PAGE FOURTEEN a et Out KeepOut * ARE DOCTORS' ORDERS The good old bicycle, Massey or Red Bird, will give you better satisfaction than two or three cheap bicycles. The best is the cheapest. Get yours to- day. You can see Massey's on the streets of Kingston that have been running foe 15 ay a years and they are good to-day. little more and have satisfaction. ONLY ONE PLACE TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting snything done Ta the ery line, Estimates given on a f repairs NOTHING REMARKABLE Luxurious tastes De Riche has. He has a Carot in his of- fice, That's noth ing. | have a whistier in mine. "Mabel's face looks drawn tonight." "| should say it looks painted in. stead of drawn," EUPHEMISTIC Eyes like dia- monds brow of marble, Lips like ru- bies, teeth of pearl. Put it thus-- but do not tell her She is a "hard featured" girl, CAN USE FIELDERS. \ Fohl, of Cleveland Indians, Has Hurl-|~ ers in Reserve. Lee Fohl, manager of the Cleve- land Indians, a team that has been spoken of frequently in connection with the winning of the 1919 Ameri- can league pennant, gave out a state- ment the other day that he needed another pitcher. Then why doesn't he turn around and take a slant at his outfield? = Did you know that ef a To clean your AutoStrop Razor simply put the razor under the tap and blade from the razor. Razor -- Strop ~~ 12 blades -- $5 has won for the Bachelor cigar Lot hindy Merit continues to Pol position--and will continue. NOT DIVINE AFFLATUS Editor -- This Isn't poetry my dear man; It's merely an tributor--Ah, see. Something wrong with the THAT'S FAIR He: So you're willing to trust yourself to my keeping? > She: Yes, as long as you can keep me. ' RETURNED WITH THANKS, She--! sup- pose every pro- drawbacks. o\ He-~Yes, and the darwbacks of the poor writer are 'the comebacks, SHE PAVED THE WAY How did Pa act when you asked him for my hand? Very gentle and courteous, It took me com- " pletely by sur prise. I told him you used fo be a pugiiist. He: We'll never. have another quarrel, will we dearest? t She: | should say we would" | never dreamed it was so much fun making up. JUST HORRID Miss Peach- blow--Did you get a love letter from that sol- dier that you sent your photo graph to? Miss. Yellow leaf--No. Aren't the army cen- sors mean? the five outfielders every one has been a pitcher? Jack Graney started with the In- dians as a pitcher in 1908, but stuck his throwing paw in front of a hard batted ball. He was shifted to the outfield and made good. Joe Woods for years was the. pre- mier pitcher of the Red Sox. Jamieson broke into the American League as a pitching recruit for the Senators. He didn't make good, so was -developed into an outfielder. Tris Speaker pitched a game for the Red Sox nedr the end of the 1915 season. : Elmer Smith has been pitching 'grenades at the Huns the ast year, and when the Americans and Huns weren't on the fleld, Elmer pitched for his company's {eam mn Harness Racing Will Boom. Providing racing is restored; the harness horsemen will have plenty of racing this year for their charges. Already several ' circuits are being planned in Ontario, with the Midland section ready to go ahead with their fair cirenit. This will include Os- hawa, Petérboro, Lindsay, Beaverton, Newmarket and. Markham, with dates being alotted in the : order named. * Purses of $200 and $250 will be hung up by these clubs. A circuit comprising several one- day meetings is being arranged in Western Ontario, while in Eastern Ontario Kingston is holding a meet- ing on June 3 and Picton is having a meeting on May 24th. "Belleville is putting on 'Mhreeqdrents of $400 purses on June 3. 3 Galt is also talking of having a two-day meeting beginning on Viec- toria Day. - Town League. Cobpurg will: hae a town base- ball league this season. Last year the teams in the local league put on soome good -exhibitiong of ball, and a goodly number 'of players are again available for this season. As an incentive to gét busy dnd set the ball rolling a citizen has offered a frep trip to Toronto exhibition to the winning team. Baseball at Belleville. A senior baseball league has been formed in Belleville with tour teams, namely, St. Michael's, On- tarios, GTR: ad Wanderers. ; The officers selected were. as. follows: Hon. president, W. Carnéw; presi- dent, F. Thompson; first vicce-pre- sident, H. M. Gain; second vice-pre- ident, Dr. O'Callaghan; secretary- treasurer, Angus Buchanan. Louisville - released Henry Jones, pitcher, to Charlotte of the "has pur- Association, = and ~ |chased Edward y and John Sulli- Maco White Sox. van from the C Grover Cleveland Alexander was to have pitched the first ball yester- day at Chicago. - Vaughn and Cooper were slated as the opposing twirlers. SPRING TRAINING USELESS, Cobb, Who Never Goes to Camp, Ex- plains Statement, Ty Cobb has passed through an- other spring training siege and still frowns on this feature of baseball. It's all wrong, in his opinion. = Cobb believes that southern trips are un- necessary, that better results could be accomplished at home in shorter time and at a considerable saving financially. It is because of these firm convie- réporting each spring as long as pos- sible, 'and not that he thinks he should be favored and escape work forced on other players. "Four and five weeks' drilling, with two sessions almost daily, is carrying conditioning to extremes, and = the strain is so great that a player is weakened," said Cobb in an inter- view at Detroit. "This 1s shown often long before the close of the regular season, when players begin to go stale and lack the snap which characterized their play earlier. They spend too much of their energy before the season opens. "There's an excuse for rushing a boxer and putting him to the limit during his training. 'He is prepar- ing for one, or at the most two or ree contests, and must have reach- ed~the highest point of physical fit- ness when he enters the ring.. If it is a ten-round Bout he has about thirty minutes of fast work before him." $ This also applies to football men, Cobb showed, pointing out that when they train it is for a short season of about two months, with an eight game schedule considered heavy. "It is different in baseball," sajd '| Cobb. "Here the player faces a sea son of almost six months, with games daily. His endurance powers are tested to the limit- while playing the schedule, and to precede the season with a month of hard work in the South is expecting too much of him." Ty believes that one reason he has been so successful is that he has avoided much of this spring drudg- ery often beginning slowly as a nat- ural consequence, but finishing much .|stronger generally from August on than most of his rivals. He has more in reserve then and is at his best when ball games count the most if the club should be in the race, Cobh sees a solution of the spring training problem if players take bet- ter care of themselves in winter, and indulge in mild outdoor, 'exercise. Then, according to Ty, long training would not be necessary, but instead just enough work to strengthen the arma and Jegs and build up the "wind. » % po "George Burns, first baseman of the Philadelphia Athletics, was married recently to Miss Marion R. Harris, of Philadelphia. 4 : Barnett Kitchen Cabinets and Refrigerators \ Free demonstration. Saves, time, money and space. : ¢ mms RJ REID ™% The Leading Undertaker ~ DOMINION RAYNSTERS "Made-in-Canada" Raincoats "Are Good Style Dominion Raynasters correctly interpret the happiest styles of the spring season in men's, women's and children's coats. : In addition, they are absolutely waterproof ; which means that a Dominion Raynster 'will retain its stylish lines and a shapeliness after . many months of wear. This is because of the absolute reliability of the materials used in these garments and the thoroughness of every detail of their manufacture. Made in a wide variety of styles and patterns. Ask to see the new spring models at your favorite store. = All genuine * Raynsters" carry the guarantee label of the Dominion Rubber System. Look for it in the coat you select. ¥ 'Rochester has secured. Pitcher Stringer from the Philadelphia Na- tionals. : :