bs In mone titable fo ever; gainers to itsel = hen required. gnce, and with Savings Account. large resources Incorporated 1855, " ------ msi For Brick veneered dwelling, sx rooms, ¥rice Frame, semi-bungalow, wix "roomn, now vacant; immediate poss ssion. The Value of a Savings Account ~ gain alone the keeping of a Savings Ac person who earns or handles money. mw any dollars which would (therwise be wasted. ce dnd helpfulness o i. Money can be deposited at any time and with. The Bank of Toronto, with over sixty BANK or TORONT! S---- Capital $3,000,000; Reserve Funds: 30,035 ---- Incorporated 1S5S Reserve ~ Capital ,. ...05.000000 Funds . 96,625,023 pount «4s pros The &eccount A Savings Account should vears ot business experi aud reserve fu nds, invites your he BB. oT. Manager. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919. rena GR A ND is of Quality Pictures TO-NIGHT 1 The Star Supreme | Geraldine Farrar In "SHADOWS" Charlie Chaplin Comedy and Others. Vaudeville Programme CARSON TRIO, Entertainers de luxe. MELROY SISTERS, Dainty Misses in Songs and Dances. AMBLER BROS., World's Greatest Acrobatic Novelty. POPULAR PRICES: Matinee | Evening 10c & 15¢i|15¢ & 25¢ Thurs. May 1 am ---- --- Sale Princess below . «$1700 hasdwood floors downataira: $2000 Piice .. on street, Pa J.K. CARROLL AGENCY "Phones 68, 874W. G.W.V.A, (Incorporated) General Meeting--Mondays at 7.30, N pom, Band practice, 'Tuepdays, Richardson OC / LODE, 2nd and 4th. yn. © ® EFFICIENCY ! What does this quality mean to you? Are you efficient? If not---why not? Only by ine creasing your efficiency can you be successful. YOUR EYES are a very im. portant factor in retarding your progress, For if your vis fon is inefficient you cannot attain' the full measure of sue~ cess. Have your coyes examined now by our optometrist. R.J.Rodger 132 Princess Street We Are Ryesight Specialists Watts 2 Frist 179 Wellington Bt. Fresh eut flowers daily; funeral designs te order, Vut wedding bouquets 1 own ordtrs Riven mpecial attention : AWNINGS i you want an up-to-date Awning, drop a post card Dix, Awn= ing Hi TL Nelson St ere BUY YOUR COLORTE (Al A. G. WILLIAMS 171 Wellington Street "THIS IS THE TIME To choose your favorite shade Straw Hat Color 'We have a full and complele assortment of either C i a aa lorie colors. HOAGS Drug Store Branch Post Office en. ny Mon., Tues., Wed. Alice In "The Better Half" Return Engagement Frank The Silver Tenor The Famous ® ® Houdini In the "Master lystery"' g| British Weekly; Harold Lloyd Comedy The Best Grocers Can now supply you with the celebrated " YUBAN * COFFEE Insist on the best. LT me NOTICE H. L. BEDFORD, Auctioneer po cturned soldier, la late of O.M.R. sales early and' dates. oa a ote G.W.V.A. Rooms. - Phone 2101w. REMOVAL NOTICE announce that he is now located in his gd dental office, treet, near Montreal Street, and {and wil! be able to, render services 'as usual, The Kingston members of the L 0.0.1, H mark the one pnaredtl oli STRAND Brady Bessenger Dr, Gordon C. Dewar wishes to]. MAIL ORDERS NOW Greatest Cosstar Cast WILLIAM FAVERSHAM MAXINE . ELLIOTT And a Briiliant Company in LORD & LADY ALGY A Sparkling Comedy Lower Floor, $2.50 and $2.00. Balcony, $2, $1.50, $1, 5c. Gallery Unréserved, 50c. TUBEATS ON SALE TUESDAY Mon., Tues., May 5, 6th Matinee Monday at 2 30 Boston Company; Moving Picture Ns The Beller Ole A Comedy With Music, By Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather and Capt. Arthur Elliot, With Edmund Gurney, Hon. Gordon and Percy Jennings Evenings: £2.00, $1.50, $1, 75, 25¢. Original [BEATS ON SABE, MAY 2ND. GRIFTIN TRUITT] [ee Wm. Russell In Muck | Sennets. Comedy ek re mnet Co UTT AND JEFF EMIT AY DOMINION EXPRESS Money Order. If lost or stolen, you get your money back, 1 , WARTS, BR A iE Eiowchs in A Se o ishes ri t. scar; 3 § dears : iy he and" Skin SEH MARRY ar LONELY; FOR RBESUL Ye best and mest Siuecessfo "Home Maker": handreds rich wish Sumerians | fou: je, confi. dential; most re 8 "The & Soerintions IO rae, ox § Monday Mat.: $1.50, $1, 75¢, 50¢ 20¢ |- Sm] CONDENIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertio oa wants Mach sen _ ersatier, Reid. insertion; 20c; three B0c; six $i) one month, #3. HELP WANTED. LABORERS, APPLY ON THE Montreal street, near Russell. WAITRESS WANTED. + APPLY steward, Frontenae Club, AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE-PARLOR maid. Apply to 107 Bagot street. RESPECTABLE WOMAN cooling. Apply at Home. PERSON TO SCRUB FLOORS. APPLY WwW. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess JOR, TO DO Orphans' ren. A SMART, RELIABLE GIRL FOR , store. Apply Grimm's, 102 Prin- cess street. - CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at once to 85 Wellington street. A WOMAN and Apply ge -------------------------------------- A MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK; ALSO to help in dining room. Apply to Y.W.C.A.; 196 Johnson street, MAID TO DO PLAIN COOKING; also a house maid. Apply to Mrs. TO DO WASHING, FTRONING aledning. Two in family. § Wellington street. Carson, 72 Barrie street, city. RE- to SERVANT, WITH Apply in evenings 244 "King street, rope pte GIRL TO WORK IN STORE, WIT reference; good wages. ' Apply to Marble Hall, 238 Princess street, GENERAL ferences. Mrs. Kilborn, 2 WANTED GENERAL 5, i WANTED = Shiu. * UNFURNISHED ouse 3 ox L-8, W Whig Oem poly, to BCORD-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO for cash or in PSnL of new pianos and grafono W. Lind say, Limit 121 Tia street. UPTODATE FURNISHED house, by a, married couple; no children. Wil pay good rent if satisfactory, Box 18, Whig Office SMALL, INFURNISHED ' MODERN house th good locality, by lst of May, or two unfurnished rooms on ground floor. "Apply Box B52 Whig ce. ' COUPLE OF rooms for family of three, from May 1st, till Sept. Ist. Out of town Juch of July and Aug: Apply Box » Whig Office. WANTED-OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. to $50 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. R. Jornitz, 2116 BE. Fayette sireet. Baltimare, "Md. AN A TEETH, 1 pay § BUY YOUR SCRAP IRON, metal, rubber and rags. We also sell all kinds of bags, Including feed, flour and potato bags, suit- able for farmers and merchants. M. Rosen & Company, 14) Rideau street. Phone 2067. WE WILL EXCHANGE STAMPS, 5,000 good mixed celvg' same value quay, Uruguay. Rare stamps ex- d by sheets. 1,000 mixed th Americans mailed diseot, for w Frank Warner, Fit¢ Vie- torig, Buenos Alres, Argentine Re- public. aa ---- SEND 500 TO stamps and re- Argentine, Para- AGENTS WANTED. CEMENT dump cart. st. TWO LABORERS FOR work; dlso driver for Apply to C. Andre, 35 Charles EMEN, experie: Unnecessary. seftd stamp, Railway Assoc. card: Whig, GIRLS AS PRESSFEEDERS AND boy to learn printing trade and @ct'as messenger. Apply Han. son, Cromier and Edgar, 20 Market street, BRAKEMEN, monthly; Write, jation, MAID FOR MOWAT must furnish reféren- to Dietitian, Mowat DINING-ROOM nitariom; oply Ee CT, PLASTERERS' FINISHERS WANTED at once. Wages T0¢c per hour. Apply J. Kilbride, Hunter Bldg, Albert street, Gatawa WANTED, GENERAL who understands Apply Mrs. H. J: Bagot street west, MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE. work. Highest wages given, Two in family in small flat. Maid to sleep out preferred. Phone 1876, MALD, ONE plain ~~ cooking. Yilkinson, 130 EXPERIENCED MAID WHO CAN do plain cooking; no washing, iron- ing or thorough sweeping; three in family; no children. Phone 681, HOUSEKEEPER IMMEDIATELY middle aged preferred. Willing to a to country; 5 miles from city; aniily of twol' good wages. * Ap. ply to Box B-522, Whig Office. LIVE MAN WANTED--SFARR or steadily---gelling ov our ie Susrantecd trees and plants, tit free, lib- gral comm sion. Shoo Himited mpan ursesymen, mi Pron Nurseries 0. Ontario. MAN TO WORK THIS CITY REFIN. ishing chandeliers, 'brass beds, automobiles, by new method. §10 daily without capital or experi. ence. Write Gunmetal Co, 318 Elm, Decatur, I1L WANTED ARTISTS~ONLY EXPERI enced portrait artists working abr- brush - over all Kinds of prints, Also & free hand oll painter. High- est salary; steady employment. " Bdward Blum, EA So. Wabash, Chi- cago. ONE SLASHER TENDER; ALSO X= phgienced cotton. weavers; slubber tender, intermediate tender and speeder - tenders. We could also place 'a few learners. - Apply Do- minion Textile Co. Limited, Cata~ raqui street. --- THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery. stock under present ocon- aitiohs, | We want A tor age Jor unispfessn Cl Good ay. ex OURS selling rights tor alloted ter Witte [Lo m A eas Nurgery Co. Toronto, PEACE TREATY WILL SOON . BE signed, making greater than ever. for our complete "His- tory of World . War." Canadian edition; distinguished Canadian authorship; Canadian publishers. Patriotic service fo' intpoduce it: patriotic duty to buy it. Great op~ portunity to make money. No ex- perience pnecessary. Liberal com- mission; freight paid, eredit given, easy conditions. Outi free, Ww IN CO., Toronto. 7 RETURNED EN-=CONSIDER © railway station work; telegra and station nts receiv ve fron 104 5 150 JOT, 2 i ur en to Do ed at st tone where Worked, Sle to qualify. $1350-8200 demand | $1000 FOR YOUR NEXT 100 DAYS, spot cash--Wonderful compressed air ¢hemical fire extinguisher; weighs 2 Ibs. charged; puts out fire in ten seconds; excels work of héavy high-priced devices. Lasts a lifetimes, Every home, every automobile or motor boat owner, every factory: and of- fice buys one. Selling price only $1.50. A msale every ten minutes and a cash profit of 200% for you. Our money-makers earning $35 10 jis weekly. Secure your territory. nvesti Write now. Heney Co. 776 Bank street, Ottawa, Ont 'ENTY-FIVEE DOLLARS PROFIT Per day; exclysive teritory; peo- plé's war boo autographed by Bishop, ace of aces. Brand new; containg peace terms and Ledgug of Nations; war history, chrono- logy and cyeclopedia combined; au- tagraphed with pen and ink by hand that downed a hundred huns; Greatest war souvenir; authentic artfcles by ddoyd - George, Gen. Fooh, President Wilson, and Plew- man, the Canadian War critic, Nearly 500 illustrations, full page, gdouble page and magnificent col ored War pletures. Beautiful hon- or roll and service scroll for your woldiegf's photograph and military record. More than a war history. Largest and most complefe single vokume war book published. Agent's profit $2.60. Liberty Bonds as extra premiums. Exclusive pro- tected territory. Big boom just starting, Millions will be sold. White for exclusive Agency now. Ack quick. Imperial Pub. Co, TO- Tonite, TO-LET. SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE; POSSES- sion immediately. Will rent cheap. Apply Box A-24, Whig Office. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all "'mprovements; Sentrally loocat- ed. Apply 243 Brock stree STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry. Apply E. Wathen, 4 Neon Sheet. Phone 18913. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN nd dry. McCann's Real state Cie 86 Brock street. Phone BED ROOM AND SITTING ROOM (furnished), on first floor. Use of Phe and grate fire. Phone -i v A A SUITE OF TWO FRONT. ROOMS Pioely urnished; also one single roo! "lose to City Park. Apply 28 dllington street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN gry. Priairy, ix og our own lock and Hy Storage, '299 an street, ------------ tenn 28 AN EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, 57 LIV- ingston avenue; good yard and outbuildings. Possession May 1st. For information, apply to 318 King street. LARGE BRICK COTTAGE, © rooms, on wader front, fine view of river, t minutes' walk from ferry landing. Apply to Allan Mc- Laren or call No. 7, ring 2: A » FURNISH SUMMER COT. ages on Batteau Channel, Wolfe 8. J. Woile Islang.- ™O t and Grey, RR. 4, NISHED ROOMS 1° Bedlow, AT mbagen iso use of House, if Rosired, 7 | runes JNEURM pry Onn Ae, 29 rantenne street o> 1 FUnDatp street. Ss PI A LE 250 "princess D8 Bon hi BEATE = UNFURNISHED, Phone 526; res. 989. > ;. AUTOMGMLES, ime Aspe = a m---------- | 1] FOUND A SUM OF MONEY. OWNER may have same by proving amount and applying at F. W. Coates Foveiny store, City. GOLD SIGNET RING, ON ON. tario street, Thursday. Ap- ply at Whig Office. GOLD LOCKET, SET WITH rubies. . and .diamonds; two stones missing. Apply Whig Offiice Composing Room. POCKETBOOK CONTAINING small sutn of money.. Owner can have sume by calling at 41 Clergy 'west and proving property. ™ PAIR OF GLASSES ON CHAIN, two or three weeks ago, Owneg afay have same at Ww 5 Office. GOLD ROOCH, SET WITH amber stone and pearls, on Sunday. Owner may "have same by proving property at Whig Office. CHILD'S BROWN glove on Ontario Owner may 'have same at Whig Office. REGIOPOLIS COLLEGE FIN, Owner may have same by calling at 102 Clergy street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wish ns to reach the owner may do y reponting the facts to The British Whig. The advers tisément will be printed in this column free of charge. .SUBDE street, LOST. AN {UToOMOBILE CRANK ON MON. day. [Pinder kindly to return to 466 Albert! street or phone 2048, SQUARE OR THERE: about, roll of bills amounting to $155.00 Finder Kindly leave at Whig Office and receive liberal res ward. ON MARKET PAIR OF SILVER RIM GLASSES BE- tween William street and Gilbert's Grocery or on Clergy street. Find- er please leave at Gilbert's Gro- cery. POULTRY PURINA CHICK-DEVELOPMENT PRIZE CONTEST, FREE CONTEST--VALUABLE CASH prizes. Enter your chicks when hatched. Every owner of poultry invited to enter the Puriya Chick- Development Contest. Pyizes for the 8 chicks making best cord of weight increase in ten weeks. No previous experience necessary. If you have baby chicks, try this popular prize contest. Write for full particulars to "The Chisholm Milling Company, Ltd, 2 Jarvis street. Toronto. PAPERHANGING PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, grain"ng and kalsoming. Wal pa- per and paint for sale. Get my prices and be convinced -on your painting and paper hanging. Ryey, 282 Queen street. Phone FOR SALE. 4 CYL, 3 CYCLE, $0 mp. Apply Box 410 Whig OM ENGINE. ce. ton; cheap. Can be seen at Mr. MacGregor's, 24 Russell street. TWO HOLSTEAN BULL CALVES ELI gible for registration. Phone 1108 3g Ceylon. Robinson, Portsmouth, $8500 WILL BUY A LOT, 88 FOOT frontage, with barn, on Raglan Road. Owner at 107 Queen Street. 16 INCH CORD WOOD, HARD AND soft mixed;. also hard and soft brick. Apply New England Bak- ery. AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, SLIP covers, ete. 15 years at the busi- neas. Judson's Auto Tops, Brock. ville. * 2 ONE 4+-WHEELED DOGCART, RUB- ber tires, Collins patent axle; cir- cular tupntable. Can be seen by calling up 1087. CHEAP, A GAS RANGE IN GOOD OR der, With two ovens. manufactured by the Ideal Co., Windsor, Apply to R, J. Carson. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; Jour own Sholce, 3450 iTerms, §§ cash, $1 per Week, C, W alin ndsay, Limited, 121 Princess Bt a ------------------------------ ONE UP-TO-DATE SIDEBOARD, ONE lawn mower, nearly new, six dozen fruit jars, ' 30 feet new hose, 16 thoroughbred hens. Apply 29 ¥Fron- tenac street, north, . TWO CADILLAC TOURING - CARN; splendid a¥ round condition. Can be purchased for one half their present value, Terms arranged. for demonstration phone 1907Tw, ™e Sun, BRICK RESIDENCE, NO Aberdeen avenue, corner of Wil- a street, containing 10 rooms large lot. verandah, furnace, gas, ee. Apply on the premises. 1 MAXWEIAL, 1 verjand. 2 Chevrolets, 1 Ford, 3 Laughlin's and ove Ford track. ; Tires and condition first class. Ap- pea 218 Udiversity Avenue. Phone DOUBLE SEATED COVERED PHAE- | PAGE SEVEN ES sle's Forum MeLAUGHLIN-BUIOK he Ry best engine ih Canada. Apply 30 Collingwood or 337 Bagot street ONE NORDHEIMER PIANO. AN FIRST class condidon, Apply Prince George Hotel. HOUSE BOAT FOR SALE, #0 FEET x is feet § in. x 7 feet § in; § oom. Apply to: W. Lesslle, 33 Woat 'Street, city... ALSO 'A NUMBER OF MILITARY beds will sell below manufactur- ing 'price at:J. Shapiro's, 43-46 Princess street. Jhope 1337. N iSCOU oN ah "Hehin "iatids' or April oniy. Cooke, Sizeace street, opposite, American nsulate, Tele wi IEWS OF ROCKY a CUNTAINS, reat photos; post car for. skmple 'half dosen. One dogen 40c. Hinsley, ET Avenue, N. EB. Clagary, Albe ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF ¥ land; also house, mmall Rain cated near Westbrook. For par. tioulars "Apply Mrs. George Camps sall, Godfrey, Ont THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO 156% University avenue, 0p te Queen's University, owned by W. L. Grant; on May ist; price, $8,500. Apply A. B. Cun ningham, solicitor. ONE HUNDRED ACH FARM; IDEAL water front, nine miles west of Kingston; good house and summer cottage, roomy barns, Close te school and cheese factory. Apply on premises, Manson Smith, Col lins Bay. abil WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. MOTORCYCLES IN GOOD condition, also Columbia and Per. fect bicycles; all makes of bi. cycles repaired and to rent; also baby carriage tires put on 'while you wait. Qeorge Muller, 371-374 King street, Phone 1032w. SEVERAL EGGS FOR HATCHING, BARRED Plymouth Rocks, bred from 4th Kingston cockerel; and black Ham- burgs, bred from Ist Kingston cockerel, 1st, 2nd dnd 3rd pullets, All birds bred from winter lay. ers. $1.50 per setting, 13 eggs Chas. Duberry 53 Beverly Street, Kingston. MOTHERS SHOULD TAKE ADVAN« tage of this sacrifice and get your boy one of our good suits. We have a few size 29, to fit boys 10 yedrs; also a few size 30 and the follow. ing sizes: 31, 33, 34 and 35 only. No smal sizes; nothing to fit boys under 10 years of mge. The Lion Clothing House, $47 Kihg Street, Near Princess. - sens rsd ete Aart BEAUTIFUL, FAST MOTOR LAUNCH, 28 feet long, equipped with 30 hp, Brennah, 4 cylinder, 4 cycle engine, storage battery, dual ignition, Speed 18 miles per hour. Best sea hoat in Kingston. Auto control Top, side curtains, cushions, car- pet, fenders, life preservers, revo. lution indicator, Pyrene fire extine gulsher, 'composition five extin- guisher. Electric lights, anchor, ete. Boat and engine in good tons: dition. Price, $700.00. Apply to H. M. Snider, 33 Aberdeen avenue Phone 1586w or 2197 for demon« stration. " ; BATEMANS REAL BSTATE AGENCY. $4501.07, 238 WITH foundation £7] a and aout Tn 000 brick, ali for a few days only at this price. 2200-ROVUGH CAST use, 8 on: 4 dowh town oy rge ot, $3000--~BRICK HOUSE, 8 Roons, ALL improvements; gas electrig Hght; north of Princess; central, 50 FOOT JERONTA oN Masaohel! street, - FI500-=NRICK HOUSE, 190 ROOM all 'mprovemienta: hardwood Hours and stable. WOK ROUSE, NELSON 8ST. rooms. B. & C.; gas for cooking; large lot, i $0000--PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL modern; electric lights, hardwobdd $loors, good = garden. Rear en- trance. Beautiful location, $2500--BRICK HOUSE, IMPROVE. ments, Central FARM-150 ACRES, § mies FROM Kingston; bank K barn and silo, TOAN WANTED, WANTED, $6,000 ON A FIRST CLASS farm Boys hg Aa! Bateman, Real Estate and Insurance. PHONE 896w, 1530. Ww ELLINGTON, 3 FOR SALE. 138 Nelson St, well finished house, double lot, stable, henhouse, fruit trees, berries, shrubs, roses, flowers, Storm doors gud wit- dows, also screens. Apply on premises, TAKING ORDERS F OR PRESENT DELIVERY 100 PER CENT. OF WINTER'S COAL . SUPPLY he Get your coal in now and avoid recurrence of past troubles inf a Uv