THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919. LN Absolute Security Eh 489. Our Fur Van Will Call. We insure you against fire, theft and mot John McKay, Liited The Fur House 149.157 Brock Street : Kingston Victrolas and Victor ¢ 1" Records Head Over Heels and I'm Always Chasing Rainbows A novel fenture is Introduced into shape of two pianos, eventually play alone \ 35682 $1.50 "Head Over Heals," played by Hugo Frey and Frank Banta. for awhile by way of variety. Some Day Pll Come Back to You and Roses in the They 235000 $1.50 Here's a real soldibry' song written by Lieut. Getz Ricl, a writer who has done his bit. Knowing and feeling what this SONE means, and sung by Lieut. J. Steel, another veteran whe aldo has the feel- Ing of envirghment, the purity of his fine tenor imparts a depth of meaning, and the chief points are made espect ally telling in this song, which is ¢ ceadingly tender and timely, Hear two fine records at a Mahood Bros. 3 IDEATH OF JOHN . J. BEHAN] 1 ' [GRAND SECRETARY OF THD CM.B.A. SIXTEEN YEARS, | Deceased Was For Years President | of the Y.ILO.B.A.--~Served Four. 'teen Years as an Alderman. On Saturday morning about four o'clock John Joseph Behan, graud {secretary of the Catholic Mutual | Bénefit Association, and one who in {years gbpe by had been a most pro- {| minent 'worker in fraternal, politi- I] cal and municipal life in Kingston, died in the Hotel Dieu after an ill- {ness of a few days. Death was from fa paralytic strike, which came on { Fridays followed by two others on |sunday and Monday, Following the first attack, Mr, Behan was re- moved to the Hotel Dieu, where he {sank gradually until he passed away, The deceased was the son of the lato Mr. and Mrs. John Behan, of Dublin, Ireland, his father being a soldier in Sh British army. He was born in on October 12th, 1857, and wds brought to Canada when only two years old, the fam- THE LATE JOHN J. BEHAN romln ily first settling at Quebec and then coming to Kingston. The deceased received hig educa- tion in the local separate schools land then engaged - in the grocery { business, leaving that to 'become l inspector of weights and measures in 1897. He held that position for six years. In July, 1903 he was appointed grand secretary of the C. M. B. A., which position he held un- til his death. In the associwtion he was recognized as an able oflicial, and in both organizing ability and his widogfhie of friendship he did much to bring the C.M.B.A. to his present prominence. It was as sec- best known, but he held a multitude [hei of the C.M.B.A. that he was of othér official positions in Cath- Frame bungalow, 5 rooms, Water furnace, stable, 50. ie 2 rooms, Meeping poreh. § a veramanhe ia rdweod floors, J ® 8 rooms, furnace, gas, hardwood floors, $2270. New brick, 9 rooms, hot water" "heating, hardwood floors, pri wood inten hot Inrge HE kind of bread we ! bake is a boon to the housewife. When your are tired Mrs. Bike- Your-own-bread of the fuss- ing and the fretting of bak- ing day try a loaf of our made-well bread. It will please you and your family and will save you a lot of"® trouble if you buy our bread. A woe ADT (30 RBlOME SULRe READ & PASTR ete List st Office. ouey to Loan. : McCann's 86 Brock Street Ao nH ner os Swift's Premium Hams' '(whole or half) We Jeans our customers to know E £) the. pleasing , appetizi Hlavor A remium Hh ams and . at by v4 the piece, are a cto offer ese + cls lat the following special prices. cious ten- : 'to your "if you can t come in, 'olie fraternal, in Rolitieal and in municipal lite. | © He always took a keen "interest, in the work of 'the Young Irishman's Catholic Benevolent Association, and had been president almost con- tinually since 1883. He was also at varioug times its vice-president, re- cording secretary . and treasurer. During his career ag an official of the Y.I.C.B.A. ha represented that association as its delegates at vari- ous points in the United States and Canada. The Knights of Columbus in Kingston owes a special tribute to the deceased, as it was largely through his efforts that the Kings- ton branch was Saried. He has eld various -« pi "iin +7the Knights of Columbus "well as many others with various organiza- tions, among them being, the prea dency of the. Cathelie. Literary Se- ciety of Kingston; grand vice-presi- "dent of the L.C.B.U. of the United States and Canada (which position he held several times In succession); various official positions with branch No. 8 (Kingston), C.M.B.A., and gfand deputy for the district between Toronto and the uebec border, and also grand trustee; 'county président of the Ancient Or- ss ---------- (er of Hibernians; tregsurer of the old. St. Patrick's Society; president of the Kingston branch of the Irish National League. As a citizen he took a great in- terest in municipal matters and re- presented Ontario ward in the city (touncil for fourteen years. He was chairman of various committees, in- leluding the water works committee. I 1897 he was defeated for the 'mayorality by J. S. Skinner. Political matters attracted his at- I] R. J. Wilson, minister. | CHURCH NOTICES St. John's Church, Portsmouth-- The Bishop of Ontario will admin- ister the rites of confirmation "at the evening service, Sf, Andrew's--Rey, John -W. Ste phen, minster, will conduct services, 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Junday school, 3 pa Students, soldiers and strang- ers welcome; First Baptist and Johnson street--Rev, Flair, pastor. 1} a.m. subject, "Three Links™ of Life," Sermon to Oddfellows; 2.45 p.m,, Bibte school; 7 p.m. subject, "If Any Man Thirst." J. 8. Brock Street Methodist Church-- The minister, Rev. D. A. Lough, will preach at both the services, 11 a.m. and 7 pom. Rechab Tandy will sing at the evening service. Sunday school anpual meeting on Tuesday. Ladies' Aid on Thursday. Princess Street Methodist Church --Rev. J. A. Waddell, minister. Ser- vices 11 am. and 7 p.m. Minister will preach, Sunday school at 2.45 p.m. Epworth League, Tuesday 8 pam; 'Annual business meeting. Prayer medting, Wednesday & p.m. W. M. 8. Thursday, 8 p.m., annual business meeting, Chalmers' [Presbyterian Church, Cor. Barrie and Clergy streets-- Rev. Anniversary seryices conducted by Very Rev. W. T. Herridge, D.D., of St. Andrew's church, Ottawa, Morning subject, "The Over-throw of Evil." Eveding subject, "Democracy," A cordial welcome to friends of the congrega- tion is extended. St. Luke's Church, Nelson street-- Rev. J. de 'P. Wright, M.A., B.D, Rector, 7th' Sunday after Baster, 8 a.m, Holy communion; 11 a.m. morning prayer; 2.45 p.m., Sunday school and bible class; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 pm. evening prayer. Music---Anthem; "Awake Thou That Sleepéth." Seats free. Strangers and visitors copdially invited to at- tend. : 3 Union and B.A, St. James' Chareh, Cor. Arch streets--T, W. Savary, rector, The rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8 a.m, holy communion; 11 aam., morning prayer and sermon. Sermon subject, 'The Ressurection and the Life." 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 pam. prayer and sermon. Sermon subject, "The Appearance of the Risen Lord to Peter." Re Churell Notices. Seven of the eity churches again 'neglected sending in their church notices until Saturday morning. This is the last occasion on which notices received on Saturday can be publish- ed. During spring and summer the Whig will be issued early on Satur- day afternoon; hence the necessity of all church notices being received o iting of base a8.) INCIDENTS. 0 [HE DAY LOCAL NOTES ANI ASD ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the Oty and Vicinity ~=What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whi W. Swaine, piano tuner, McAuley's, or 'phone b64W Remember Tag Day in aid of Orph- ans' Home, Saturday, May 3rd, « Cover your buildings "with asphalt roofing. See Lemmon & Son's advt. Miss Anna Fraser fs Spending a ow days with Mrs. A. Cowdy, Cherry street. Just to show the people that the "kick" is not yet out of the winter, the Weather Man sent along quite a Hvely snow storm on\Saturday morn- ing. The ground was covered with snow. el China'Lac = the perfect varnish stain. All shades at Lemmon & Son's. W. B. Holland, 523 Princess Steet, and R. Pitman, 14 Main street, have been appointed relief lettér carriers, and will go on duty Monday, when the A a At orders at Church, Sydenham | La: | Lh POPULAR MUSIC . . chestra. months. Phone 919 eh ee ad _ Popular Copyrights (regular 75¢) SPECIAL . a All the best selling books formerly sold at $1. .50 and $1. 75. THE BIGGEST BOOK OF THE CENTURY Commencing in the Montreal Daily Star, Tuesday, 'the 29th. Subscribe to- night, $3.00 for one full al 38 year. TO-NIGHT AT THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Book k Music Sale . TWO FOR A QUARTER All the latest in popular dance music played by Salsbury's Or- .65¢ 41914" $1 20 for six THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights I INR AEC SO Special * Samples--Navy, CTT special price. $25.00. sed. "'posties" commence their annual holidays. . DALY'S GOOD TEA--the highest H quality in Canada. For sale at MA- HHOOD'S DRUG STORE, Kingston. tention,iand for three years he was} Jico-prosident of. the Kingston Re- I} form Association. | _ Personally, thie laté" Mr. Behan 'wag' i "man of wide popularity = and |} -ever ready to help in every way his fellow men. © Ho was'a clever and eloguent public speaker, | He was married to Miss Katie V. Branigan, 'who predeceased him eleven years agh. Since her death | ! { ho had 'been living at 74 Sydenham +f street with his sister, Miss » Man | Jane Behan, who is his only rel tive in this country. : The funoraliis to take place from his late. 18. street, of rs 'morning, and will Ji : private ature. Th The remainé ; 's Cathe Sydenham i late iby R. J. Reid, undertaker.- feral is to take place on Monday. Liewellyn Jones, aged fifty-six, 1{ passed awaly at the General Hospital jon Friday. He belonged to Bellevilla tana the remains were sent there by 1 James Reid, undertaker, Now is' he time to have your plano tn We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis ff taction. ©. W. Lindsay, Linyited. The body of the lfte Mrs. Angus OFF arrived by G.T.R. at 2.30 p.m rday, and was removed to her residence, 234 Wellington street, The fun- We will rént you a piano, and at of six months if you feel like instrument we will allow fie six months' rental on purchase and terms on bal- C. W. Lindeay, Limited. "5 ons an emplorte of he of the Mont. hey to his homie®at the the ron station at 7 a.m: Mr. Knox wis over Just after arriving Serge Suits sizes 16, 18 to 38. Works of art and at a $35.00 garments to-night, EXTRA VALUES IN HOSIERY AND GLOVES Art blinds, linoleums and_floor Best selections in Eastern Ontario. N ewman& Shaw The Always Busy Store 8) (McFaul's Old Stand) black, rugs. A | E | -- £ E E E E = E = reco = = = E 5) Py E & = -- ---- = sS E S S E E : SCIENCE NOTE. BOOK REFILLS | for twin-lock binder '20c per 100 BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPY. It is right and proper to be a skeptic as far as neighborhood gus sip Is concerned. ; © Week End Mahood's | We Have in Stock Just' Oanipbell's W.R McRae&Co GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 | YOUR CAR MAY BURN TO-DAY ! IS IT INSURED? «Insure your "Autofiobile against"™ Fire, Transportation and Theft. It will pay you to get in touch with us, as we can Save you money, Special rates for Motor Trucks, Our Policies cover anywhere in Canada or the United States. No restrictions. We write Insurance of all kinds--Fire (CHy and Farm), Live Stock, Awtomobile, Plate Glass; and Life Insurance. EW MULLIN & SON Sellers of Real Rat Johnson and Piviraes era. Jane SEAL King Kinds, -..~ BE. Wo MULMN, B. V; rs RULLAN Emer re) 2] Fess BUILDERS YUPFLIKS nay __ HARDWOOD FLOORS # Of clear birch and maple are cheaper than Hneleains. Have new 'flooys laid bafore You clean ho 4 yout will he Selighted 'w with the transforma- on. S. ANGLIN & C0. Wood working Fag Fagtory, Lumber Nellingtan Sug Bay Streets. Chocolates 50c QUALITY FOR ~ 39¢ Pound Friday and Saturday Fresh a Chocolate ®