\ L------possessor «lof - taking ordinary : Lavona go vauals and started : [Yo our out ol I pe A -------- ER ' T-------- TAA Yonr Abs Was Threatened With Baldness. . Tells How She Made ' Her Hair Grow. Mrs. Psther Emery, now visiting friends in the city, is the fortunate arvelously beautiful hair, which, when loosened from its colls falls: fa her, knees. Morebver, it is of soft, silky and fluffy texture and in color a glorious glossy gold. Yet just one * year ago she was threiténed with baldness. Urged to tell how she had obtained this won- derful growth in so short a time, she id: Had anyone told me such 'eloug results could be accom- pis 80 quickly, I positively would not have believed it. Twelve months ago my hair, which then reached barely to my shoulders was falling out: at ail alarming rate and grow- ing very thin, actually exposing the bald sealp in several'bpots. Tt was dull and lifeless in color, turning grey in tehes; and: very dry and brittle. y: head was covered with dandruff #nd i{ched like mad all the time, tried fully a dozen different hair tonics, but they were all the same and never did me a bit of good. 'One day I chanced to read in + my home paper of a simple home prescription to make the hair grow that was recommended by a well- known 'physician. It said that by de Com- posse and mixing with Bay Rum and Menthol Crystals and applying to the scalp 'each night with the fin- ger tips that new ir would grow very rapidly. I decided to try it and I had my druggist mix 2 ounces of the Lavona de Compose with 6 o of Bay Rum oh Hr. of Menthol 'to use: it. My, <yelvade - gTOWS the hair stopped falling, the itch ing ceased and the dandruff disap-{ peared. Then tiny little hairs ap- peared all over my scalp. These grew and grew as though nothing would ever. them. They are growing yet and, while, of course I have used the treatment steadily and expect to continue it, at least until my hair reaches the floor, I might have stopped and been perfectly sat- istied at the end of three months. I think that any woman can get long, thick, beautiful hair by using this prescription as 1 have recommended it to several friends and all are de- lighted with the result. The pre- scription is very inexpensive and any druggist can fill it. Those who use it shold be 'care: ful not to get it on the face or wherg the hair is not desired. _ | 6 preserve healthy teath the ordi: iF car for the gine whi tooth Eloairi > think of this? le over forty guadecsy, or Tr the = pe proc end, foo Es i a " can save H Eo Pyorrhea ys for to a: the hSystam | = (70 SAVE MATERIAL Negligees May Easily Be Made From Remnants. Discarded Evening Gowns Also Offer Excellent Materials for the Fash. loning of Such Garments, -- ~ When a few yards of material pick- ed up at a very low figure on a rend nant counter can be turned into & charming gown for home wear there seems to be no excuse for a woman disregarding the feelings of her own farblly by wharing something that is unbeconiing, half worn or solled. It is 80 easy for a woman to express her real Individuality In these items of io-time apparel that the temptation to possess a number of them is strong } with the average really feminine type of woman. A le of widths of rich brocade transformed Into a lovely gown by the simple process Jf cutthhg 40 opening In the center so that the head may be slipped through, finish- ing this meatly, of courté; catching the matefal together underneath the arms and allowing the front and back panals thus formed to flare as they will over a slip of soft chiffon or lace. Or two or three widths of chiffon in contrasting colors may be laid ohe over the other, the underneath sec tion being full-figure length, the next one a trifie shorter, and so on, and whole. A charming robe d'interior is the result. The sket'h shows a simple and graceful negligee made of lavender satin, with front and back: td iy large tucks. An old-fashil lace shawl draped about the shoulders completes the garment. Of course is is not essential that a shawl be used, and, instead of lace, a brocade or a figured silk volle may be used for the coatee, Discarded evening dresses' offen of- fer excellent materials for the fash- loning of negligee garments and, re gardiess of the fact that we are ne longer at war, fabrie #ving is ads visable. There is no prospect of an Immediate reductipx f it is not lke 1y that either prices upply will re- turn to normal. - FASHIONS IN BRIEF. °s The new far sontaare circular. Cord belts of gold are being worn, Evening wraps still. blouse at the back. The oval necks appear on tiny ete party frocks. A graceful negligee of peach blos- » hood. A gown of mauve tulle is orna- mented by 4 14158 Orange ves at the girdle, A perfect thirties 1s of cloth, velled black net: : = Black tulle 1s often worn over gold evening gown. The Sor wasted Hodis of black J starts many a hapa of black velvet possibly a lace scarf topping" the | Som. .sqtin has wn odd 'Sllk-tasueled | for woman 1s the | ot with Sat Upin "Bed "To Get Her Breath! Palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, inability tole on the nd side, feelings as if smotherin pressed feeling in the chest, 1 and faint spells, tired, weak, rn out feeling, involuntary twitchin of | the muscles, sleeplessness, restless, etc. all point to the fact that either the heart or nerves, or both, are Hot 'what they shoald be. Any of these conditions should be remedied Immediately so as to avoid . a com- plete breakdéwn of the whole sys- tem. = Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will bring energy to the weakened constitution, strengthen and regulate the heart, and tone up the tired, overstramed nerves. * Mrs." William Steeves, Chethical Road, N.B., writes: --"1 hays been a great sufferer om nerve" troubles and palpitation of the heart, which was so bad I had to sit straight up in bed to get my breath. I could not Me an my left side at all. I tried doétor attér doctor, also several .different remedies, but got no help from them. My mother insisted on me trying' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. By the time I had used one box, I was feeling very much better. 1 took in all three boxes, and now I am in per- fect health, and can enjoy a good sound sleep, and can lie on my left side without ady trouble.' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50¢ a bex at all dealers, or malil- ed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. - BLACK AND WHITE REVIVED | ot Magpie Combination Part of New Craze for Bright Colors--French Blue Is Popular. The revived interest in the black and white or magple combination is really part of this new craze for bright colors, for as far as the effect is concerned black and white in com bination has nothing to do either with all black or all white, and it is sure to come to the foreground only in sea- sons when women of fashion go in for bright, high colors. During the war little of it was geen. It was too vivid, too striking, too say. But with the new Interest In bright hues it has tome to its own and is bound to be seen in many of the new frocks and may find acceptance in some of the midseason millinery. Because of the sentiment connected with French blue and the actual fact that it Is very becoming to most wom- en, the dressmakers are bringing out accessories in this color. There are French blue handkerchiefs, slippers and stockings; there are blouses of it made of handkerchief linen; and one of the foremost designers of tailored suits fn the country uses French blue bl frilled from neck to waist ua- der suits of covert cloth. BORROWED FROM RUSSIAN Table Linen Designs Showing Semi. Barbaric, but Pleasing, Popular in Neodlewarle orid, - & vogue Tor table linen showing the seml-barbaric, but wholly pleasing, de- signs used by Russian peasants is mak ing itself felt in the needlework world. The stitches are simple in the extreme, something like our own attractive 'cross-stiteh, but outlining squares, tri- angles, etc. They aré used for conven- tion! borders and small all-over pat- terns which kea~mble woven figured material. As for the color; it is 'usually 4 mono tone, a "dark red, for instance, or a blue, while the background is a loose weave linefi. Often they are worked | with a punched-work background done with a thread to match the linen. A little black worked in with either the red or the blue is pleasing but not quite so true to the original Russian scheme. Often a dark green is com- bined with the red. The odges of the: pieces are hemmed and a buttonhole stiteh taken over: the entire hem, NEW-SLIPS OF OF SILVER CLOTH Popular Garment, Very Very Decollets and Sleeveless, Kept on by Faith : and Tiny 4 Ribbon, : Some tiew slips to to be worn in these times are made of sliver lace, making a siinple but. excelient | and | HAY TRAIN WOMEN] | | { 'Man fo Develop Them Same as | Men in War Camps. Government Cantonments to Be Used { and the Work Extended to Exery Part of Country. Wothen will be traipéd In govern. ment eantonments if plans of the Uni ted States trainifg corps for women are carried out. The' corps, organized for wonien war hon in Washing- ton, under the directiébn of. Miss So turned into a permanent ogfanization for buliding up women physically and fitting them for the places they are taking in business, industry and tn the work of the nation generally. ; Admiral Caty T. Grayson will et as | medical director of the corps. On the | board of directors with: Miss Coeroft wre Surgeon General Rupert Blue, Gen. Enoch Crowder, Brig. Gen, J. F. Kerr, Mrs. Robert Laniing, wife of the sec retary'of state; Miss Mabel T. Board- man of the American Red Uross, Mrs, Franklin K. Lane,' wife of the secre tary of interior; Miss Gertrude Lane, well known magazine editor, and Ju- Hus Kahn, chairman of the military affairs committee of the house of rep resentatives, Permission has been asked of the war department for the use of a part of the cantonménts when they are re Teased from militaey service for use as training camps where women can be trained as teachers of setting-up exer cises and semi-nillitary drills. These teachers training iffindustrial plants and pub le schools, . The corps has also asked for the relegse of & part of the canton- ments for recreation camps, where physicians 'ean send women and chil dren: who. de nat need medicine so much as they need conditioning. The original training corps in Wash. ington numbered more than 8,500 war working women. It was organized on the White House lot and the war de partment detalled 75 army officers to assist Miss Cocroft. The work will be extended to every part of the country, modeled after the hy the war training camps, except that will be meade specially suited for the training of women. In announcing the purpose of "the corps; Miss Cocroft, its organizer and director, sid: "We wish to utilize the knowledge of what the camps have done for men, mentally and physically, and to apply this same knowledge to the conditioning of women while the public mind is quickened to this util ity, so that all men and women, the young, the middle-aged, the cid, may be given an opportunity to benefit by butdoor life regularly supervised and trained under semi-military discipline and under' thie lifervision of compe- tent medical agg nursing assistance." nan sanna Coeroft of Chicago, has been | ill be equipped to give} system which has developed the men |. GRACEFUL.FOR THE BALLROOM MOTOR CARS 'FOR SALE OR EXCHANGED -- -- y, delivery truck. Bert STANSBURY 109 Raglin Road. Phone 1674w Most of us use condemnation too often and tog generously. A whole lot of people guess, then claim they know. Try to live so that apologies will be the exception, not the rule. Many a man who claims to be discreet is only a coward. and A AIAN Nt NAAN Et Alwa; ys Ready Al ays Gooc ¢¢TLIELLO, Mary! May I bring a business friend home for dinner? Sorry the time is so short. Can you manage somehow?" "Why, certainly, John!" No troubleat all! I have a nice little stock of Davies Pork and Beans on the shelf for just sueh an emergency!" "Good for you! _That's sensible!" All she had to do was warm up the pork and beans and serve." Everyone enjoyed the real treat and congratulated her on her thoughtful management.. How thankful she was for Davies Pork and Beans Have you tried this choice dish? Get some right away. Don't just imagine they're like others you know. Withhold judgment. Be fair. Expect them to be different---delicious, sat- isfying, flavory--and you will not be disappointed. Keep a few cans always on hand. « Decide now to buy Davies Pork and Beans. Plain or with "Tomato Sauce-- : In 0z., 16 oz. and 20 oz tins. : 15c¢. for a 16 oz. tin Order from Your dealer, The William Davies Company, Limited Toronto and Montreal Canada Food Board Packers' License Nos. 13-50 and 13-54. At Little = While FELTOL Bs neither Linoleum or Floor Qileloth, you cannot tell the difference when it is laid. But you will be surprised at t the madetate _ price asked. FLOOR COVERING 7 MADE IN CANADA a Take any of the man F . 1s. Examine it % FEL the or om at a price dhat means a =