Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Apr 1919, p. 9

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* Fx me | The Daily | KINGSTON. ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1919 : oe & ---- WEEPING ECZEMA |" MAK cons WW IB WET. 5 ze) SODNRELIEVED 1... "C50 os i ve pm g Tat In Metallurgy, Ete, Are weit | + Recovery Through Taking hi Ii a 21 et x Hi A Perfect Treatment For This Knownp--An Authority in Psychic Tanlac. a 3 i 5 Science. 4 man 2 Poe ps Distressing Complaint Kingston, April 10.--~(To the Edi-! neg From Ho ey Tania das fred ti WaBING, Ome,' tor): Sir William Crooks, ; whose weight in gold," said John Anderson, | - lag "I had attack of \ {photograph appears in to-day's Whig [or 103 Sfuart street west, Hamilton, Eéiema; -50 bad that my clothe and who died recently; was perhaph Ont., recently: ; SP 3 Svan : ¥: Ioth%8 | ihe most versatile man of genius iri "1 hag suffered terribly foy several would be wet tHrough at times. the British Empire. He wag a recog- | months from indigestion and kidoey|. ° : Forfourmdnthy;Tsuffered terribly. nized authority in more departments ironhie/" he continued, "and during I ¢ould get no relief until I tried |of seiefitific research than any otherigne ye few "suonths my condition Te md he BAe rT va a edo tas Ge Lr SU | o SCO i > Bre 8 8 ds "1 off from work, My stomagh felt as | 3 ' The first treilment gave me relief, t in electric science; the Crook's tubes {ir it had lumps in #, and I'had terri- / 9 Altogether, 1 have used three |being sufficient to preserve his name ble pains in my chest and back, My boxes df 'Soatha Balva' and two of [and fame In ragdio-activity, in me- kidneys worried me considerably and], 4 Fy : Pd ed , rd « a = A \3 'Fruit-a-tives', and am entirelywell? |tallurgy, in industrial chemistry and || was so dizzy at times that 1 would | 7 & a uN } . ge G. W..HALL. agrictiture, in sanitation, and in all stazger and almost fall. owen i 2 Both these sterling remedies ara |Pr20ches of these matters he was a| "One'of these dizzy spells came on| . p &F / { 4 F 4 ¥ 4 / rd Mi A Hn i 4 / Ve / leading authority. He belopged 10|me when I was in the shop one day, sold by dealers at 50c. 8 box, 6 for nbarly all the learned societies at|und when a friend gave Be a dose a X $2.80, or sent on receipt of price by - [home and abroad -of any distinction. | of Tanlde 1 got over it right away. I 7 / / Friit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa." And yet the bigotry of science is such | | hought a bottle and haven't had the ; bl 7 / ' / Fruit-a-tives" is also pitupins that the work upon which he chiefly | slightest touch of indigestion in A v p : } trial'size which sells for 250 prided himself is never mentioned some time, and I have felt different - oY / / § . : by the majority of his fellow work-|ever since my first dose. My kidneys a 2 © Tee ers,. and 'the werld is ignorant of it, | don't trouble me any more and aM Quit Laxatives, : In "Who's Who no mention ia the pain is goge from) uy back and \ made of his standing as an authority |-.chest. 'My appetite ust great. a in pkychie research, of his presidency|eat anything I want and never have GEORGE CREEL : » « Purges; Try NR of the S.P'R..nor to the fact thatjany trouble afterward. I am work-| Was appointed official war ews prc when president of the;British Assoc-|ing every day and feel fine all the| eensor,' {wo years ago today, April es NR Tonight -- Tomorrow Feel Right Jution he took pains o Sslivaring us Sale ins is sold in Kingston by A. P. a 1817. editor. Tt is a mistake to continually dose {had formed as a result of Bis Investi-| in Hatteras by C. 5° Clark, in Fon: SATURDAY'S ANSWER Ea big re gatioiig forty years ago, but had con- leigh by Ervin Martin} in Ardoch by| Upside down in coat. = Hh le CRE Skis nt | oquene xi. Na W. Capon 1, SUAFD0L Lake by| mf Sign BCISSAY: Ebi togay to [OMEN selentific mon have aBADSEd | SemA AAAs Anas PEACE RIVER LANDS, overcome your condtipation afd get (lis views in this respect. ° But to ac- founder seme of cosmic law. In Future Development . in the New i your system in"such shape that daily ' lcopt Sir William Crodk's views would purg Will 'be unnecessary? You |. oon iidh 4 portentous subversion old Egyptian days a well known in- Norft tn" can do sh if you met a 25¢ box of n ! scription was carved over the portal x yorthwest. Nature's Raimedy (NR 'Tablols) and [qf all the generaRy accepted tdeaw of | op 'tots on nie or Inia: "I Am what-| At a time when two'of the great take one each night for & week or.so. 'llife, that the cautious scientisc may ever- hathbeen, is or ever will be; | est needs of the werld'ate raw ma VR. Tiblats do much .more than on y ng 8 mergly cause pleasant oasy bowel ac~ | De pardoned Jor the ie ars 9 Such "land my veil no man hath yet lifted.' | terial and an inckeased grain supply tion. . This medicine acts upon tha (radical philosop Y.. ANC so long asiy, ho 40 'modern seekers after | there is something peculiarly satis @~Sstive as well as eliminative organs |verybady agrees to say néthing aboug truth confront nature--the word | factory in the newg that the. greaf : afOmotes good digestion, causes the |; . Wi n 5 bddy to gut 'the potirishmnt from il it, the Public wl be Hone tho Wises 'that ' stands for the baffling | bridge which will carry the railway the food you eat, gives you a goed, 8 "Researches Into the eHom- | mysteries af the universe. "'Steadily, [ across the Pele River, in Norther avercomen billovaneus: regulates Kidney || 03 Of Modern Spiritualism', is alungimehingly, we strive to pierce the |"Albetta, 18 completed. Millions of and bowel getion and gives the whole [Most interesting and valudble -con- infiost heart of nature, from what] acres of hard wheat country are body a thorough cleaning out.w This [tribution to/ the literature of the she is fo re-construct-what she has| thus made available for immediate Mcqmplished you will not have to take : |subject: Beginning his investigations been, and to prophesy What she yet| colonization, The'task of construct tablet will' keep youp body In condi- [of spiritua) phenomena at a time|gha) be, Veil after veil. we have] ing the bridge and the railway con- ' tion and you can always feel your best. (when the prejudice against psfehic lifted and her face grows more beau-| Decting this far-northern point with aa Nature 8 REMOINLNE Tablets) phenomeny was. mitch stronger' thaniijeu} august, and wonderful, with| Edmonton, ahd so with. the rest of medicine jthat you can use and costs |lofday, anf pursuing his researches |oyery barrier 'that is withdrawn." Canada, has, uot been an easy one. only 25¢ per box, containing enough to th~all the care, caution and. ac- ; --8. A. AYKROYD. Many difficulties have had to be over- last Tu lve da ao ures Rem. curacy that markéd his other scien- \ come, but they have all been over-: Fetommanted pao, Eyaranteed 'leific work, he rendered his studies ; rE compe, and now the old Peace River rent -1in this new field doubly valuahle to 4 SEDF PP PFPP PIPE crossing is spanned by a b€idge open- x: HH, Sa y Druggist, 'Kingston, the world by his conscientious re-|g ri s ing the way for the Canadian rail 2 rR RE DY gard of all the details and conditions % SIN WILFRID'S PICTURE. + | ways to push on into the vast fertile rand his noble boldness in publishing ' -- «| stretches north of that river. 5 the same to the world: The. Whig has for sale a # That De Peace River Inde have 4 ¢ 3 rg 5 is : (3% muntber of copies of a splendid 4 | & Ereat future cannot bedoubted. The a > can h . id {ney Bova ors Ln Sey, Pg JAE Sie te ge ike f Losong heh sipdeamproninn, | NQSG# in the world hat- "WS tice Cook as péychics, all conducked| 4 Shinag on exceliéntly finish- 4] BOFth, snd fromdongigude 113 101251 ©' - Laie liv h 1 h Nod P: y degrees 0 rgmiongiuds well adapt- ; ara y as 0 ave N roel under tést conditions, must ever ed paper . and measure 12% PEEP I EDEL EERE stand among the most marvelous of riches by ' 19 inches. They #| ed for settlement. 'It is a country . : are especially suitable "'for &| With a climate in every way excel: 2 k rth : a package worthy man's nature and of his ability to t , ten cents over th un- #| winds from the Pacific; the seeding | British Association, at Bristol, in ures, ten is "i. y nonmiinal one, and is made 4 district of some 3,500,000 aeres is} iB i EL ga known that the part 1 took many merely to prevent indiscrimin- | Suitable for raising grains, grasses, |' ate 'distributiony The picture #|and vegetables. It is, moreover, in 3 is worth many tines the money # | Places, thickly wooded. with valuable . \ : some may feel curious as to whether A to spéak. 1 have nothing to retract. call early, as the supply is «| known to exist in great quantities. h . il limited, and cannot again be | In addition to all this there is every that. keeps all its good- E------ > pt | ® : : much, thereto." Phd ddd ddebdiiod db hdd bd ddd . . > ess ARISTOCRAT Tide rising to the surface indicate the hs n in. coat, yet disproved.' True though this): Canada. opened the year with | river valley. Blmira Cooper, Beloved wife of Hi- [tury has forged weapons of gbserva-| ing the war she has accomplished | will be carried on with the utmost Belleville. --8he was born at Latta's|1o8t tryo may profit. Science has} will probably have to be accomplish= | action of the federal authorities, had been {ll for some time with anae [disciplined perception, and in so do-| eblisted for active service roundly | district, within fifteen miles of exist- The Ratlibun Match factory, Dese-|er, wider and incomparably more| these 55,000 have died and probably | held for soldier settlement, Liberal human experiences and an impreg- frafniing, and are supplied ins «lent, and remarkably moderate, con- surylve the shgek of death, ter and fifteen cents when de- #| time is much the same as it is far- : 1898, said in part: "No incident {n ; So look for. pears ago. if certain psychic researth- as a - souvenir of Canada's & | timber, whilst both metallic and 7 1'shall speak out or be silent. I elect I adhere to my already published a 3 joa1 . : ] eyidence of a high grade coal supply, . } That's why Tramp Bird--He won't notl + It has heen said that. 'Nothing he 1 won't notice me . presence of a congiderable supply of Jmay have been in the past, it ig true] Problems confronting her, perhaps 'All these resoyrces are.only await- Mills fifty-eight years ago, her, majd- [trained and fashioned the average} ed by her. The population of Canada | Who. have indicated that all vacant i Wag Was fortified itself for tasks high-| 400.000, or one in every twenty. Of or. projected raitwa--s; must be rontes-has opened under. new manage Wonderiul than the wisest among| 45,000 more have been so phygically are to be provided, and every TEE ? . CN uit mer®.. The new firm will be kuown [OUr. ancestors imagined. It is hence-| impaired as to be comparatively use- | he and encouragement is to be af ; pai : - ax the Beacoh Match Company. forth open to science to transcend allf less for practical industrial endeavor. | forded by the authorities to thr re- 4 x 5 ; : ¢ WwW 1 nable defencé of the spirituality of strong mailing tubes. The #/| sidering the latitude. The winters . . ® for these. pic- «4 | are at times tempered by the Chinook v a 1 ] t t Sir Willianf Crookes" hefore the <haige made : D 3 . 0 i S con en Se Hvered by mall, fsa purely + | ther south, and practically the entire d my* Beientific career is more. widely és. Perhaps' among my audience greatest statesman. Order or «| non-metallic. mineral deposits are { , in the sealed package statements. Indeed I might add|# repeated.' whilst springs of natural gas and tar Just because he wears a swaflow-tail {worth the proving can be proved, nor War's Changes In Canada. these valuable commodities in the The flavour Lasts! : < ME / i ° § "Ino longer. 'The science of our cen-] the most serious in her history. Dur. | ing development, and that the work . : ; . i ram Cooper, Springbrook, died in}jtlon and analysis by which-the ver-| wonders, and still greater wonders | energy fs practically assured by the en name being Elmira Godfrey. She mind into habits of exactitude and| total about eight million, and she |° gricultural-lands in the Peace River mia. Messrs. Chatrelle" and . Drummond, We now think we know of matter, da has thus to face a net loss, soldiers setfling there. ¥ Head Office: ge 3 14.16 Jurors Street . - Arm . effectives, besides paying a heavy lot pF their energies in many direc- & : y : . 5 : » 1 4 -- burden on their a: int, either as | tions, for, according to: the agricnl- 3 : : | ? | : : gions to themsel¥es if alive, or | LUral experts, the Peace River sec- » - ' : ] = Z ; : 3 to the depbndents they leave if dead. | tion must not only devote itself to ' : h & ® tries have been called into being, | °° 18 ee ry such as-those for making munitions, | "ise iG come, not only . ahi into agencies of peaceful industrial encouragin The shutting down of sbilization, Even if these fac- y ' Ix on Hd : i . ¥ oe 5 Fy » ¢ meter in.cast and malleable iron and steel electrically ee 4 - 5 ¥ Ot the other side is thefact that Can. | Me 8rowi;g of hard wheat on a trict, but also.a great ] ; -P! 8. » & In the manufacture of munitions . these factories will mean the throw-| or ow! ness' which : : : fice o Cn t of employment of a total } OC, \ Bre Cl a Phone, Main 256 tories be kept going, the continuance | a tributed what it] Y ol ] Toronto, are in charge. '+ dnd to gain new glimpses of a pro- | on one side, of 100,000 able-bodied ~golotiists will find an out- ' ada, during the war, been trang. | 1aT8e scale, but; in order to secure - . i formed from an Eilers to a ansible returns from' the Wi ad manufacturing Suntry. Vast indus- | Rast. fesart Jo mix : 9 A a and now these must re resolved back district. Altogether the outlook is ? were employed some 250,000 work. | CRB Pin hist 4 point 7s yy : iia Re 5, Shay ors, with \probably 75,000 more en- | HOE Se Jons-yasiad Jae lk Faas es su gaged in ithe output of other war} Foms & than 11s Dred hy materials y» the Wi . ' x ! r army to be brought home achieving task hi : g ? 7 y, one aspect of the in- aroki 8 a) Ne Ta a y " i B All classes of machinery aid boilers, from 1-16 to 24 incl

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