Have Your Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired For the Summer's Use We have all kinds of repairs, including motorcycle tires and heavy motor oil. Hyslop and Cleveland Bicycles nn INN HARVEY MILNE 272 Bagot St. Bicycle Repairing of all kinds Bride and Bridesmaids' Gifts Suitable presents for the bride Diamond Bar Brooch, Lavalier, Ring, String of Pearls, ® Bridesmaids ~~ Pearl Ring, a 1eS Pearl Bar Brooch, Onyx Ring, String of Pearls You have your new hats, boots, suits, ete. But did you forget the welfare of your eye- sight? Are your glasses mo- dern and correct for your vision? HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED By our thorough methods, Best Man--Pearl Stick Pin, Links, Waldemar Chain, Cane, Cigarette Case. Kinnear & d'Esterre 100 Jewelers. I! ADDRESSES AT A MEETING | Tuesday night, when a meeting was ii mane Society. i branches, }itern slides. J. Mon by the Humane Society, the Blue THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1919. (WORK OF HUMANE SOCIETY IN ST. GEORGE'S HALL. J Principal Dyde Declared There Was Great Need for a Society of This Kind--Prof. MacClement Gave 1l- lustrated Talk on Birds. : The interest the boys and girls are taking in the work of the Kingston Humane Society, the Band of Mercy, and the Blue Cross Society was manifested in St. George's Hall on held under the auspices of the Hu- There was a good attendance of children and quite a number of adults, Two very inter- esting addresses were delivered, one by Principal Dyde, of Queen's Theo- logical College, and the other by Prof. W. T. MacClement, of Queen's University. Dr. Dyde spoke of the work of the Humane S¥ciety and its while Prof. MacClement gave a talk on birds, illustrating his remarks with a fine collection of lan- M. Farrell presided Dr. Dyde spoke of the work carried Cross, and the Band of Mercy. He said there was great need for a so- ciety for the proieciion of dumb ani- mals of all kinds, who were not able to protect themselves. There were laws and regulations for the protec- tion of little children, and in the same way there should be protection for the dumb animals There was no high wall between the interests of human beings and the animal world. In carrying on this work we were car- rying out the command of Christ. Prof. MacClement showed the pie- tures of a large number of birds, and his talk about the birds was a most interesting one It was remarkable, too, how the boys and girls present could name the various birds, show- fng that they had given some study to the subject One of the special features of the evening was a report presented by Howard Fair on the work carried on by the Blue Cross Soefety during the war This society sent thousands of bandages overseas to be used in caring for the wounded horses. The béys of the society have been engag- ed in making bird houses which they place in the trees A number of the bird houses were exhibited at the meeting HOME FROM OVERSEAS. a Presentation to Pittsburgh Young Man Who Did His "Bit." On May 5th a few friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle, Pittsburgh, to welcome their eldest son, Driver Earl Doyle, who is home after four years' service oven which are a little different and more accurate than usual. i { i | At the Theatres (Continued from Page 8.) ; At the Grand. A programme of merit has been arranged for the last three days of this week. Tom Moore as a hand- some chauffeur who dared to love the daughter of the richest man in town will appear in a big six reei Goldwyn feature, "Thirty a Week." This pic- ture is essentially the romance of a thin bankroll and a stout heart It tells the-story of love finding the way to bridge the gulf that separates the strata of a girl of wealth and society and that of a romantic American youth .. One of the most realistic and daring automobile races yet pho- tographed will be seen in "Thirty a Week." making in all the most thrill- ing and delightful of the new Gold- wyn releases. Laugh-producing comedies, Universal Sgreen Magazine and other, photo featured will be shown . Special attention has been given to the selection of vaudeville for this half of the week. Wendell Hall, juggling comedian, Jarvis and Harrison, musicians, and Burley and Burley, eccentric dancers, will be on the vaudeville bill for Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday ---Advt. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." An event looked forward to with more than ordinary interest theatri- cally is the coming of William HH. Kibble's world's greatest revival of Harriet Beecher Stowe's lovable story "Uncle Tom's Cabin." William H. Kibble's reputation as promoter of big productions is well known to theatre-goers, but few are aware that the coming event is one of the most gigantic and elaborate that has ever been attemptéd in America. Not only do they promise to bring a com- pany of over thirty people, but a car- load of scenery and bloodhounds in the piece 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" will hold the boards at the Grand Opera House on Monday, May 19th, matinee and night.--Advt, MUST PAY INCOME TAX. Americans Have te Make Returns to American Consul, ~~ American, Consul Felix 8S. 8. Johnson has received Instructions from the United States government that American residents in Canada will be liable to heavy fines if they do not report income taxable under the United States laws. Under an arrangement entered into with the Canadian authorities, American paying taxation to the Canadian government are exempted to the extent of the base on which HEAR HHT they are liable in Canada, the resi- due only being liable taxable under seas, and presented him with a hand- some gold watch and chain, as a to- ken of their appreciation. Driver J.J. STEWART, ' Ocean Steamship. . Ticket | OPT. D. ; Agency. "Sight Spec C. S. Kirkpatrick ¢ om Fimt Ofice Kingston 36 Clarence St. pat 5OSw, PACA ta I } Senn OLD TIRES - Rebuilt OUR GUARANTEE Satisfaction to Our Customers' st words can make it--yet the liberal guarantee anyone can absolute guidance in all As simple as broadest and most possibly give---and our our efforts. Doyle enlisted in 1914 in the Army Service Corps, but transferred to the 26th, Battery ,with which he went overseas, Shortly before the Battle of Vimy Ridge he tepnsferred to the 18th Battery, and remainéd with that unit. Rev. Father Kingsley acted as chairman. Miss Helen Baxter, B.A., read an address, and appropriate speeches were delivered by Mr. Doyle Major Barrett, Charles Deane (also a weturned soldier), James Baxter, Joseph McGrath, Capt. Malone, Ed- ward Bradden, James and John Bar- rett, and James Shortall. : In the address which accompanied the presentation felicitous remarks were made concerning the splendid spirit of service which was manifest- ed when Driver Doyle took up arms in the defence of his country. It re- ferred to the sorrow mingled with pride which was felt by all when he departed. His record had been a source of gratification to all, and the fact that he had passed through the long years in safety was a cause for thankfulness . In conclusion it was said, "That your cduntry can ever repay you for what you have done is jmpossible, but that she show constantly and en- duringly her gratitude to you and to your late brothers in arms wherever they may be found is possible. "And now, since you took the watch from the Rhine, but in the tak- ing smashed it beyond repair, you Just Like New By Our Improved Process i We have ~ hundreds of satisfied Why are you not one &f them? customers. Don't be doubtful or misled by other dealers who are not equipped to do this class of tire build- ing. Tire building is in a class by itself. We have installed extra eqyipment this week and have trip- led our capacity. MOORE' The Place They Re-Build Your Old Tires 206-8 Wellington Street yp ¢ Spring Pumps and Oxfords We invite you to view the favored mo- dels.in p Oxfords for the spring * and summer of 1919. on : ei sen Jie . The exquisite 'patterns and charming styles offered, will delight the woman who gathering and Rev. E. Richardson {| Kelly, Cataraqul, acted as secretary. Ii The sessions were continued on Wed- | nesday. 1 Hunter, HAL would not want one made where it was made, and we ask you to accept this one made in Capada. "May tg. hours ft counts for you be golden and their number as the sea sands." DISTRICT METHODIST MEETING. Routine Business Transacted at Prin< cess Street Methodist Chareh, Regular routine business of the dis- trict meeting of the Methodist church, held in Princess StFeet Methodist church, on Tuesday afternoon, was transacted by a very representative attendance of the district ministers and laymen. » Herman R. James. B.A, Ports mouth, and J. J. Johnston, Verona, were continued on probation 'In their charges, and the general con- feroncé will be asked for permission to employ Barl Campsall, Harrow- smith, under the chairman. Rev. J. D. Ellis presided over the Conditions Are Better, There Is not such a great demand for farm labor this spring. = Col who is usually besieged for farm help at this , States that he has no calls from the : eo extent. | ¥. -- ------ - the conditions to a con- the United States law. The Cheese Outlook. A despatch from Ottawa states that the Dairy Produce Commission has been abolished because'the Bri- tish Ministry of Food is no longer buying cheese. The cheese market, therefore, is in the same position it was in before the war, and the prices during the coming season will depend upon supply and de- mand. Just at the present it is im- possible to say what the conditions will be or what prices will ruld, After the local market is satisfied, it is altogether probable that the price will decline as a large part of pour output of cheese is purely sur- plus. This is the opinion of an ex- perienced buyer. ? A Madoc Weédding. The marriage took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Madoe township, on April 30th, of their only daughter, Miss Olive, to Bombadier W. T. Brown. Rev. Dr, MacTavish performed the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Brown came to Kings- ton to reside while Mr. Brown com- pletes his studies in theology at Queen's, which were interrupted by the war. He served with the Third Canadian Division Ammunition Column in France. "Gete" Fannon is 'Home. "Gete'" Fannon, well known to a large number of Kingstondans, is home from doing his "bit" over- seas, ahd is being warmly welcom- ed. '"QGete" gerved for four years and eight months under Brigadier- General A. E. Ross, and has a thrill- ing story of life at the front to re- late. He ulsq has a fine collection of photograplis which he snapped overseas. Hood's =e Pills Ma, eagy fo take. 250 The Perfecto Baby Comfort is the only sanitary Soother on the mar- ket. It costs perhaps ten cents more than any other Soother, but the dif- ference may save Baby's lite, Arman A RIO Boys' 1 ti, - Hats It's the qualityy that makes the hat give long wear, and its the style that makes it desir. able, Ours present both style and quality. Also they deserve your attention, because they represent true economy. The best makers' goods ape to be found in this store. We are sole agents in King- ston for. the world famous Ital- ian Borsalino Hats. CAMPBELL BROS. 122 Princess Street. Newman & Shaw's Old Stand, Semi-ready Shop Talk: "You can stand on the highest ridge of the Rocky Mountains and look towards the Atlantic and the Pacific. "From Halifax to Victoria, and in Kingston Semi-ready Tailored Clothes are sold wherever a merchant is sat- isfied with the moderate profit which the label in the pocket compels. "It's not half the profit that the average merchant wants and asks---- but we think of twice the number of satisfied customers. "And we come out ahead. Fair and open dealing pays. Even, the democratic highbrows who conferred about peace terms had done better with less secrecy." David J. Will, 213 Princess Brown Bluchers Neolin soles, round toes, rubber heels; sizes 1 to 5. only sn ate aaa ALI ATI ae ae ee a eiiee awa, ..4.00 ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE IEA TINE "PAGE FIVE IMG: 1.00 - i ramet Je te mmm. Bara, ' Ro L GOOD NEWS How to furnish a modern home the money sav- ing Reid way. Because you make your selectiop™. from the most magnificent and complete range of house furniture at figures lower than manufac- turers' prices to-day. At the Busy Store With the Large Stock - JAMES REID Phone 147 For Service nd wt toll or Two Out of Three Fires Occur in the Home at a Cost of From We Wil Protect Your And Contents Against FIRE . 4 to 1 Cent A Day on Esch Thousand Dollars - Let Us Explain It Fully Home ITS IMMENSE G--) Call at you line and ie Witlee ux stop Nu A will ejacul after You possibly may not be able you have tasted a to avold a fire, but you ean avold slice of our wel made bread. & loss, If you are insured with ws. It will please you -as it is R D SUTHERLAND , pleasing hundreds of other people in this town, It will Insurance, Real Estate Corner Broek & Bagot Sts. become a regular part of your daily life and you'll be Phones: Office, 775 House. i better for it. "f" immense} LLACKIES BAKERY HOME MADE READ & PASTRY ei VR ag saving of child-health 1ite. the by a child- atte rs. THE WO ONT. (Formerly The best reconstruction is and 4 BAKERS COCOANUT | "The Cocoanut With a Tin Shell" It is juicy, tender and deli- } cious; just fresh cocoanut, J nothing added. © The rich co- 4 To and From Montreal and Intermediate Ports ' : FIRST TRIP OF THE SEASON ° West Bound, Leave Montreal Wednesday, April 30th East Bound, Leave Kingston Friday, May 2nd Order your freight by this reliable route. ROCKPORT NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD., Telephone 2105. Str. Britannic milk in the can 6. : for its delicacy and richness of b flavor. It saves shortening, For sale at: © If yoy want to keep your. hair looking Sts best, he careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepar- ed shampoos or adything else, that the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. s jut Srainary nulsiried Socoatiu oil which is pure and greaseless), an is better than anything else you can use. 2 f One or two will contains too much alkali. This dries The best thing for steady use is Henderson's Little Girl Run Over. vo teaspoonfuls The little daughter of Frederick {cleanse the hair and scalp thorough- mer, barber, was run over by ally. Simply moisten the hai with ma) an Nach sate in lection, and juigmient Iv ex