Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Apr 1919, p. 4

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bY eke THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 'MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1919. : ; mmr " " TT -- i = = Ww where they enlisted. That sounds [the energies of the: great mass of{- hich occurred fifty years ago,' yes: THE BRITIS TISH . RIG feasible, but men who ' hava lived | young people from Irequenting the Setaay. occupies u. ae ee No t through death and hardship in Flan-| els or daneilig hails, backed as striking example of the value s6t on re - - . ders will not desire to return fo the [th ire by the call of tire blood, 10 15s citizenship by whe State, dr of the pe Fe 2 : v = jeery / 3 coun ley siums, praye betings, bible | linijts to whict Govarnmend is pre- : . : . grdcery or dry goods counter now | 1asfums, prayer m v J limits to which a Gover 1 > 0 Pr a 0 P . that they are home And it is al¢ es or working circles--all segre- bpared to £0 10 uphold the dignity"ot ne ice ne rice 2 ao { \ . : romises | its "flag. The sending of af large . > . : o i Yanada 4 ww | 1, and backed only hy promises cag & p good thing for Canada that they gated, and bucked ¥ a British forte, at an expense bf sev- tore tore don't : [of benefits of more or les BEOICHY | endl millions of pounds, demand h + hy ! ee {outtine and of, at best, indefinite ae- the release of a handful of British 2 CAN, KINGSTON CAH § } tuality? It is like trying to build {oflicials who had been detained by Style Headquarters For Men and Boys' Wear TOURIST 'TRADE? King Theodore, was un junderta king h ; 7 . The breath of spring is in the of which every citizen of the Empire : i ' 4 } . . {has cause to feel proud, Sixteen The sun is rising higher in the caught by the bogs, the cash register, thousand fighting men, in addition to and warm, fragrant breezes are the police or Mother Nature, is the. ver twelve thousand in the trans- . 3 1 ~ % o 3 n . Aging the whiter blasts. The | measure of morality for only too |port, together with u following ot = ' . \ Ty Weamer from Kingston io [ many people to-day. And, judging flai ives. 3he. Whole force Wumbarin : 3 { : Fh Ne 4 i Bi Te taveitld a os shame~| Rearly 36,000 men--beg 0 Img : a : cent has started to run, by juvenile ¢rimes, and the shame from Mulkutto, on Annesley - 4 @ \{he tourist trade 'will be less reveéalings of feminine attire; | January 7th, 1868. 10 march in full swhg. It is apparent tha the "measure of morality" had be: | a distance of over 400 miles th iH ih : 4 oo We shall be happy if you 3 al the pyramid on its apex. # To "put it over," so as not to get \ z a in this, the Wrst year after the wa: come for the rising generation the |a mountainous and little known 2 es : 4' there will be\a larger volume otherale of lifer rl Sates, whieh was inhabitated Jor . : ANE come in and see the new suits a 4 . 3 sits oe a : 1e mos Lg savage y l WN y a ed habiy and Semiweekty by Jpacists than wer Belore Zain Are the churches and ther social well disposed towards the intruders. ALY IM overcoats and make your selections ¢ 2 rom e United ates to Ontario. | goencies prepared to cope w 1e ! toward the stronghold of a ruler who i ¢ ' . . . . 3 prt . 8 : Hi while the choosing is at its best. 4 S Th TED The Thousand Islands will be busier altered social conditions? - To take [Had numbered 100,000 men in his + reeds yes Js. President than ever before) the Rideau Lake oe 8.) 3 expressed | Tanks a few months before. For- - a ai tne Do and district will attra \t ever-increasing [he needs of i Tung ae pe re~ | tunately for the force led by sir 3 - [i B a J naging- Director, at PAsIng | iy their everyday, 'eagerly-sou Robert Napier, desertions had sadly) { Sia .$18.50 suits Telephones: J Dumbers, and varidus other holiday creations ,and to develop them along thinned the ranks of thre Negus Theo- 3 A : $20 00 its Hus OMce "5.0 vue vive v 288 haunts In Ontafio Will bo busier hyane and safe/channels, cannot be ac- | dore, Nevertheless his force was by = HY Pod "ia se . sul Maitorial Keoausen sss pee e389 i ide D | _ a Ofte. 08. : py '382 this summer than t % {complished by the reading aloud of | no means inconsiderable, and . he ip # =i ite $22.50 suits the days before war. The] ancient history, "b theological and | himself was a man of education and J 2 . Seder SUBSCRIPTION RATES Be ancient 'slory, Thy. bility wi sider: 1 : pli, (Daily Edition) - ~° question which arisdh in the minds doctrinal Qissertations, by repetition | *Pility with considerable knowledge I . . .$25.00 suits " One delivered in of «x +.36.00 i . 4 » of engineering and undoubted skill in aid J . One your: If Roi I advan eC 3800 of Kingstonians on hearing of. th'y of formularies -- either extempera- fighting in his own country. The : - \ J . ia . $27.50 suits One-year, by mall to xural offices $2.60 | {5 "What has Kingd} done, or{neous or printed colloquial or 'in| Negus boldly interposed a force of in i . : 32 50 i i Ome year 'to tates .. ..33, ' ous ; hy ; a Liane suits 0 year United Staten 33.00 what is Kingston to attract | gaaq language-----or by kinetic acts | three thousand men to meet the in- : y A. (Semi- Weekly Edition) ; i One year, by mail. cash ., these tourists?" ve. have to performed either singly, or en masse. | Vaders, but in spite of their almost sears + 31.00 7 y Ong year, If not paid in advance $1.50 " " ! fanatical coumge they were defeat- . iif : { : OR ado nla States tain} Sojanswer, '"Notuing, { Yk * | What is wanted is new blood to meet ed. 'The British force pressed on and \ hi i : See Our New e v 8 \ : : . iy oe . . , il KX\ / : % 2 pre There are great possibilities in and mingle fn thé youthful stream, {when the stronghold was finally tak- oo RB MONTREAL Tan Daye Bt the t&urist trade for this city. | and from itself to supply the germs of | en, with little loss of H the dead ; Hit i WY Waist i ine Suits F.R.Northrup, 225 Firth Ave, New | ork | Tourists, add especially Yankee new life lacking in the original. body 1 _Juedaore Wor 8 band, oa \ it [1 I \ > - To resin oy ord 17 0h kero Waived vg api (i mas | LAE, Shoot 0, 0" ou WH The. Real Militaire letters to the Kditor are published ity and lavish expenditure, and [yer save the world , " RT a rh aa ke , {IE DR . v ' : : | - ' yek st er the inhabitants were withdrawn { \ . on. aver _ the Actual name of the wherever they go merchants reap a ri ---- the 'whole place was burned to the | \\ a Et haa -------------- rieh harvest. Can Kingston not get J ground. The British subjects were ® 2 Attached in "of the best joWy. x Y 1 relonsiod at. itis Wa gw printing offices oe ara Jom ito the running and eatech a share eleased and British honor was ay ne this trade? Various thiugs ure 3 PUBLIC OPINION - | enge WE : ; ; \ ii English blue worsteds, fancy cheviots, fancy worsteds, ed béfere thig can be done. This The cf ot THR BRrrisy [10 Te None. Thi . : | Whi in slim e by the chiek need of the city in this re a To Sat Up in Bed LT Spectils a hotel. The cry lor a hotel, : (Brantford Expositor) To Get Her Breath * / ; . / y, NEW HATS Audit Duress of Otrculations, which has been raised sb often dur- These ape . certainly iconoclastic Palpitation of the heart Rorthess z : - *|ing the past twenty "years, is|days.' Evidefice of this is. found *in of I L : € art, shortness ! . A . . A , ) y i fsida breath, ing J » ' : "rl stroliEgr hall ever. Tic nerd il ih Proves] of tap ela ue, Stites ar oon the Taft + Special values: $8.75, $4.75, $5.75. p g str hk. 4 bs : re :rmit the city of Ottawa to |° rv 16 3 as Smot ' pr - . Y./ The era of strikes in Britain nas|greatef now than it has ever beon, wo ak ion the sigle tax idea. |Pressed feeling in the chest, diz "been ended by a compact between the Unforfunately, it is now too late] o Ru 7 Ya Hhore and faint spells, tired, weak, worn : 3 : : ds = 00 "A1€| Shades of Whitney! Is there to be out feeling, involuntary twitching of NEW SHIRTS masters and the men. Truly the | tor anything to be done to have. al no st agains such ~~ "patch. e te b+ protest 'against such , nn the muscles le 288 i democratic spirit is the only sure bre- fhotel" built in time to csteh this | work!' 'legislation? ete, all Vora to opie i gas, . Special values: $1.50, $1.75, $2, ventive of Bolshevism. season's trade. But it ghould bal For the World's Good. . the heart or nerves, or both, are ; int 5 $2.25, $2.50 mr. made cértain. that befora next ! (Ottawa Journal) Bot what oe pang, be, doy 2 § : he al spring, Kingston has its hotel. Then | - The sooner we have more golf, | these ope ons should be remedie ; ; ; The a dermanwho deputized - for : : 3 ane more baseball, more play, 'more |Immediately so as to avoid a come ; NEW RAINCOATS the mayor in receiving troop trains | 1ff Will be able to Push forward -its leasant communion with each other |Plete, breakdown of the whole sys- Ne ! ; RS last year is now mayor of Kingston. | ¢1aims as a centre Of attraction for A by thoughts of dollars and' tem. / " { Special values: $15.00, $18.00, Do coming events cast their shadows | the tourists who will flock to the! cents, more Joy in living, the better! Milburn 8 Heart ' and Nerve Pills ¢ , 8 . "$20 00. $22.50 $25.00 before this yer? Wait ana see, BL. Lawrence River. The Whig nas | for the world; and, if daylight say- CORI seas uthe weakened ! hy Ro : 3 ' - ? time and again urged that 'some- | ing will hasten that condition, = for the: heart. ord hom ©, : ; Bk 7 \ ; i 'ot ue shave: day 2art, up the tired, J thing worth. while owards | Heaven's' sake let us have daylight : y - In. an election. for their chief, one fs 8 he dohe towards | ren overstrained nerves. i OUR BOYS DEPARTMENT . J achieving this object. The tima has sod = Mrs. William. Steeves, emical! jk . hundred out of a possible of one come when something must be till the H Road, N.B., writes:--*I havé been a : ; 8 ; * Is a busy place these days, for hundred and two Indians polled their dohe. and 8 ae) . ot - Sul] the Hun. great sufferer from nerve: troubles J : \ d 1 th h d ti ed votes. It isa pity that this interest tea: ian ae . will meet wich Spiritually, Germany to-day is just {and palpitation of the heart. which | . . our good clo nes have advertis does not extend to the Kingston elec- |" °!2 , Approval and support. where she wus in*1914. She is im-]|Was so bad I had to sit straight up in # Sa | .us well. You 11 find us, always as tors ; ®, Te ------ penitent and unregenerate, She still] bed to Set my heat could Bot Jie : A : 5 " x : : 2% og ? inom . +120 my left side at all. I tried doctor - "THE CALL OF THE Ri wu fcan gee no wrong in what she did y ready to show as to sell. | ht Th D ¢ 3 OOD, p| ler only faujt is that she did net suc-| after doctor, alsé' 'several different : urrah! The Department of La- Phe profitable employment "of ceed in -her design, She will never | remedies; but got io help from them. e wd 4 3 Li : od 1 14 50 bor'states that food prices are of the time, and especially of lelsure, is one be brought to a realization of her other insisted on me trying . \ New Waist ne models $ IV, down grade. So far, we had not d - 4 Bs § ainst civilizati a ilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. y E * . EB of the great problems of life. There | sins against civilization, except in the time 1 had used one box. i wa ; $16.50, $18.00. the figures, and it is said that figures unhappinesz-so surély as fileness and -- all three boxes, and mow I am in per- } cannot He, y unemploysd leisure, The tremen-| y ' fect health, .and can enjoy a good : $12, $14.50 . 5 oie Clot, | iyi . ; ; noticed the drop, but they produce Is'nothing that causes discontent and sackeloth and ashes. : feeling very much better. I took in! nan New Belter models, $8.50, $10, apn dous patronage accorded to the mo- sound sleep, and can lie on. my left The indemnity to be paid by Ger- vies and The theatres is 'evidence of many will he spread over thirty-five this, and of the lack of mental and are 50c a box at all dealers, or mail- years. By. that time the Germars moral resource in the average indi- |The Storming of Migdala, April 14.}ed direct on receipt of price by The ; & . » may have learned their lesson,' and vidual, ' Two" or- three generations In the world's history the destrue-'T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, ; : . "have dropped thélr ideas of gaining 8g0 it was the business of every home tion of the strenghold of Magdala, Ont, : : ' - Ne AA A Ae . 78, 80, 82 Princess Street aii side without any trouble." Milburn's Heart 'and Nerve Pills world-power. . to provide simple and inexpensive re. "ithe Tillsonburg. Board, dof Trade | Feations for its members, and to de- 5 . « velop in every member an aptitude - 5 : » = 4 his started a campaign to put Till- A : one 0 corey | Ane of hr i rr Rippin mes and industrially. 'We wonder what alio th . I sy P ny There wag « ! i the=Kingston Board: of Trade i$ do- 8 'heuleation of mora] hres : : . . | cepts and consideration for others, so that duties performed were the basis KEEPING TAB j . : ' ; lng along this line. Se The boss is keeping tab, my son, he mar 8 your lafge part in making the wheels of in-|be received could be built. Every- : every cjrve; and if hn not a your ark you'll dustry go round, and fs foremost in [body had to do his bit for the com-|f Bet what you deserve; if you are only sprightly when | . . the work of reconstruction. Every |mon weal or amusement, and gratifi- {§ | | your weekly wage you grab, you'll shortly join the job. | # : little helps to make jobs for the boysq cation was easily secured in the ab- Ei | less men---the boss fs keeping tab. Perhips you fool | * wd ¥ N a ] ' y around at night, and paint the village red, whep you'd who are coming back, ; sence of undue expectations. ri hey i be wiser sleeping tight in your nice truckle bed; then Now is-The Time to Use. : ------ . This has all been changed--wheth- i oY your are dead upon your feet when you to dut gO; ; i I : d It feems rather strange that Cana- | ep ror the better or not; as-far as the|f 3 you make a snail look pretty fleet, Sour wovements Good tor farm, garden or lawns. Sold in large or sma "California Oherries dian foodstuffs should be less costly welfate of society is concerned, nr ' are so slow; your eyes look'dike a total loss, you have quantities, Cherries " y - a taste that's Arab; you-cannot pntssuch things across [ Olarifornia Plums in Britain than they are at home. | mains for future historians and mor- rd ie Bo keeping tab. Perhaps your. thoushis I BUNT'S . A Canadian Plums ot rr N 'Spaper advertising plays alupon which expectation of benefits to CA Very soon Canadians will have to go|alists to decide. Certain it is that have roamed afar from work yoi ought to do;eyou're Hawalian Pineapple abroad to secure the bést Canadian |there is now a spirit of "unrest, and s * thinking of some movie star who made a hit with you; : HARDWARR Strawberries : prodficts at a moderate price. 4 démand as a right for constant and «oF of a joyride you will: take whey this sid day 1s 25 oe Raspberries done; -or of a shady way to make a little bunch of |} i Ci : : : specialized amusement and sensual gs SE y : : ; - Before listening to the plea of the ratification, which must be paid for MATCH, 4 mon; or of a la¥ge planked = tendegloin that you at 4 3 Jas. REDDEN & Co. R ; 8 : ' J night will stab: 'twere better far to' earn your .coin--the boss is keeping a Phones 20 '& 000 Germans that they cannot pay the in- In tash or othewise, and which fs |tah.- And then, perhaps, on t' other hand, you'ré working like a jo; you're ; EE ff iE ; Rdoemse Now. 6-459, 8-184 '@emnity, the peace conference should very greatly at variance with the hustling round to beat the band, to make the bubiness grow. Ang there is i o EE remember the way in which they usual personal outlook of the times | VIBOT in your walk, our Movements are not dead; you do not pause to 4 . pro he Sco ¥OR YOUR [ * -FORSALE ayia honky ou the towns and cities is, which many--if not most-of out a ho Slock, and You WII na re orhor Reena os tu loomne flr. fl -F ; : of Belgium, va after these had |ggeial agencies 'had their inception | poss is keeping tab. i / We : : \ been wrecked by the ns. 1 i] ! NJ 2 | x Ms. land development ny : ~~ =--WALT MASON. : rin nearly mew, '| The Women's Emancipation Biil,|, * 14 undoubtedly a great factor re ; : i : : : 3 hedntonits oak i 5 § i > eta . - " i | lov pm ro : in the lessened attraction' for the Tice, $5500, now before the British House of Comn- 8 0 = - fo di ty _-- - a - a A % ® . cy | Ee. masses of churches, lodges, g¥mna-I ™ ! : : | Brick dwelling, nearly mew, mons, goes so {ar as to permit women 08 8 & BY | y vd : 4 hy { . ein i! William rate bedrooms, hot stums, lectures and such - like, which y, £-- ; water dak floors, bath to sit in thd Housp of Lords. Times exist the avowed, purpose of b cul pra! JB " } : : : find W.C. on each fine; fire piace; Indeed changing, and women are| for 2 BD a ale. 4 10834707. | he 5 AA 2 Bp to date In every respect. ar ite the 4 brivileges | ATHDE participants only#in feturn for{ * | : : i iy : Price go750, © oom ig . > ; 8 iy Pp x, the persistent personal effort and co- ry 78g Rl. ; ; 1 i : Brick awelling, . Montreal ./10 which their share S var em operation and at a more or less ve-| ba SILLG i (A tain' the aa vers warm Brice Shoot titles them. mote future. This has 'catised a , : . 30 shifting of moral values and stand. } paration the demands of France and ards, 80 that the gratification. of the Belgium should not be silenced by|Present moment. within--of even | i. a ; ; ade og : : es he : those countries wlio did not safer in. Without--a margin of. infltvidual phy- ~ fa 1 (l Nd ; : The ideal fuel for household " vasion. The destitution caused by | ical Immunity apbears to be the A > . F.Lawrason § to] . Sood - " oe purposes. It is coal with-ail "the Hung in-these unfortunate lands | E9iding force of the lives of only too | - th More F shin Cl ' RE Street | the fmoke aud, Sa producing : y : ; f our youtht Jd Em tl AN A «S41 aii : , ; 3 su neces removed leaving pas be made good to the very last |MMARY Of Our youthful population. | un : . : : Applied : ll pire carbon--no dust, no soot. ollar, Lad oy Parents, seeking their own amuse] : ------ : . : oe FA oo SE . : on ments, neglect Gr abandon the moral | Wa 54 . ; : ate eth a es B x J little ash---lots of heat, : Bef the daylight aving battle supervision of "their children, or at| 74 \ . oh at ris Ur, AX, C w ; %. do. note ho 148 Don nally Seteiot: ca emer best quiet their.awn consciences. fn PANE Je SOE do a mg EE Sere : , Ei a peg pe ms thie to be 2 association 'comes forward with the|the matter by insisting on the whek- Pr wl ; BE a Ei : in St. r NF ; . ; on the contrary, we/han, suggestion that the calendar should [W attéhdance--on fine days-----af the} 4 a Ter 2 li il : : | It because it in the best. be changed to one of thirteen months | Sunday school. How can the. best| > : of twenty-eight days bach. With all intentioned effort, even th a meafure, these suggested changes, 'we won't |Offset i one hour a week the eon- be able to kpow whether this is to-) tinuous ure "of the other 'onef. "day, to-morrow, or 'vesterday, or|hundred 4nd sixty-seven hours, éven | whether this is March, April or May. [Jf It were not directed against natu-| = KEW AAVE WF yours 10: cony ; ns al One jar at a time, please. ral predispositions? | How awtuily NN Wl tly vals and em. strong natural predispositions are ; Ca _ receive AY M CA official states that the| every one who has attatned completaf . Oe rind EG ; Li CL 0 ney . Present unemployment all 'over Can-|physical development knows. Iu the | CAFE Hin = : 'a ; wi + da would be solved if the returned (light of this knowledge, how can any [MEME Er Ca : men, would all go back fo th contrew! ressomatle porspn expect to divert "pyo Above Opera House WE ' MT wr yak Rs : * o ¥ as i y When Seomes to a question of re- : i 4 : Sel .

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