4 For the Amateur Best's drug store is bet- ter equipped to look af- ter your photographic wants than any other. IF YOU WANT The best cameras The best films "The best supplies The best developing, printing or enlarging, go to BEST'S The Popular Drug Store Open Sandays Keeley Jr. MOD. Those people (and they _ are many) who dread the Ordeal of an Je famine ation are agr ton- jthed to find that, Y made us, it eauses no y hacomtort or inconven- 'And We Use No I. Keeley Jr, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919. -- Watches We have a splendid assortment of care- fully selected watches, from the highest grade rail- road to the cheapest Ingersoll. Let us advise you what type would be most suitable to your needs. 7 The guarantee of this old firm stands behind all our watches. The Watch Shop SMITH BROS. Limited Established 1840 King Street, Kingston Fields," is being put up inside roll, LAST "SUPREME" EFFORT 70 GE TARVIA FC FOR ROADS DE- FEATED BY COUNCIL, Ald. Smith Would Abolish the Util- ities Commission--City Solicitor Advises Passing By-laws In Award ing Contracts, A last effort was made hy the few supporters of tarvia to get the City Council last might to substitute the A N No. 1 API HH API A HER We 3 io 3 tor chime evan nos tan Be RR Heverainek Ray Eras nie = The Spirit of Maytime Is Abroad GOOD DAY, MR. GARDENER * Lawn Hose, % in. size--Plain, 1 name of that superior road oil for liquid asphalt. Ald. 'Couper pres- ented the matter to the council, and intimated that the tarvia company from twelve to nine cents a gallon in view of the op in oils. How- ever, the council decided to hold to its previous decisions, and passed the by-law awarding the contract to the Imperial Oil Company at 8.6 cents a gallon, -------- The eouncil again paid its eompli- gents to the city's water supply when/ a by<daw was presented for the Here is something that will interest you. Malle~ able rakes, straight tooth with strong wood handles 10 tooth 12 tooth ... 14 tooth .35e Digging Forks, 4 flat prongs, D handles, $1.50, ° With strapped handles $1.75. Steel Hoes for loosening garden beds: ladies' 414 ny ool viel Men's size, 8 in. 15¢ foot; ribbed Poultry Nétting; all widths, 12 ini to 96 in. 5¢ a yard upwards * Lawn Mowers, 12 in. blades . For kitchen comfort in spring time, : 2 burner nickel plated hot plate . . \ $6.75 $4.50 Your choice of two good kinds. # Burner Nickel plated Solid Air Intake Pipe . With Adjustable Air Intake . .. 5 Burner Gas Cooking range with "broiler "and { baking ovens wi WN + $4.50 . $5.75 . $26.75 Thistle Brand ri 10 shades, quart can A va «TBO Ramsay's Floor, "Ramsay's House it, 24 t, 8 Shades, quart ean ... 0... shades, quart can .., All other shades, quart can . . . 81.00 .. $1.00 $1.25 Barnet Befrigerators--Parts | tor Ford " Cars--MoClary's . Furnaces, MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. 65-71 Brock St. 1 pump, {inclined to vote against the by-law, Praising of $30,000 by debentures to pay for the water-works' electric Some of the Aldermen were but it was pointed out that if the measure was defeated the Utilities Commission would have to add per- haps fifty' per cent. to the water raes for the next year to cover the cost. The Council had endorsed the purchase of the pump over a vear ago and it had be@n installed. Ald. Smith went so far as to de- clave that he would favor putting a by-law to the people to abolish the commission altogether. Ald, Graham supported this view. It was pointed out by Ald. Kent that there had to to be a commission to look after the electrical department owing te the city receiving power from the Hydro Electric Commission, but "the FARMER DIED FROM A BOIL 'The death of a young er 'was recently feported from n od poisoning, which developed from a boil. Such a small beginning to end so disastrously! Yet this is_liable to happen to anyone who allows a sore or wound to become infected. The, surest and easiest way to safeguard yourself is by using Zam-Buk. As soon as it is applied to a sore or wound it destroys all germs and acts as a protection, thus preventing lufsction and pos- gible blood-poisoning. At the same time, Za m-Buk ends pain and draws out inflamation. Then its action on the tissues results in the quick growth of mew skin, so that sores and wounds are healed in the "possible time. Get a box: epared. _ 60c. box. Hay and be pre "| Graham. had announced a reduction in price] be dt ON A ------ IN MEMORY OF LIEUT.-COL. JOHN McCRAE. The above memorial tablet to the author of "In Flanders' the front entrance of the main building, University of Toronto, alongside the University honor On the eross are words of the famous poem. Colonel McCrae graduated in 1894. The late IN, AN No Case Is Too Old None Too Severe Mrs. Riches Proves Once Again That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure, She Suffered for Seventeen . Years from Kidney Trouble and Now a Well Woman Says, "Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Me. St, Denis 'Riviere, Richelieu, Qué- bec, April 28th, (Special).--One of the most remarkable cures in the long record made by Dodd's Kidney Pills is that of Mde. AM. Riches; well known and highly respected here. For seventeen years Mrs. Riches 'was a sufferer from kidney disease in its worst forms. To-day she is a 'well womam.' Afid she says with an earnestness born of convie- tio "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me." "I suffered for 'seventeen long years,' Mrs. Riches goes on to say, "From backache, lfendache and sleep- lessness my troubles grew to rheum- atism and diabetes. I tried the doe- tor and other medicines, but I got no lasting' good till I tried Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, I took #2 boxes of them all, They cared me." Dodd's Kidnéy Mg are purely and simply a kidhey remedy. wo case of kidney trouble is severe or of too long standing resist them. Mf 'yon haven't used Dodd's Kidiey - Pills, ask your neighbors about them. ' Nr i A city conld. take Lover . the . water~ works if the people so decided. Ar---- When the by-law to purchase road oil was presented," Ald. Mills asked why it was necéssary to pass such a4 measure. Had it ever been done before, he asked. The city clerk re: plied that it had not. Ald. Graham, chairman of the Board of Works, stated that the city solicitor had ad- vised his committee that a by-law should be passed for the aw urding of all city tenders in order that there should afterwards be no' question of their validity, It was pointed out that if this was done, a great deal of work would be added to the council. It is likely that by-laws will only be passed in the case of large contracts, As usual Ald. Graham occupied the centre of the stage during the night's proceedings. He and Ald. Anglin got into a lvely discussion, although both took each . other's raps in good part. «+ Ald, Graham got Ald. Anglin to guote lumber prices, and the latter gave him prices at which his company could supply him with various kinds of lumber, Oh, those are the prices at which you are selling that second-hand lumber your firm 'bought at Deser- onto camp. : That is full of nail holes, The wetkingmen do not want that to put into. their new houses," remarked 'Ald. Graham. "Yes, they do," replied Ald. Ang- prices." "1 don't wonder that you are vot: ing for the housing by-law," put In Ald. Graham. to sell your lumber." cuts one-inch lumber in two and put it into houses he builds." "Oh; no, he doesn't," replied Ald. "1 cut inch "and & quarier lumber in two and used ft for basy- li boards nextyto the eo talk, went on until Ald arose and advocated is¢ussion on the hous- Ww be deferred until mext lin. "It's good lumber and at low : "¥ou peopie want | me "No, it 18 wot," retorted Ald. Ang- (8 Jin, who added that "Ald. Graham | WEDNESDAY « STEAC) We offer one of the most sensational sale attractions of 'the sea- son :-- HH SILK SALE Genuine Chinese Shantung E Exactly 350 yard$ of genuine Chinese Shantung silk, full 34 to $5 inches wide and sold regularly at 75c a yard, Sale price . ie ona. 4c No phone or mail orders can be accepted. : Shup early in the morning and take full advantage of this won- i derful opportunity. ¢ Tops for Tots ~ We have just received: a wonderful assortment of children's gpring millin- ery in a wide range of s apes and styles and colors. "All Specially Priced. AMERICAN FLANNELS . 400 yards of 'American flan- nels in white and grey grounds with colored stripes. . Priced at 40c regular. Wednesday .29¢ GINGHAMS 500 yards of ginghams in stripes only. Pretty patterns and worth. 45¢ a yard. Wednesday .. .. .. Wednesday BOYS' JERSEYS 50 boys' cotton jerseys in khaki only, all sizes 22 to 32. Long sleeves. Worth 60c each. Wednesday . LISLE HOSE 300 pair ladies' black and white lisle hose in all sizes. A special value. CHOICE CANADIAN PEA FED PORK . In Cag 500 Tbs. Ch Also». aloo lo of fresh. vogtables at ork marke. rie nr . muri por he 2 I Cox mak adn nr eineBO0 LANE are Nhe As new oe wie