sold last season for a dollars each from $1.05 to $1.25, although a few maintain the old price. It is likely that the tax will be paid by the purchaser in addition to the cost of the ball. Kingston folks, who are frequen- ters, of the gold links, can compli- ment themselves on the fact that Canada is as yet not affected by the tax on golf palls, or if they were they would be dipping down into their pockets an ill be paying about a dollar for if balls that formerly retailed at#85¢, The fifteen cents advance may not seem. a great deal to some "exponents" but they hardly consider the fact that all their "brothers" ate not as accurate shots as they and hence require several "rolf pills" ito play a game. Sb a eit Nightshirt Race J One of the season's novelties in water sports was introduced by the New York A. C. at its swimming car- nival. It was called a nightshirt race. The couditions called for the con- testants to swim 25 yards in regu- lation swimming costume, then rest long enough to get shirt and a pair of women's stock- ings. This formality over, all the competitors again took to the wa- ter and swam 50 yards. The event, which was won by William Goodwin, a brother to the noted Bud Goodwin, drew hearty ~~ Racing May be Resumed While the Government has an- nounced no decision in regard to rac- ing, all of the tracks throughout the country are apparently arranging for their meets this spring, lining up the horses and engaging new staffs. The ban has beén on since August of 1917. It provided that during the war and "for six months after its cqnclusion," racing' with the privil- ege of betting should be prohibited. A good deal turns on what the six months refers to. If it be six months from the cessation of hos- tilities, the ban 'will be raised auto- matically next month, If the six months date from tbe declaration of peace the situation. will be different. From all that cam be gathered here racing will come back. The Government inclines: the view that many. restrictions imposed as a mat- ter of war expediency may now pro- pertly be lifted. 'When a man begins to discuss matrimony with a widow the result is usually a tie. ------ Interesting News For Working Men AN ARTICLE WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO READ - This is a nerve-racking age--not a man in an office or behind the coun- ter, striving hard to get on in the world, that' does not feel the strain. If nerves are in order, a man is strong, eats and sleeps well. Un- strung nerves means weakness, worry, sleeplessness and a general decay of bodily strength Most men are careless of their health, They trust to luck and that kind of thing, instead of taking Fer- rozone for a few weeks: when they tel dull in the morning, or when they sleep poorly or lose appetite. Ferrogone quickiy brightens up the mind. It creates an appetite and improves digestion: Ferrozone makes blood, quiets the nerves, makes muscle lke steel and induces refresh ing sleep. Ferrozoné is a4 bady builder, thou- sands have proved it. If you are! sick or out¥ of 'sorts, use Ferrozone and enjoy the splendid health it so surely brings. Permanent 'a its results, the; greatest health-giver in the world is Ferrozone. Because nourishing and perfectly harmless, all can use it, even children. Get Ferrozone to- laughs from the fair sex, who made BRINGING UP FATHER up mare than half of the nadience. - There Must Be Play On its editorial page The Ottawa Journal says: Members of Parlia- ment who suggested that it is the wealthy people and the golf players who are the chief advocates of day- light saving in Canada do not show much sense. The wealthy are prob- ably the least interested--they can set their own times for work or play. Nor are the bulk of the golf players very deeply concerned, be- cause, unfortunately, the enjoyment »f that healthy game is confined in Canada largely to those who can ac- commodate their working hours to heir own convenience. Even modern economics recognizes the money value of play. What is the object of the universal movement for shorter hours if it is not that the workers may have more time for recreation? It has been realized as never before that "all work and no play makes Jack" a dull boy," and that better work comes from men and women who have learned how to play and heen given opportunities to play. The sooner we have more golf, more | baseball, more play, more pleasant coimunion with each other, unalloy- ed by thoughts of 'ollars and cents, more joy in living, the better for the world. Dubuc May Go to New York. Jean Dubue, the famous. old De- troit pitcher, who is with the Red Sox squad af present, may become a- member of the Glants' pitching staff. Sox, hut he is.the property of the Salt Lake City club. Barrow would like to hold him, but 'de- murs at the purchase price asked by Walter MoCreedle, and with his consent McGraw opened negotia- tions last night with the westérn manager. Something may come of Dubue showed last fall and this spring that he still has a lot of pitching in him. He is a good bats- man, having been used as a pinch hitter by Jennings when he was with Detroit. {medals for acts of bravery in saving Famous Waterman Dead George Douglas Freeth, a native of Hawaii, and for years one of the most famous aquatic performers of the Pacific coast, is dead alter a long illness. Far years Freeth was known on the Pacific coast as a life saver, swim- ming and diving champion, and an authority in all things pertaining to water sports. Freeth won several persons from drowning at California beaches and in 1911 at Venice, Cal, he rescued nine persons from drown- ing in one afternoon. Romance of the Mat. Robert Frederick, better known as Jean finished last sqason with the | Kiddie sizes. t 230 PRINCESS STREET Iron Cribs! White Enamel, Kapoo Mattress, Two See them and have them demonstrated. 'R. J. REID The Leading Undertaker Koops TELEPHONE 577 Irs ous California woman surgeon, the ceremony to take place in New "Strangler Lewis, the wresier, will marry Dr. Ada Scott Morton, a fam- York on May 1. The romance be. gan two years ago, when Dr. Scott attended the wrestler when the lat- A REAL TREAT to chew King George's Navy Plug Tobacco and enjoy its lin- gering flavor and delicious taste, King George's Navy Chewing Tobacco just right." It ia tough, juicy, satiafying aad Tryaplugtoday. or ter sustained a brokem ankle in a match at Butte, Mont. The Frisco despatch announcing the engagement innocently states pects to coutinue fighting." that "Lewis ex- en i By GEORGE McMANUS ARE THE GOLD: ME GETTIN WELL * THE 4OLD FISH ARE WN HERE - ~ ol £37 MEOW! Sig a i