THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1919. NO MORE KIDNEY |" From en TROUBLE 'Countryside Sines He Commenced | to Take '"'Fruft-a-tes" Frontenac "Three years. ago, I began to feel Seen run-down and tired, and suffered SANGSTER. : ; ; April 11.--The roads are if bad Yery much from Liver and Kidney condition owing to the frequent rains, Trouble. Having read of 'Fruita Thomas Barrett purchased a valuable tives', I thoaghit X'would try them. [cow last week.; Visitors: Thomas The result was surprising. Fitzgerald, Bob's Lake, at T. Bar- 1 have wot had an hour's sickness |TetU's; John Daly, at. J. Lyang's, ay , since 1 commenced using 'Fruita. Do A. 0 andr, a3. Ae Ta il 5 Z = z b Comfort "Lye is a very powerful tives'; an Lknow now whet I have | Hickey, Glenburnie, at P. J. 0'Con- : Hs . 9 3 . \ cleanser. It is used for cleaning up pot known for a good many years--' |gor's; Mrs. Thomas Barrett, at Mar-! . AN 2 Me al PH the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, etc, wl RR eal IES A? Les de ho putin ss. el inking brain', : PP er » ' ALTER J. MARRIOTT ELGINBURG. Ton yo rilan als : hs Lye Kills_rats, mice, roaches : Chicago News. and inseol pests. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 256. April 12.~Sunday school has been - reorganized. Cromwell Cramer has ; Comfort Lye will do the hardest' At all dealers or sent postpaid on : ; : i * | opened his cheese factory. Georgeliously ll. "Mack" Patterson is * on, spent the week-end the guest of spring cleaning you've got, receipt of price by Fruitwa-tives Porter will open his op the 20th. {spending a time with his brother at Thought It Was n Boil Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Phelps. Mrs Comfort Lye is good for making soap. Limited, Ottawa. Miss Walker, Glenburnie, visited at} Portsmouth Mrs. Ellen Patterson DOCTOR SAID ABSCESS. Curtis is visiting fri i k- r, G y Vi $ ro Mrs, RB : > » 3 8 g friends in [Fran ' d and 1 re. John Silver's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles | after spending part of the week has| Mr. Gleason R. Young, Kingscroft, |ville. Special Baster services will be 1¢'spowdered, perfumed an o% pu Smith have gone to Kingston. They| returned accompanied by her little |N:B., under date of Feb. 9th, 1918. |held in the Methodist church, 'begin= will be greatly missed. Earl #raser| grand-daughter, Hazel, #rites us as follows: --"About five 'ning Sunday, April 13th. Pte. Al- 2 #7 VEN ue \ hd rns N orn N will assist George Porter this season. months ago, a lump came on my jaw-| bert Aitkins, Oak Leaf, fs visiting 1 A Miss Beatrice Graham is visiting her FOREST. bone. I thought it was a boil, and|his mother and sister here. Mrs.H. ! / ARMELEE' ~\ ; aunt, "Mes, Balley Day, Sydenham. April 7.~--Many of the farmers are|&fter it had been there quite a whila|Howard was a recent visitor in Ath- very disappointed in the yield of sap. |It Degan to get larger. I went to alens, Miners are stripping the ore VEGETABLE . SNOW ROAD. The roads are in a"very poor condl- [doctor and he said it, was an abscess, (mines on the farms on the Soperton April 12.--The roads are at pres-| tion and the farmers are strong for |and lanced it. 'He gave me a wash [road and it is believed that the mines Pl LLS ent in a very muddy condition. :The| better roads. » All are glad to hear {for it, so I went by his directions are quite rich. Miss Maysie Frye, farmers report a poor sap seasomt. L.|that Miss K. Joyce {8 able to re- {until it healed up, but it commenced | Toronto, is {ll of the 'flu at her home . FFICIENT CORRECTIVE Gemmill and family intend moving to he i afr 3 coming again, and in about thréethere. Mrs. Sud. Chantry is visiting ] BHLY. EEFIC! Noon sume hier duties at school again, Mrs, ON_O! their home at Watson's Corners in| o 2lderbec 2 ir home weeke it broke itself, I thought it Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morris. A DIGESTIVE ORGANS TO PeArFoaM 4 |the near future. Their many friends Cs em ome again would get better, but it didn't." A, -- Re THEI hf NS in this community regret their de- some time. Forest factory re-opens neighbor advised me to get a bottle NEWBORO. \ REGULARS INTHE 4 parture, and wish them a prosperous Monday the Téth. Mids Mildrea (of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I sent| April 14.--The funeral of the late h IGESTIVE TRACT, : future. William Buchanan and sis Morgland is calling on "friends in and got a bottle, and by the time it [George _ Lyons,.--of Newboro, took RD ter, Verla, Glen Tay, are yisiting Kin ralon 0 = Fitzgerald is ca litn was all gone, the abscess had disa-|place on Thursday at 2 p.m, from the \ friends "here, The W:M.8' meeting on a and. t Bob' wy Kei A num er ppeared, and now it is all better." amily residence to St. Mary's church, a dt Mrs." J, Palmer's on Tuesday was t Fore $a 1 8 eo Be | 3 v Burdock Blood Bitters will heal [when the impressive service of the SEO TITTY [well attended. R. P. Harper made a OF TOTest people met at the home. of}, 4 gy 41p sores, uleers, and absces-|church was conducted by the rector, & > thip to Folger this week. Miss M. Fawand Eawrerice to Eb itame hake ses, ng matter how large or of how |Rev. 8. F. Tackaberry. The sacred i R Pp nles #dohnston is spending the holidays at] 49 A og ry B ara hE, 1" llong standing. If you have never ap- [edifice could not accommodate the)- | ! i ' emoves mp Oso. Some from here attended the [08 Fourned after long service In |,jeq ft to a cut, wound, sore or ul-|large concourse of pesple, who came =. orn BTR a party at Elplitn-on Friday might and| France, also to present him with g cer, just try it and see what sooth-|to respect the memory of a friend ! A ell Pimples and facial [report a good time. Geddes Harper fountaig, pen, as a small token. ing, healing, cleansing power it pos-|and honored citizen. The late Mr. : ( Po---- : . and Ralph Geddes spent Saturday . sesses." It takes out itching, stinging|Lyons was in his seventy-second H Your Choice bleniishes are the tell- [ne guests of Jack Geddes, Missis- : TIC HBORNE, ~ nave |80d burning, and promotes the |year. He came to Newhoro fifty-one protection add tales of the blood's |sippl. : 2 4 The Tecent In have lgrowth of healthy flesh. So, too,|vears azo, and after sérving three . : eft the roads Ryery bad" condition. | ypen taken internally, by its power |years' apprenticeship with the late _ con,ution, Purify the ' INVERARY. A number of the fagmers have re- |, oj, iaring all impurities from the |B. G. Adams, as blacksmith, he pur- : April 13.--The Model factory is|POrted the sugar weather as being |, "0 making that vital fluid |chased the property and business, receiving a géod supply of . milk, |OYeT: George Goodfellow, Trenton, |.) "rag and pure, it cuts off the which he successfully carried on for Owing to thé recent mins the roads has purchased A. A."\Morton's store. origin and source of the foul mat-|{the past forty-eight years. He was MUNYO N'S are in a terrible condition. It : is He Sapsete to pram: up Susinteg ter that goes {o make boils, pinfples, lan active member of the village almost impossible for cars to travel. rip) I a o mb are er sores, ulcers, abscesses and the like, council for a number of years, having . a o Owing to the illness of her cousin,|ses hor able to be back in the hotel and at the a a Sime the puified Sorsed as SORueIHIOE Gi rouve; bo Sold and Guaranteed by . Miss Effi 1 ~ Al and enriche ood creates healthy |politics, he was a staunch: conserva. bs Paw-Paw Pills nd nies yas unexpectedly fuss, rs . Allon fade a fing tissue where there was formerly, per- tive and in teligion an Anglican. He . Shepherd is i ] a Ping 0 rourn his , a widow, / OH we burial of Uhevats WW. J. Aribi and Rivnser ies 'vis at drs 5 1" Burtock: Blog Hitters bus veun iw: sons, Jorn, of Newbee, snd Bi Stevenson & Hunter fibert Gunner took place at Sand 3 Salford's. Ruse} Bird ent ol factured ouly by The T. Milburn Co. y EO ata - : A Aer eA her etait dry ¥. ublie se ay for Toronto, ere he will take |: ' = nda nd Mise | ; was closed for half a day. Mrs. W. a good position. Mrs, A. Ken. |Dimited, Toronto, Ont. Hn. S, Pritchard and-Miss Marie. of i L, Storms, of Wilton, is here helping nedy, er., and daughter, Edna, re- L pif he G he oy en B® Dier to take care of her mother, who has [turned home after visiting relatives Sunday afternoon ii memory of Pte. Measts, I. G. leech, J. 'E. : suffered a stroke, and continues ser-|in Kingston. Miss Willa Caverly [George Barl Wing, who was killed George Batelen, plo Daniifuon, 3 \ A : es land E. Yoteary at A. Kennedys; iin action, April Sth, 1918. Miss tending the funeral from a distance ol A Miss Jertrude McKeever at Wm. | Marjorie' Arnold, Ottawa, spent the| SHEE AS JH SFO © 0 ™ Miss : blood by using Arney's. Misses Cassie and Nellie week-end with her parents, Mr. and |W : 4 : F@ [Steelb spent Sunday at home. Pte. Mrs. 1. H. Arvhold. Mr. and Mrs, Eieanor 15m. Kingston, Rev, John A Wl | Petey "Hickiey left to-day on the! Thake, Ottawd, is spending-a féw Lyons, a mn itis i Te : ol wost-bound train for Winnipeg. .~~|days in town. ~Miss Rhea V. Break-|t0; Ernes hu op ftv 1s ox. oa ASN : Hai gig wk hh eA enridge, Ottawd, is the guest' of her |S¥mpathy of the community Constipation 'is the arch-enemy of health, OVERALLS lea parents, Mr. and Mts. J. R. Breatten- [fended 10 110 WVOWiNg ¥ Conquer this enemy and you rout a whole army bg April 9.--Miss Lily Campbell' ridge. 'Kenneth Butler is spending a w-------------- 3 v . y 1 di di " bili pe SHIRTS & GLOV hag. returned after a pleasant visitifew days with his sister, Mrs. T. : of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness,' Sg with friends in Kingston, John Glenn}Forrester, Perth. Mr. and Ms, Bari sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspep~ bo k Q ; 1 - . - 0 mide a business trip to Sharbot Lake|Sweetnian, Burridge, tiave taken up Prin ce Edward | sia. Beecham's Pills have been a world-favorite on Friday, Peter Tysick and Alex-|residencs at Collins Bay. Stephen L 4 : ater Tysick have gotle to Ottawa. to Bauoett, Watertown, N.Y. is spend-|} laxative for over sixty years. ¢ They go straight to spend some eo Ww nds. Sling a few days with his family here. | . Prd 7 Moss has returned from Maberly. | ae 1Ad Soe oe P0018 ais ddughter, the cause of many ills and remove it, © They act Miss McDonald is spehding the week-|Ida, Toronto, are thé guests of Mr. ; SALEM. fomptly, pleasantly and surely. Contain no epd ai Zealand. Miss Murray wasjand Mrs. W. J. Wing. Mr. and Mrs.| April ]2.---<Several from here have "Jabith ine d These time-tested pills dbwn to Sharbot Lake on Tuesday,|W. D. Taggart gre visiting friends, Deen attending revival services held mabit=lorming arug., iese g Pp as also was Miss Margyret Campbell. [in Athens, Mrs. M. Graham, Gana-|iR Consecon church. The monthly strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and Mrs. Angus St. Pierre dnd Mrs. Benj.|noque, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. meeting of the Women's Missionary ; 8t. 'Pierre, were in Clarendon recent-|M. Alford. Society wis held gt the home of Mrs. : R ii Vv ly for the day. Willtam: Sly recently a---- Charles Carnrike on Wednesday af- e e e returned" from overseas, is here width| * (ternoon. * Edward Parliament has re- Mr. and Mrs. Gedrge Nisley. Pte. i: STA. turned home after spending the win- . a Xx lo John St. Pierre's many (riends are April 11.--A small fire was dis. [ter in«Toronto. W. W. Colton and Sy ons i 2 ion he \ DOMINION FISH 00 pleased to see him home safe from Sovered in the home ot LN Bhai Samily have moved to Wellington. > 0 4 4 . | Framce. Miss Crawford, of Tich-{on Friday at noon. It originated in|Charles Ferguson, who. purchased . ' . g borne, is at E. Buffam's, In spite|an upstairs elothes press and the|Mr. Coltongs farm, is getting ready Worth a Guinea a Box 7. -Gunada Pood Board License of the bad roads, there was a largejcause is unknown. Help was soon|for 'spring work on his new place.| ° Prepared only Beeches, St. Helens, Lascashise, England, nd a Now 0-340. Ea attendance at St. Barnabas church|at hand and the fire extinguished,) Charles Kemp is getting his cellar] : Sold everywhere in : on Monday evening. The Bible classiwith but little damage done. Charles|dug for his' new house. Allan after service is very interesting. dnd|Davison and Jack Powell have ar-|Spence, who had his arm cut to the well attended, with Mr, Pringle f}j|rived home from. overseas. Both have|bone with a circular saw, is improv- |) charge. Mrs. Harry McDonald, Zea-|seen considerable fighting. Mrs. Gray, ling. Wilcott Huyeke has sold his land, called' on friends here this|Brockville, is"the guest of Mr. and |farm fo Johnson Bros., of Oso, and is i week. Mrs. O. P. Arnold. Mr. Kilborp and going to move to Wellington. f [ - f 2 4 py hin ' : Miss Gladys Kilborn were visitors in Il ' ' J ih? i a a ' . 3 SUNBURY, Ottawa recently. Miss Vera Whit- 4 man will give up $1 for a 50- ||} . FY ih i an O : April 10.--A reception was held more is visiting in Brockville. Mrs. [cent article he wants, and a wo ||| . } 2 ! f at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Tur-|E. A. Plerce is bomie from Brock-|man will give up 49 cents for a 50- ff : "ul ; . : A . ner on Wednesday evening. Messrs, | Ville Gemeral Hospital greatly im-|cent article she doesn't want. i 3 "- Sleeti and Ritchie have started to|Proved in" health. Her sister, Mrs.| ~The number of things. a. man : pe nis e orns dig the postholes preparatory to put-| Culbert, Brockville, is with her for a [knows about women is about 1. per [ll - : Of The Late ? ting a new wire fence on both sides|few days. Miss Mary Roddick, Soper-icent. of whit he thinks he knows, i : Ali of the wall from the manse to the fa > wean [Hi : 3 Hl , Blue-jay was invented by a scientist of distinction.' Methodist church-property, Thomas : : i : rn ) HW By a man whose lifetime has been spent in the study McWaters has spent the past week - - . I of surgical dressings. ; at' Mohawk camp near Deseronto, : NN if : | ah | "eg { » i - \ = a 3 0 ' . where the Anglin company are tear- This is a master's method -- correct, complete and _ | ing down the aviation buildings pur- efficient. And the millions of people: who know it, chased some time @go. Samuel Me- never_think of enduring a corn. CaS ¢ Waters and son, who recently return- n Jed Trom the Trot, are spending' a) féw ddys'in the village with friends and relatives, préparatory to taking up their repidence ' in the United States. Little Ada/Sbharpe was on the sick list for-a few days last). week, but is improving. It is expeet- ed that some more of the soldier lad- dies will return shortly. The Wom- en's Institute in the sister village of f : Inverary, is to give a public recep- The ep is to stop the 4 i tion to retfirned men on Good ¥Fri- in, is done by re. ; day evening, in the hall there. Ad- dresses will be\ given on practical topics by several prominent speakers and a tablet will be unveiled , in honor of the fallen herovs, vis fp 2 opts tes - ea Ad It cannot spread. So, unlike the re . : ---- ¢ = i ; x : ; 2 aii. the corn alone # sets on You wall n Eb rn 1 RON, ads haf A Aa en My : Is now on sale at the Whig Office. Tt aS, Fo fubberconted adhe. : Tord has gone. to" Varun § Jutsenres 124 x19 inches, and is a ; ks NL statesman. These pictures will be so Sn 8B J Yy * almost at cost, as follows: : ~ Stops Pain Instantly ~. Ends Corns Completely * J aren ay J rr "babies and child: it _ Deliveredby Mail .. .. .. . .15c each 7 dSce--At Druggiste;. "Gi 4 c Slack, Lyn, was & we CL who are , bilious, : . il ~~ Order early. The supply is limited. & BLACK, LIMITED Chicage, Toronto, Now York - yeoated, or full of cold, : * ear. BN ¥ k § £ ghee" TH = BE de ® ff