cx. xara att I PAGE EIGHT C--O ---- * TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO SOLDIERS .YOUNG CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN THE DAILY § BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919: (Continued from Fage 5.) At the Grand. evening in her newest picture, "'Shad- picture artists Uy her brilliant per- formance. The story deals with the young wife of a New York million- aire who gives her everything that she may desite and they are happy until a stranger appears with plans for a mining venture. Then shadows begin to come and finally tite scene changes to Alaska w teresting and gripping m sue and finally all comes tg) ant ending. "Shadows" is story and has a strong cadt and Is well worth seeing. Several other reels were also on the bill and the best one was the Charlie Chaplis comedy, and along with these were three of the best acts of vaudeville ever presented 'here. The Ambler Bros. opened the programme with an exceptionally clever act of balancing and other novelties and were follow- ed by the dainty Melroy' Sisters in nev songs and dances that were a real treat. The Carsch Trio round out this excellent bill with u selection of the latest popular music on differ- ent instruments and altogether it is a show that is sure to win instant approval, It will be repeated again to-night and also to-mofrow so don't stand @w chance of missing it.-----Advt, At Griffin's. Beautiful Lina Cavalieri delighted a large audience at this theatre last evening when the premier showing of her new photoplay "The Two Brides," was shown. The story of "The Two Brides ds _ The young man who enjoys WEANING Clothes jo mei Ironing moo rie deus with life worked into them can be suited here. being dramatic and the climaxes ex- ceptionalliy thritling, Mme. Caval- Dur spring suits for young fellows are handsome ieri has never appeared so radiantly and well tailored--they have a distinctive ** swing' and "hang." 'beautiful as she does in this picture. Several sets of remarkable beauty were provided for this superb photo- play, one of which is a reproduction of an old Italian studio of the Ren- $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 up to $45 | fivanee eood in laly, | Numerous vided for this set, which is one of the most sumptucis ever seen in We ask the young men who have clothes ideas | motion pietures. of their own to call and see our showing of classy | Atcther pleasing portion of gur clothes, - Livingston's Ss If Off Your Route, It Pays to Walk. s, Coals and Ne 3 SUIT IS this Ssaso s new styles, well : red and finished, and priced regu- ar up, to $35. 00. Fier : 43 COATS, tweeds and other Leas fab- rics in good patterns and (Styles that sold up to $33. 50. i | i | | Il Hl fl Hh programme is Wm. Russell in In Bad," and proved decidedly popu- lar with the audience last night. Some typical Russell "stunts' are enacted in this picture and it is one of fhe best in which he has ever ap- peared. Don't overlook this remarkable programme.---Adwt. | Miitary News It is expected that when the Can- adian militia is reformed, there will be a unit bn Kingston to carry on as the 21st Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment, The troopshibh Belgic which arniy- ed at HalifaX carried one officer 'and sixty-one N.C.0's. and men for King- ston. The party is now on its way to Kingston on a C.N.R. special train. Serg't.-Major Borland, R.C.H.A,, Was to-day presented with the long {| service medal by Brig.-Gen. Victor S. | Williams. The presemtajion took place at 11 a.m, at the Tete de Pont barnacks. Serg't. Major Borland, was recently the recipient of meritorious service medal for conduct on the field. Major "Jack" Stagg returned 'on Wednesday as a' company Command- er of the 4th Battalion and is now in Brantford. As soon as a presenti- Hl tion. of colors is made to the Batta- lion and the unit demobilized the major will be returning to Kingston. HN ! | | | | | Major Stagg while overseas was twice] wounded and for his - work under [} fire received the Military Cross. Capt. John Genet, who returned on Wednesday, is the guest of his iH Iatiler, Co cal. Harry Genet, AAG, Hl o'clock. Col. Boggs, who. was expectiffig to leave for Cobourg, has been called |i! to Ottawa on special duty and he left Hi op the afternoon train to-day. The troop train carrying soldiers who arrived on the SS. Belgic is ex d to reach the city about four |] ¥ ------------ ee. Il ~~ vEaTH OF A FARMER. ll orom Injuries Farm Sustained on | rge Nour Shannouville. + Shan- . nonville, passed away at the General] lif Hospital on Friday morning. . He was in poplin, silk and serge, a 'models. in the r col- pst Sarto front of the rof passed over lis body. oan - injuries, he sustained a | | { } [irecans of the hip. The deceased hood ol gw up. Geraldine Farrar, the supreme! star in Goldwyn pictues, was the! stellar attraction at the Grand last; ows," and she again demonstrates her! right to supremacy among notion! SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP 173 Beautiful Pailette Silk Full 36 inches wide. Colors: Sky Blue and Flesh Pink. SILK SALE 59 WH 98ca yard | THIS is an unusual snap in silk we unexpectedly came across at one of Toronto's large silk houses 200 YARDS was all they hadi in the lot, and we took it all, and are offering it Saturday to the thrifty women of Kingston AT A PRICE ALMOST HALF OF THE REGULAR PRICE - Sm ---------- Traiire 18 ZR TOR RE AIO OR OR BAUER es DOERR ARR RE AOR ARRON TO BE FAIR TO ALL Sale starts sharp at 10 o'clock, and continues thr oughout the day as long as lot lasts SO BE HERE EARLY REMEMBER We positively cannot accept phone orders, mail orders or charges for this Special Sale J ust Received for 'Saturday: a Wonderfu « Variety of New Suits For al occasions. THESE IN CLUDE The Pashionable New Blouse Suits Plain Tailored Suits, Close fitting effects, and some Suits with the smartest of free Swinging BOX COATS, Showing the new effects in Cuffs, Collars, and Pockets, and many smart touches of Braids and Buttons. SEE a WE ARE OFFERING L TO-MORROW AT - $30 100-32. 00-35. 00-40. 00 and on up. « Crate ret is one a Yond es _ hookey fod 3 you 'high I hacola or pumps, you styles here that guarantee graceful lines rand represent the Hest in shoe f; Lockett' 5