Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1919, p. 15

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 312 . IORNING oz Fecling FINE! ! All Headache Gone, Breath Right. Tongue Clean, Skin Clear. Complexion Rosy,' Stomach, Liver and Bowels Regular--So Convenient} A MOST GIGANTIC LUMBER ENTERPRISE tion of New Company Will Be Conducted on Co- lossal Scale. * Victoria, B.C, April 25.-~What is undoubtedly the most gigantic lum- ber enterprise ever conceived, and a scheme that is fraught with drem- endous possibilities in the develop- ment of the British Columbia. lum- ber industry, is about to be launched by a syndicate headed by Percy Furber, president of the Mexican Oil 'Field Co., New York, and John Arbuthnot, financier, "well known in this city. This syndicate will be known as the Further Lumber Com- pany, and the operations of the syn- dicate will be conducted on a colos- sal and world-wide scale, Orders have- already been placed with the syndicate by British inter- ests to deliver 30,000,000 feet of lumber, which, in the event of a satisfactory agreement being reached on purchase price with the sawmills and lumber manufacturers, will be supplied by British Columbia mills. Saskatchewan Great War Veter- ans. passed a resolution condemning the Red Triangle campaign for $1,- 100,000. 1t defeated-a move to in- troduce political acti Celebrates His 101s¢ Birthday. PortsDover, April 26---To but few who were born in the far-off year of 1818 has been accorded the privi- lege of attaining a birthday ' in 1919, Such has been, However, the happy lot of Colin LaFortune, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. "F. I. Nicolls, at the Dominion Hotel here, the auspicious event taking place last Wednesday. The aged.gentleman is quite vig- orous, and busies himself each day performing. the little light tasks which he delights in doing. To judge by his present good health, Mr. LaFortune bids fair to surpass the 'age of his four elder brothers, one of whom died at the age of 106, another at 103, another at 08 and one at 94. e Macnee-Davy Nuptials, At the residence of Henry Raworth, Bath, Ont., on Wednesday morning, April 23rd, Miss Minnie Davy and P. C. Macnee, were quietly married by Rev. A. L. McTear. The bride was given away by her brother, Charles Davy, and wore a travelling sult of wisteria broad «cloth, with hat to match. After a sumptuous wedding breakfast, the happy couple left for Ottawa. The bride received many beautiful presents, showing the high esteem in which she is held by her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Macnee will reside in-Picton, Ont. Constipated Children Gladly Take . o° - " "California Syrup of Figs For the Liver and Bowels |: Tell your druggist yoda want genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full directions and dose for babies and children of all ages "who are constipated, bitious, feverish, tongues coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Look for the name "California" '| bible class; 4 p.m. | CHURCH NOTICES { {Continued from Page 2.) Union Street. Baptist. Charch-- Pastor, Capt. J. K, Fairfull, ' 'Bible school, 3 p.m.; service, 7 pm. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m A home chureh. Come and enjoy the service. . Bethel Congregational "hureh, Corner of Barrie and Johnson streets --Service at 11 am. Rev. J. K. Fair- ful will preach, Sunday school, & pm; Y.PS.CE, Friday, 8 pm. cordial invitation to all Paul's--Morning prayer, 11 Preacher, Canon Fitzgerald; Sunday school and bible classes, 3 p.m. ; even,ug prayer, 7 p.m. Preach- er, Canon Fitzgerald, St. a First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, hetween Bagot and Wellington streets---Su day, school, 9.45 a.m. Service, 11 ; subject, "Probation After Death." Wednesday 8 p.m. testimonial meeting; pu reading room, same address, Op- en every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to b o'clock, All are cordially in- vited to the services and the reading room, First Congregational Church, Wel- lington and Johnson streets-- Pastor: Rev. T. De Courecy. Rayner. Services as usual at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner preaches the closing messages of his pastorate. 11am. "The Chariotg-of God"; 3 p.m., §$unday school; 7 p.m., "The Great Question of the Hour." You are cordially invited to attend these services. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street---The Minister, Rev. W Taylor Dale, will preach at both ser- vices: 1% a.m., Father and Son ser- vice. 7 p.m., Special music and popu- lar hymns in connection with Can- ada's musical week.| 11 a.m,, Begin- ners and primary Sunday school classes, 3 p.m., main school and Bible class. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed at all services, Methodist Church-- Rev. W. T. G, Brown, Minister. Ser- vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Minister will preach at both services. Men's Club, 2 p.m; Bible school, 2.456 p.m.; Annual C. E. Rally, Bethel Church, Monday, 8 p.m. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Special music on Sunday evening, Redemption Hymn (Parker), Miss Pollard and choir; vocal solo, "The Voice in the Wilder- ness" - (Scott), Miss Woodman; voeal solo, Miss Cruikshanks; violin solo, Arthun Locke; organ solo, Ern- est Madrangd. Sydenham St. George's Cathedral---Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., Dean and Rector, 78 Wellington St. Tele- phone 2156. Rev. Cecil Whalley, M.A, B.D\, Priest Vicar, 164 King street. Telephone 1444. First Sun- day after Easter. 8 am, holy com- munion; 11 am, matins, preacher the Lord Bishop ot Ontario; 7 pm. even song 'preacher, the Dean of On- tario; 3 p.m. Sunflay school aud holy baptism. Services in chapel daily at 10 am. except Tuesday, Holy communion 8 a.m, Tuesday, 10 a.m, Thursday. MUST RETURN TO WORK. Gen: Allenby Issues Orders to Strike ing Workers in Egypt. London, April 26.--Reuter learns that the situation in Egypt Is quiet but there is still an undercurrent of discontent and ill-feeling. The new ministry is honestly working for or- der, but do rot appear to have any great influence in the country. The Nationalists are apparently endeavor- ing to set up their own Government, but their attempt fo establish a police force appears to have broken down completely. General Allenby has issued a pro. clamation declaring that the striking Government workers must return to jwork or resign. Brockville Merchants Dine. Brockville, April 25.--The first banquet held here in several years under the auspices of the retail merchants took place ing a local hotel last night. The speakers were H Watters, Ottawa, president of the Eastern Ontario Retail pat Associiition; E. M. Trowern, Domin- fon. secretary, and Mayor Lewis, A whole' Tot of people hew to what fight be called imaginary lines. w + | as usual, RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED The Trouble 1s Rooted in the Blood and Can Only be Cured Through the Blood: In the days of-our rheumatism was thought to be the unavoidable penalty of middle life and old age. Almost every elderly person bad rheumatism, as well -as many young people. Medical science did not understand the wroublé--did not know that it was rocted in the blood. It was thought that rbeumas tism was the effect of exposure to cold and damp, and it was treated with linaments and hot Applications, which sometimes gave temporary re- lief; but did not cure the trouble. In those days there were thousands of rheumatic cripples. © Now medical science understands that rheumatism is a disease of the Wood and that with good, rich, red blood any man or woman of any age can defy the trou- ble. Rheumatism can be cured by killing the poison in the blood which causes it. For this purpose the blood making, bloog enriching guialities of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is becoming grandfuthers cl every year more widely known, and it is the more general use of these pills that has robbed rheumatism of its terrors. In proof of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to cure this trouble, Miss Jenmie Stockdale, Hall's Bridge, Ont., says: "Two winters ago 1 was taken with a bad attack of rheumatism, and was in bed for over two months, most of which time 1 could not sleep or enjoy ret day or night. The trouble also affected my nerves, which were very bad. I tried several remedies bud did not get any help from them, and then, 'acting on the advice of a friend, I decided to try Dn. Wildams' Pink Pills. I soon felt that the pills were helping me, and after taking eight boxes I am glad to say I was able to go about again and am now enjoying. the best of health with plenty of good, rich Yiood which makes me feel like an altogether different .person. 1 earnestly advise those suffering from rheumatism, nervousness and kin- dred troubles not to delay using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as, like myself, I am sure they will find a cure through their use." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six hoxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Unt. The steamship Corsican arrived at St. John, N.B., Friday with 1,349 passengers, including twenty-nine officers, four nursing sisters and 351 of other ranks in the milliary party. There were also 605 depen dents, including 189 children. Tueckett's common, National Car preferred, and Maple Leaf common made notable advances on the To- ronto Stock Exchange. For You and Your four. Friends "I beg you to to publish my a ! It is only natural that Soolly: wits us enthusiastic letters ab Wouldn't you do the saime, if, re suffering from backache for years, you found relief? Wouldn't yon wish your friends and others to know 'what Gin Pills had done for you, and what they will do for them? Of course; you would, and that is the only reason that prompts people to writé us "praising this great remedy. Read what Isidore Thomas says in part: "My case was very serious, and I was so sick everybody expected my death any day. No suffering could be worse than what I had to endure. Eight boxes of Gia Pills wera sufficient to cure me entire ly. ' I beg you to publish my let- ter and 'tell all sufferers of Kid- ney Trouble wot to despair not wait, as Gin Pills will cure them. 1 have to be very thankful to you, and I recommend Gin Pills to all my friends suffering from kidney trouble." Take the advice of those who have tried most remedies and. found that : Gin Pills eure. Gin Pills are not a eure-all--but = scientific remedy for Kidney or Blad- der Troubles. They contain: the bene pow. Bgredient of gin, without the hag beens d for i us the most perfect agent for tening up the kidneys and restoring these organs to perform their natural functions. The Nesionst Dn (J vious week. They may be "higher critics" over n Queen's Theological College, but they refuse to stand for this Ouija board spiritualistic "stunt. This has been a great week for Kingston's animals which have not yet got used to not have to dodge kicks or missiles. Now let us have a "kind to each other" week. 'It is hard to convince Kingston pegple that smuggling is a breach of the eighth commandment, You cer: tainly cannot convince the trader of it, anyway. Now that Queen's university has raised another endowment fund of nearly a million dotars, perhaps it will be able to afford' to eousign to its museum the old and wornout wooden walks on the wuniversity grounds and replace them with some- thing safer and more artistic. * The fampman prefers that the mayor should tell about Kingston's future instead of its historical past to visiting organizations and at ban- quets. He would of course except the historical seciety which revels in that kifid of thing. We are not re- sponsible for the city's past and the grave mistakes of some of its leading inhabitants, but we can all help to make its future, 'The provincial nurses' association would like to come back to Kingston if they could again be entertained by Gaeorge Smith's motor club boys, who could not do too much for the visit- ing nurses on Thursday. The latest wrinkle of retiring nurs- ing sisters is to send them to the Cobourg military hispital, where few, outside~of. insane asylum ° trained nurses, can stand the "shock" condi- tions prevailing, It is a case Of the "survival of the fittest." Loud" cheering is sometimes about that shows the empty mind." So Kingston's lack of noise as veterans march through the streets is of little moment so long as the people honor and reward the men who fought for them in a more tangible way than by shouting When they come home, Pedestrians do not respond with alacrity to the call of policemen for help in hauling in drunks. in Ger: many, not long ago, one would have been arrested for failing to come to the and of a Hun "bobby" when { called upon. If Kingston will not appoint more policemen .it might at least buy a patrol machine so that the police could load the drunks into it. There is no reason why the police depart- ment should not -be supplied with some kind of an auto truck for their work. If the department had owned one it might have been saved a valu- able official, for some time at least, Some judge might guash Kings- ~ton's daylight saving by-law or make an order to that effect, but there would be nothing to quash, for the eity solicitor drew the by-law in such a way that it is really no by-law. at} all, as there was no authority on which to base it. However, it does not matter whether the by-law stands or not. The peopl: are using day ght saving and intend to continue using that time system. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN. SOLDIER LABOR BUREAU. Continues to Do Good Work--~- More Applications Placed. The report of the Kingston Of- fice of -the Information and Service Branch of the Department of Sol- diers' Civil Re-establishment shows that there has been no letting up in the good 'work being done by the repatriation labor bureau. During the last week twenty-three applica: tions for employment were received in Kingston, and thirteen applica- tions were left over from. the pre- Every one of the ap- plicants were placed in suitable positions during the week. In Belleville matters were easier, onl six new applications being received. Kight men were placed in employ- ment, two of them having applied during the previous week. . Peter- boro and Lindsay did not do quite #0 well. In the former city there were thirty-five applications ' for employment, and nineteen men were placed. "In Lindsay were twenty applicants, Of five were placed. The total for the district are 13 applications, with 72 men placed in positions. This |shows that a percentage of 58.7 of the men applying for positions were found suitable employment. The oftice is d splendid work local- ly, and is g much to prevent any large amount of unemployment. There 1s great scarcity of men will- tions on the Royal North-west Mounted Police, as a result of an on appeared in the Whig Much Goods, is the same sold now lame of wen] | The Man on Watch | of the same value as "the logid laugh | Kingnut ! 6 What is it? The new mare garine. As good as butter for all table and cooking purposes. Try Our Special Blend Coffee 45¢ D. B. Gage & Son 254 Montreal St. The Premium Store License 8-3879 Phone S40w il LonG UNION MADE OVERALLS SHIRTS & GLOVES The Bolsheviki are -evacnating Orenburg and the fdrces of Kolchak are making advance everfwhere in Siberia. MILLERS ORM .POWDERS BELIEVE WY RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL MEALTH. NO NARCOTICS --~PLEASANT AS SUGAR FREE Princess Mary Toilet Set : and Exquisite Bracelet Watoh on any 'watches are now worn Teer style wa amo ui Ive uli Send Jo name and Baden hr dar" and ¥o will send you, all postage paid, a ur 3 ghia? "Cana! - Coated Breath Perfume called Sainices to Rn Hy LR Open your sample package and ask your friends to try a "Duintes.'" They will like them 30 well that you'll sell them a)l in au hour. Return our $3.50 when the breathlets arepold and we'll promptly send you this beautiful Princess Mary Tollet Net : THE GOLD DOLLAR MANUFACTURING CO. : , OO EA RE Have a Turkish Bath = When in Toronto WHEN you put wp at Cook's in Toronto, you can enjoy a Turkish Bath There is no tonie_quite so good for building up health. A Turkish Bath rids the system of all poisonous matter by cleansing the pores of the skin HOURS FOR as ean no other method. It wives a vefres GENTLEMEN very day snd all night except Sun- ys and Ladies' Hours. invigorated feeling alike to mind snd body. It quickly cures a cold, relieves rheumatism snd sciatica--it effectively soothes and strengthens eo nerves. Next time you are in. Toronto stop at Cook's, where eating and sleep accommodation is unex. celled--where you can get a real Turkish Bath with out extra charge. Prices $1.25 to $2.25, according to sleeping mes commodation. = Good meals st correspondingly res 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. ©CODKSIHBATHS .- MOST COMPLETE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT IN AMERICA 202-204 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO - Only 3 blocks from the Union Station SET FOR LADIES A "Save the surface and you save Alii vicuy Which Housa Dominates + Your Block? SONEMNSEE Stuy. a dels sluaye a little more cheerful looking than ae othe brighter, better kept, and--well painted. Inside that house lives a good citizen and a good neighbor. His house is 80 inviting that it is like a band stretched out to you, You age bound to feel glad that its owner lives near you. Pant i is a ssa preservative | outer. Ee i re Tels dingy, id ST aan 1 Jishassiot done bis share. His sotaairagt 4 onal EEE, Bure o ed o

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