PAGE TWENTY Negleot your kidneys now snd the resulta. will be fatal later se Nuture's warbings: headaches, dissi ness, pain in the back, ete, are all symptoms If you have them Qin, Pills are necessary st once 60e. 4 box everywhere. The Nations! Drug & Chemical Oo, OF Ounada, Limited, Toronto. ws HE NOW Sure Way to Get Rid of Dandruff There is one sure way that never falls to pemove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This de- stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, or dinary liquid avron; apply dt at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips, : By morning, most if not al, of your dandruff"will be gone, and three or four more applfcations will comi- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no patter how much dandruff you may have, >= You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in- stantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and 100k and feel a hundred times better, You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces fs all you will need. This simple remedy has uever been kfiown fo fail. A SPECIALS FOR EASTER Swifts Premiom Meats, Gunns Maple Leaf Meats, Armour Oval Brand Meats Mathews Rose Brand Meats Fearman's Star Brand Meats C,H. | PICKERING, 0c 403 Princess 8 ¢ Jdcenge No. 8.2152 w o's The Great singlish I Tones and 2 ngiish the wh netvous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debditity, Mental and Brain Worry, 4s of Energy, Salutation the . ce for$s. © I per box, sia aoe, six will cure, Bold by all d hrs New panmiphlet mailed 13 Reeicineg cos li d in plain pkg. on reccipt of Emailed free. THE WOOD TORORTO, ONT. (Farmar Glades Table Luxuries GLOVER'S License No. S-48a8 The Telgmann School of Music Piano, violin 8a otner stringed instruments; 'elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin st any date. Terms on application. concerts ac- Engagements for cepted. = 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325; A ----------------------" Spring Is Coming Early This Y ~ We are ready for it "with a splendid as: sortment of p . . h p Ladies' Styles and shades BOEHM A MASTER SPY TOWER OF LONDON. { Men and Women Who Assisted Him | In the United States Find Them- | ble on Account of | selves In Tro His Criminal Activities--Story of How British Authorities, ( aptured Their Man, IGNING of the armistice od November 11 did not end the hunt for spies in the Allied countries, as we, are reminded by a report of the indictment of two men in N. York on a charge of aid ing Capts#Hans W. Boehm, one of the most notorious of German spies. Boehm is now under sentence of death in the Tower of London, as he has been since the summer of 1916,.and it is said that the reason for delaying the execution is a de- sire to hunt down all the chief spy's asgociatés. The men indicted in New York are Carl T. Thomas and Max Wyner. It seems likely that others will be indicted, among them a wo- man named Buesem, who appears to have been one of tlie chief conspira- tors in furnishing Boehm with pass- ports. Armed with forged creden tials he made two or three visits to Germany in\1915, and it is said that before sailing on each occasion he had an interview with © Count Bernstorff. He is also said to have received $65,000 from Captain von Papen, which he distributed in fo: menting labor troubles at factories making munitions for the Allies In Germany he made reports to von Jagow. , All his activities and the activities of his confederates took place at a time when the Laited States was a neutral Capt. Boehm, of the yerman army, and specially detailed for espionage in the United States, land- ed on August 1,,1914, a circumstance that adds to the overwhelming weight of evidénce which proves that Germany took it for granted that Great Britain would enter the war ijand that there would be a tremen- dous manufacture of munitions in the United States for the Allies. He went to Portland, Ore., where he was the manager of several clubs, and helped organize a bomb squad. Sub- sequently he made three trips to Germany and returned unsuspected. After his third trip he incautiously let drop a remark whieh indicated that he was or had been an officer in the German army, Whether he made the confession' to a British agent or to someone who told a Brit- ish agent, the fact was immediately reported. sto the British Embassy at Washington, and a close watch was "|set upon Capt, Boehm. Shortly after- wards, in the summer of 1916, he set out on the voyage that was des- tined to.beR\is last. He salled on a Cunarder wiNeh arrived at Falmouth ory June 26. British police came aboard, and when they left took Capt. Boehm with them. The next day he was arraigned before a court-martial, was shortly afterward condemned to death, and has been lying under sen- tence ever since. 5 Boehih's econfederatesgn the Unit- ed States, so far as is Known; were Carl Thomas and Max A. Wyner, the former being employed on phe staff of a German-American efor presumably one of Hearst's string. In the fall of 1915 the former intro duced Boehm to a Mrs. Jelke Thrash= er; a German by birth, who had heen recently divorced from her American husband, thus losing her American citizenship. This woman, by the way, is now in custody at Ellis Island. At that time she was living in consider- able style at a New York apartment house, and soon after the intro- duction Boehm, under the name of Blake, also took up his residence in the apartment. It is now contended that 'Mrs: Thrasher-recefved - Boehm into her home for the purpose of establishing his American citizenship. She wrote to officials in (Worgia to learn the place and daté of her hus- band's birth, the pair not -having been married long enough to get very well dequainted. These letters are in the hands of the American Govern- ment, and are likely to make things awkward for the lady. The object of the letters was to secure data which would ajd Boehm in the impersonation of her former husband. Armed with this informa- tion, Boehm made application for a passport in Thrasher"s name, = Ac- companying his application was an a Hdavit from Wyner to the effect that he had known Boehm or Thrasher forten years and knew that he was an American citizen. Whe ther Wyner made this faise affidavit out of love of the Fatherland or for a sum of cash in hand is not clear. He will presently have the privilege of explaining. At any rate the pass- port was issued and Boehm, under the name of Thrasher, set sail as previously mentioned, only to be tak en off the boat at Falmouth. He was most indignant at his arrest and de- 'manded that the British Government should communicate immediately with his wife In New York or with officials in his native Georgian city who would establish his identity. He explained that he had been: away from Georgia for some years, but was sure that he would be remembered, and he asked the officers to make cer tain to mehtion the fact that hie wore glasses, : Now it appears that Mr. Thrasher d worn glasses from hood, hav- ing an incurable astigmatism. This fact was established by the British Secret Service, which also established the fact that the glasses worn by the prisoner were of a different character and made only for AWAFIS DEATH IN| | { { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TU SPENSE. -j city in the country, ery is biisy with his siwing outfit at [NEW YORK MUSIC TEAC New York City, 121 Nichalas Av- enue.---"1 teach paino and and when suffering from chronic coughs, calds and bronchitis, I use Vinol as 1 find it cures when other remedies fail."--Heénry Albers. The reason Vinol is so successful in such conditions, is because it is a constitutional remedy containing beef and cod liver peptones) iron and manganese peptonates a gly ceno- phosphates, It strengthens and re- vitallizes the entire system and as- SiSts nature to expel the disease. We know of many such cases. Maboofl's Drug Stare and' at the best drug store in every town and singing | i +" WORLD'S RECORD BY COW. She Gives 738.7 Pounds of Milk in 7 Days, a Woodstock, April 22.--A world's record has been established by a Holstein cow, the property of J. B. Hanner, North Norwich. An of- ficial test conducted by Government officials for March and April to date shows that in seven days her but- ter production record was 51.93 . COMMISSION Says "Vinol Cures Chronic hs 1 THE SOLDIERS' AID has begn incorporated by the Province of Ontwiio fur the purpose of Basisting to relostdte dscharged officers and men in civil life, EMPLOYMENT. We cordially invité the co-operation of the public in the important work of securing employment for soldiers who have been discharged from military service, VOCATIONAL TRAINING. Classes for the vocational re-educa- than of soldiers who have been so dia- abled as 14 provent them from resum- ing their former occupations are pro vided free of com, ana in addition, the support of the soldier and his depead- anisgs provided during the perdod of retreining and for one month after Further information as t© courses may be obtained from W. W. Nichol, Superiutendent of Education, 116 Usle lege Street, Torente, RELIEF FUND. Donations for the assstance of #ole dlers' families in temporary distress will be thankfully received and ack. nowledged, and should be made payable to the order of the Commission, ' Head ONices 116 coLLEGR STREET, TORONTO, Kingston Branch: ~night with a large attendance. The Purvis street. W. H. Franklin spent thé week-end in Brockville Migs Mary Scott has returned home ' From The after spending a few weeks aL ge 4 » 1 Township Councils Countrysidey™ === 5 1 = I A art of last meeting ad- -law was passed author- : {l Prince Edward Frontenac WESPBROOK. April 19.--Owing tg the continued wet weather, no seeding has been done yet The United farmers held a meeting in 'the hall on Thursday . Verona, present. opted. A Merchants Bank of Canada, Verona, Ont., for current expenditure and schools interest 670 per annum. On motion Cowdy-McKeever, BONGARD'S April" 18.--Owing to the preval- {ence of influenza in this locality, the social for Good Friday evening, |en the use of the Township Hall for was postponed indefinitely. A} services during the building or re- do; Pringle intends moving to Picton in pairing of Methodist church. A by- the near future, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-|law was passed allowing Messrs ence Pierce entertained a number of | Craig Kitson, Reynolds and young friends to dinner recently. | berry, the right to erect a telephone Fagor holidays The Misses = H Miss Edith, McCarnock, of Picton, is| line on the craig road. The Reeve Gates and E 'Shillington Cot Svderi spending Easter holidays with her was authorized to pay county treas- Baa high sohic anc Uhsgia Sproule | SISters, Mrs, Pierce and Mrs, Hicks. urr 484.50 balance due county on of the Kingston Collegiate Institute Mr. Fowkes, who has been serving | car of potatoes, providing the county | N. spending their holidays at their in the navy at Halifax during the of Frontenac relieves the township [ro homes here. Leo. Kenny after spend- Wax, Taw come ia remain win his ing the week-end at his home here jam ¥r w 0. yaten! y purchased a oe ~ ty me in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. returned on Tuesday to Toronto, Phe Clair McOarnoek antertalied on roads are in a very bad condition. Friday evéning. Mrs. 1. Pierce has left for Hamilton to visit his daught- er, Mrs. (Rev.) Mayse. A number from here attended the entertain- ment at Glenora on Tuesday evene- ing. J, H. Harrison of Picton. is spending Paster with friends here. school closed Thursday for the loss incurred through . the handling [ba -of the potatoes in the township ofla Pittsburg and Kingston. The of 'wages during season of 1919 on LELAND. roag- making machinery to be 26¢ April 18. --The roads are In a very bad condition since the" heavy. rain on Wednesday last. The many friends of Mrs. E. Johnson are pleas- ed to hear that she is recovering = from a serious operation at the General dospital and will soon 2 y able to edme home. Miss Vivian Genge, teacher, is spending' the | Lennox and Addington Easter holidays at her home in God~ # frey. Miss Mary Kellar js at home | $e - after spending some Wil- - J mur. MY. and Mfs. Isdac Meclllroy ; SELBY. spent- the week-end at John Sills', April .16.--The' roads are in a Mr. and Mrs. Ora Compson spent | Very bad condition. House clean~, Sunday at H. Kellar's. Mr. and Mrs, [IDE Is the order of the day. H. Ab- F. Kellar at J. Sills'; Mr. and Mrs. | Pott Is spending a few days at Em- Arthur Campbell at W. Sleetn'g, |Pey Hill The cheese factory, apen- Round « Lake. R. J. Ferguson, |©°d on Monday last. "A. Graham' has Kingston, called on friends recently. {laKen over the mall route from - A, Tobias Young is on the sick 1st, |Brown.. Mrs. McKim, Torento, Is Mrs. L. Young had a quilting bee on | Visiting 'her daughter, Mrs. B. Den- Thursday last. J. Caird sold four]|fion. F, Amey has been lald up cows at a famcy price last week. |? few days with rheamatism. Mr. Mrs. 8, Ackerman has returned from | 20d Mrs. Arnold » visited their visiting friends in Kingston. daughter, Mrs. McFarline, on Tues \ man and. team, 30c per hour for]th overseer. Accounts paid: $25, Bd. Whitty, one sheep killed and two injured by dogs; $1.50, Hubert Dowker; re- George Babcock, snow shovelling for 1919; $8.50, George Babcock, work on road near Hollford; $2.75, John Walroth, dynamite fusing caps; $12, John Laveque, work on Laveque road; $22.50, Tom Lavegue, work on Laveque road; $46.43, Arehie Port- land, share of repairs on Hinchin- brooke building; $20#, Harry Wat- Son, sec.-treas. 8.5. No, 6 for teach- er's salany; $160, B. H. Campsall, sec-tréas. 8.8. No. 7 for teacher's salary; $150, H.W. Shae, sé¢.-treas feo 8.8. No. 1, for teacher's salary; $200, A. Bradshaw, sec.-treas. S.8. No. 3 for teacher's salary; $25.11, Hanson, Crozier & Edgar, printing: $2.95, British Whig, printing Coun- cll adjourned to' meet in = Harrow- or at call of Reeve, « cu Cataraqui Uses Standard Time, Cataraqut, April © 18. --Cataraqui Is still running on standard time. The farmers and gardeners here use way. C. L. Bdwards and Mrs, Austin Smith are home from hospital." J. to Miss Clara Fritsch, Denbigh, by an day. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. U. An- hsmith, Monda vy Bi --- derson 'at J. : 4nderson's; Miss cay Sth, at 1 pm, Gladys McFgrline" at- A, Arnold's: I 3 Is C. McMaster at D. M. McKim's; Mr. H. A. Wood's; Mr. and Mrs. 8. An- derson and daughters at F. L. oi 4 Amey's; A. Fraser at J. Rose's: Mr. JUNETOWN, and Mrs, La Febare at H. Hudgin's, 6s to-day to spend the holidays with | * + her parents at Selby. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs, Lanark Patrick Flood on Wednesday at Edward Riley are home from Guelph {an Rockport, spent Sunday at @.. P. ------ College. - Alfred Saunders has mov-1 to Bootes. Miss Gertrude au, Poole's PALL RIVER. ed into his new house. : 1 esort, hag returned home for the . 5 Mrs. Parkin, Kingston, has b holidays. Mrs. G. P. Scott visited April 19.---Several people from x "iin x Guess. Miss Edna Johnston spent last. Jacob Warren continnes quite | Of France," movie in Maberly Satur- Sunday with Miss Eva Purdy. pent ill. Misses Beatrice and Arvilla Ave | day evening. Others will attend thei Mr and. Mre H. Merrimam a ery and Fern Warren, Brockville, | reception for the returned boys at daughter. Mrs. Guess has are enjoying holidays at their homes here. Edmund Heffernan is engag- ed as helper at Arden Warren's. Vernon Morrow has engaged to ad- and Mns, J. E. Hydgin and baby at April "18 --Mi;ss Agnes Price leav- -- A 0 Rev. E. R. Kelly. Harold Cooke' an. Trevelyan. Miss Helen Beaubiah, a. and at Jacob Warren'ds on Wednesday | Bere intend taking in the "Mothers] Go Buest of her brother, Thomas w Sharbot Lake. Florencg, Grey has ending a da t returned home after nding the = ling a day ayia, With friends winter months in Perth. Mr. and gone to North Bay, where he has a Mrs, Kirkham -and family, |position. Mr. and Mre. Ernest sist Ira Tennant, Caintown, for the | Shannonville, are spending a few Cooke are spending ter in Tren- summer, Robert Mulvaugh is not {days at D. Kirkham's. Violet Scott{ton. Mr. and Mrs. e Galt have gaining from his recent illness aslis spending Easter vacation at{been visiting her sis quickly as 'hig, friends would wish Perth. A number of friends spent an | Baker. They will Ive in Carson's gn him, Herbert Scott spent re caine at Dan. Kirkham's on Thurs-| terrace for the summer, day at Poole's Resort. Clinton Av- | day, : | stine has sold his house to Re Mar- v pel. "Mrs. C. V. Crosby. has return- ed home to Trenton after spending . 4 short time with her father and ; mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. Riley. Pa Zold the grocer- Send up six boxes of evening, the 12th, after a long ill- ness. "Hugh was twelve years ofl age. James Cumberland conducted the funeral onday, 11} + April 14H HE f : at! Hl 1 pounds, she pounds of milk. test she gave 2,920.5 pounds of milk ranch - which produced 200.34 pounds. 7.--~Members allliondon Tir Bits. | the Har-ljoke on his lips, expecting to see it rowsmith Methodist church was giv-|fall flat ,as he believed would be the case, Epsomite, and now this Good- PAmerican is more of an admirer of Englishmen than ever Mrs, of Portland from any portion of the |seventy-nine years of age. rate | quin. been elected per hour per mam, 50c¢ per hour for }by acclamation to fill thé vacant seat Smith, who leaves town. Cornwall, Donald A. Reach, occurred on Thursday. pairing walks, Harrowsmith; $2.20 | his eightysseventh year, shortly assume the duties of matron of the Belleville and Hastings Child- ren's Shelter, Coughed, Coughed he cough that come C 8S ab night revants sleep, . and 'be quieted. stuffed-up feeling that makes br Ss breath- ing difficult, and sleep impossible, Syrup this valuable Preparation combi nes ill 'the lung healing virtues of the Norway pine tree with bined wild cherry bark and the sooth- » Dealing and expector: nearly all the duylight there ig any- fortien of other exconion, herbs and arks. ¢ BY, writes: --*] am writi Wise was quietly. married last week | you the benefit | have aden Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. sleep , but cough, cough, all ni ht long. : A friend advised me to use br. ood's Norway Pine Syrup, and be- fore the second bottle was used, I naa sutirely cured, and I have found 8 the best cough me. been [ou B dicine I can Do n ay i Ty. triends rorars aL accept any other "pine ] ood's." © market for a quarter of a ven- fury a is put up in a yellow wrap- ; three pine trees the t : price 26¢ and En mark E. Vanal-| poronts, ont. 239 BAGOT STREET = f H. Godson, having given 738.7} In the thirty days]¥. Seeretary Kingston, nel Englishman Came Back. LE Gi ; \ All who have visited Epsom have n seen the big gates on which are or a e izilng the loan of $6,000 from the perched two stone dogs. An Amer- | ican 'officer saw them recently for the first time. 5 hp. Gasoline Engine, 36 tw, Band Saw; also Light livery Wagon. McNAMEE & SLACK horse shoeing and genpenl blacksmith- ing. Repalry made promptly, Repair Shop 54 Queen St. Phone 1217w, He approached a native with a "When do they feed those gs?" he asked. "Every time they bark," said the particular " o------------ t-- HH On Thursday evening the body of (Rev.) John Sirrell, Bimira, ' \ AVOID COUGHS ana COUGHERYJ'! Y., passed through Brockville en ute to Delta for burial. She was Her hus- nd, who ptre-deceased her, was for period Baptist minister at Algon ex-mayor, . has Renfrew Arthur Gravelle, councillor of rough the resignation of A. E. The death of an old citizen of The deceased was in Mrs. A. Price, Lyndhurst, will SPECIALS FOR - ; THIS WEEK If you want cholee Easter beef eall #t Quick's Western Ment Market. We hive a stock of smoked meats, etd, CHARLES QUICK 112 Clergy St. Phone 2018 Food Board License No, 9-8098 All Night Long Terribly wearing on the system '3 Sometimes it is a mstant cough, cough that will not Sometimes it ig a choked-up, e, Dr. Wood's N is the remedy "Ranks with the Strongest" re 'it, for the simple HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRB INSURANCE Pe oe, SEA Lire ir "PERCY J, QUINN, ! Kanager, Ont Branch. Teronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGITON, ONT. ¢ reason that hich is com- pro- Miss Margaret Landly, Bristol, p. Last fall ¥ took a severe cough d cold in my head, 1 was unable do anytFing, At night I could not- ORR WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO.,' 50c. Manufacty Phone 133 Iv by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Foot West Street om hen you.ask for "Dr, This remedy has been on CHOICE CANADIAN PEA FED PORK In Cuts from two to fi 100 Ibs, Frankfurts, ys er oo oN ra % Chuck Honsta, per th... ... C3, oe, aa Also & nice Jot of tresh vegetables at lowest market prices. rE "HOOD'S, Cor. of Earl and Barrie Sheets. Phone 407 oe