Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1919, p. 13

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A CRIPPLE FOR THREE YEARS Helpless In Bed With Rheumatism Until He Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES", C5 MR. ALEXANDER MUNRO ow R.R. No. 1, Lorne, Ont, For over three years, I was (pontinea to Bed with Rheumatism. uring that time, I had treatment from a number of doctors, and tried nearly everything I saw advertised to cure Rheumatism, without receiving any benefit, Finally, I decided to try 'Fruita. tives", Before l had used half a box, I noticed an improvement ; the pain was not so severe, and the swelling started to go down, I continued taking this fruit me. dicine, improving all the timé, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place", ALEXANDER MUNRO, B0c. a ox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers o sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. on McNamee & Slack That's the "bunch" doing business at the: old Kelly shop, 54 Queen street. Repairing done properly and promptly. Light wagons of various kinds for sale. We can build that truck body for you quickly. Horse shoeing, Phone 1217w. J Dr.J.D.KeLLoGG's AsTHMAREMEDY THE CHOKING, SUFFOCATING EFFECTS OF ASTHMA ARE GREATLY MITIGATED BY THIS EFFECTIVE AGENT. A TRIAL 18 SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE YOU OF 178 RELIABILITY, ty 4 . -- [The Canadian V.C.'s | How Men From Canada Earned the Empire's Highest Tribute for Bravery in the Field of Battle. Oo Cures Headache Mr. E.7. Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coath Seal. i Proves it, our Tablets are a safe and effective remedy for headache" Mr. Geo. Legge, . Leader-Mail" jt Zutoo Tablets deserve tobe wide _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919. > For most conspicuous bravery and example, He steadied his company under in- tense fire and led them through the enemy barrage, reaching the objec tive with only five men. With great coolness and courage Lieut. Combe proceeded to bomb the enemy," and inflicted heavy casual- ties He collected, small groups of men ahd succeeded in capturing the company objective, together with 80 prisoners, He repeatedly charged .the enemy, Fdriving them before him, and whilst personally leading his bombers, was killed by an enemy sniper. His conduct inspired all ranks, and it was entirely due to his magnificent courage that the position was car- ried, secured and held.--Official Rec- ord, By CAROLYN CORNELL. In the spring of 1917 the Ger- mans retired on the Arras front and Be ---------- ere ey LIEUT. R.'G. COMBE, V.C. took up their position on lower land with the object of inducing the Brit- ish to follow them. They held a loop line, known as the Arleux loop. This the British toop and proceeded to straighten out the line leading to Fresnoy. The attack with this ob- ject in view was made May 3rd by the 27th Battalion, Canadians. i #ero was three-quarters of an hour before dawn. In front of the at- tacking troops lay about 500 yards of land quite unknown to them. They had had no opportunity of taking ob- servations, and it was not to be won- dered at that some of the men got lost. The ground was ploughed, and at the left of the position was an incline. When 'the men moved forward in the dark one platoon in- clining 'too much by the left made a semi-circle and came back to the starting point farther down the line D company led the charge. They i took the first trench; and leaving one platoon to "mop up," proceeded to the next trench But the wily en- emy had hidden in the dugouts un- til the main body -of the company had passed, whan they came out and at- tacked tue platoon which had been left behiuwd. There was nothing left of that platoon. Following D company, Lieut. WHER. TO SPEND VACATION, Visit Attractive Resorts in "High. lands of Ontario," Are you planning a vacation this year in the beautiful "Highlands of Ontario?" You could choose no better region in which to spend a holiday. Fishing, boating, bathing and golfing can be enjoyed under ideal conditions. There is the wid- est range of accommodation, from comfortable hotels, large and small, to modest farm houses. The whole of the wonderful "High- lands of Ontario" region has been opened up to travellers by the Grand Trunk Railway System, and there is excellent train service. Any agent of the railway will gladly assist you to map out your tour and will supply you with a list of hotels, rates, etc. ang illustrated booklet descriptive of the districts. asa cure that will cure." of Of the resorts in the "Highlands the Hussars, proves it. *] use Zutoo Tablets find them a very satisfactory cure for Headache." 25 cents per box--at all dealers. rm sii, --~ -------- Pe * J Make that top serve longer hy a seasolt or more, Re-brighten it, re-waterproof 5 He Inexpensively. easily with : | RUB-RTITE F a 3 an 85e pint or $1.50 quart. Apall progressive Garages - Hardware Stores, or Noysperience--al you need is a brush; $45 to fg for a new op, or nes. i Bran RR For & of Ontario" the best known are pro- bably the Muskoka Lakes. This fa- mous district is reached through Muskoka wharf station (112 miles north of Toronto), and to this point run the through Muskoka trains. Connecting with these trains are the steamboats which serve all the re- koka, Rousseau and Joseph, which Jare known as "The Three Graces. Just north of the Muskoka Lakes is vely Lake of Bays. Huntsville, lo | | 146 miles north 78% Toronto, is the gateway to the region. This terri- 'tory is Surpassingly beautiful, com- prising so of the loveliest water stretches in this country of lakes, The Grand Trunk trains connect with a flotilla of lake steamboats serving : uin Prk of Ontario is great res of 1,700,000 acres. mn the very ridge of the "High- Its altitude above sea level sorts on the three lovely lakes, Mus. . M Combe's company attacked, the trench, with orders to complete the mopping 'up process, but so Bevere was the fire on the advancing line that when Lieut. Combe arrived in the trench there were only five othér men following him He started to bomb out the trench, the five men acting as carriers and Lieut. Combe doing the bombing himself He bombed along in front of two bat- talions, and ammunition giving out, he picked up the Germans' bombs and used them At the same time he used his rifle sniping, finally reaching the first division position. Having established communication on his flank he sent back this mes- sage to headquarters, where even the battalion command, !ccustomed as they were to the exigencies of war, remarked on its coolness "Everything all right. Have con- nected up with first division 1f possible send reinforcements. Could utilize them." He then began bombing back through the trench again it was while he was leaning over the trench sniping at some CGermans that he himself was shiped Robert Grierson Combe was the son of the late James Combe and Mrs. Combe, of Aberdeen, where the V.C. was born in 1880 He qualified as a chemist and came to Canada in 1906, settling finally in Melville, Sask., where he went into the drug business When 'war broke out he went to Regina and took training, and was later attached to the 53rd Battalion, Prince Albert, with which unit he 'went overseas in the summer of 1815 Arrived in England, he qualified for a major, and was attach- ed to the physical instruction staff This meant that he would not reach the front for some time He revert ed to the rank of lieutenant and at- -J tached to the 28th Battalion went to France But disappoingnent awaited him again . His health broke down and he was compeiied to return to Eng- land. On his recovery he was at- tached: {fo thé-27th Battalion, and it was while serving with that unit' that he lost his life, and won the highest distinction conferred 'on British sol- diers. The Victoria Cross was awarded posthumously to him for valor 'in the taking of the Fresnoy trench, May 3rd, 1917. Lieut. Combe had a brother, Capt. George Combe, who was attached to the British consulate in China. In July ,1917, Capt. Combe crossed Can- ada from China with a battalion of Chinese coolies for France, and was sent to France as officer commanding that battalion. Mrs. R, G. Combe, wife of the USE GIN PILLS They are Reliable They are harmless and re- lieve Backache, Swollen Joints, Pains in the Sides, Brick Dust Deposits, Painful Urination, Dizziness and those constant Headaches that come from Kidney or Bladder derange- ments, Don't hesitate when your symptoms point to Kidney trouble, Gravel or Stone in the Bladder. Use the tried, tested and proven remedy --Gin Pills, Sold throughout the coun- try for 50c. a box. V.C.. "wis formerly Miss Jean Donald, of Meosomin. She accompanied ner hushand to Great Britain, and after taking training as a V.AD worker, was attached to Aboyne Cas- tle Red Cross hospital, and later to the Edinburgh war hospital, where she was working at the time of the death of her husband. She return- ed to Canada, and has since taken a course at the military school of Or- thopaedics at Hart House, Toronto. Lieut, Combe during the time that he lived in Melville took an active part in all civic matters of that town. He was a member of the hoard of councillors, and president of the board of trade. He took great in- terest in athletics, especially in foot- ball and hockey. being one of the di- rectors of the Melville Hockey Club (Registered according to the Copy- right Art of Canada: Book rights reserved.) THE NATION. NA AL DRUG é CHEMICAL co. U.S. residents should address oronto, Ont. St, Baffale, N.Y, be lie 202 My PAGE THIRTEEN _ TR LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Sunday, May 4th, 1919 Trains will leave and urrive at City | Depot, foot of Johnson street, GOING WEST x Leave City Are. City [No. 19 Mall .. 12.20 sam. 1257 am. No. 13 Fast Ex. 310 aan. 252 a.m. No. 27 Local to To- + B45 am, 30.17 am, +d Inter. Lid, . 1.05 pom, 1.46 pod Ne. 7, Mall S10 pom. 347 pom. Belleville .. .. . 6.45 p.m. 737 pom. GOING EAST 5 Leave City Arr. City Ne. 18, 3 135 am, 2.07 aan Ne. ™ Express ... . ./ 300 am 332 am. Neo. 32 Loeal to Brockville .. ... 815 a.m S50 nim, No. § Mail 12408 pom. 12.52 pom, No. 14, Inter. Ltd 1.05 LO L4G pam. No. 28 Leen! to Brockville .. .. 648 pm. 747 pom, Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14,-16, 18, 1 ran daily, other trains daily except Sunday. J. P. HANLEY, OP, & TA, G.T.Ry, Agency For All Steamship Lines PA itn. LY RCH Nol ANCHOR-DONALDSON | Regular Passenger Services * to all British ports, ANCHOR-DONALDSON PROM TO GLASGOW Montreal, Cassandra, ... .. ., May Montreal, Saturnalia ... ., "May Montreal, Cassandea ... .. . June 2 Montreal, Saturnia ... ... July 5 CUNARD LINE FROM New York, Mauretania .. .. ... New York, Royal George New York, Orduna ... New York, Caronin New York, Carmanii New York Carounin * . June 21 TO SOUERHAN ON New York, Aquitania ... ... Juse 2 L TO LONDON (Via Plymouth and Havre) New York, Saxounia ,.. -. May Mm ANCHOR LINE NEW YORK TO GLASGO For rates of passage and further pire ticulars apply to Loeal Agents or THE ROBERT REFORD OCUOMPANY, Limited, 50 King Street Kast, Toreats nt. through Timagami station, 300 miles north of Toronto. it is one of the great Canadian reserves that have' been set aside for all time as play- grounds for the people. In the cen- tre of this territory is wonderful Lake Timagami with its shore line of 1,132 miles, while there are hun- dredg of other lakes to invite the an- gler and canoeist. It brevity is Lh» sole of wit, levity must be the uppeés. . handsome friends ouch | at only 16c. a package. Open your sample Package, try riends package ¥ lly. [tis easy. Return our $3.50 when your sales are Write today and we'll send you FRER, a pack. of "Fairy Berries" to try hai I just packages to introduce among yous "Fairy Berries™ and then ask yourself all your t They ll like them 80 much that everybody will like to ar two, and you'll sell them ull very quick. wi and we send you t knife, alc! paid, the big Pendalmobile youcan Sicwing your Bus Beles 6 four ereods fot sls mEy t nd gett! six of them 0 sell Our §00ds And Car Our fits pression A the Sars al a " yOu can Jeturn them for what You do sella W "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE :NSURANCE oven Ole, R08 gyeence Bug a Sy * Onta 3 HN ant: W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ROBINSON & WILTSHIRE GARAGE All kinds of cars repaided promptly; cars washed; gaso- line, oil, tires and automobile accessories, 2393 Bagot St. / Phone No. 177 Jr rr a Atv. Prat Lots of bright hopes are exchanged for gloomy experiences. Ft Ladies Oxfords We have a large as- sortment of ladies' Oxfords in patent leather, French heels, nigger brown .and grey, Cuban, Louis and low heels. We carry = McPherson's and other good mak- ers' lines in the above. Call and see these. Our prices are rea- sonable. We also have a nice variety of pumps. The Model 'Shoe Store 184 Princess St. iia 4 4 4 4 2 a a da ae Ll The strongest propensity of a wo- man's nature is to want to know ev- erything that is! going on, and the second is to boss the job, Actors aré fragmentary individu als. They are always appearing in parts and the parts are in pieces. "Be-sure you receive your own : favorite brand--*"Comfort". Do not permit inferior soaps to be substituted. "Comfort" is the ~ biggest and best for the money. For nearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality, popularity . and big sales. So why buy ex- perience instead of soap P 3 id / Comfort Soap--*"It's All Right' - PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO. LIMITED TORONTO, ONT.

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