Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1919, p. 16

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DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919, in the Field of Sport or -- SR Barneit Kitchen Cabinets and Refrigerators EUROPEAN BASEBALL PICARDY A NEW MODEL IN~ TOOKE COLLARS TOOKE BROS unm Committee of the neil of Campbell- SEASON OPENED! The in a resolution 4: the Ten Thousand Persons Wit- last meeting favoring the formation ness Game at Toulouse-- of # In the churches and Several Yeams Organized. y ies there, for games S-------- throughout the summer, ending in an The European baseball season has | athletic meet in the fall, It was al- We have a few 22 in. and 24 in. frame $52.50 Indian Bicycles to give you. opened, the Universi'y of Paris hav- Ing .cheduled games with the Uni versity of Lyons, Nice, Dijon, Nancy and Toulouse, with a trip to England m June to play Oxford, Camin age and Bdmburgh. The University of Toulouse has four baseball teams and American aggregations are playing exhibition games in south-eastern France. Tan thousang persons witnessed a game 50 recommended that the Campbelt- ford Council be asked {0 provide a safe bathing place and appoint a Supervisor, who would hot only ex- ercise a general supervision but al- $0 give instmictions in swimming. Firsthaseman Gaorge Burns is hit- ting wich all his old time vim for the Philadelphia Athletics, Connie , PONTREAL witmieeg & TORONTO VANCOUVER THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything dome in the carpen- ery line. Estimates given on all kinds rephirs and mew work; alse hard- at Toulouse recently, while »t Pau neod floors of all kinds. All orders there were 5,000 present. Ad Tur bes there was an attendance of 7, 000, or a quarter of the popu'ation of tue city. John T. Powers. a Y.|: M. C. A. worker at Toulouse, said: "I think the French are tho 1 fug peoyic in baseball. They nuvi |"! the best baseball eye of any people next tov the Americans, so far 4. my observation goes. Leaders fag the game 3 suited to the French temper- ament, alihough time will be neies- say to introduce the game. The selentific attitude of baseball ap- poals i ine French, but other f{ea- tures are inicresting to them, for in- stance, the spoed necessary 'n play- ing the gume and, the necagsiy +? Imaking quick judgment. © neh youngeiers are very keen in p.cking {up the nicctice of baseball. 3.vern} hundred boys at Toulouse are now playing sernb james just like Amest- can youngst=s.' Mack has him in the clean-up"posi- will ive Brompt attention on. 1-8 Queen street. y Ge ~ .iis ~~ Free demonstration. Saves, time, money and space. 230 PRINCESS R REI TELEPHONE STREET ' J . Nn 7 The Leading Undertaker » Hikes Indian Bicycles at $45 Cash Or $1 extra per month on time. Pay $10 cash, balance $2 per week. ONLY A FEW At this price. The price now is $52.50 regular. : Dunlop Tires, $2.25, $2.50, $3.25 and $3.50. Inner tubes, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. We give you service. Bicycles repaired promptly. JRADE Your Wellington Pipe will never ? go back on you. Its" 'well' always catches the moisture. You always deta clean, cool smoke. The W DC triangle trade-mark proves that the bowl is real French briar. Chum up 10 a Wellington. Good dealers have the shape and size you want--g1, 00 and up, WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York A li wm L_ Keeping a Boxing Score. Have you ever kept a box score of a baseball game? If you have done 80, you bave a faint idea how diffi- cult it is to keep a "box score" of a boxing match. Baseball crities, in ord- er to properly handle a game, niust keep a box score of the dame, play by play. When the game is 'over and Lhé story is to be written, the box score sheet is consulted and the numerous dots and small marks, in- dicating errors, singles, two-lase, three-base or home-run clout$, and which direction the hits went, tell him the whole story. And it's just the same with a boxing show---or should be--for without an accurate tally of the points no critic is able to write a story of the bout properly or to award an intelligent decision. lt is surprising how few boxing crit- i; | ics keep detailer "box seores" of | SE 4 i bouts, however, and that more than anything else, explains why so many of them differ in deciding rounds and bouts, Without a score sheet. it is absolutely impossible to correctly de- cide even rounds----unless one boxer has such a wide margin over his op- ponent that there can be no dofibt in the 'mind of anyone present. There is mo comparison, when it comes. to speed, between keeping a box score at. a baseball . game -and keeping track of the points ina boxing bout, particularly when a speedy man is in the ring. Bouts are decided on five things--the number of blows struck, the number one boxer makes, the other miss, leading, footwork and aggressiveness. : en Crack Negro Sprinter. Word comes from Paris that Howard P. Drew, joint holder of the world's record of the 100-yard dash, has made up his mind that he will |B after the 0) ] $48.00 to $38.00 "SUITS $20.00 to $38.00 Large stock of indigo blue serge :n3 fine worsted suitings. All wool, extra heavy weight pants, $8.00. John Tweddell, 5 Ain, Free air at the door. "Don't take too much because it's cheap." Massey and Red Bird Agents. . TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. WITHOUT EXAGGERATION WE CAN POSITIVELY SAVE YOU $3.00 TO $5.00 ON A SUIT.OF CLOTHES. INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST % . @ its That Sail Under ® | . ~ Their Own Colors !! ...- On the'sea of fashion, and never get shipwrecked on the shoals of dissatisfaction are what you'll find at the Lion. If you haven't seen 'em here, you've probably noticed them - on somgof the boys in the spring parade. Don't hide your head in the sands of a careless appearance. Wear suits with the life and pep of a young blood. You're a long time dead, and don't need any rehearsals, in your youth. Lion suits this season have a dignified snap to them that add to your landscape; and goodness knows we've got a lot of 'em. Don't let another minute slip by if you want to wear your new clothes Sunday-- we'll get them ready for you if you give us half a chance. Come in NOW. 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." never run another race inter-allied games at 'Joinville-le- Pont in June. : As soon as the big meet in the new Pershing stadium is finished Drew plans to take his |# discharge from the army in France and go to England for a course in : Jurisprudence at one of the English universities. Drew has already graduated from Drake university at r 5, --- Dt Moines 1a Shrines. ag THERE'S A SAYING that matches are NEW WAISTLINE SUITS. You must aetired" several times before, not- made in "Heaven." But we're matching see our new waistline suits to appreciate Panama-Pecific B position games at clothes and faces with Lion hats every why they are so popular. Shown in all fine SomeniiE hobs but - each day, no matter what kind of a face you the newest fabrics, plain colors and pat- have, or what color clothing, we've got terns. Without exaggeration wean a hat to go with it. Shape retaining felts save you $3.00 to $5.00 on a suit. greens ean"and: Tone, browns, greys, | | goog Ga back to the track. ' After the big greens and blues. They're lilies, and : Others at $2.50, $2.75, $3.50, $3.95, Frisco 'meeting Drew returned to running because of a desire to show the price is right. TING. $4.00, $4.50 up to $8.00. Match up that GETTING ALONG WITHOUT A «coat with a pair. Over 2,000 pa; ". the athletic public that he was a incoat is like putting your hand in from better sprinter than "Jo" Loomis, who 'won the race in- which Drew. the fire to see how long you can hold it » --t there--it's iness even to SPECIAL VALUE, Men's Working Hose, all white. To go 25 Cc atL,pair .. >... broke down. Drew made a show of Loomis when the two met Th a spe- think of. 'A Raincoat is a necessity these _ tricky spring days. Lion raincoats have cee - | JUST A FEW LEFT of Boys' Suits in sizes only, and a few pair of odd cial 60-yard race. t Drew 'retired' again and after | more real "class" to them than any | you've seen, and there's a wide variety ; 1 trousers. All to go less than cost, We must have the space. winning both of the sprint events at to from. Prices range from S12 Jy 33 DIFFERENT KINDS of Working the, college . conference ehampion- shirts. We only carry : the kind ships last spring, en came his en- Sport Notes, try into the army and his going to that turn water, stand rough usage; in all colors. | Shortstop Ollie Mara, released by Europe as first sergeant in a regi- Bb § 9 % - # Fl ¥ a 4 SPECIAL --Men's grey work- Brooklyn to Indianapglis, has refus-| ment of colored pioneers. - 2 - & ing hose, a pair . . ue | mmessisis. -- | HOUSECLEANING TIME I ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS Euredaat.. .. ... . - .. $48.00 . A Extra fittings for curtains and upholster- We have them to rent, | H W. Newman Electric Co. ; Phone 461 : 167 Princess street p-- a -- verso a Sat ssn he pry Red Ticket Nn ed to repoit, giving as his reason tn that he would prefer to play at Mil. Brantford Athletic Park. waukee, of 'which club his old pal, After several years of non-use Jimmy Smyth, is a member. the Mohawk Park track is to be put The Eastern League's season opens|in shape for track events this year, an May 14th, BEd. Holly, former|as athletics promise to boom in | Leaf, is managing the Springfield | Brantford this Summer. The track {] UR lndier Smabilt club has been] peratel"yihe Mest in Cunada' 'when club has premiier bike ¢ nships were || srmed at Port Arthur. " settled, jt oy

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