Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1919, p. 4

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and Semi-Weekly W WHIG PUBLISHIN 0. LIMITED, Xa Q. Biliott gu vans wen sailTesident r and CL MAnMInG Direncor. Business eg Kaitorial Rooms .. «.. Job Omice Ws lwne wen BSCRIPTION RAT (Daily gaition) One year, deMvered in oity ., . One year, if paid in advance . One vear, by inal to rural offices One 20 United States .. emt EW oak. anon) | three a pro nia MONTREAL RE ANY R. Bruce Owen ,o «128 Peter Nt. 8 Nomhrub. ETS Fifth A ha New York ¥.R.Norttiryp, 1510 Ass'n Bidg., Chicago Letters to the Falter are published only over the name of the Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. f The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is autheuticated by the ABC Audit Bareau of Circulations. Save up. Another Victory Loan is Just around the corner, A Canadian steamer, the Royal William, was the first to cross the Atlantic. What a pity that'a Can- adian airship is not likely to be the first to cross dn the alr! loyd George has shown the Bri- t people that he does not intend be a rubber stamp for Lord Northeliffe, And his people admire him all the more\for the stand he has taken. ey The Montreal Chamber of Com- mercp has 'approved of the construe- tion of a funnel under the St. Law- rence river. The metropolis built one under the mountain, so why not . under the river? Paes Plenty of good movements are in- ed. in Kingston, but we seem ithe stamina to stay with elvip failures? le iii TIN he work. of the 'Humane Society ida noble one. © The local organiza- tion is this week endeavoring to in- terest citizens in its activities on behalf of dumb animals, It is de Serving of every encouragement. Montreal and Toronto are squal- bling as to which burg ought to be "the heéadquariers of the Canadian National Railway System. Why not "settle thesdispute hy selecting an up-to-date city midway between the two contending places, l.e., Kings- ton? > 'The United States, on July 1s* next, will revert to 2c letter pori- aie and 1c for posteards. Canade should take sithilar action. The old rate Was more effective, as a re- venue producer, than the higher rate. era -- ie 'story goes that a soldiers life was saved by a bullet striking a button. Many a: married man wouldnt staid much of a chance under this condition. This 1s a . paragraph that married men shouid read aloud to their wives. The 'mgmiber for Kingston has in- troduced a bill in the, house to con stitute divorce courts in Canada. 1° alms at harmonizing the divorce: laws of 'the country, which are now anything but uniform. or satisfa:- tory. Theibill will-probably meet wit the same ¢ ng opposition bills in the made between the casualties of Seong overseas {ti ively the great part played in the | Ararat. {promptly begun. The influx of This comparison tells very ef war by Canada as compared with the Unitod States. HISTORY'S GRIM PLEASANTRY. When the first Assyrian Emp was at the height of its magnifi- cence and power there wag a mon- archy rivalling it in splendor in the] north among the mountains of This was the Kingdom of the Proto-Armenians, as Prof Sayte calls them--the fore-runners of the present -day Armenjans whose ancestors conquered them, inter- married with them and took over thelr culture as well as fhéir cities And of this monarchy the city of Van, still standing and still beaut! ful, was the capital, Not one trace of the great Assy- rian kingdom or its people remains but the Armenians, though perse- cuted and oppressed 'for centuries, are still a vital, heroic race, and those. who have survived K the massacres and deportations of the last four years believe they are.to build up a new and free Armenia Multitudes of them are now herded in the streets of Mosul, the ancient Ninevah, just across the riv- er from its excavated ruins. They are on their way home from exile, though sick, weak, starving, so that many will die by the roadside be- fore reaching the goal of their homesick dreams. But the Easter season of 1919 is bringing them a new, revivifying hope and the help of strong hands and generous hearts from across the sea, A DEBT OF ou Rr HEROES. The 'Last Post" Naval and Mill- tary Contingency Fund is cireulat- ing a pamphlet, prepared by Arthur H. D. Fair, honorary secretary of the fund. The object of this asso- ciation, as stated in one section of thd pamphlet, is 'to prevail upon the governmefit of Canada and the other partnérs of the British Em- pire to consider the wisdom of as- suming the responsibility for ade- quate and decorous interment of those who have faithfully answered the Empire's call, whether they be on the active or retired list at the time of decease, and this in answer to a rational and deep-seated senti- ment of the public." - The aims af the association are worthy ones. The desire to ensure that no soldier or sailor shall 'have a pauper's grave is one in which| the vast majority of the"eltizens of Can- ada will heartily concur. It is the duty-of our country to meet this debt which we owe to our heroes when they go the way -of all flesh: It is gratifyibg . t6 note that 'the alms Of the @ssociation Wave beon endorsed by various branches of the G.W.V.A.," by various boards of trade and by individuals high In service of the Empire, both in Can- ada and in Britain. The suggestion of the assochlation that 'a governlent ~~ departnient known as the "Last Post Depart- ment of Naval and Military Obituar- fes" 'be created is perhaps pufting the matter on too large a scale, but public sentiment should certainly demand that a branch of the depart- ment of militia. and defence, pen- sion, or soldiers' civil re-establish- mont made responsible for see- ing that each and every soldier has # 'burial fitting for a man who has fought in defence of his Empire and his country. The scheme is a good one, and its merits are ably put for- ward in this little pamphiet. PASS THE HOUSING BY-LAW. No further delay should be coun- tenanced in utilizing a share of the several millions of dollars which are available for the relief of hous- ing conditions, and of which Kings: ton badly Weeds its portion. It Is true that the housing committee re- port was adopted at the last meet ng of council, and "that the city soll- citor is drawing up a by-law for submidiion to the-counecil next Mon- day. But so far nothing definite has been accomplished. In faet, it is hinted that there is little prospect of the by-law being passed. The majority of the aldeymen do not seem' to realize thay 3 a up to them to provide for the réliet of the hous- ing situation. There has been too nich delay already, and things are. not being done as quickly as "they should. That is exactly where the trouble lies, for if there is to be any tangible amelioration of the hous: ing conditions this summer the work of construction must be thousands of our men from the front is having its effect upon the 'housing conditions all over Canada, ina in 'Kingston that is very true, The large nymbers of soldiers w have retursied are finding: it alm be housed at a moderate rental, or to secure his own Rouse on. easy Laggard methods mean discomfort for 'liose In humble conditions which exist in parts of the city. Every day Is precious now, and what is most to she feared is lack of enthusiasm oun the part of our aldermen. They have great responsibilities to ihe citizens who elected them. They have great responsibilities to the community, and i§ would be well for them to consider whether it Is} not their dnty to enable those who | are anxious to do sp' to take advant= age of the Ontario Housing 'Act by passing the by-law on Monday evens ing. terms.' added An Empire Calendar, April 26-29, 1849, Montreal 'Riots, Montreal never saw a wilder scene than that which ushered in the dawn of April 26, seventy years ago. The fact that there wastlittle bloodshed was entirely due to the sagacity and the cooless of Lord Elgin, at that time Governor-General, but the ins calculable damage that was 'done through the destruction of the Par- liament buildings and the almost complete loss of the splendid library, in addition to the vandal destruction of many private residences shows the temper of the mob and the inability, or the unwillingness, of the police and military to cope with the rioters. The storm had been brewing for some weeks past, during the heated discussion 'of the Rebellion Losses Bill, and when the Governor-General came from Monklands to give the royal sanction to the measure it proved the spark that fired the powd- er barrel, There was some hostile feeling displayed in the galleries. and Lord Elgin was hissed and hustled as fe entered his carriage, Latér in the evening a mass meeting was held on the Champ de Mars, at which leading citizens---who ought to have known better----addressed the crowd. With a wild rush the half-maddened crowd rushed to Youville Square, stood, and after stoning every win- dow, stormed the building, doing wanton damage to the furniture amd bangings of the Assembly, This did not satiate the appetite of the mob and fire was set in several places un: til the whole edifice was in flames. The library of over 20,000 volumes was lost as well as priceless records. Next day the assembly met in Bonse- ceurs Market and the mob continued to have the upper hand, destroying many valuable residences in St. An- toine street. The rioting again rose to a serious stage on April 28th, when Lord Elgin drove to Montreal to prorogue parliament, and he nar- rowly escaped serious injury, if not death, at the hands of the mob. After this exhibition of mob rule the capi- tal alternated between Torouto and Quebec, until the final choice settled a Ottawa, and thus Monitxenl lost he opportunity of being the Capital of the Domimion. Vankleek Hill Appears Annoyed. Vankleek Hill Review: This man Nickle, Kingston, must have great digestive apparatus. He 'swallowed himself" mons. last week that not a trace of him can be found. It was a disgust- ing performance. In other words Nickle moved a strong resolution (in full accord with Canadian senti- ment) to abolish future "titles" in Canada, Then upon the polite re- quest of party . politicians "he with- drew his resolutinn and deserted his principles. He is an average Can- adign politician, peng 80 completely in the House of Com-| a IN MEMORIAM. Jn loving memory of Jéssie Juanita Harris, who dled at Crow Lake, Ont, on April. 20th, 1919, aged three weeks, two day The Master walked one day at even, Among his flowerets | He watched them al s rhs, Fach clsimed his love nnd , And some he pruned, and waiered some nd others trained aright; {Ana some he set in shadawg dim, , To others gave more light {B. it ome he saw, a tender pliant, {And he stooped £2 passions; | This one, he sad, I mst transplant, Twill suffer should ¥ walt. it needs a fairer, summer clime "ree from the cold and raing Tie could not bear the noontide heat, Earth's sorrows and its pain, There Is a pice I have prepared Where such as this may grow, In matchless beauty, radeless, fair, My love and praise to show. And 8g with gentle, loving hands He took it to its place Phere to unfold in heaven oly lghty The mystery of Qrac With tear-dimmed eyes we view the spot Left vacant since she's gone, But we can trust His love so wise And say, "Thy will be done." Sweet memory tendrilled still entwines Like tender cords of love, And draw our hearts from earth away To seek the things above, 4 Loving Neighbor, RECOMMEND W. J. FAIR. As the City's Representative On the Suburban Section of Road Area. At a meeting of the Civic Finance Conmtmittee, held on Friday might, the members decided to recommend to Council, the appointment of Ex- Ald. W. J. Fair, as the city's repres- entative on the suburban section of the road area. . Anthony Rankin, M.P.P., was pres- ent, and gave the members a fore- cast of the work that is to be « car. ried on' this year, An American officer just arrived in Paris from Fiume says it was re- ported that a total of fourteen liv: Isions had been moved tg Fiume by the Italians. Practically all the in- habitants have left Fiume. It 'is officially - denied that U. 8. Ambassador Page at Rome had offer- ed his resignation upon, learning of President Wilson's attitude toward Italy in the peace conference. Irritable Nerves Restored And Health Regained In a Simple Way The man or woman who is run- down, not feeling up to the mark, perhaps irritable, nervous or sleep- less can well afford to learn about the wonderful results the newly dis- covered blood-food is giving to folks that use it. There is wonderful power in this nag blood-food, and every weak, pal- lid person cdn be quickly nourished back to health that uses it as direct" ed. : After each meal, with a sip or two of water, you simply take two little chocolate-coated tablets, sold in all drug stores under the name of "FER- ROZONE." The effect is noticeable; at once, You feel - happier; brighter, more contented. That old-time feeling of weariness departsi-you forget your "nerves" and no longer get irritable or cross over trifling annoyances. There is a reason for this change and that reason consists of the fact member of Parliament for'fthat Ferrozone contains blood-mak- ing materials you can get in no other way. Ferrozone makes the blood tingle and sing with new vitality, This en- sures lots of wourishment and strength being supplied: to every parf of the body. No wonder the eyes brighten and the cheeks radiate color and happi- ness: With abundance of strength, a keen appetite, good digestion and plenty of sound sleep--all the result of Ferrozone--you quickly feel as if life held new charms and pleasures. abn Nt : One Price Store effects. 69c Shirt Sale Bibbys Right Dress For Civilians ---short ones, HATS One Price Store Eo You fellows who -are return- ing to home life have learned to be mighty particular about your appearance, "Right dress" is just as neces- sary in civil life. Get a line on these new suits for young fel- lows. Snug-waisted, high-chest- -ed; newest ideas in lapels and pockets; weaves and colorings. Special values: $18, 50, '$22.50, $35.00. Men hard to fit will be spec- ially pleased with the way we've planned for them. Tall ones, lean ones and fat ones--makes no difference what your build. You can be fitted perfectly.. ENGLISH RAINCOATS "Good rain or shine; nobby tweed Special values, $16.50, $18.00, $25. 00. YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS absolutely new; real aristo- crats. Form fitting and waist line models; smart chester- fields, etc. Prices, $15, $18, $22.50. A beauty for $28. 00 Agents for the celebrated Just Wright Shoe for men . BIBBYS 78, 80, 82 Princess Street . $8.50 - Limited Kingston, Ont. 69¢ Shirt Sale Rippling Hye breaking: a gall harrow my soul of sighing, I've Artemis "Charlie Brown Ward, are corpsés heaped up by the cord. all sticky with gore, - But I am so tired of the trenches, 'bugles and horns! wrenches my system clear down to my corns. I'm tired of the kings and the eojonels, I'm tired of the traitor A and spy; I'm sick of the translated journals which 'WAR BOOKS I'm tired of your stories of sorrow, of bones and helmets of tin, and so I am. going to borrow a book that will kick up a grin. callous, a hard-hearted fellow, indeed: Perhaps you will say I am ,. On seeing me us to find something funny to real. of chargers and "A book on such topics just till I cry. I've sighed till I'm weary wept till I'm weary of. brine; and so, all conventions defying, I ask for some humor in|} mine. ih years have been slow and distressing, the sad years of sorrow and wrong; to laugh is a joy and - & blessing, when he have been solemn so long. The] most of the warbooks are lemons, they're bloody and gloomy and vain; so hand me some stories by Clemuns, n own. TY the rabble as Twain. And even old Joshua Billings, or better than stories of killings, and I've wept till my wepeer is weary, I've sobbed till my sobber is sore; so lend me a book that is 8 sheery, that fen't |} 338 fom fet is the ratows pay for money left with us for a fixed period to five years. Enquire perionally or J rile for bovklet Ps National Trust Company Light and handy. 32, 36 foot lerigths. Extension Ladders Sold in 24, 28, 30, BUNT'S HARDWARE CA NED FRUITS Catitornin Petter {pound, the A good 0x3 fn % pon shit tire Friday at Portjand, Ne Ar section' a Aragnaya ar |]

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