THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919. PAGE FIVE Notice Have Your Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired For the Summer's Use mom, FA ici We have all kinds of repairs, including motorcycle tires and heavy motor oil. . Hyslop and Cleveland Bicycles nn, ~--r HARVEY MILNE 272 Bagot St. Bicycle Repairing of all kinds \ Examined as soon as you suspect eye trouble, Headaches, nausea. and many nervous derangements are caused through defective eyesight. Our examinations are a lite tle different and more thorough than usually, which assures you satisfaction. J.J. STEWART, OPT. D. "Sight Specialist.' Opp. Post Office Kingston "The House of Better Glasses." pl a No Silver tistic pieces and prices, and give you a 'Sandwich Plates, Bread Trays, Cheese Fruit Bowls, etc. Kinnear & d'Esterre We have many new and ar- in sterling silver plate at moderate feel suré we can choice that will ease the recipient. silver nd Cracker Server, Jewelers. J Ocean Steamship Ticket Agency. C. S. Kirkpatrick 16 Clarence St. Phone 568w, OLD TIRES Rebuilt OUR GUARANTEE Satisfaction to-Our Customers As simple as broadest and most words can libe possibly givé--and our our efforts, Just Like New By Our Improved Process We have ~ hundreds of Why are you not one of them? Don't be doubtful or misled by other dealers who are not equipped to do this class of tire build- Tire Building 15 in a class by itself. installed extra equipment this week and have trip- ing. led our capacity. OORE'! | The Place They Re-Build Your Old Tires ; 206-8 Wellington Street make it--yet the ral guarantee anyone can absolute guidance in all satisfied customers. We have | THE 21ST CLUB PREPARING FOR THE HOMBOOMING OF THE NOTED BATTALION. - Arrangements For the Big Banquet-- Five Hundred Subscriptions of One Dollar Each Are Requested, The meeting room at the &W.V.A. rooms was filled to overflowing when the 21st Battalion Club met ou Thursday evening. Comrade A. Tug- vice-president occupied: the The treasurer's report show- ed the clul's hAnances to be mn healthy condition. 'lhe main business of the evening yas the arranging for the big banque to we held on tae return of the unit from overseas. The management committee re- ported that eleven women's organi- gations were to help in carrying out tile plans, and were to look after the tables, An urrangement has been made whereby the banquet will be held in the armouries, which will be specially decoratedwior the occasion. A guest and toast list has been pre- pared and Sir Sam Hughes is expect ed to be one of the speakers. The report of the finance com+ miftee was received with much en- thuginsm. It was reported that over $560 had been secured, and that the canvassers were meeting with a great receptéfon. It was suggested that an appeal be made for five hun- dred donations of one dollar or over that a larger number of ¢itizens could have a ®hare in the banquet. This was adopted and $35 was contribut- ed by members to start this off. A member of the club was appoint~ ed to go to Monireal to meet the battalion in order to give each man his invitation personally. Comrade Hood requested to Le temporarily relieved of the duties of chairman of the entertainment com- mittee, owing to poor health, and this was granted, The secretary announced that bad made arrangements to have members not in possession of uni forms supplied with these on the day of the unit's arrival in Kingston. Capt. McCully was appointed to vom- mand the guard of honor for the civic parade. The formation of baseball and football teams was approved of, and these will probably play in the miti- tary "'Y" league. he Phddrd ddd Slob Fd ddd Sb ddd RED TRIANGLE DRIVE. To facilitate the Red Triangle canvass now going on in the city, it is requested that any- one desiring to contribute to the fund should send in their contributions direct to 0, V, Bartels, honorary treasurer, City Buildings, or phone 450 and a canvasser will call. dodrided dre Bed dodo deelobd ddd FINE BILL AT GRAND. The bbb ered an GA BEB GPT erred Vaudeville Act Has Ten People--A Splendid Feature Film. A. splendid programme of vaude- ville and 'photoplays was presented at the Grand Opera House on Thursday night. The chief film was "Common Clay," a play of real life, in which the beautiful Fanny Ward played the leading role. This picture held the fascination of the audience from be- ginning to end. The story, which has its setting in New York, pictures life in the great city and success crowns fidelity ot (he highest and noblest principles, The photo is a rare treat. Special vaudeville is shown in "The VIRGINIA HOUSEKEEPER Tells of Remedy for Chronic Coughs. Crockett, Va.--*"I had a chronic cough, was run-down, overworked and hardly able to keep about and do my housework, when my druggist asked me to try Vinel. I quickly improved by its use, my cough has disappeared, and it has built mie up in every way.""--Mrs. H. Honnshell. The reason we guarantee Vinol is because it is a constitutional remedy containing Meet and cod liver pep- tones; it builds up the entire system and removes the cause of coughs and colds, Mahood's Drug Store and at thie best drug store in every town and city in the country .- rs Sarde gi (Continued from Page 8.) "Mutt and Jefi.," "This season's Mutt and Jeff--the Bud Pisher Musical Comedy success, which is scheduled to appear at the Grand on Monday;:May lata, matinee and night finds the tWo famous char- acters out west. Injorder to secure a goid mine; Jeff must' marry a wid- ow, and for a time is envoived in trouble. However thanks to Mutt, everything is righted. Gus Hill has surrounded these two characters with a company of talented musical comedy artists, headed by Jerry Sullivan, who is the original Jeff. There are 14 young and handsome girls in the chorus, none being over 19 years of age. The musical numbers are all new and consst of a variety of catchy airs. -- Advi, this season famous Boston English Opera Company, It has been a long time since Kingston has had a musical treat such as is promised us by Munager Branigan in announcing the CONLNE of the Boston English Opera Com- pany on Tuesday, May 13uvh, The Boston English Opera Com- pany is acknowledged America's foremost singing organization. It's cast includes Joseph F. Sheehan, the greatest of all American tenors, Henry Taylor of Madam Butterfly fame, Hazel Eden, said by crities to Le the best American soprano since Nordica, Lester Luther, said to be one of the few truly great Mephis- tos of i decade, Stanley Deacon, one of America's most promising bari- tones, as well as such other artsts as Harold J. Geis, Wm. R. Noria- way, John W. Wandling, Helen June Hall, Marie ®Sherzer and William Young. Supplementing this . bril- dant Grray of artists is the famous Boston English Opera Company, -- Advt, -- Barry McCormack in '"Macushla." Barry McCormack who will be the star of Maciushla," the new four.act comedy drama to be given at the Grand Opera Housel Wednesday, May 14th, is not only 4 brilliant por- trayer of Irish character but also a famous singer und thé lovers of Irish melodies will be glad to hear that his performance will "he enlivened with four new songs: 'She's Irish," "Who Knows?" "Words from an Irishman's Tongue," and 'Ireland, You're the Motherland." This will be Mr. McCormack's first appearance here since his memomble engagement Several years ago in "Terence,'-- vt, a i APPOINTED AS PN.O., For Military District No. 83--Nephew Review de Vogue," which carries ten and electrical effects. This is a show In itself. Ella La Vail, the petit aerialist, gave an amazing exhibition of trapeze work. There are really three separate and distinct high class shows in this programme and 'they are to be seen matinee and evening during the rest of this week. "The Review de Vogue" is a-musical com- edy in which the interior of a cathe. dral is shown, is beautiful. All of the girls are pretty, too. In Marine Circles, The steamer John Morrow, dis- charging a cargo of corn at Richard son's elevator, cleared for Buffalo to toad for Chicago. £ The steamer Jex cleared for Os- wego. The steamer Holcomb cleared for Cardinal with a cargo of corn. The steamer Cadillac passed down on Thursday. Address on Trinidad Hear the Rev. J. J. Wright lecture on "Trinidad," illustrated on lan- tern views, in Chalmers Church Hall RR Spring Pumps and Oxtords | We invite you to view the favored mo- dels in pumps and Oxfords for the spring 'and summer of 1919, } The exquisite . patterns and charming styles offered, will 'uses taste in selection, and 1 'penditure. gmat inex. horns, to-night at 8 o'clock. Silver col- lection. For screen doors and windows try Lemmon & Son's. A lot of people use much unneces- sary wind in blowing = their own I} Signature of | +4 . y's life, | ference may save baby's lite CASTO RIA For Infants In Use For Over 30 Years Always beans - - The Perfecto Baby Comfort is the only s nitary Soother on the mark: et: It costs perhaps ten cents more than any. other Soother, but the dit- people and most elaborate stetiery | of Dr. Edwards, Capt. C. L. Edwards has been ap pointed principal veterinary officer of Military District No. 3, to succeed Lieut.-Col. Taschereau, who left¢fast July for Siberia. Capt. W. A. MeGill has been acting - P.V.0. sinca Col. Taschereau left, . Capt. Edwards went overseas with the First Contingent in the veterinary service and was overseas until about a year ago. He formerly re- sided in Winnipeg, but since return. [ing from overseas has been visiting his uncle, Dr. J, W. Edwards, at Cata- raqui, Whales Used to Walk? Whales used to walk. That is the statement of Prof. d'Arcy Thomp- son, authority on fishes of the sea, in a lecture on that subject at the Royal Institution, London. He said the whale originally had four feet or fins, but that the two hind ones 0 ES Hi EE TARTAR It's the qualityy that makes the hat give long wear, and its the style that makes it desir- able. Ours present both style and quality. Also they deserve your attention, because they represent true eeonomy. The best makers' goods are to be found in this store, We are sole agents in King- ston for the world famous Ital- CAMPBELL BROS 122 Princess Street. Newman & Shaw's Old Stand, Boys' Brown Bluchers Neolin soles, round toes, rubber heels; sizes | to 5. only... .. sa ABERNETHY'S SHOE: :STORE Semi-ready Shop Talk: "Here are logical figures that no man can gainsay, and no amount of cheap advertising can overcome, "A pure wool cloth, double width costs $4 a yard, or $14 per suit, "Linings and trimmings in a good suit. cost $7.50. "Or $21.50, without work on the suit. a cent '*A cheap. suit must be thrown to- gether and made from to make it look woolly.® " *Mary's little lamb' would be ashamed of a cheap suit like those advertised to be as good as Semi- ready. A "A Semi-ready suit has the price in the "pocket and no suit as good can be sold for less--anywhere." David J. Will, 213 Princess had simply dwindled away. In by- gone ages ancestors of the present family of whales walked about much as seals do. The Mouth a Poor Inhaler. The amount of air which the' mouth breather inhales with each { breath is less by one-fifth than the amount inhaled in normal nasal re- spiration. ------------ At the convocation exercises of McMaster University, Toronto, John of arts. He is a grandson of Byron Derbyshire, 163 Union street west. Opportunity knocks but once-- your oOpportunity----the Red = Ticket Sale of The Veterans Clothing Co. i % od Lr A a a, sm. Arlhdie ar Se fst fimo to-tuy. | ichael n carpen! Graduated At McMaster, | Byron Smart graduated as bachelor aco. | Jobn Donnelly had . his yacht, Red Ticket Sale The Veterans' Clo. Co HT pis HT = 1.00 "al so "en vl! OEE A A 00 OO GOOD NEWS How to furnish a modern home the money sav- ing Reid way." Because you make your selection from the most magnificent and complete range of house furniture at figures lower than manufac- turers' prices to-day. At the Busy Store With the Large Stock JAMES REID Phone 147 For Service RNR NANA ERR Sir. Britannic To and From Montreal and Intermediate Ports FIRST TRIF"OF.THE SEASON West Bound, Leave Montreal Wednesday, April 80th East Bound, Leave Kingston Friday, May 2nd Order your freight by this reliable route. ROCKPORT NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. Telephone 2105. of || cottony fa-|' bries, with just enough shoddy wool wd ml cnt Nia THE MORE PERISHABLE FOODS Require expert handling aud perfect refrigeration, while await. Ing your order. Nowhere Will you find the conditions nd fact ties more perfect than at our white store--and strict cledullness prevails, Cholee Roasts... Sas serine hisas 205¢ and 30¢ mn 1b. ia ase ea A006 A 1 + +4200 a Ab, Barrle Sts. Prompt Delivery VeRL IEROIN. 20. vi3 vi van ware sa Bean ba Neal Mindi. vv «vious iia Ria a EAs a Tey HOODS? tomer Earl and Phone 407 1" stim ------ Amn ns Two Out of Three Fires Occur in the Home CARS FOR SALE Or trade; Easy terms Two 1918 Chevrolet Cars Two 1917 Chevrolet Cars Two Ford Cars light Will Proteet Your Home And Contents Against FIRE at a Cost of From 3to1 Cent A Day an Each Thousand Dollars Jet Us Explain It Fully Call at the office or drop us a line nnd we will eall. You possibly may mot he able fo avold a fire, but you can aveld # lows, If you are lusured with us, SUTHERLAND R. D. Ren! Corner Broek & Hagot Sts, Phones: Office, 77; House 1342w. We © 1918 Maxwell; one © truck. Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1674w py ACH © sllece E bread has a "more ish" favor. You won't be satisfied Begin eating it now and it will be- come a substantial part of your every mail, It will pay you to make sure that you get our bread.