We have a supply of cut hard wdod and kindling, - 4-3, Sowards Coal Co, CARS FOR SALE Or trade; Easy terms : { Two 1018 Chevrolet Cars Two 1017 Chevrolet Cars Two Ford Cars « 1918 Maxwell; ome light track, "Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1674w THE CASH STORE Week 500 tins B.C. No. 1 Salmon, 2 n we : 25 th Fae uae we 2D Sardines, 2 tine... Ll, LL de 200 Tins Pumpkin, per tin .10¢ Fresh Garden Seeds; Dutch Setts and Euglish Multipliers. We blesd our own teas. Try our black or green tea at .Bbe > { BEST VALUE IN JHE cry The United Grocery 'ANY Phose 207 Next to Standard Bank | HL REL EER LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Sunday, May 4th, 1919 a { STHCK MARKETS, ' Toronto.' ; Toronto, (May 13.--Choice heavy Sleers, $14 to $15; do. butchers, $12.50 to $14.50; do. medium, $10 to $13; heifers, good to choice, $10 to $12.50; butcher cows, choice, $9 lo $12.50; do. medium, $9 to $10; bulls, cholee heavy, $10.50 to $12; do. good, $8.50 to $10; do. light $9 to $9.50; do. canners, $5.50 to $6.50; feeders, 900 to 1,000 Ibs. $13 to $14; do. 800 pounds, $12 to $1250; do. 700 to. 1750 pounds, $12.26 40 '$11.75; do. light mixed, $9 to $10; grass cows, $8 to $8 50; milch cows, $75 to $100; lambs, $18 to $19.50; 'sheep, light, $13 to $16; heavy sheep and bucks, $8 to $10; calves, $14 to $16; hogs, fed and watered, $21.75; do. oft cars, $22; do. toh, $20.75; do. at coun- try points, $20.50. : Buffalo. East 'Buffalo, May 13.--Receipts, 5,400; steady. Prime steers, $16.50 to $17.26; shipping steers, $15.50 to $16; butchers, $10 to $15.50; yearlings, $10 to $15.50; heifers, $8 to $14.50; cows, $5 to $12.50; bulls $7.60 to $13; stockers and feeders, $8 to $12.50; fresh cows and springers, $65 to $160. Calves--Receipts, 4,000; 50 cents lower; $6 to $15.25. « Hogs--Recelpts, 13,600; 20 cents higher; heavy, $21.35 to $21.50; mixed and yorkers, $21.25 to $21.- 35; light yorkers and pigs," $20.50 to $20.75; roughs, $18.50 to $19; stags, $12 to $15. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 10.- 200; 25 cents lower; lambs, $10 to $16.26; yearlings, $10 to §14; wethers, $12.50 to $13; ewes, $5 to $12; mixed sheep, $12 to $12.50. Montreal, May 13---Steers, choice, good, $12.50 to $13.50; medium, $11 to $12; common, $9 10 "510.560; choice butcher bulls, $11.50 to $13; good, $10.50 to $11; medium, $8 to $10; choice butcher cows, §11.50 to $13; good, $10.50 to $113. medium', $7.60 to $9.50; milk-fed calves, $6.50 to $12, Senin. Montreal, $14 to $15; Chicago. Chicago, May 13.--Hogs--Top, $21.05; bulk, $20.75 to $21; heavy- weight, $20.80 to $21.06; medium DIDN'T THINK OF IT BEFORE Miss Gush--I! have seen your ple ture Mr. Brush, and It was just heavenly. Mr. Brush--Heavenly, eh? Maybe that is why it was "skied." ; BEATS ATTA OF ROSES "What Is the most expensive per fume you know of 1" "Gasoline," BREACH OF PROMISE "Dodge is suing his wife for breach of promise." "For breach of promise?" "Yes, she promised to divorce him, but now she has backed out." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WORKS TWO WAYS "Algeron says he never knows what happiness was until he mar ried me. Now, what does he mean by that?" "All depends. Does he say it with @ smile or with a grunt." PATIENT "Does your wife believe every thing you tell her?" "I'm. not quite sure about that. All I know Is that she patiently listens to everything 1 tell her" AN AGONIZING THOUGHT Miss Gabb--! thought | should live to tell the tale. Miss Keen--For you that must have been suffering indeed. never CLEVER BOBBY Father--Well, son, how did you get along at school today? Bobby--Pa, my physiology book says conversation at meals should be of a pleasant character. Let's talk about something cise. "Gedrge Is so careless." "What makes you think so?" "He went out yesterday and got his beautiful new fishing tackle all wet!" WHEN SHE PUT HER FOOT DOWN "Pecl married because he thought his girl one in a thousand." "Now she seems to him like a thousand in one." PAGE THIRT ee 1 Steady Savings Bring Real ~ Wealth A Savings Account, steadily added to, even if only by small amounts, brings increased happiness to oneself and family and adds real wealth to one's country. Decide to-day to let The Bank of Nova Scotia help you to save by opening a Savings Account here, Interest paid half-yearly. --THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund 12,000,000 Resources , . 130,000,000 A. N. LYSTER anager Raise More Hogs Every Farmer realizes the profits in Bacon Hogs at present. prices. . The only question in his mind is, 'Where can I get the money to buy brood sows and pigs to fatten 7' ; The Merchants Bank gladly makes loans to assist capable farmers in increasing their holdings of live stock. Talk it over with the Manager. THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Mogtreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. ; ree al URAL TOPIBLD, Managers ly iit Cy ire MeCLYMONT, Manager, ,- Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Kiagston Branch, a Rye flour quiet; fair to good, $8.75 to $9.20; choice to fancy, $9.25 to $9.75; white corn flour afeady, §4 to $4.25. Hay firm; No.#+1, $2.25; No. 2, $2.15 to $2.20; No. 3, $2 to $210. Hops firm; state, medium to choice, 1918, 34c to 42¢; 1917, 20¢ to 23¢; Pacifig, coast, 1918, 39¢ to 45c; 1917, 256¢ to 28¢. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot; foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST Ayr, City weight, $20.75 to $21; lightweight, i302 fo $20.90; Mght lights, $19 to Leave City 00; heavy Cc Vy Ne. 1 Man iow 1530 Ram, na Rul, $19.75 to To ap ne Sows, suionth, No. 37 Local to Tos . "| rough, $19 to $19.75; pigs, $18 to ronte ita S48 Am. pd vad 5 H he No. 1 Inter. Ltd. . Lm, ' om. attle--Heavy 'beef steers, choice Noe 31 Homi 1p RAS Ba | DAT Pals Drime, $10.70 $19.60; me- Belleville .. .. . 648 p.m. 7.37 pam. | dium-and good, $13 to $17; common, GOING EAST $11 to $13.50; light beet steers, good Nui 5. Madd Leave SatY and choice, $13.50 to $17; common 16, Fast and medium, $10.25 to $13.75; 3.52 mam. | butcher cattle, heifers, $7.76 to 850 wm. | 14:25; cOWs, $7.50 to $14.50: can 2.52 p.m. | NeTS and cutters, $5.75 to $7.50; veal 1.46 p.m, calves, light and "handy = weight, No. 28 & 48 p.m. AMERICANS IN ALBERTA. PRESENTATION AT STELLA. Of Medals to Amherst Island's Re- turned Soldiers. Stella, May 12.--A gathering was held in Victoria hall on Friday after- noon for the presentation of medals to soldier boys. A very small por- tion of them were here. Some have not yet returned, and others had left for other parts. Reeve Samuel Mil- ler gave a short address of welcome, and presented the medals, and Mrs. Miller, wifé of the Réeve, pinned them on. Salsbury's orchestra gave several selections, and the choirs of the different churches sang several patriotic songs. R. A. Fowler, M.P., Population Has Influengo Upon Trade Sentiment. According to official figures, the total number of Amerieans that have taken up residence in the Province of "Alberta since 1905, including five months of the fiscal year 1818-19, | ranches 275,093. In 1905 the Pro. vinee of Alberta was organized, and statistical information has been kept since that date of the immigration into the three provinces, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Sas- katchewan ranks second, with 226,- 330 immigrants; and Manitoba third, i Arr, City Se---- 217 am Duluth. Duluth, May 13.--Linseed on track, $4.01 to $4.03; arrive, $4.01 to $4.02; May, $4.01 asked; July, $3.98 1-4 bid; Oet., $3.77. YOU MERCHANTS WHO EXPECT HOME TRADE Are you practising home trade? We are glad to say some are, but we notice those who are not. WHY? » Express No. 6 Mail 12.15 pom, No. 14, Inter. Ltd 1.05 p.m. 1578 to 2.75 to $14; feeder steers, Brockville .. .. 8. TAT pam, 3 : $ Steers, 10 to a 4s 310 am. No, 32 Loeal to Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 15, 19 vun aaily, |? 10.25; Stockers steers, $8 to $13.25, GENER:x TRADE. BroekvHle 8.15 am other trains daily except Sunday. Sheep--Shorn stock, lambs, 84 J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A, GT.Ry, | Agency For All Steamship Lines > A. SPEIZMEN In any quantity--Flour Bags Feed Bags ana absolutely clean Sugar Sages, Pala, 69 Queen Street Re-brightenT and "re-waterproof your car's top. -Make it look new with hardly any expense. | you need is a brush' and an pint or $1.50 quart of | En you A 5 , At all progressive garages, hi accessory stores, or / For Sue AT onOwWN C800, >. ond j choice, $10.75 to $12 Bags Wanted | Northern, $2.24 1$2.21%; No. 6 175% ¢; Positively highest prices pounds down, $14 to $15.25; 85 pounds up, $13.75 to $15; culls and cdmmion, $10 to $13.50; springs, $17 to $19; yearling wethers, $12.50 to $13.76, ewes, medium, good and ; culls and com- mon, $5 to $10.50. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. : Torfnto, May 13. -- Manitob wheat, in store Fort William: No. 1 %: No. 2 Northern, Northern, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.11. Manitoba oats -- No. '2, C.W., No. 38, C.W: 72%e¢c: extra No.1 feed, 72¢; No. 1 feed, 69%c; No. 2 feed, 66%c; in store, Fort Wil- am. American corn=~No. 3, yellow, no- minal. Manitoba barley, in stofe, Fort William, No. 2, C.W., $1.18%; No. 4, EA, $1.11%; rejected, $1.01; feed, 01, \ Ontarig wheat---No.1 winter, $2.14 to $2.20; No. 2 winter, $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3 winter, $2.07 to $2.15; No. 1 spring, $2.00 to $2.17: No. '2 spring, $2.02 to $210: f.o.b. ship- ping points, according to freight. Ontario oats--No .2 white, not quoted; No. 3; 74g to T6e, according to freight outside Barley--Malting, $1.13 to $1.18. Peas--No. 2, $2.05, nominal, ac- cording to freight outside. ' Buckwheat---No. 2, '$1.20, néomi- nap whit Rye---No. 2, $1.68, nominal. Manitoba flour--®Government stan- dard, $11, Toronto. Ontario flour--Government new bags: Millfeed -- Car Montreal;' shorts, lots, .delivered; $44; bran, $42; '| feed flour, not quoted; middlings, not quoted; good. $2.65 to $2.75. Hay---Baled, Hots, No. a. No. 2 mixed, feed flour, per bag, "1320 to $24 per ton; straw, car lots, at ig i $10 | wheat, new. standard $11.16, Ro! ts | -- Montreal. Montreal, May _134=Oats, extra No. 1 feed, 8 Flour, ' spring grade, $11 to iad 8 Chicago, May 13.--Co v pie: Sl BIEL yellow, '$1.79 to $1.80: No. & yel- low, n Oats--No. white, Clover, nominal. Lard, $33.65. Ribs, *leges, new laid, doz, 50¢ stan-{3 dard, $11, Toronto-Montreal: $11, track, Toronto, car|each Montreal. Montreal, May 13.--Butter, per pound, finest creamery, prints, 58¢; solids; 57c; dairy butter, 47c. 'Eggs, per doz., strictly new laid, 52¢; No. 2, 49¢c. Lard, per 1b. in tubs, 35e¢. Shortening, per 1b, 273%ec. Hams, per 1b., large, 36c; 39¢; cooked ham, per 1b., 54¢. Bacon, per pound, Windsor bone- less, 48¢ to 50ec; breakfast, 44¢ to 4bc; Windsor breakfast, 46c to 48c. 'Dressed poultry, per 1b., milk fed chickens, 44¢ to 45¢; fowls, 34c to 35¢; geese, 30¢; turkeys, 48c. Honey, per Ib., white clover, combs, 36c; bulk, 25c; buckwheat, 22¢. Maple syrup, 18 1b. tins, new crop, $2; sugar, per-Ib., 25c; Beans, per : bushel, Canadian hand-picked, $4 to $4.50; peas, $3. Potatoes, car lots, 90 1b., bags, Suchecs, white stock, $1.90 to $3.- small, Dressed hogs, per 100 pounds, Gresh killed abattoir, $30 to $31. Flour, per bbl, car lots, Govern- ment standard, $11; smaller quanti- ties, delivered to the trade, $11.50; winter wheat, per bbl, $10.20 to $10.30, in second-hand bags, $10. Millteed, $45 to $45.50. ------ Toronto. Toronto, May 13.--Butter, choice dairy, 50¢ to 55¢; do. creamery, §0¢ to. 66c; margarine, Ib., $6¢ to 40¢c; to b2¢; cl , Ib., 40¢; turkeys, Ib., 45¢ to 80¢; fowl, Ib., 42c to 45c; chickens, roasting, 45¢ to b0c; geese, 1b, 3de to 33c; apples, basket, $1 to $1.25; do., bbl, $6 to $10; oranges, doz., Be to 80¢c; lemons, doz., 20¢ to 25¢: it, S03; Tse » $1.50; pine- apples, each, tei 36¢; asparagus, 'bunch, 60c; beans, new, qr., 20c; beats, peck, 30c; beets, peek, 30c; do. bag, $1.25; carrots, peck, 40c; do; bag, $1.75 to $2; do. new, buneh, 10¢ to 15c; cabbage, new, 1 ,- 16c to 26e; cucumbers, each, 10¢ to 20c; celery, 'head, 10c to 25¢; lettuce, 3 bunches for 3 do. head, 10c to 15¢} onions, imp. box £6.50 do., do. 1h, 15¢; do., green. bunch, 6¢ to 1067 leeks, bunch, 30¢; arsley, bunch, 10¢ to 16e; persnips, bag, $1 to $1.10; do, peck, 25¢ to 30¢; po , hag, $2.10 to $2.20; rhubarb, indoor, 2 for 25c; do. out. door, 4 for 25¢; sage, bunch, 5c. to 10¢; sp "peck, 60c to 75¢; ory, bunch, to 10c; turnips, bag, $1.25 to $1.50; do. peck, 30c: to- matoes, Ib., 25¢ to 30c. ¥ tro a © Corns Go! You Bet, | with only 78,789. The largest immi- gration into Alberta from the United States came in 1909-19, numbered 6,613. The total population of Al berta in 1916 was given officially as 496,626. The British immigration during the thirteen years since the province was organized, was 73,082, and other than British 40,282, making a total of 113,364, as compared with 275. 093 immigrants of American nation- ality, The predominance of the Amer- ican immigrant over all other na~ tionalities is nearly 70 per cent. As- suming that the proportion of immi- Jrant from the United States resid- ng in Alberta, prior to the organiza- tion of the province, was about the Same as is now exigjing, the total American population in- Alberts to day is probably 325,000 out of the entire 496,526 population, or about 65 per cent. Of course, hundreds of Americans have taken up Govern- ment land and have become natura- lized, and many hundreds of immi- grants have left the United States before they have completed their naturalization there. But the pre- dominance of Americans in Alberta is very marked and this predomin. ance has a directing influence upon trade with the United States. ----- Our Fire Losses. Fire losses are greater in Canada than in any other part of the world, and 'greater in Ontario than in any ter' part of Canada. A recent re- port contains figures showing the various fire loss per capita in the different countries in the world in 1916. In Canada it amounted to $8.24, w in Ontario it was $4.61; in the ited States, $2.26; Great Britain, 64 cents; Russia, 27 cents, and Germany 28 cents. Bifish Trade Ambassadors. The Federation of British Indus- tries, representing sixteen thousand manufacturers and $25,000,000,000 capital, is organizing a great system of trade ambassadors for the exten- sion of British trade overseas. The federation expects to have an am- bassador in every important centre, } was in the chair. Addresses were given by Dean Starr, Rev. W. T G. Brown, Rev. Father Roache, and Ma- Jor R. M. Filson, the chairman, Rey. J. C. Dixon, Rev. James Cumberland, and W. H. Montray. Lunch was served to.all about five o'clock, and a dance was held at night. Sals- bhury"s orchestra supplied the music. W. T. Hill, jr., is able to be around again after his accident. He was engaged In harrowing in the field, and went up between the horses to relieve some part of the harness, and the horses started, and dragged him down, hauling the harrow over him. Luckily he was not seriously injured. The steamer C. W. Chamberlain discharged 450 tons of hard coal here recently for L. R. Wilson, Visitors: Major and Mrs. BR, M. Filson and Miss Anna Filson; Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kbéarns, Brockville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Margaret Kearns, to Wellington Blanchard Bishop, only son of Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Bishop, the wedding to take place quietly in May. pai William Mills, an esteemed resi- dent of Brockville for the past ten years, and an employee of the Grand Trunk Railway for forty years, died on Monday, following an illness of ten months. The death occurred in Toronto re- cently of Mrs. Reuben Cassel, for many years a resident of Morrisburg. Mrs. John Serviss, Brockville, is a sister of the deceased. Asthma Cured ~ To Stay Cured Thousands testify to the a, wo We have every facility at your door for investment of firm and private savings. Then why go out of town? Call us up before handing your next order to an outside house. It Is a Duty You Owe to Local Enterprise Our investment offerings will more than satisfy you. Tht is our guarantee. GOVERNMENT BONDS, ALL ISSUES, 5 TO 7% BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. Phone 1728. 287 Bagot St. | H. J. Bongard, Manages 'Ranks with the Strangest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company Pre :RsurancE Roya) neu PERCY J. INN, Nanasre Ss Brass, Toronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS { UMEESRRERRER TERETE TEAR WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street A No? Then automobilia, £ you have missed one of the real Ppléasures of Sa You have got to ride in a Reo to appreciate its easy riding qualities; the grades. smooth, graceful manner in it takes the Once you ride in a Reo yow'll want to own one. ' 3 see The Fa Reo Six-Cy .s : 2 aH aww Fare NEW he 7 Belivered Kington * smn senies me wns JB2150 Seve e ay wre Aa Wa SE a a