Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1919, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919. rhe : Keep the Bowels Regular| ~ Y!$/701S AT LAXSDOWAR. . ! rE Ld | 3 , ; ' And You Won't be Sick A Number Coming and Going Dur By STAN DARD BAN K From The If the howls do "mot move regu- Lanne Ht Brodie, | The new YB 2 larly, they will sooner or later, be-{of Winnipeg, 4 delegates to the : flavour rysid t ry come constipated, and constipation is|Grain Growers' convention at Ot- OF CANADA Coun 81 e productive of more fll-health than al-'tawa, made a short .visit~ with his : most any other trouble. 7 % {eousin, Mrs. Leslie Johnston, before The sole cause of constipation is{leaving for Ottawa. Mrs. Shaw and poo + {an inactive liver, and unless the liver| daughter, Anna, are spending a few A is kept active, yon may be sure that}days in Mallorytown. Dr. and Mrs. Frontenac headaches, piles, heartburn, bili-}JCampbell were holiday visitors at MEAD OFFICE - TORONTO SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES are now installed at this Branch for the cus- 1 ousness, jaundice, floating specks be-| Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Earl tody of valuable papers, etc,, affording safety Jare the eyes, and many other trou-|spent Thursday in Kingston. Miss : 2h 4 4 y es w ollow the wrong action of | Minnie Mitchell, Ottawa, is home and privacy. Further information supplied HARLOWE. this, one of the most important or-|for the holiday. E8T'D 1873 by the manager. 223 April 23.--Some farmers have gans of the body. Rev, Mr. Kelly, Cataraqui, was a INGSTON BRANCH cor cod plowing in this locality, |. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills willirecent visitor here. . Miss Stella ? The roads are getting in a better regulate the bowels so that you will{ Hunt of Copper Cliff, is visiting at { ; shape, Harlowe's. school teacher have a free and easy motion every|her home at Ivy Lea. Mrs. Gordon . Caw . X i J. F. ROWLAND, 4 RI] to Madoc to spend her Easter day, and one 'pill a night for thirty|Summers returned on Monday from This new, thick, fruity sauce holidays with her parents. Pte. days will cure the worst cases of| Toronto. The 1.0.0.F. Lodge will eos a : mee Archibald McGregor has returned sobstivation. a rn drench) attend service next Sunday in St. from England > simply de home from Kingston. = Norman ey do this by acting directly onjJohn's church at 3 p.m. Mrs. F. il 3 a welcome ] Jackson is doing a big business with the liver and making the bile pass|McConnell is visiting at her moth- licious, and suc . n bis new sawing machine at Har-|through the powels instead of allow-{er's, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kinch change to the old-fashioned ' NX ® Future Prosperity lowe. Miss McGregor and her bro-|ing it.fo get Into the blood, thus|and child, of Kingston, are guests| ther, Archibald, were guests at b.|causing many stomach and bowel {of Mr, and Mrs. Evans Steacy. § » Sy . / Fresh Farme:s' But- A ------_-- . Rentoul's on 'Sunday. C. Hillard troubles. i Miss Kilborn, Kingston, is nurs- Weaidat it be.worth your 2 » : and family were guests at Walter rs. Jos. Labree, Louise Apts, |ing Mrs. Alexander MeClary, who ouldn t 1 wor .i. = ANADA'S future prosperity Seolls' on Thursday. = The people Calgary, Alta. writes: --"I have been [Bas been very ill. The marriage] while to try the one and ter arnving daily. depends chiefly on the efforts . around here are through making [troubled with constipation for the last|took place Wednesday evening of only H.P, Sauce? yo d th ift f h 44 maple syrup and report a very poor {two years. 1 have trjed numerous |Miss Laura Johnston, daughter of} 3 an rit o er citizens. year. It~ is 'reported that Henry treatments, but have fever been re-|Mr. and Mrs. Samuel JONSON, 10 | mmm mmm. emma ose i Benney, who left Harlowe about a |leved by anything until I used Mil-| Roy Brekenridge, of Holsted's Bay. People have been known to soil Th who save, provide the means month ago, was killed while un= purn's Laxa-Liver Pills which are Miss Jessie Johnston, cousin of ¢he [their own glothes while attempting fot rapid reconstruction, and the loading his car in the west helping me Wonderfully. a " ' Inlde, gave a miscallaliepus Shower to wash the dirty linen of others. h - ; We do not claim that Milburn's'in her honor uesday afternoon, mr en argement of their country's in INVERARY Laxa-Liver Pills are a 'eure-all," |The bride was the recipient of a ustry and commerce. ! April 25.~--An unusually large |but we do claim that there is noth-| beautiful sewing table, presented by community reception for the return- ling better for a sluggish liver. St. John's choir, of which she has CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS od soldiers was held in the Agricul- Price 26c a vial at all dealers, oria valued member for many years. THE: ( ANADIAN BANK tural Hall on Thursday evening last. mailed direct on receipt of price by The Merchants' Bank have open- AGENTS FOR » The hall wasp beautifully decorated |The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To-led a branch at Rockport, a sub- with flags and bunting. Rev. Mr. |ronto, Ont. : agency of the Lansdowne branch, OF COMMERCE Colin ot ra eae. Was Te | eincaday each week. Pleo: Wik . excellent. musical programme Was RAILWAY ednesday each week. Pte. /11- awrell ce : i talent. The re- HTN ALL ICR TAYE [11am Sales, of Kingston, recently re- ® rendered by local turned soldiers, Sgpssnnt N. V. Free- turned from overseas, was a visitor r man and Sappe alter Oliver were Here lant week. ir, Netto: Hate i A ¢ ted with a diamond rin : ager of the loca ank of Toronto Kingston Branch - P. C. Stevenson, Manager sg bh On or thelr eS A change of time staff, spent the holidays in Toronto. e O i e i overseas. H. McConnell read the . d W. 0. Bell, Ottawa, was a recent address and Miss Gertrude Gibson will be made on visitor. . Also manufacture all kinds of soft drinks. We deliver tw made the presentation. Both younz ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Burns have all parts of the city. é : ) men replied most fittingly. Interest Sunday, M ay Janaved wo their farm purchased } . ch ore given by Dr. Ed- ing speeches were g y Lansdowne visitors include , Mrs. YOU MERCHANTS WHO EXPECT wards and TE The Ae 4th, s 1919. For Robert Moxley, Brockville, at Mrs. A. Tyo, C HOME TRADE was the unveiling of the tablet in : H. C. Mulvaugh's; Mr. and Mrs. K. i : J. Cook and Lieut. Maynard Cook 4 > memory of the late Sergeant Elmer articulars a 1 ie you practising home trade? We are glad to say some Shephard, who was killed in action P J PPLy of Duavwa. at, Mrs. hy Muenail =. 473 Princess Street it Phone 845 Are are, but we notice those who are not. on Sept. 27th. An address was read w on Se. 2. Leatherland. The tab-| - 10 Mrs. BB. Warren's; Miss Ethel HY? ot was presented by Mrs. F. 8. Fer- Bradley, of Gananoque, at Miss Fern We have every facility at your door for investment of firm guson to the parents of the deceased J. P. HANLEY, Wehater g) Mis Be Stacy 2h : : : and private savings. Then why go out of town? Call us up soldier. It now hangs on the walls \ hal Sans ys De pS, before handing your next order to an outside house. of the Methodist church. Most ex- C.P. & T.A. G.T. Ry. Bellorille SNE Thee nll - cellent refreshments were served to jt Miss Greta Smail, Brimston, at Rev. i 2 a It Is a Duty You ©we to Local Enterprise the-crowd: by she ladies of the Sol Mis et ma Ne Purr TY TT Our investment offerings will more than satisfy you. That a 7 CHa Junetown, and Mrs. Charles Baile Je . Miss G. McKnight, Godfrey, is the : K v 1s our guatuntée, 4 guest of Mrs. C. N. Arthur. Mrs, C U | s RD Joung's Mills, at Mrs. W. H. Fol- 2 : v ys GOVERNMENT BONDS, ALL ISSUES, 5 TO 7% Lindsay. und Sarin are En ANCHOR Mrs. William Lackey, Joyceville ana is. fyrainand" ome, ot [FA ATA Haman Horton returned on Friday CYTES) §| For Infants and Children, 88 adl ' mmm ARB SS WRAL SNR BONGARD LY tle girl. " ; ~ trom a four months' visit in Cain- ea an ' RYERSON & CO. 4 ston, spent the week-end at her home| pegular Pas er 8 ices : : " : | = ston, spent the CIN lost. & valuable ge e seng erv town, Junetown .and Brockkville. E : Mothers Know That 'Genuine Castoria : 287 Bagot St. Phone 1728. H. J. Bongard, Manager COW. UL fi an a : ; : f ) ANCHOR-DONALDSON BARRIEFIELD BRIEFS. : : + ? yids T0 GLASGOW FROM aid ; ; - : 'Number of Visitors In the Village Lennox and OR} | Montrent, Comair . 0. Over the Easter Holidays. an Saturn... .. .. M Barriefield, April ~25.--Nursing Montreal, © dea. o. Montreal, Catunnfra En sisters Mrs. J. E. McDowell and her 3 re IADD sister, Miss M: Pugh, who have re- _ AS'WE HAVE SOLD OUR INTEREST wmves. (CUNARD LINE [fire ron srtree "went s" da ; IN April 25.--The farmers Rave SUC po AIVERPOVY visiting friends before leaving for ed seeding us a result of the "HS | oy 5 Ottawa, where they will visit before weather the roads have improved. x 8 ork. Vanb Mrs. McDowell leaves to join her School is to be re-opened with Clif New Nock, Saar a } 2 . ford Smith, of Odessa, as teacher. New Tork, Lavanin oo 7 phia J w =n rl Ee wel i. e " C 0 WwW an Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Workman, of | Sew JORG Sop, ia?" 1) Mr. and Mrs. A. Rickey entertain- Holfe jiand, we visiling at Mr. HOM TO SOUTHAMPTON {ed a number of their friends in hon- : tolling', rs. Janies "| P : in, of Toronto, is visiting her son, |New York; AgaltaRiR ii os) Mey 8 | OF OF her daughter Miss Geneve. ® ° s OF N 4 Mrs, Arthur |New York, Mauretania, . .. . May 13] Mrs, J. 'McCartney entertained a v Fred Franklin. Mr, an rs, T0 LONDON number of children in honor of her ax Uusiness: Franklin, of Toronto, who have besh (Yin Pixmouth 'and fHayye) little son Master Jack's -birthda s ® visiting at Fred Franklin's has re- | New York, Saxonia sah wea May 81 Mrs. W. Vanhorn of the he TE ee So : turned nome. ee. 5. Frankl off ANCHOR] FINE [rou gpont aster with her mother, : , § » MTS. AL ' y aid ey. A TT of Portsmouth, are visiting at Harry NEW YORK TO GLASGOW ae . ; TO MR. HUGH BENNE Bullocks', | Mies Elda McDonald, and For rates of presen and further par as firtices st 3. Mark's siiureh ster George, of Kingston, are vis- | ug HOMERY War SD A MPANY, The number at communion Was : - . fF . iting at their grand parents, Mr. treet Kast, Toronts | large and the offering was the larges We take this opportunity of thanking the and Mra. Bort Clement. Bh ont. oma] rp ha oar Adena i : : = - a lement, of ngsion, 8 bia : : was beautifully decorated. The ser- 2 . 2 public for their past patronage and to ex week-end with his parents, Mr. and! ;enchandise. On Priddy there {vices were conducted by the rector esulting E y For Over press the hope that they will give the new Mrs. John Clement. Ray Amey passed away at her home near here, | Rev. A. O. Cooke. The music and : heir Lib : spent Easter at home. Miss Kathleen | gran Gibson, wife of the late Jolin [singing was excellent. Mrs. H. 3 2 owner their hi eral support. : Wemp, who has Deen visiting al}Gardiner. Deceased was seventy- Saunders is still quite ill. Mrs. H. . i Chester Nicholson's, has veturned| ine vears of age, was very highly | Knapp is improving nicely, also Miss ( ir gars home. A baby girl has comp 10 81a¥ | agteemed, and had lived in vicinity.| E. Sickey. Mrs. Muller has left for, ; E. A. McGowan, Sec.-Treas. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry geveral.sons and daughters are left Toronto to visit her daughter : Mrs. o Rg " Labdley's. yi tio. mourn her death. The funeral | Straider. : : 8 on Sunday was very largely attend-{ Miss Isabel Hutton, who spent » : pe ed by sympathizing friends amd | Easter with friends in Watertown, = . f 4 neighbors. On Sunday morning, N.Y.; has returned home. Mr, and Lanark Jolin Looby suffered a paralytic] Mrs. 8. Saunders, end two - little stroke, hia entire left side being] daughters, also her brother Jack, of affected. A physician was hurriedly ! the city, spent Sunday with their par- : called, and requested his removal to | ents, Mr, and Mrs. Stanton. Mrs. J. FERGUSON'S FALLS. Smith's Falls hospital. Mr. Looby's Elliot, and little daughter, of Toron- April 26--A number from here | many friends will hope for a speedy | to, are visiting with her aunt, Mre. attended: the bazaar held In' Perth, | récovery. A very estimable old lady | R. Gray. Mrs. Whitmarch, k- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday | passed away on Sunday afternoon, | ville, visited with her aunts, Mrs. of this week, Miss Julia Doyle, | in the person of Mrs. A.W. Cavell, pF who {teaches in Ottawa, is spending | after a brief ilness, at the home of | Karns, of Tamworth, a . her Easter vacation at home. A lher son, Frank Covell. She had | Bitd and little daughter Rita, of the large 'dance was held in the. Innis- | been 'enjoying the use of all her city, visited at Mrs. Weverson's. ville hall, Friday night, April' 25(h, | faculties though she had = reached : - . 3 The | the advanced age of 100 years. ~ | ° PUTTING OUT TREES and Mary Gray, of Perth, are spend Wey lauta Breen is spending ; Se : their Easter vacation with Mrs. Falls, week friends In Suh $| As Shade For Chicks on the Poultry Mrs, John Kennedy, ar en Calabogle, April 28.--At the O'- or onmed daay 2 In Oalabogie James Donlevy has|Brien Poultry Farms at Barryvale oe Md a od ress | Sold his residence to Joseph Clemo, preparations are being made for a Tuesday | Yh recently lost his dwelling by [putting out- 400 additional apple 00k. p wre. busy put- | Are. James Demarsh has purchased | trees this spring, which will make a : : Miss Stella the house lately occupied by B.|total of over 800 on the place. 3 is Sagpe, and Ropers became the 'These trees are being ; : 'the Mel murily for shade for the growing pending 2 ' is doing vacm 'MePher- fhickena, but like Sverything Size drying up and a soon be on mn Beton farm ohn the' shade rll oii aacaiont. conitich, Mite, Honma MI har pay Evenenally this Toronto, 1s spending her holidays at dation neipsjorchard will be one, of Meintuch her home. eo J knocking 4 are growing to the ra i ---------------- FE -------------------- A fo on sss calf ol wa

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