Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1919, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1919. DEATH AT WOODBURN Feom The - $1 vicinity vet. : DOCTOR' SHY MOUNDS, Of Mis. we. Bell Young wanda n S i d 0 an d 0 u Woodburn, May 10.--Ea ly oun Tene 'oun ide Leeds dus Sutter, wacientty pore: vio-| ~~ CYROWN DIAM, Co trysi € A . Prominent Physician Continues jet Gladys Lennox, wife I William | LAINTS a ALLS ' E. Bell, passed away at her late resi- SHIRTS & GLOVES h ; EC AIAAY to Use Tanlac in Practice dence at Woodburn. The deceased ' 2 3 i" , CHARLESTON, With Surprising Results. was thirty véars of age, ind was the | T (May 12. Preparations are being - eldest daughter of Mrs Thomas | ¥ t t "s Didde der the . opening of Cedar{ Ong of the strongest and most con-| Lennox, of New Ross , The late] rotec y rontenac Park, R. Hudson, Watertown, | vincing evidences of the remarkable | Mrs. Bell was married just five years rie hoy iting his hooters | 3nd [Suits being accomplished by Tan-| ago. She was of gentle, quiet dis- Preserve Bsminiraentn " a : ; ac ghout she South is the large| position. Her busy life was spent | ® Te Hvals at Foster's hotel for salmon [number of letters that are now be-lin kindly 'thoughtfulness to spread and MYER'S CAVE. Sishing were: F. Willis * a ing received daily from scores of | happiness and brighten the sorrows y . May 12.--A number ' from here | ~O0 on Deck, F- Argh, 9" | well-known men and women wholand the pathway of n\ghbors and Beautif ' attended the sugar social in Har- re i i orEyEie, apa have been benefited by its use. friends, who now sorrow and sympa- y DrOBTae wan voy Ell ores |New York; Mr. Siage, Brockville: |p, \UOE the large number that have| thize with the family in their loss of : programme was vBry much enjoyed E F. Wiser H ig hi . Pros. been received recently none are more|qa loving and devoted wife and moth- [JNPAINTED surfaces rapid- On account of so much rain the ot oh ser, IL Pb, ngham, Pres: | interesting than the following letter| er. In religion the deceased was a = ly deteriorate in value, sere farmers are unable to do their seed- |$0M: Dr. Webster and Dr. Scott, Ot- from Dr. J. T. Edwards, of .Fayette- Presbyterian, and a member of Sand viceability, and beauty. At the ing. Peter Keller, Deloraine, Man., [{2Wa. Rain fell heavily "here onlyine Ga. Dr. Edwards, it will be| Hill Church. She leaves a husband Present cost of building, paint. : ' Saturday and Sunday, retarding the remembered, recently gave Tanlac his] and two little daughters, Lila and ing for protection, is a very ! has purchased some property from a . ' " yt spring work. A number from here 23 ¢ y 3 necessary economy. It is cheap- C. MacGre tends unqualified indorsement in a publie a: he ap: sisters : 2 ) ! MacGregor and intends building Velma; her mother; two siste rs, Mrs. er to at than not to t 4 summer Cottage. Miss Louisa aitnded te dance at Delta on Fri- statement, and the testimonial pub-|w. ¢. Moxley, of Hawthorne, and MacCausland and brother, Willie, | 48 Bight. lished below was recently given him Gusta, teaching at Campbell's Mills, Crown Diamond Paints have | called, here Friday evening. . Mr. LOMBARDY by one of his patients. His fetter Job and two brothers, at home, James stood all Canadian climatic tests and Mrs. Oscar Perry and daughter, May 12-"Pte. Charles Morse re. |°Ws just-as--it*was written: . and Thomas, of New Ross. for over seventy-six years. Hilda, also. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick |, 3 ay from fombraar at Fayetteville, Ga. The funeral took place at the home far mast and Walter 'spent Thursday |,0ried from 'overseas last |G. F. Willis, Atlanta, Ga. of deceased. The services were con- at Thomas Perry's. Miss Pearl he main riends of Miss Mat] wil Dear Sir--I am enclosing you| ducted by Rev. Mr. McLean, pastor Wood Is spending a.couple of weeks cent illness % Owing to the incle- | Rerewith Statement 1 have Just re-lof Sand Hill and St. John's Church. | hat James Perry's. A. number of ment "weather on Friday, May 2nd ceived from T. M. McGough. He has! The funeral was largely attended, the teacher and pupils observed sold out here, 4nd ia moving to Turin, and the remains were removed to the Arbor Day on Friday, 9th, = The | 0% He wag bere iio morning, ang vault at Gananoque, whence they farmers in this vicinity have done Same iy to Jo me what an ae ad Will be taken to the Sand Hill eemo- ZEALAND. very little seeding as yet owing to [done for bi. - Ho says too much tery for burial. The bearors were May 8.--On acocunt of wet wea-|the continued rainy weather of the Seanot boa Spon TRAE, Cer" her two brothers, James and Thomas, ther not many have started seeding|past few weeks. A very highly re- a Respeetfully and Squsins, Rohert Ellis, William yet. Thomas Garrett and his sister, Epecteq and estimable : Fosident JT Edwards, M.D Wilson, John Wilson and James Wil- Mrs. M. Sterling, left to-da for | passed away Sunday morning in the te a do ows: . Brockville Hospital, the latter have |Derson of John Doohy, whose death NE NtGousys Nukem: foove! The floral tributes were a wreath ing an operation performed by Dr.|Was the result of a paralytic stroke could mot eal anything but what] r0™ her husband and his mother; Cornell. Misses' Jenny White and [Which he had about two weeks, #go.,| © ae a a ng ation gage|®R aRchor from her mother, brothers Margaret, of Clarendon, are visiting |James Brown and Mes' Dowdall, id yn Foi af ra Lon. hs and Sisters; a cross from Mr. and friends at Zealand. W. G. Eng-|Ferth, spent the week-end-with Mr. TET Were indigestion, heart- Mrs. James Wilson and familly; -a land's team of young horses ran 80d Mrs. James Dermady. > Dio d 5' OOF: Th stomtch ster | CTESCENE from her husband's sisters away, throwing him under the har- mie UID: AY Na wi EE alter and brothers; a spray from Mr. and row, Only that they ran over a DELTA. i po £ od failed to n A re Mrs James Thompson; a spray from fence and lifted the harrow from| May 12.--Ralph Stevens, Peter-|20d my food failec 9 | Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wilson; a spray 8 2 " 'iid This trouble caused me to get foxy| Ir. William Maecfarland, and a him, he would have been killed. He |boro, formerly of Delta, 'was a week- poor--in fact 1 got so thin and Weak from Mr, a acter apd, an is Badly cut about the head, face and [end visitor among his friends here, |; woo hardly able to g0 about, Shay rom the Ladies' Ald of Sand one ankle. Visitors: Dr. Meighen, |Ptes. Charles 'Lewis and George "I bought three bottles of Tanlac aureh. - ik ; '" - . . z Sunlight does it Mrs. W. Warington, Miss J. White, [Aitkins have arrived home from on Dr. Edwards' recommendation, ; . 3 : : . Miss Margaret, Miss Ellen Gould, Mr. [overseas. A number of young and am now feeling alt right again, Wedded at Westport. S on Cd d e mcent e You who always dread wash and Mrs. A. M. McCharles and daugh- people enjoyed an assembly -in the |, nd am able to attend to business. I Westport, May 12.--On Wednes- day--because of the hours of ter Mahalia, Mr. and Mrs. John Gar- [town hall, Friday -evening. AIbery's | pained seventeen pounds in weight day, April 23rd, at the Free Method- ~ i a rett and son Willlam, Mrs. Fred. orchestra wad in attendance. Mrs, and am doing fine. Tanlac did the |ist parsonage, Westport, Harry Tim- weary, wash-board rubbing, the Glddings and daughter Marjorle at|Lafleche and Clovis Lafleche have [Sno + | merman, of Sydenham, was united in ROCKPORT NAVIGATION CO. LTD. KINGSTON, ONT. damp steamy air, 'with perhaps Thomas Garrett's. arrived home after visiting in 'Wat- | ""} now recommend Tanlac to ev-|marriage to Addie ,third daughter of STEAMER MISSISQUOI your skirt and shoes *plashed Sriaus, AUX: en Ios, Sarasa, eryone who is sick lke I was, and|the late Wellington and Mrs Jeffrey, Lv 184 Effective May 1st, 1919. Daily, Sundays Included nn S---- 3 sited \ his mother and sister here .., = "ve something that will [of Hartington, by Rev .A. F. Ball Vv Kingston ... , seis eae ais sled ) aad souked-just forget all that. recently. ~ Mrs. Young has moved in Pdf . = The bride looked charming in a grey Ar Cape Vincent vd Tiree cess B30 aa, and 3.00 pom, i . 'LENVALE. p ; slree . 2 y % reiesePy Come into the ease and com GLENVAL from her home on Maja street to Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A.|silk suit with hat of white satin. Ar. Kingston . .. . : Ay Lm. aud 430 pm, i May 12 ~ Anniversary services . UBB - Hl 4 , shu 3 vn eed fort of a Sunlight Wash Day. were 'held ih - the "Presbyterian the house Jecanlly I ated by Mrs.|p "fo own, in Plevna by Gilbert [The happy couple were unattended. $3.00 PCCinl accommodation fo nobiles. Rates for carn: Fords, Churct Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kell cElroy. The Oddfellows lodge of Ostler, in Battersea by C. S. Clark, in {Mr. and Mrs. Timmerman will reside rent whirling or other cars, $4.00. Close, connections Bt Cape Vin~ lurch on Sunday. ev. Mr. YrIthis place was enterfained by the S ' 4 ; on a farm near Sydenham cent with N.V.C. lines for all N.Y,C. pointy, Phone 2195. Insist on getting the Soap or mataraqul, gave an able address| {oF at Athens on Wednesday | Fernieigh by Ervin Martin, in Ar-|on a farm near Sy : you ask for--SUNLIGHT, in the morning, and Rev. W. T. Dale, evening last. The members are to| 90¢k by M. J. Scullion, in- Sharbot VC. " of Cooke's Church, KINgston, [attend the Methodist church in a| Lake by W. Y. Cannon.----Advt. W. C. Fredenburgh, Westport, has preached an inspiring sermon in the body next Sunday. Mothers' day a od of Xia well liown rate bores evening . The choir wads assisted by BOTY a . h Jagle Patch o Henry Bell, East- g was observed in the Methodist wood, Ont. The sale price of the * Miss Melvin and Mr. Preston, of Syd- ehurch hy a special service in the . ol : ! enham, who each sang solos. A €ON=|evening at which the Baptists join- Townshi Councils Ci gd Funs ako four figures. cent will be given in the church this ] . Fox has severed his connec- en 4 p ed. Special music was furnished by da > y evening. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken |q echbir composed of the mothers of tion with the Pembroke Iron Works, \ r spent a few days at Croyden, where |i} congregation. The church was for which firm he was superintendent they attended the funeral of Mr. Me-| prattily decorated with flowers. PORTLAND. for oven two Yours, 3 ew 00 S Cracken's father. Among recent |prg MH Stevens and little son, Ath- Harrowsmith, = May 5.--Members visitors are: Mr. and Mrs. Newton ens, visited her mother, Mrs. W. A.[all present. Minutes of previous : a ° Orser and family, Kepler; Nelson'|prown, recently. = Mr.' Sack and | meeting adopted. By-law No. 612 CAST f Silver, Ida Hill, and P. Butterill, children, who have beéw visiting Mr. | read first and second time. October ve RR cman pert A , , Rev. Mr. Eby and Mrs. Eby and | Harrowsmith, at H. C. Orser 8; Wil lina Mrs M Levinson, left on Mon- | 7th, 1918 was amended by a reduc- their little daughter left Picton 'on | liam Hammond was taken to a hos- day for their home in Montreal. [tion of $200 in the estimated ex- For Infants and Children Tuesday for Markham, Ont., where |pital in Kingston on Saturday to un-{ Miss Grace Ferguson, Lansdowne, |pendifure on road No. 1 and struck In Use For Over 30 Years SUNKIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins, Mr. Eby has been appointed to a pas- | dergo treatment for pleurisy. Missy yisited Mr. and Mrs. G. Hazelton re- | © aking a total expenditure of \ In cka 1 B £ torate. Mr. Eby had been pastor of | Mary Hamilton has gone to Fermoy | cently. $1,300. 'A notice was received from | Always bears pa ges only. uy from your grocer, the Pentecostal ehurch in Picton for [to take charge of a school. Owing Dr. W. J. Geddes, M.H.O., that the the ZR : to the continued heavy rains, very| salary paid him for services under | Signature of % ro men are engaged prospecting at the Big Dipper mine, NE some years. ? [the Public Health Act was not fair . and reasonable, and according to BODO ; ; 3 Lennox and Addington section 7, chapter 41, 8. of O., 1918, : he claims a fair remuneration. Sal- : : o & s (ary increased to $100 per year, Rale y | | : aro of wages for man on crusher in- a y as 10n p NORTHBROOK. . creased from 25¢ to 30c¢ per hour. , 3 May 12.--Frank Cummins, of Ar- [Accounts paid: $28.60, Cornelis [trea] = a borfield, Sask., has returned -after a las, Eodhay Sate - ww icep Er [| pape: few weeks' renewing old time ae- ed by dogs; y . MM. Tovell, Especially jor this News % quaintances here. 3 A number of [medical attendance and conveying ~ OY at CAL ITCSUNE S07 YORE SORE SEAL Sh EL : young people from here attended [to hospital Mr. Snare; $52.60, Jas. the Harlowe sugar social last week, {A. Wallace, services engineer; $200, enjoying the programme so ably [Fred Babeock, sec.-treas. U.S.8. No. _Children--of all ages--have a rendered by Mrs, Edward Morley |9, teacher's salary: $7, Bert Davey, and Charles Hillier. Frank Thomp-|14 hours man and team, Card road; healthy appetite for Corn Syrup. You son had the misfortune to have his $6.20, William Burnett, filling hol- valuable black team drowned in |es Card road; $19.37, Joseph Kit- may safely give them all they want of Gull' Lake, Thursday. While hitch- son, repairing Craig's hill and buil ed to'a harrow, they took reignt, [ing railing; $4.80,F Archie 1 srunning into the lake and drowning [bonus 32 rods wire fence; $1.80, ls : betore help arrived. Mr. and Mrs. [Archie Goslin, snow shovellingg Myles, of Hamilton, are moving on |$122, pay list, sub-division No. 9. . one of the Ore Chimney farms for [Council adjourned to meet as a : ae 'the summer. Mrs. Oris Cole andjcourt revision and general business son, Earl, are visiting in the Belle~[in Harrowsthith, Monday, Jan. 2, at ville district: Mr. and Mrs. Merfen | 10 a.m. = Newton have returned to their home a ------ . " in 'Arden; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ' The Late Roy Robinson. Minor motored to their home near Athens, May 12.--Shonrtly after . : : Odessa during the week. Harold [midnight a highly esteemed resi- : p ° Neal was the, guest of Casber [dent of Athens passed away in the " ; Thompson over Sunday Mrs. Archi- | person of Roy Robinson, aged thir- bald Shiers returned to. Newburgh [ty years. In January last Mr. and after a week's visit with her par- | Mrs. Robinson were taken ill with ents. The Cobalt Frontenac mines [Influenza. Both seemingly recover- are again operating night apd day. ed .from the influenza, but neither . ¥ : Miss Grace Wood returned fo har [being of a robust: constitution lung However you serve it--oh bread, muffins, pancakes, waffles, school at Harlowe after spending | trouble followed "and--Mrs. Robin- h od . p' a ea the Week-snd at home. Noah Kim-|€0n passed away on March Sth, Fol- ot biscuits ; as a sauce for puddings ; made into candy; or merly left for Gilmore Thursday, [lowing the death of his wife Mr. . . . ? J 2 where he will be on the saw mill tor | Robinson went to the home of his replacing half the sugarin cooking and preserving--you will roto. amore par. Slo Jide au patente Mf street, Adlon, Sad ge. |. find these two famous brands pure food prod ts that Story farm near Cloyne, po. ee Y iett- of 'malicat" aid' sna '0 highl S hi p LP uc at are LIFT OFF CORNS! | iiih, dts, comin, a8 3, vavn> ure NE. 1. pa ' v . Deceased was born at Hard is- Sold by ini ---- land some two miles ftom Athens grocers everywhere~-ii 2, 5, . and practically spent most Of his . i Freezone is magic! Corns lift off life in this district. For several 10, and 20 Ib. tins. years he followed the vocation of = : with fingers without pain cheesemaker, later seifling on his Write for Com Syrup Cook Book-- fathers' farm at Hard Island, but owing to ill-health moved to Ath- : The Canada Starch Co. Limited - :) 4 h 4 ens about two years ago and was identified there with the Leeds Co- operative store. J Montreal : he Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. , ] "George Robinson, Athens, he leaves = . B RA 208 one 'brother, Sheriff Robinson, of Toronto, two sisters, Mrs. D. Kay- -fanagh, Glen Elbe, and Georgia, at home. He also 'es © two. small ¢hildren, Frank, aged 'six, and | Helen, aged three. = in 3 I "4i large jenough to accommodate two pudgy h | = & . SB, "bon. Three yards 36-inch material are req for 3 Rr OF ey he, dea ome Singhan 18 81so smployed in the development of the > = a 4 {of his brother-in-law; Michael heck and 1 1 Hurt? No, not one bit!' Just drop Silo Srowt HE a il tar tHe Httle Frezone on that Tuk corm 4: man of cheerful" disposition, and aching, then 'many warm friends wherever me corn right off. Ihe~went. \ Costs only a few cents. i il Tty: Freezone! Your druggist sells fia -tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your t h ca ; out die particle of pain, Sore: wa or irritation. Freezone is the ous ether discovery of a Cla- & # 8 . ¢

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