4 ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. 3 ® A AI Ad HAA AT PAGE FIVE Have Your Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired For the Summer's Use D ep + We have all kinds of repairs, including motorcycle tires and heavy motor oil. Hyslop and Cleveland Bicycles a ~---- HARVEY MILNE 272 Bagot St. Bicycle Repairing of all kinds Examined as soon as you suspect eye -trouhje. Headaches, nausea and many nervous derangements are caused through defective eyesight. Our examinations are a lit- tle different and more thorough than usually, which assures you satisfaction. 1]. J. STEWART, | oPL.D. = Opp. t Office Kingston § "The House of Better Glasses." Silver We have many new and ar- tistic pieces in sterling silver and silver plate at moderate prices, and feel sure we can give ygu a choice that will please oe recipient. Sandwich Plates, Bread Trays, Cheese and Cracker Server, Fruit Bowls, etc. Kinnear & 4 Esterre Jewelers. oo J Ocean Steamship Ticket Agency. C. S. Kirkpatrick 36 Clarence St. Phomne 568w, ot hat i ---------- | REAL PO YOU throw your shoes away when the heels or soles are worn? PO YOU throw your suit away when you tear it on a nail? PO YOU have all your teeth pulled ache? By { style of retreading NO! You Have Them Repaired best cobbler, tailor or dentist, ow Listen To Us Why don't you dig up those Old Tires AND HAVE THEM By the newest method. Don't be misled. ~ It is not the old or double treading. You take no chance, we guarantee all our work to give you absolute satisfaction. ; OORE'" THE EXCLUSIVE TIRE Facts! oat when they commence to 206-8 W. Ilington Street We invite you to view the favored mo- dels in 'and Oxfords for the spring pumps ) and summer of 1919. 5 : \ | ADDRESS AT CONVOCATION BY J. MURRAY CLARK, KC, OF TORONTO. ~ -------- He Gives Two Special Reasons Why His Association With Queen's University 1s Agreeable to Him. In addressing Quedbn's University Convocation after receiving the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Law on Wednesday afternoon, J. Murray Clark, K.C., of Toronto, said: , "Before stating two special reas- ons why this association with Queen's University is agreeable to me, let me say that for many years I have been a firm believer in the solidarity of thef true interests of our Canadian universities. It, therefore, seemed to me espec- ially fitting that you should select as Chancellor one who is a graduate of the University of Toronto and also a Governor of McGill, Many years agp J&" was my privilege to be associated with the late Prin- cipal Grant in what has been well described by Colonel G. T. Denison as "The Struggle for 'mperial Un- ity." An English public man, whom 1 shall not name, reported after a visit to Canada a few years before the war, .hat imperial sentiment in Canada was very superficial, and that if England went to war about the neutrality of Belgium, Canada dollar. Principal Grant taught that if the Mother Country were in peril, Canada should and would rally to her support, to the last man- -to the last dollar. The Mot{jer Country did go to war about the neutrality of Bel- gam, as in duty bound, and the event proved Principal Grant was righ. Principal Grant spoke only of the men and the dollars. He took it for grapled that the Canadian women would bravely do their duty as in- deed in the war they nobly did. Another reason why it is for me é special pleasure to be associated with Queen's, in the honorable way you have arranged, is, that for many years 1 was associated in a humble way with the late Sir Sandford Flem- ing, long chancellor of Queen's, in the work of the Royal Canadian In- stitute, of which I-have now the nonor 'to be president. [For some time we Lave been endeavoring to irouse public interest in industrial and scientific research: Unless we multiply the applications of science to industry, we cannot pay the en- ormous debts which will shortly con- front us; and 'we cannot provide as we should for the dependents of chose who have fallen in the great dght for liberty and civilization, It must ever be remembered that it is the primary funetion of a Uni- versity to cultivate Science for its own sake being fylly assured that if we first seek truth all these things shall be added. "In the safeguard- ing of libeity and in the advance- ment of civilization, universities should bg gnd are potent factors. It is largely Pecause of our faith in our universities that we can now confi- dently say what Wordsworth said over a hundred years ago: on "It is sot to be thought of, that the flood of British freedom which to the open séa of the world's praise from dark antiquity = hath flowed. Tinat this most famous stream in Bogs and Sands should perish." Fray Let me give you one reason why 1 am sure British freedom will not be, as some fear, overwhelmed in the bogs of Bolshevism or in the sands of Syndicalism. When a Court of Judicature: was established in what is now Canada, 8 was suggested that the "Laws of virginia" should be the rule of pal- ern. At that date, 1721, Virginia was still British. It is interesting to remember that the founder of Vir- ginia was Sir Walter Raleigh who choroughly understood the prin. ciples of British Institutions wand what we now call self government. it is possiole, though not proved as far as 1 know, that the . Virginia Charter was drawn by the great Hood's | =z Pills billousness and all gripeor irritate. 250. Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sls, Lintles, and Drain. Tile, also Grave Vaults, 1 And all kinds of Ornamental Cement Work. Factory, cor. of Charles and * Patrick streets. | | Phone 730W. 1 ! : Mgr, H. F. NORMAN would not send a man or spend wa)' | Coke who was Queen Elizabeth's At- ! torney General and lived to draw the Bill of Rights. At any rate, this historic charter {provided that settlers in Virginia | should have all the privileges of Englishmen in such. ample measure as "if they were born and personally resident in England" and mark the wopds "should be governed by such statutes as they should choose to es- tablish for themselves," thus antici- pating the self government which now prevails. The Common Law of England, founded on the principles of justice and liberty, and so brought from the old world to the new, now prevails not only in the English speaking parts of the British Empire but also throughout the . United States except in Louisiana. . Bismarck observed that one of the most important facts of our time was that the people of the United States speak the EngHsh language. That indeed is an important fact, because liberty imheres in the English language. For, in the statesman-like words of the great English poet al- ready quoted: ¢ "We must be free or die, who speak the tongue that Shakespeare spake,' ? (Continued on Page 12.) RETURNED SOLDIERS GAVE SHORT SHIFT To Camp Crimps--They Re= cognize Value of Semi- Ready Clothing. "When our boys first began to come home from the front there were 'erimps' in. almost every discharge depot who were touting for some par- ticular outfitter. And many a lad got nicked as badly as the sailors used to be done in the olden days," said David J. Will, of the Semi-ready Store. "With full freedom of choice given to soldiers and officers the charge has been made in. several cities that the Semi-ready stores are being un- duly favored by some officers. This is not true. The higher ideals of merchandizing which Semi-ready tailoring stands for will not permit one single store to stoop to unfair- ness. "It's the price in the pocket--the same price east as west--that the boys know to represent truthful val- ue. And ten per cent. off that label is bigger than bigger discounts. "Both officers and men are greatly pleased -with the ereet military tone in our new spring models," said Mr. Will. "The Semi-ready designers were quick to catch the demand for an up- right model that would still feel as free and form-fitting as the modern military tunie."--Adwt, h | ® ------ . (Continued from Page 8.) Coming, Gus [Hill§ 'Minstrels. The advent of Gus Hill's big min- strel organization may be likened to the "back to nature" movement ad- vocated 'by theorists. Minstrelsy is the one and only gemuine American form of entertainment. No other country in the world has the inimit- able Darky of the South. A typical strel show, such as back to "that happy land of cotton." No more picturesque environment could be desired. No sweeter music was éver written than the "crdony" southern melodies. Therefore, when Gus Hill's Big Minstrels come to the Grand Opera House on Saturday, both matinee and nights theatre- goers may be assured of seeing the most pretentious revival of "black face comedy' attempted in the past twenty years---Advt - | Atthe "The Betfer "Ole." Announcement of the forthcoming engagement of the Boston Company in "The Better 'Ole," at the Grand Opera House on Monday and Tues- day, May 6th and 6th, withra matinee on the bth, will be greeted by theatre-goers of this city with great expectency. The fame of this unigue play, following its New York pres- entation this fall, has promoted throughout the United States. I is described as 'a fragrance from France in two explosions, seven splinters and a ghort gas attack," by TEETER CER 0 ES - Something Child's Grey Kid Laced ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Hil 'New in Children's Shoes Boots, sizes4to 74 .. . . .2.25 AAA 0000 Coming Right Along Hats at the STORE New hats from the leading hat manufacturers of the world keep pouring in. With largely increased business means better service You will find no difficulty in selecting your particular style, from our immense stock. New Soft Hats "New Derbies New Caps Children's Headwear CAMPBELL BROS. 122 Princess Street. ! Newman & Shaw's Old Stand, New NEW CARS FOR SALE Or trade; Easy terms ( Two 1918 Chevrolet Cars Two 1917 Chevrolet Cars Two Ford Cars 1918 truck. Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1674w Maxwell; one light ee ee AA Mothers should be very careful in buying a good rubber nipple for the paby. A cheap Nipple will do a great amount of barm to the bahy. The Nobility Nipple is transparent, and being packed each one in a box separately, is perfectly sanitary. The genuine Nobility Nipple has a red parnid around it. Ask for the Nobil- ity Nipple and see jhat Baby gets the best. Captain Bruce Bairnsfather and Captain Arthur Siiot, based upon Captain Bairnsfather's inimitable war, cartoons. A dozen or more catchy musical numbers by Herman Darow- ski and Percival Knight add to the attractiveness and charm of the pro- | duction. --Advt. Felina Coming "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath." One of the conspicuous dramatic successes of the season will be seen at the Grand Opera House on Wed- nesday, May 7th, matinee and night, when A. H. Woods presents 'Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," direct from its phenomenal run at the Republic Theatre, New York eity. "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," is said to have scored more laughs than any thes t STR | [1 A, HERE'S no remark- able secret about the * recipes we use for qur excellent bread and pas- try. We make use of the best ingredients and a lot of expert 'knowledge of the subject. You'll make. no | secret of how pleased you are if you try our prodilet. i Several cases of pneumonia are }! being treated at the penitgptiary. li Members of the Kingston Cricket Club had their practice to-day. first J. Hall had his face badly burned } li when a can of powder exploded. } There is plenty of work for the |. Garden Island fleet. : ll Wheat rates from Chicago to I Kingston are quoted at 314 cents. li The M.T. Co. sent twenty barges of grain to Montreal in the past few days. Spring Suits and Top , Coats Suits, $16.50, $18, $22.50, $25 and x { Coats, $15, $18, $22.50 and $25.00, , 10% reduction' to soldiers. ; ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess Street a TTT YT TTY TY TTY YY TTY "Pominion Brand" made in the new Canadian fac- tory, by Cahadian workmen from the life-giving, strength- building part of the richest Canadian wheat. Mac#ront spells food Tiue; wholesome and fourish- NYY We are well stocked' with 4 Macaroni, No GOOD NEWS "° How to furnish a modern home the money sav- ing Reid way. Because you make your selection from the most magnificént and complete range of house furniture at figures lower than manufac- turers' prices to-day. At the Busy Store With the Large Stock JAMES REID Phone 147 For Service SUNKEN VENUE ENER ER INERER RED Str. Britannic To and From Montreal and Intermediate Ports FIRST TRIP OF THE SEASON West Bound, Leave Montréal Wednesday, April 80th East Bound, Leave Kingston Friday, May 2nd Order your freight by thi reliable route. > ROCKPORT NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD., Telephone 3195. 8 i a ~~ a it AGOOD willBea: [|| SUGGESTION. CAVERLY'S Why not give your Next Week BOY OR GIRL Let us Book Your Orders Now. Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets. License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. A AAA AN rt A, ~d_ Star Fruit § Mina Store Watch for fresh "wtrawherries. Fresh, weasonnble fruit ali the me. Special sale on Saturdays o ame ma candy, Prompt service to all. 56 Princess. Street, Near King. Phone 273 Food Board License: 91020; Candy, ~ 11-410 Canada "Fruit," Helping To Men and MEN'S WQRSTED SUITS Tu fancy light and dark mixtures. We have a large stock of very smart looking Business Suits, properly tailored and well lined, one that will give satisfactory wear ("Waist Line," rons Fit" or "Plain Sack" models), vest high eut, but- ons. vik 'We invite you to come' and>seé before purchasing' else- where, as we are certain that our prices will sult you. ess the ~~ FY dg 8 rds EUS RE 3