Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1919, p. 10

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GES i | The Dail ae YEAR 86. NO, #18 KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1919 y British Whi g | = ------------ BECOND SECTION A SWINDLE PERPETRATED ON PRODUCE MEN AND MER- { CHANTS AT LINDSAY. kp) - Sharpers Did Seme Clever Work In Dairy and Other Farm Products, and Then Disappeared, Lindsay, May 19.--One of the big. gest swindles ever perpetrated on produce men and merchants was that staged during the past two and a half weeks by the 8. W. Smith 'Whole- sale Produce Co., of Lindsay, which firm while in business is punported to have done business amounting to $5,000 or $6,000. It appears that a little over two weeks ago a man by the above name blew into town and opened up an office fn the bullding formerly ocecu- pled by the Hydro ii - ric Jo. on William street soutau, The office stationery bears the fol: lowing wording: = "S. W. Smithj Wiholesale Produce Co., Dealers in ~ butter, eggs, hay, grain and all kinds of poultry---Butter and CEES a specs ialty, Telephone No. 867." The aforesaid Smith sald he came from Fort William, and he imme- diately started into business, the telephone being the most Import- ant instrument used. As high as 71 long distance calls a' day were put through, Mr. Smith buying a large quantities of goods from merchants and large produce firms throughout the country. Incidentally he com- municated with some 248 = produce dealers in this manner, and also cir- cularized them, and incidentally also the telephone bill of $200 or $300 remains unpaid. In the course of a day or two produce was shipped in from all di- rections and the Express (Companies had a busy time. It was conveyed to the office on William street, and almost immediately reshipped to Tor- to such firms one or onto, where it wa as Marshalls, 1td., a two shipments to W. 8. Smith One or two firms got thelr monty for the first shipments Teceived, but in the majority of cases the firms are still waiting for payments on other shipments, and in 'he mean- time Mr. Smith resold tie goods to Toronto. firms und received checks for the same. He made a specjalty of butter and eggs. The Barrie Creamery Co. one of the heaviest losers were paid $238.50 on re shipment valued at $1,148.80 Temajus unpaid, Mr. J. B. Brownscombe of Ugx- bridge, also sold considerable goods to the firm in Lindsay, but fortun- ately arrived in town yesterday morning and found that his last ship- ment wiis still here. This he sold to was They first still Flavellers Lid. A shipment on hand belonging to G. Love & Sons of Hoxton, was also sold this morning, During the past two weeks, Smith paid frequent trips to Toron- to, the last being on 'Monday. On Tuesday he telephoned to the Lind- say office, but he has not been heard of or seen locally since ' Jos. Bordensky, of Stouffville; SWOre out a warrant for thé arrest or Smith, before. Police Magistrate Bradford; the ' charge being that Smith did obtett goods under ralss pretenses, using a check for the same for which there were no funds in the bank, and knowing that the check would be dishonored on pres- entation. Mir Borensky's check was for $337.20, Marshalls Ltd. had paid Smith $500 on one occasion and $998 on another, and it is estimated that he got away with some $5,000. the the to Three Pabies were born . to wives of three soldiers during voyage of the 8S. Scandinavian Canada. TODAY INHIS] TRIE \) NAY oa. Bon £1 J v volunteer division : Two years ago today, Mey 20, 1917, Col R : volte iv y, v 0) oosevelt disbanded his Find a rough rider. Right side --------- mansion } | Fe i Food For Children Serves a double purpose Growth must be ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE down, nose at left shoulder, : vided for, as replacement of daily wear and tear. At this vital time of the childs life p consid parents er Mr. | Specks Floating Before His Eyes When specks start to float before the eyes, when everything turns black for a few seconds and you feel as if you were going to faint, you may rest assured that your liver is not working propérly. The essential thing to do in all cases where the liver is slow, lazy or torpid, is to stir it up by the use of a medicine that will clear away all the waste and poisonous matter from the system, and prevent as well as cure all the trouble arising from this accumulated mass which has col- lected in the system. Keep the bowels open by using Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and You will have no liver trouble of any kind. They will clear away all the waste and effette matter which has collected and make the liver active rand working properly. heel Mr. John R. Morrison, Gran River Falls, N.8., writes: --*Seve months ago I was troubled with a sour stomach, and had specks float- ing before my eyes, I took five vials of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills which cured and cleaned my blood before any length of time. I told my friends about it and they got some, and they; too, find themselves different since they took them. I recommend ypur pills very highly." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. AN EQUAL NATIO:.. . WITHIN THE EMPIRE Premier Borden Explains Can- ada's Status as a Peace Treaty Signatory. London, May 19.--"Canada's sta- tus as a signatory to the peace treaty is that of an equal nation, but within the British Empire, said Sh Robert Borden. , Premier Borden re<] turned from Paris on Wednésday and sailed for Canada yesterday. He has had audiences with the King and Prince of Wales and interviews with Canadian representatives in London. Discussing the Dominfon's -posi- tion at Paris the Premier made it clear that Canada had stood firm on the status of a self-governing na- tion, which it has proved itself te be during the war, and what status has been acknowledged during the framing of peace and the establish- ment of the League of Nations. He regarded the Empire itself as a Leagle of 'Nations. As régards the German indemnity, Canada would share in proportion te its expendi tures. on pensions and such othe: heads as came under the treaty pro- visions... The. Dominion's shipping losses would also be replaced pro- portionately. The Halifax explosion and the burning of the Parliament buildings had not been considered as separate war losses, as if they went into such matters even muni- tions explosions in America would necessarily have to be considered. Some of the delegates, for instance, had wished tor be indemnified for thie increased cost of living. Rev.-R. J. M. Perkins, of St James' ¢hurch, Ingersoll, announced 'his resignation to accept the appoint- ment of rector of Christ's Church, Chatham. 1I'O=- as | | | | UNSTINTED PRAISE FOR CANADA'S PREMIER Difficult. to Debt of Gratitude, aaciares Daily . Loncon, May 19:-The Daily Mail wan editorial says Sir Robert Bor- den will take with him the gratitude of the British people for the splendid service he has rendered at the Peace Conference, "We owe him so much that we shall find it dificult to dis- charge our debt, and we cannot at the same 't'me forget the great Do- minion for sparing him to us. Can- ada can look with mnexampled pride on the part she played both in the war and peace, under his wise lead- ership." The Times says it is not suf- ciently realized at what personal costs Sir Robert Borden'and the other Dominion Ministers came here on the business of the Empire. _ "Everywhere the military side of minion participation in the war is recognized with pride; but how shall we account for the fact that the po- litical corollary to military participa- tion is still hidden from most of us. adaptation of the Imperial cabinet system of peace conditions, but we wholly agree with Sir Robert Bor- den's blunt declaration that the only possible basis of British relations with the Dominions is equality of-na- tionhood within the Empire." a SS ELSA RYAN In "Tea For Thre at the Grand Opera House on evening, May 20th, heh ¥ ; --------_-- niin Increased Telephone Rates. The: Canada Gazette announces the changes in rates for the " Bell Telephone Company. It includes an increase of ten per cent on all tolls; ra and charges for exchange tele- Pp e service and including charges for extra facilities and additional equipment with some exceptions, the computation of charges for long distance service the basis of actual air mileage with minimum charge of teggcents, and charges for changes in equipment. As yet, J. A. Gon-ie, manager of the local branch, has not yet received official notice of the changes from head office, So ------------------ Mysterious Disappearance. Mrs, J. E. Nelson, Calgary, who is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Toole, in Gananoque, will go to Montreal shortly to emdeavor to secure traces of her son, Pte. George A. Nelson, of the 31st Battalion, who myster iously disappeared in that city .on February 21s. Nelson had just re- ceived his discharge and had in his possession & railway ticket for Cal- gary. He intended to stop off at Gananogue, Kingston and other places on his way home, Sudds-Morrison Wedding. A very quiet wedding took place in this city, on May 17th, by Canon H. Fitzgerald, when Nora Gertrude, second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sudds, was united in marriage to William Morrison (form- erly of 21st Batt.) eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W, Morrison, Rideau street. The happy couple left at noon for Hartford, Conn., and Rochester, N.Y.. where they will be the guests of rela- tives. On their return they will re- side in this city. ' Young Men's Clags The young men's class of Bethel congregational Sunday school on Sunday afternoon organized with the following as officers: Honorary presidents, B. W. Robertson and W. Clydey president, William Lomax; vice-president, William Bruce; sec- tary-treasurer, Gordon Hamilton; teacher, Charles Patterson; asso- ciate teacher, Dr. BE. J. Lake. The lass has a present membership of about eighteen and hopes In the near future to greatly increase that number, There are evident difficulties in the Wouldn't it be worth your while to try the one and s Re -------------------- EMPIRE GROCERY and Vegetables, Uncooked Meats, 830 King st. This new, thick, fruity sauce from England is simply de- licious, and such a welcome change to the old-fashioned sauces. / The new flavour 4 All promptly; cars washed; gaso- line, oll, tires and automobile accessories. 2391 Bagot St. ROBINSON & WILTSHIRE "GARAGE kinds of cars repaired Phone No. 177 nd only H.P. Sauce? for L That's | the "bunch" business at the old Kelly shop, --~------ ~~ i McNamee & Slack doing Queen street. a 1 d Repair dome properly and promptly. Light wagons of various kinds sale. We can build that truck body for you quickly. Horse shoeing. Phone 1217w. J High Grade Groceries, Fruiis Cooked and any LEWIS ORR, License No. S-27448 ES em nL . . Diseased Skin Freedom at once from the gony of skin disease. oils, hood's Drug Store, Kingston. D. D. D. CARS FOR SALE Or trade; Easy terms » 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1674w "Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ase- cepted 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325; The soothing lwash of Try D.D.D.--it's different. Ma- Two 1918 Chevrolet Cars Two 1917 Chevrolet Cars Two Ford Cars 1918 Maxwell; one ck, light A Phone 67. De Armes and Ontario Sts. --~ em We Have Best Qual- ity of anthracite In all sizes. Cannell coal and kiln dried kindling wood. Office, Cor. Place CHADWICK & SON a Peak Loads Curve showing hours "during which Long D istance dines are busiest . E 7 18.9 10 11 12 3 6 AE 3 3456788910112 PM N practicallyall public servicesthere are what are know A. hours--hours during mands for service are ample n as peak load which the de- greater than at other hours of the day. A strikin of this is seen in the easel the ex-~ street railwa hin the period just pre- ceding and foll the business day. curve shows the - The accompanyin J distribution Loa istance business over the various hours of the day. It is evident that to make use of the ser- ie at hours othe than factory: wi in which in prompt and satis- Whipping Cream Table Luxuries GLOVER'S License No. 8.4838 Bags Wanted The Telginann Schaol of A. SPEIZMEN In any guantity--Flour Bags Feed Bags ana shsolutely clean Sugar Sass. Positively highest prices Pala, x 69 Queen Street POULTRY FEED 841-8 Princess Street Phone 76. Prompt Delivery SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK It you want cholce Easter beef call at Quick's Weatern Meat Market. We have 8 stock of smoked meats, ete, House Cleaning We have everything you need to help you clean house. We can also supply you with cook ed and canned meats, pickles, relishes, to save your time while you are busy house clean ing. wali C..H. PICKERING, 490 and 492 Princess St. ~Ldeenge Ne. 8.2153 ¥ TTY Ladies Oxfords We have a large as- -sortment of ladies'

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