PAGE SIX _ i ---- Se THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1919. 1 or wl { FOR STURDY WEAR Put the boys and girls in F#9% shoes thi: summer, They can have two or three pairs of FFP fr re price of one pair of leather shoes, e low price of FFP and their sturdy wear, make them the most satisfactory and economical summer shoes you can bu for chi DVRS an Re XZAL AUTONGBLE: CLUB MEETS RECOMMENDS ' AMENDMENTS TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. (J. K. Carroll Elected Secretary--W. G. Robertson, Secretary of Ontario Motor League, Gives an Address. | Ata meeting of the Kingston Auto- | mobile Club on Monday evening, a re- solution was passed recommending amendments to the traffic regula- tions. These regulations will be pre- sented to the City Council for consid- eration, The principal speaker of the even- ing was W. G. Robertson, secretary of the Ontario Motor League, Toron- to. His address was most interesting and instructive, to motorists. The [Browth of the league his been very rapid, To-day there are seventy clubs affiliated with it and the mem- bership is 7,000. The speaker out- lined the objects and aims of the league and showed how the individual owner of a car benefitted by member- ship" He estimated the mumber of cars in use in the province at 109,000. The league was actively employed in endéavors to bring about better con- ditions for car owners and also for all persons who use the roads, Mr. Robertson told of obtaining the recent amendment| to the speed laws and the raising of the maximum speed limit to twenty miles an hour, but this law does not come into force until June 23rd next, which will be sixty days after the law was passed. It was through the efforts of the league that reciprocal arrangements were made with the State of New York. He stated that last season 25,000 United States tourists motored into the province and estimated the amount of money spent by them at between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000, and when it is stated that there are nearly 3,000,000 cars used in the United States the business possibil- ities from this tourist traffic are very great. Kingston being on the To- ronto-Montreal highway, was bound to share in any business arising out of the automobile traffic. ¢ This: brought up the question of good reads and Mr. Robertson paid a compliment to A. Rankin, M.P.P,, and others who had obtained the On- tario Highway Act. He ¢Xplained that the object of the Act was not to provide one or two highways, but a network of roads that would benefit You'll Be In Good Company when you funch, dine or sup at this restaurant. For this is ajdoad jo @dwuld Supeour aun who enjoy the good things of life and know where to find them. That you haven't visit- ed here before ig your loss. Make up for it as much as possible by stopping in to- day Grand Cafe 222 Princess street, Two Doors Above Opera House Open from 8 a.m. to 2 am. PETER LEE, FROP, everybody. He showed that munities that would benefit most will be those most active in their own in- terest, and he couhselled his hearers ------ { . READ Carefully Call at 260 Princess Street or telephone 1283 for your shoe repairing. if Work neatly done while yon wall. This store is under new management, which § now Known as Van Allen » Son's Shoe Works. The Inter two are returned woldiers who served overseas, Our aim is t to dis appoint our customers, satisfaction. » # [Red Triangle Driv - 1 Now On Thursday Evening Kingston's Objective - 000 - oh The local convassers will call on you = some Hime or other during the first four days of this week. That will be YOUR chance to show your appreciation of the won- derfully fine wo! our soldier boys, done by this great *Y"" organization for at home and overseas. Ee Ask the soldier boys themselves, about the "Y" and the great service it has rendered. THEN GIVE! : Help the organization that _ helped our soldier boys t 'win the battle for Libetry and Civiiation. pr » INPOVERISHED BLOOD | Here's Proof That Vinol. Enviches | the Blood. : | Bradford, Pa.--"T have used Vinol for impoverished blood. I' was brok- en out with a rash and rundown so it | was hard fer me to keep about my | work. After trying Beef, Iron and | --- Vine and other medicines without | The Late William E. Grass. benefit Vimol engi hed my blood and | One of the most highly respected improved my condition very rapidly." {former residents of Kingston town- 'Rosé Las'ty. {ship passed away on Monday in the Thera is vo secret about Vinol, It {person of William E. Grass. He had owes its sue. 48 in such cases to beef) jbeen in, falling health for two or and coq liver-peptones, iron and man- [three vears and retired from his ganese peptonates and glycerophos- | farm, taking up residence at 139 phates, the oldest and most famous | Nelson street, His death was due to body building and strength creating [heart disease, Deceased was born {in tonics. Mahood's Drug Store and at | Kingston township, and was sixty-one the best drug store in every town |vears of age. In religion he was a and city in thé. country. Methodist and in polities a staunch Conservative. He was a member of Minden Lidge, AF. & AM., Kings ton. | to get behind the work and keep it going. The Tgronto-Hamilton high- y PR RR Ta r his wife way was the Swork of the motor i Saas is rvived i Dis Neto: clubs, and the Kingston club, in 'his Jr, and three 'sons William, at home opinion, would justify its existence if and two who served overseas in the it. prosecuted the work on the roads. United States frmy The clubs had put up 25,000 signs, A late Mr a was a man of and they posspssed legal dopatment the highest integrity and was most ane er T. M. Phe an, by which frees, jy rious, and his passing is a dis egal advice was furnished to mem- tinet loss that is deplored by a wide bers, particularly npon questions that |. le of friends, effect the rights and interests of mo- oy 9 = torists. The membership badge car- ried 'with it privileges that were real- ized by a member when. away from home. The tourist department sup- plied routes for . persons planning trips upon request. At the conclusion of the address Harold Davis moved a vote Bf thanks to Mr. Robertson and it was seconded by W. Y. Mills, A report on the Kingston and su- burban roads was presented by T. M. Asselstine, which showed that many of the roads leading to the city were in great need of repairs. He called for ten volunteers to assist in putting up signs at eross-roads. Harold Hughes, secretary, reported an increase in membership. He re- There will be no flying until Wed- nesday at least, as the weather condi- tions are unfavorable across the At lantie, ------ Veteran Tells of a Terrible Experience Dodd's Found Relief in Kidney Pills. Before He Postmaster of Hereford Points the Way to Health to Other Sufferers from Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Hereford, Que., May 6th, (Spee ial) .--Mr. A. Peabody the veteran Kingston - Cape Vincent Ferry 10,000 Pounds Ceylon and Indian Tea Worth from 80c to, $1.00. On Sale at 50¢, aE 55¢, and 60c per pound. This sale ocers an opportunity to housepeekers to buf the best tea at a saving of 23 per cent. The Thompson Bottling Co. A * GEO. THOMPSON, Prop. 4 e 304 i 202 Princess Street a SOMETHING WHICH YOU OUGHT TO BUY Is probably offered for sale in to-day's classified columns. It may be property, or an auto, or used articles of value, De- velop enoughiof thrifty-curiosity to "keep posted." -- ROCKPORT NAVIGATION C0, LTD. KINGSTON, ONT, ea STEAMER MISSISQUOI Effective May Sundays Included Ly Kingston wo a Ar, Cape Vincent ... Lv, Cape Vinceut . ARCICHERION ©... i. ii es ak Special accommodation for aute! $3.00; touring or other curs, $4,00, vent WithoN.Y.C. lines for all N.Y.C. points, Ph a S00 am, and 3.00 pom. . 5.40 am. and 4.30 p.m, co S140 am. and 6.30 pom, piles. Rates for chira: Fords, sxe connections at Cape Vine one '2185, signed his position.owing 10 his many| postmaster here, is.oné of the many engagements, and J.' K. Carroll was \ old people who claim to have receiv- appointed in his stead. ed a new lease of life through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Peabody is in his 84th year, but wonderfully strong and active for one of his age. But he was not always thus. "For six years," ihe says, in telling his story. 'I suffered from kidney and bladder trouble, I} had those sharp, streaky, lightning pains through my muscles, even to my finger tips. I "In March, 1917, I was taken with a shaking chill and deathly pains through my abdomen, groins, and the small of my back. | was confined to my bed for three weeks, during which time I often had to get up as often as twenty or thirty times a day. "1 tried' many remedies, but got little benefit tillvb-4ried Dodd's Kid- Trey Pills. In three days I got rellef, and Three boxes cleared all the pains out of my system, I also rest much better at nights, "I am always glad to tell sufferers from kidney and trouble what Dodd's Kidney Pills did for me." Ask your meighbors about Dodd's || Kidney Pills. other ROADS ARE BAD. Ty toreyele Couple Travelliig From Toronto to' Montreal. On Monday a motorcyclist and his Shingles Have / Stood the Test Of time in all parts of the country, and when properly made from good live timber, py dried and carefully put om, will last a lifetime. OUR SHINGLES are selected with care as to grain, thickness and their drying. Come in and inspect them before buying. We have several grades---but all good values. Allan's Lumber Yard wd bladder || SATISFACTION GUARANTEED On repair work of magnetos of all kinds, including marine, stationary and motor cars, lighting, starting and generating systems of all makes, and storage batteries. Inquire about the new threaded bone dry battery beforé purchasing. WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. I. LESSES, Prop. wife, travelling from Toronto to Montreal in a métorcycle and side- car, passed through the city. The ma- chine was plastered with a heavy coating of mud and showed better than words the condition of the roads. g The travelling is so bad that the pair 3m po decided to go as far as Gananoque . FORD OWNERS and take the ferry to Clayton and from there to Malone, N.Y., enjoy the Enjoy limousine comfort in your car by the use 'of H. and D. state roads over the border, Asked SHOCK ABSORBERS as to the roads, the éXpression of both Over 200,000 in use to-day. was "Beyond description; even Pros Elliott's Repair Shop fanity." Phone 1039 Res. Phone 1387) 878 Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. a -------------- The man who has never tried to | {manage an opera company has miss- ed a few of life's trials and tribula- tions. Many a man is the victim of eir- cumstances simply because he Is tso lazy to avoid being vietimized. rom, | A FA Queen Millinery Announce Their Advance Exhibition of Original _ > Summer Models Wed., May 7th M. E. A. KENDALL, (Nee Marion E. A. Hall) nn --~-- { igo PT 3 ; On sale at [lc per 24 oz. loaf, from the - | stores or our wag - . L » We alien ay to reduce the price and New Goods Just Arrived ._ SUNKIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. In packages only. Buy from your grocer. LTT S nmin: £; . -- > Neo THREADS" oie Ss A Beautiful Old Song Mother can now sing any of her favorite old songs and accom- pany herself at the same time, thanks to the LINDSAY Player Piano AND Q.R.S. SONG ROLLS When one stops and thinks what a wonderful thing to be able to do. To myng at sight nd accompany oneself perfectly, whether or not one knows a single note of music. That'ls just what you can do. Come in and let us show you how. All our instruments are sold on the ONE PRICE ays ten, and that the lowest prices; 6 per cent. interest on nnpaid balances Is charged for time accommodation. Get in tune with Spring---have your Piano = tuned. Phone for one of our experts C. W. LINDSAY - Limited 121 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON . Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Brockville, BeMeville and Three <i 4 Rivers v : a ri Sma