Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1919, p. 4

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co ARIAS fous ok mops, i i : F AGE FOUR THE BRITISH WHIG 80TH YEAR. -l- LIL! nl Wi = == EE F= Published Da And Semi-Weekly by THE BRITIS WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED, 4. G Eott ., ..... Leman A. Guia ,. «+ «+. FPresident . Editor and Managing-Dirgetor, Telephones: Business Office .. .. ve Kaitor| Rooms Job Omce .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES {Dally Kdition) - One year, delivered in ofty .. «38 One year, If paid in advance .. .§5. One year, by mall to rural ofMoes $2. Year to tates .. ..33. (Bemi- Weekly Kdition) One year, by mail, cash .. ... . 51.00 One year, If not paid in advance $1.60 One year, to United States .. ... 1.60 X and three months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen .. .. .123 St Peter St ¥F.R. Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York ¥.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters to the Wditor are published nb over the actual name of the writer. 0 0 0 0 Attached is one of the printing offices in Canada. best job The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the o AB Audit Bureau of Olrculations. Many towns spend thousands of dollars and gef far less advertizing than Fiume gets for nothing. The ex-crown prince of Germany is now engaged in making pottery. Let's hope he will "mug" for himself. A man should never be ashamed fo own he has been in the wrong, 'which is but saying, fn other words, that he is wiser to-day than he was yesterday.---Pope. The depanture of some of locomotive works employees Kingston may lielp to relieve ha housing situation a little, hut the vity can {ll afford' "to "10%e" "these hard-working citizens. the from The Ottawa Journal intimates that owing to the demands on the national treasury this year, the Promised contribution to good roads may be postponed. For the sake of Ontario it is hoped that this rumor is unfounded. The members of the city council who are also on the Kingston Sol- dlers' Ald Committee, and who vot- ed against tie appointment of a re- 'turned soldier as garbage inspector, are now finding that it is impossible to serve two masters. er ---------------------- The German chancellor tries to paint a picture of the people of his country 'behind prison. hars The reality of this picture would indeed be a welcome sight to the people of France and Belgium, as well as of other allied 'countries. A heading in a Toronto paper states that "Kicking Beer is stil barred." The -anti-prohibitionists are anxious to have the bars taken off the beer, and the beer put be- hind the bars again. And even if they get their way, thewp will stinl be a lot of kicking. i lL The "machinists who are on strike if Ottawa declare that' they will not allow thelr strike to interfere. with the efficient working of public util- ities. That is a decision greatly to their credit, and one that establish- os a valuable precedent. | -- It Is too bad that the 21st Bat. talion should be Mixed. up in a riot A few days before sailing for Can- #da, especially when we read that It all arose through the jealousy of the British Tommies for the taking 'ways of the Kingstonians, 4 Ce He Eg I ------------ A despatch sont from Greenwich in response to an enquiry made by London, Ontario, states that stand- ard time is now one hour ahead owing to summer time being adopt- ed In Great Britain. In that case At 18 hard to know just which is the tandard time in Canada.' vy et -------------------- The Globe says that ft expects to ®Ar the votgrned men revolting against too much ¢oddling, and that all they need is fitting work at fair remuneration. If the citizens of Kingston werd to follow the lead given them by the city = council, there would not he much chance of 'the returned doldier boys getting either of these things in the Lime- stony. City. : A, Works is aul maintatuing his atti #de of obstinacy in regard to 'Purch : Mahle 3 in an effort to get hi: own way. The statements he made in the council chamber lasi Mouday proved to be a little wild have 10W Professor John Macnaught Montreal, formerly of Ques versity, is as brilliant a ever. In an address at Thursday he gave the United Stato: a few raps. Canada, he said had fulfilled her mission in the war in her response to the call of the mother-land, and in the example which she had set to the United States. The entrance of the latter country to the-war, he attributed to two influences--4he Prussian Jack- boot, urging her from behind, "and the guiding star of Canada going on before. speaker ¢ Toronto or CORECT THIS MISTAKE. City officials, to whom his hitfer- to been entrusted the duty of rént- ing the fair grounds for circus pur- poses entered Into an agreement with the Selis-Floto circus to lease them the grounds at the prevailing rate The city property committea stepped In, tore up the scrap of paper and demanded a largely in- creased rental, declaring that the old rate of $100 should be increas- ed to $300 or $500, according 'to the size of the sho ¥. As a result, the advance agent has decided that Kingston will be glven the go-by In view of the fact that the city, besides receiving its ground rental, imposes a license fee of $160, as well as $10 for each sideshow and $25 for water supply, it would sem to the ordinary mortal that the city propérty committee has killed the goose that laid the golden epg. It has again demonstrated the truth of the age-old adage that "much wants more and loses all." The city property committe has made a blunder--a big blunder make a now | The sooner it rectifies the error the better. A circus spends, outside eof the items mentioned above, a large amount of money. Wholesale and retail dealers in food for than and beast, taxi cab owners, hotel pro prietors, livery stable keepers, the street railway system, and dozens of other local business concerns profit through the coming to 'the city of the annual circus, than whieh there is no stronger appeal to the country resident. Thus the merchants experience a considerable increase In business, and every. body profits accordingly. The' arbitrary action of the city Property committee has robbed 'the CIty 'of all these benefits and = has denied to the children--and the adults as well--thé usual annua! privilege of "going to the circus." Not only has the Sells-Floto circus, 48 a consequence, given Kingston the go-by, but the John Robinson circus, whose representative visited Kingston on Thursday, has taken similar action. A reversion. of the committee's decision should be made without delay. It was unwise, un- called-for and unfair. Let's admit it. PRESCOTT VERSUS KINGSTON The Kingston Harbor Improve- ments Scheme found a staunch sup- porter in the House of Commons the other day when Dr. Edwards, the member for Frontenac Cownty, put up a strong plea for having the work done immediately without waiting for the completion of the Welland canal. The reply made to his speech by the Hon. E. B. Carvell is very sig- nificant, as showing what opposition Kingston has to face in the securing of harbor improvements. Mr. Car- vell stated that he admitted that the big freighters could not economically go farther down the river than King- ston at the present time, but added that probably it would not take a great deal of expenditure to deepen the channel in the St, Lawrence river in order that these vessels might pro- ceed as far as Prescott. It appears then, that, in spite of the assurances given at a meeting of the Board of Trade held on April 8th, that Pres- Cott would not be an active competi- tor in the matter of harbor improve- ments, Kingston is Ye have a fight with that city for preference. We have been informed time and again within the past four' months that things were going on all right in this matter, that it would do no good to speak of what was being done just yet, but that everything would come all right, and that Kingston would have its harbor improvements If wo just sit back and quietly wait for them. But when the ministé cause of Prescott, which incidentally Is the constituency of the minister lieve that i is time for the local au- thorities to ' come out openly and make a strong fight for the rights of Kingston. The advantageous posi- tion of Shown EE t Senerally admitted: The fact thatf this is the logical point for the tran: |\ shipment of grain is also admitted. |] Why, then, is there any delay in hav- J not of railways and canals, then we be-| often, Suough du. bel THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919. Had they been ready with any de-! finite plan i Is more than probable that some action would have result | ed. But no plan has been formulat- | ed or made known. so the govern-! '|ment' has evidently decided that it] cannot spoon-feed Kingston any lon-| ger, i Now that it has bee nmade known | that there is every possibility of ac- tive opposition from Prescott, it the duty of the council and the Board | of Trade, and every public body in-| terested In the welfare and growth | of our «ity, to immediately get bus and work fer harbor improvements. | The city needs houses; it needs a ho-| is | tel; it meeds a public library; it needs | better pavements and streets; but all these are secondary consid~rations | compared with harbor improvements. | On the harbor and the shipping trade] depends the future development of! Kingston, The idea has spread! abroad that the locomotive works | constitutes Kingston's only hope for! future prosperity. That is not so, for Kingston's greatest opportunity. Hes in taking full advantage of its ma- tural assets, and in developing the waterfront. When, when, will our public bodies realise this, and take immediate and spirited action? THE METAL WORKERS MEET (Continued from Page 1.) their object is to push us back ten year We have to stand firm in this fight and we are going to stand firm. We buve got 44 firms sigmwed up and the thin edge of the wedge is entered in- to the employers association in the city of Toronto." The speaker told of the work of the Trades and Labor councils. They are now calling for a general strike of every trade in Toronto, which he felt sure would bring the results de- sired' "We are going to get the eight hour day for it is .cc ming by law. It is absolutely impossible to lose it. It is up to us to stick shoulder to shoul- der. He was proud of Winnipeg. They are more advanced there than we are. They have got everything tied up. We have got to make this a Dominjon-wide affair. The eight hour day has got to come and we are going to have it right now. We have a splendid organization in Tor- onto, but you don't need so large a one in Kingston. The outside towns bave got to stand by us and we will have 'the eight hour day within two or three days, John McDonald, also of Toronto, was the next speaker. He said that the employers in Canada cannot see the handwriting on the wail. They are calling "the trade. unions Bolshe- vists and everything that carries a stigma. 'This was is sweeping over the world. All over the world the workers are now demanding something more than they got before in the way of the comforts of life and education for their children. Organizer Rodger of the marine federation who. had just returned: from Tordnto said no one would ever know a strike was going on there. He told of 'the great benefit of federation Which was born out of the difficulties that beset the separate cnafts, Fed- eration was the salvation of labor. It was gong to bring a uniform scale of wages for the whole of Canada. At a recent conference. of workers and employers he heard a lot about economics, ete, but never a word how to buy butter at less than 60 cents, He referred to the annual report of the Canadian Locomotive Com- pany in which he said it was shown oh | similar vietory, ' " . lack of energy and enterprise in push) while the employees were given an ing forward the claims of this city. | increase of five Tents in wages. A resolution was passed endorsing the action of the federation in Toron- to * _-- An Empire Calendar. | | The Relief of Mafeking, May 17, 1900 While scores of military successes have had a more important bearing [ on#he campaign in which Great Brit- ain has been engaged and others have been far more brilliant from the strategy displayed or famous through some particular feat of arms, the re- lief of Mafeking which oceurred lineteen years ago to-day was greet- *d more tumultousgly in London ana other cities of the smpire than any It was never quite clear why the Imperial authorities desired so strongly to hold this place open and exposed within a few miles of the Tramsval border. It was certain that the railway line would be cut north and south and the garrison isolated at a point two hundred and fifty miles from rein- forcements. On October 12th, the day after the declaration bf War, an armored train Containing two pounders for the Mafeking defence was derailed and captured by a Boer raiding party at a place about forty miles from their = destination. From that day until May 17th when a long rolling trail of dust on the eastern horizon told that the fam- ous siege had at last come to an end the little garrison under the com- mand of Col. Baden-Powell held on with a tenacity and courage worthy of the best traditions of the British army. 'Phere were no regular sol- diers engaged and the artillery was most inadequate but for those seven months the townsmen and irregular troops bore their trials bravely. Their constancy 'was of enormous value to the Empire. In the all- important early month of the siege at least four or five thousand Boers were detained by them when their presence elsewhere would have been fatal, During al of the rest of the siege two thousand men and eight guns including four of the big Creus- ots were held there, preventing the invasion of Rhodesia and giving a rallying point for loyal natives and whites in that vast stretch of coun- try between Kimberley and Bulu- Wayo. Critics may say that "3 en- " T- thusiasm of the Empire was efces- sive but at least jt was expended | Over worthy men and a brave deed | of arms. { BORDEN T6 SAIL SUNDAY Entertained by Empire Parliamen- tary Association at Luncheon London, May 17.-~The Empire Parliamentary Association is in- formed that Sir Robert Borden is leaving for Canada on Sunday next, | the 18th. He was entertained.by the association at a luncheon in .the commons on Friday, It is reported from a reliable source that a Finnish army is now within a tew miles of Petrograd and expects to] take ithe city in a few days, The steamer D. R. Hanna was rammed and sunk in one hu ndred feet of water north-east of Thunder Bay. NAA ne Be Cured To-day Of Backache Your persistent backache can have but R lause--Diseased Kidneys and they must be strengthened be- fore the back-ache can be cured, Your best remedy, and the quick- to act, is Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they cure kidney backache in a hurry. Simply wonderful is the ac- tion of this grand old medicine which for liver, kidney and stomach dis- orders has no equal. Dr. Hamilton's pills will surely cure your back weariness, they .will bring you petite, color, strength and spirits. Being purely vegetable they est good that a dividend of 18 per cent. was divided up among the shareholders --~. To and Frony Montreal East Bound, Order your freight by 2 ROCKPORT NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. Telephone 2105. are mild, notdrastic. Get a 25¢ bot- tle of Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day. I ---- AA lr rt A LN A i i rl ir. Britannic and Intermediate Ports FIRST TRIP OF THE SEASON West Bound, Leave Montreal W ton Friday, May 2nd this reliable route. ng 'public works openly champions the] ap- |) AEE ---- See Bibbys $22.50 © Suits See Bibbys $22.50 Suits Bibbys The Store That Keeps the Prices Down * "Live Men" Appreciate this store and the clothing we sell. This store has justly earned its slogan "Style Headquarters," 'because of its lead- ership in styles for men. The right kind of clothes and the right kind of treatment has won the confidence of the best dressers in Kingston. "Society Brand Clothes" have been a big factor in pleasing our clientele. In quality their supremacy has been long acknowledged; in style they are authentic. The new spring models are on exhibition. Our show windows are a criterion of fash- ion; take a look at them to-day, or while strolling around this evening. We claim to have: : The best $22.50 Suits in Canada. The best $28.50 Suits in Canada. The Best $35.00 Suits in Canada. : ; SEE. OUR : PRIMROSE OVERCOAT New greens, grey and browns. Special value. YL Ra RL . $25.00 SEE OUR BOYS' WAISTLINE SUITS Sizes 28 to 35; $15, $18, $20. BIBBYS- Limited 78, 80, 82 Princess Street : Kingston, Ont. . "HEADQUARTERS FOR wi Poultry Suppli Incubators, Brooders, Drinking Fountains, Feed Hoppers, Grit Boxes, Nest Eggs, Leghands, Thermometers, Kgg Crates. Zenoleum Disinfectant, ¥b. ... ... ... ... ... ++ -80c English Water Glass for preserving Eggs, Ib. ... «20¢ BUNT'S Cpa Cd ie 1 ae FARMS A safe, reliable reguintiv mare Bold in three d recs of strength--No. 1. § Kio: 2, 43; Ne 3, $5 por bo. all d To Here is an established custom with those who have once enjoyed our service. They knbw t Sean ¢ ' surroundings, prompter alan or Jie oods. Why not enjoy finding all this out for yourself? Coming Dine or i We serve the very best and purest fice Cream FORSALE 75 acres, 4% miles from Kingston, good buildings; good orchard; well watered; about B50 acres of first elass land un der cultivation. Price, $5600.

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