vd THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1919. de 000000 0090 spe Easter with his parents, Mr. - . and Mrs. T. McKean Robertson, . : A at » > Probs: Thursday, cool, with occasional rain. Union street. ; > Told In Miss Goldie Clarke, who has been | : 5 nursing in France Janes the early 9 7 days of the wir, has returned to y ope Toren and is with der tamer, NANNENNENEESY SRRNENRERRENNEEN Twilig t Dr. O: K. Clarke. oe Miss Jesgie Smith was hostess at the Bridge Olub last evening. * i on i ow pg S44980.0000 | Mr and Mrs. Chafles Abbott and! i i ! Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in' Miss Charlotte About, who were vis- = 4 : Rk with other papers phy om iting Miss Macaulay, King street, re- : : : ' turned to Peterbora yesterday. . : i y - Canada, will make a charge of 50c. 3 : : for inserting an engagement, mar- Spring tonics are now . hie L. C. Reading Club met on P! 8g no ciage or Teception announcement.) os at. Mrs. Arthur Eva d . in order. Please let he aeaaes next week the meeting wilt Le at Mrs, M. R. Davis, University aven- v Cartwright's wihon = Miss Po fer a bo Lad ol - us suggest the proper 5 enicrtaimed at Jotiehtiv Alec Hetty Cartwright will be hostess. tonic or blood puri- were prettily decorated with « sweet| Mrs. James Min eS, Lagot street, f f i If peas, hyacinth and pink roses. Am-| Will be hostess at a damce this even- A au wor , 3 i er or, you you ong those invited were Mrs. P, H.{!n8 in honor of MIE Isobel Minnes ; do : you will feel fit a or wnary, Mrs. C.| run' for a few 483s this week. . Greenland, Mrs. G. Williamson, Mrs. . and fine. ; Miss Mona Osborne, who was with ' ead 1 Uavcock Jr Mm. Lp ct ire Otrs 2nd Battalion, Batteries and Medical Corps--who are due to arrive in our midst this evening--may each and every one Hm i 9. ; s J | Horsey, Miss Gretta Haycock, Miss|on Mcnday. = ~ ; A - M: i e's 0 - > ; 3 1 HH Boon, Mi an fives caroline | Miss Mary Fraser has returned to | live to a ripe old age and prosper--to enjoy the Full fruits of Clyde MaMoch, Arnprior, was in TO THE HEROES OF THE Rupert Day, Mrs, Akins, (St. Cather-{, '%v (oH Williams, Alfred street Milton, Miss A. Vanluvan. Miss Gret- Qu 's Hospital after nding East 716 Popular Drug Store Let 1 St to oie, ud Misa Caroline Mil-| Cr at has homes Hamiton. - victory, which their courage and sacrifice made 'possible. Open Sundays . et us pay a ary refreshments Hee ; Miss Squires and Mrs. Dewey, of Here's to them ! ; nr Phonograph for you, 'aw = the Toronto General Hospital, who » Last week Miss Mary 8. Coey,|8r® attending (he Ontario Nurses' whose maryiage to Ross Livingston | ASsociaticn, are staying at "The Re- A is 1 dence." The difference is in took place on Mpngay, was hostess) 5 : This i at a delightful 14gOhebn, in honour| MT. awd Mrs. Parker, who were the tone. 18 18 pro- of her bridesmaids and Mrs. C. W.[ With Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, John- 'son street, for Easter, have returned duced by the throat [| Livineston, of Toronto. 10 Ancaster: of silver grain spruce. H Mr k_ Bruce Tasior entertained | ii, 14, Tugtor, Montreal, 1 with Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor for Hudson Seal ke : en SYSHING WHER Sor Suess were a (ow) ll ie > fri ve Tay! Mi ys. 7 Ask the owner of Srithds of Bree aylor and Miss Miss 'Margaret Sweezy has been a STARR 2 re. visiting her grandmother, Mrs. F Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Johnson | SWeezy, in 3 fea] 0d al d +. i street, entertained informally at the Capt. Sidn y McCann, M.C.; was in . CS Monty wisest a fo a ts h Mrs, ster. Mrs. & hv § y tious of uy Pre Anbuster who has been spending a few days with Me,_and Mrs. Rae Hamilton in = ; There are rumors of an informal go Gaelpl, returned home to-day. R dance at the Royal Military College in the not too distant future. Miss Helen Locke, Toronto, is . . 0» spending a few days at the Residence. a ole i . Mrs. E. W. Mullin and Miss Hilda| Major and Mrs. Austin Gillies, who have returned the ¢ ft arrived home from England on Sun- f Tells the Sty after al ar: are wits Mr and Mr J. S. 76.80 Brock Street. Jewelers brief visit to Toronto, : . . Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Mullid are vis-| McCann, Wellington street. Miss Etta Cannon, Queen's Hospit- Limited iting friends in Prescott. : : Mrs. S. D. Robinson, Ottawa, is|®l returned from Ottawa on Wednes- Established 1840 the gmest of Mr, and Mes. Ww. J.]dav. . sia Al ' W. King Street, Kingston Robinson, Division street. * > NSLIE S estern . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Strachan have Woe ay no hart * : ; ! turned f 2 y i sis Meat Market again with Mr. and Mrs. A, Strachan. | Mes Edna Macdonald, Ear! street. : by 3) at the Customs House, Bie ncptiareon, Pushin, spent h ) ¥ p 5 A >? : Bpecial For EDNESDAY ; Gordon Cunningham and Master pe ve EW FRENCH REMEDY. Bennie Cunningham, who have been| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmunds N Hamburg Steak 20c. (i THERAPION No.1 | vith dir and dro 4.5. Cunningtam, [and (her tio dxnghter, who have oi + ol. fm lini I ig 1 APION No. Toronto on Trasiny. Edgehill," are leading this week : N . s » for Ottawa. 1 2 'eaknessen, Cor. Princess and Clergy HERAPI for Miss Grace Kirkpatrick is the Mrs. D. StewartZRobertson is the Phone 158. Sin Disonse. We. 3 for Chronie W guest of Miss Macaulay, King street. | 8uest of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Robert« 0.88 t A Fle Miss Jessie Slater has returned to] 00; Sydenham street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDunnough, Call Style Is part and parcel of our entire stock of high-grade, popular priced exclusive New York dresses--the largest showing we have ever had the privilege of displaying for a spring season. The styles are really delightful, the colors both somber and bril- liant and the materials are all those that bear the stamp of dame fash- ion's approval. TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERA 0% Iki +i . ATAMY ArFixES Yo axnving pecxate. | Kingston to resume her duties at) Queen's Hospital after spending the| Woodstock, were guests of Mrs, holiday at her home in London. H. J. Wilkinson, Bagot strect, for Benjamin Robertson, Belleville, | Faster. or Arnott Minnes left on' Monday fo: Lanark, ; THISWEEK WE ARE bi LEFT CORNS.OFF | ussite pee IT DOESN'T HURT [roms ence. og ie sont Heron, Ottawa.. 3 . Ew 3 » ; Barnet } fri i and Cadet Charles Hamilton, Nelson, If Corns lift out B.C., attending the Royal Military . ? Hl With fingers : College, is in Ottawa, for Easter, the ree Lenox 1. costs only few: cents guest of his aunt, Mrs, : i Smith. an ih re Mrs, Victor Rivers and her son, a , 'Lieut. Rivers, Ottawa, are with Mrs. Rivers' mother, Mrs, C. F. Gilder- sleeve, King street. . Mrs. E. J. Donaghue and children, Kingston, are. visiting Mrs. J. Con- don, Peterboro. Prof. W. E. Macjherson and wife are visiting in Toronto. . » - Priced most attractively from ....... . .$15.00 on up to $65.00 We deem it a pleasure to have' your inspection--whether buy- ing or looking. | REE Mrs. W..F. Jackson and daughter, Athol, guests of Judge McDonald, Brockyille, havé returned to King ston, : Gordon HE. Hurd, Kingston, who recently returned to Canada; after two years' service in France, is visit- ing hie sister, Mrs. F. J. Miller, Brockville. He is accompanied by ON TUESDAY we placed in a- Barnet Refrigerator the fobs | Mrs. Hurd, y Placed in a Barnet Refrigerator the fol: J Pain? = No, not one bit! Just drop| prof. T. J. H. Coleman went to lowing odorous foods: Onio Meat, Turnips, Salt, Cabbage, ] Mt hs alihage a little Freezoue on that toch corn, Toronto on Monday + Matches, Fish, Cigars, Milk Butter. The refrigerator will be Ii + locked until Thursday, 8 p.m., when. it will be opened. | instantly' it stovs aching. them you Principal Bruce Taylor is in Tor- oom Bio Line Hj {lift that bothorsome corn right off. | opie. a y We cordially invité you to com® in and let us prove to you i - : that there will be absolutely no taint or taste in the milk or but. 1] Yes, magic! Costs only a few cents. Norman. Routley has returned to i ter. See our. window. displays. x Try Freezone! Your druggist sells| poterboro from a few days spend ing ' 1 . 3 . : 3 We have but recently received a large shipment 'of popular a. bottle, sufficient to rd your| Kingston. it every hard corn, soft ¥ 2 \ * x a +. ¥ ago ah i priced men's wear serge suits that are most attractive and such {i 3 TY YU 5 A : " or corn between the toes, and cal-| Mrs J. Arthur Jackson, Ganano- # r : . . : : El ee cus otis particle of pais, Sus, 1s visiting with der sister, Men: i that will make instant appeal to all those women who demand ; plbiiie I the myslerious ether discovery of 4| ur. rs. Th <M style plus value--priced at $19.75, $22.50, $23.95, $25.00, 65-71 Brock St. - Kingston [fff cmciosti sctus Lily nave st | $27.50 and $29.00. ston, 4 ~ # 4 Major Austin Giles sad M i Gillies reached the city on Saturda pand ars with Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. MeCann, Mr. and Mra. David G Carleton Place, came up to meet san. xe <3 oe ---- --- as 2 XH % mach trouble, dyspepsia, in- On, sourness, - gas, heartburn, | ed in ten by chronic "acid| sdys 'a well known auf