Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1919, p. 11

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AS LIFE LOOKS FROM EDEN By William T. Ellis. -------------------------------- *The International Sunday 8chool Lesson for May 4th is "Man Made in the Image of d0d.""-Cen. 1:26-28; 2:7-9; Eph. 4:20.24, ER ------ UE Like escaping from the noise and stench amd contentions of an Ori ental city, to a hillside whence may be seen, in all their vast and eternal grandeur, the snow-crowned peaks of storied mountains, so is the turn- ing from the babble and strife of the day's news. to a confemplation of the sublime story of man's creation and of his primary purpose in ex- istence. There is a widespread tonic effect bound to follow the study this week of the story of human begin- nings by he millions of Sunday school members of the world. While we. are talking about making over the universal soelal order, let us consider the one essential factor, which Is man, Nobody will be the worse, and everybody will be the better, for a little hard thinking on this subject. We see life and we see It whole fom the standpoint of]. the Garden of Eden. When machinery gets seriously out of repair, it sometimes his to be sent to the maker to be made right Suppose we look upon our jangling, creaking, thumping, mal-adjusted "state of goctety 4% & Bit of machin- ery that needs repairing by the Maker. Society is merely people in the mass. It is the multiple of one man. Most of its defécts are in its ~ individual parts. The whole me- chanism 'will work well only after the personalities which comprise it have been made right. Our day's supreme issue 4g one, whether it he the League of Nations or the latest neighborhood strike, and that issue is personal to people. When "all men's good befomes each man's rule,". then we' shall have the per- fect day toward which the world has been so bloodily, blindly grop- ing. Getting Down to Bed Rock. Small boys pass through a period where in they believe that a horse- hair, if left long enough in a bottle of water, will turn into a snake. As we grow older, we are almost equal- ly credulous concerning the capacity of human beings to grow into what they were not. The delusion that society will evolve itself into a new order dies hard. 'It matters not that the scientist who has, followed the race back, through exeavations and archaeological records, declares that for a 11 the period of ' history man was as man is. He has not essentially altered in more than fivesthousand years. .Still a host of ntelligent folk believe that human- ity, Hike Topsy, 'Just growed," and that it will continue to grow until it reaches perfection. We are not acceldents, Man came not by chance, a mere prank of cos- mic forces, He was created. God ee Mbde. hin. Before he. was-a thing of flesh, he was a thought of God. The' inscrutable councils of eternity sat 'in deliberation upon his advent. Here we have the greatest truth of all concerning ourselves and our times---God had a hand in our mak- Ing. And that hand has never been removed from man. If we know anything at all about a Supreme Be- --- Ing, it is that hig chief interest in this earth is in mankind. . So the Gardon of Eden viewpoint Is that before there was a man there was a d; and that man is because God was; and that the Maker of man has proprietary rights In him; and that _the Al- mighty -who began the race of man still stands by to see it through. We anchor a sustaining faith tor troubled times in the very character of the Omnipotent. -------------- Reshaping the Scheme' of Things. Old religions, such as Paul dis cussed on Mar's Hill, did not get much beyond the point that we are -God's offspring, and that he has Sovereign rights in us, That is basle, and not always remembered. Sometimes we weave such an Intri- cate fabrie of religious beliefs that we lose sight of ¥he elemental fact that there #5 a God who made us and that we are this; "the sheep of his pasture," as the Psalmist says. Losing sight of. God's ereation rights, we set about undoing or re- vising his work. nations. to crash to-day? Whence @prings this turmoil that _resounds And Constipation "CURED 'BY - Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills known' What is bringing Troeland monagomy. -jteemed a light thing. Even in this, N\ from Germany and Ryssia and con- tinguous parts? Why Nre statesmen more affrighted by olshevikism than by militarism? Is\the answer not simple? Men fancy that, as Omar sings, they can "Grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, And reshape it to our heart's de- sire," Flouting God, his nature and his law, they are attempting to build Babels that will outwit him and overcome his purposes, Anybody who has seen Bolsheyikism at work in Russia, as" Y have, ez under- stand why it has repudifl Chri. tianity, and the centuries-tested Ten Commandments, These ex- pressions of the Divine will run counter to selfishness, hatred, greed, lust, idleness and power. God must be dethroned, before Bolshe- vikism can have its way with the world. Instead of calling men back fo the beneficent provisions of the Creator for man's welfare and soclal solidarity, it bids them spurn the tested Integrities, and give free reign 'to all the baser impulses of self-indulgence, What Are We Here For? Dissect not only Bolshevikism, but most of the current social radi- calism and "liberal" thinking, and you will find at bottom the idea that human beings are merely phy- sical creatures, whose material confort and ecarnal---appetites are supreme. Of course, this is a Gar- den of Eden fallacy, but it swings into power recurrently through the centuries. Nowadays, as with the Greeks, it is cloaked in pleasing sophisms. We talk about the sanc- tity of our impulsés;, our right to self-expressioh, © our untrammeled nature, our freedom to obey our de- sires and to flout all conventions as mere man-made restraints for in- ferlor beings. It all comes to the same thing: we want to do as we please, regardless of hurt to others, and we do not care to please God, whose beneficent laws are born of his omniscience and good will, Still more plainly put, this radical con- ception of life reduces us to the level of unrestrained animals, and would end in making the world a jungle, } Dead against this drift rises the) majestic and man-ennobling decla- ration of our lesson. "God created man in his own image, in the im- age of God created he him." Again, 'Man became a living soul." There fs the clarion word for our befud- dled times. Man 4s man at his best when he is likest to God. The highest aim of life is to fulfil the divine design of the Creator, in whose image we have been formed. From 'the beginning there has heen a divine destiny for the race. We all have Godlike potentialities. What Is best in nus--as we know of a surety that it is 'what is best in our mothers and wives and friends ----is that which savors of God, which pursues truth and loves holi- ness and which has standards of honor transcending common prac- tice. "We have" bodies; wé dre souls." In those hours of illumina-~ tion, when weé best know our best selves, we, perceive that. godliness, with its corallary, the subjugation of fleshly passions, is the true aim of man. With real pertinency, the Lesson Committee has clinched this teach- ing by one of Paul's ringing words to the Christihng in the degenerate city of Ephesus, surrounded by the same downward forces that now surround us, "But ye have not so learned Christ; if 80 be that ye have heard him, and have been taught-by him, as the truth is in Jesus; that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And tha: ye put on the new mafl, which after God. is created in righteousness and true holiness." * The Man and the Woman. If all the jests in the current préss were to be tabulated, it doubt- less would appear that most of |them have to do with love and mar- riage. In a great time, with evi- | dence of spiritual fllumination and rebirth on every hand, it is never- theless drue that there is a great and growing cynicism and flippancy with respect to the holy passion of love between man and woman, and to the institution of matrimony. The practice of many men and even of nations has been a defiance of the Christian teaching of chastity Love has been es- however, thére has been a. glaring inconsistency. Peoples that 'pander 0 human lust, still saeredly guard their own daughters from the ideals which . they . practice themselves. And even the most abandoned man that THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THU I ---- "They're Coming Home! % RSDAY, MAY 1, 1919. s es ---------- 1" 'The Y.M.C.A. will keep its chain of Service unbroken to the end! Four and a half years of war--anxiety--separation--and now they're coming home! Help to make their home-coming happy. Help the Red Triangle main- tain its chain of servicé unbroken until the last man is discharged. CANADIAN Nation<Wide Appeal CANADIAN Red Triangle Campaign . Rhine. tained full service to the soldiers both and overseas, and we will continue to do so until demobilization is completed--if you help us. .$1.100.0 . The Red Trianglé has been with the ®anadian Army from the first--from Valcartier to the During demobilization we have main- contributions. in Canada ay 5% to of But please note that for the military work in Europe this year you are not asked for further The gradual liquidation of assets overseas will suffice to maintain full service while the soldiers remain. The war work vou are asked to support this year is for the soldiers coming home. What We Are Doing for Returning Soldiers On every troop ship a trained VY. M.C.A. man is on duty. He carries a supply of literature, writing materials, games, a magic lantern and slides, a gramophone and records. In some cases he has a piano or an organ. . He takes charge of the entertainment of men, organizes concerts, lectures, sing- songs, religious services, sports and games on ship-board. He helps and advises, ex- plains the government plans for re-establish- ing soldiers into civil life, stimulates" so- ciability and.wholesome good cheer, At Ports and on Trains When the transport reaches Halifax, St. Jolin or Quebec, The Red Triangle wel- comes the soldier back to Canada. Free canteen service awaits him on the dock, with hot coffee, or tea, cold drinks, eatables and cigarettes, Reliable information is furnished. Facilities for telegraphing home are at hand. Ii the men have fo wait for trains, the Y.M.C.A. is there to organize entertainment. : Every troop train leaving the' s of debarkation has on board a Red Triangle man. He distributes cigarettes, candies, and other eatables, reading materials and of charge. He furnishes needed information, and helps, by entertainment, to make bearable the monotony of the train = journey. Every one hundred dollars sub- scribed provides these facilities for one troop # train. In each of eleven big Canadian Cities stretching from. coast to coast, where sol diers are held over, or where they may have oh For Soldiers' Wives and Children Out of the Red Triangle Fund $175,000 will be set aside for the Dominion Council of the Young Women's Christian Association, who are looking after coldiers' wives and children coming to Canada. Y.W.CA. secretaries "help mothers on boats, and render to the women and children a service similar to that which the Y.M.C.A. does for the men, Y.W.C.A, rest rooms and refresh- ment service welcome the soldiers' families at the ports of arrival. The sick 'are attended, children caréd for, and the women folk cheered with the kindly word and the helping hand. At the big railway stations the V.W.C.A, represent atives are there to help, comfort, advise and direct. And in certain cases, where money is lacking, funds are provided to mplete the journey. Tha budget of the- Dominion Council, Y.W.CA. pro vides also for the extension of its many . forms of service among Canadian girls. business, the Y.M.C.A, maintains a fully equipped Red Triangle Club, where soldiers are provided with comfortable board and lodgings at nominal rates. Here they may meet to talk, play cr read, write letters and make themselves at home generally, At every dispersal centre in Canada, the' Y.M.C.A. maintains its Red- Triangle ser- vice, with free canteen, reading and writing facilities and information bureau. of . In Military Hospitals In each of the military 'hospitals in Canada, in the military camps and barracks where men remain on duty. during de- mobilization, the Y.M.C.A. place a trained man in charge of full Red Triangle serv providing entertainment, recreation; in- struction and social stimulus. Besides the work for the men returning, your support is asked for the maintenance of four Red Triangle Secretaries and atix- iliary staff with the Siberian Canadian Expeditionary Force, Every returned man is offered six months* full membership privileges free, in any local Y.M.C.A. The National Council is aidin the local Y.M.C.A's to meet the cost Hocmitiny accommodation; bathing facilities and other privileges and the employment of special crete in prune with local service to these men, en your Ii beco ] or woman cherishes the hope . ang ou the Rowele pos sluggish Soi id the Miracle of 198], lave, stiph ted, the tongue becomes coated, | W! the consequent joys of home, 3 . b A will kindle a fire in the cold ashes ; ; ' w , ihe resh ad. and (he stomach ai at his heart or Coming M _of Canada Th 1 who write these lines am trav-| RR sme > a tartthle sich elling in the ancient, weary and pport fora greatly enlarged programme of of life aad ambition, bring on depres- | YOrn-out regions of earth; 'where ¢ most reconstructive work on, and often end in complete men- | the cup of self-indulgence has been war-wastage of Canada's 'man power and physical prostration. drunk to the dregs. And the lees fh Be For Soldiers of Industry Something of waat the Y.M.C.A. is doag 'ar the soldiers in khaki, will be ; done this yeaf for th: army of workers in Canada's industrial lants. A pro- ! mime of social activities and recreation will be promoted under the guidance (ol(trained Y.M.C.A - men. pl ; The YMCA. is establishing Red Triangle service also for the men and ia the "(rout trenches of industry" --workers in isolated industries like ; umbering and mining. : : : (60,383 dead and 156,799 wounds ! 'The Red Triangle will be caste villages and the open country is. a It 1 : / If history has any pow- hx pe : a cep the liver active, and your [47° bitter. 1 and men of the towns and to teach the wise, <his lesson dg | toy, that . of county organization, Fo 0 struct Canada Help the Y" Finish its Work for the Soldiers moving regularly is the only hould® be learn to get rid of the co tion eRightecusntes etl a nation;" th d sick aches, and that "Th 3 wr National Council, Young Men's Christian Associations of Canada ma a . st "The Red Triangle Campaign is under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency, the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., G.C MG, GCV.0., PC. and female: created He J : EL pig Chott. Sig LET Campaign Director God made man for woman Hon. Campaign Chairwan: Le ; Joux W. Ross, MonTrEAL G. Hezsenr Woon, Toroxto Cans. W. Bisuor, Toronto . Campaign Treasurer: Lo Twos. Bassons, Soartine Fl Cag Ry Nid ms a 3 SRF A ¢ Bo Rts ¥ 3 - : onal fortunes |ia the fear of God Spare the : s rd of success. Let us [achievement; possi the pleasures of : dg mies Mags Our 's : instead Proclaim the building of [woman For Revenge Is a gun Ragalnst the homes, filled with children reared {and anything else. harder than it shoots. ha 7 5 i. co When a girl m: of her love her 1 kicks | mediately appointed A saint must be that

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