Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1919, p. 13

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" PAGE TWELVE From The gy he! y Frontenac WESTBROOK. May: 17.--The continued wet 'weather has delayed the farmers in seeding. J. L. H. Sproule was ap- pointed delégate to the Methodist general conference at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith are rejoie- over the arrival of a son on 8th. Mrs, Pankhurst and Mrs. J: P. Rose are onthe sick list. Mrs. Anna Smith returned home on Wed- nena after spending a few days Mrs. Georgena Grass, Kings- ton. + A number from the village at- tended the raising bee at John Bon- nie's on Wednesday afternoon. H. : r his purchased a fine auto- mobile. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shibley, Harrowsmith, spent Sun- day last -with Mrs. Anna Smith. Taig Marshall arrived in the vili- @ge Trom overseas on April Sth. Af- ter spending a week with his sister, Mrs. J. L. H. Sproule, he left for his homé in' Saskatoon on Thursday. ELGINBURG. : May 17.--~Rev. Mr. Curry, Kings- ton, is canvassing Elginburg cir- cult to increase the minister's sal- ary. Rev. W. Charlesworth attend- ed district meeting thi? week. Mrs. D. Smith, who has been ill in Kingston Hospital, is much better. Miss: Ruth Emmons was taken to the Hotel Dieu on Sunday, where she had a successful "operation for appendicitis. Miss Babcock at- tended her cousin's funeral at Od- essa on Thursday. W.: Cordukes wears 8 broad emile over a fins baby boy. Mrs. Coorduke is still in the Hotel Dieu. RE. H. Stover and sons are doing a rushing business in thelr store. Mr. and Mrs. 8S. Cowdy, Mountain Grove, are vigit- ing thelr daughter, Mrs. C. Fraser. J. W. Kiell, Montreal, visited his parents for a couple of weeks be- fore geing to Detroit. John Silver has purchased a car. HARROWSMITH, 5 May 19.--Op the evening of May 15th, a surpsise party of about twen- ty went to the home of Mr. and * Mrs. Frank Walker, to celebrate the seventieth birthday of Mrs. Walker, Among those present were Mr. and Mre, A.' Grant, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant, Kingston, Mrs. Eno of Cass, Michigah, Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes of Pleasant Valley, Mr. and Mrs. John Warner, Mr. and Mrs. H, Walk- er, Mrs, J. Walroth of Verona and ~~. others. A very pleasant evening was spent, during which dainty refresh- 'ments were served, after which a presentation was made, taking Mrs. Walker by complete surprise: The bung people of the Methodist church ve organized a Young Peoples' Bucioty. "W. McKeown has purchas- o the property of Mra. K. Wood and ready taken possession. Miss Flora Stewart returned to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. A. Armstrong and children are on the sick list, $ FALL RIVER. May, 17.--The farmers are doing business in the line of this week, as the weather is warm. Fishers are seen ery day, but report rather 2a small catch this season. TT... Wi Duffy is improving after being in r health for the past months, J. conan, cattle dealer, has rented J. Armstrong's farm for pasture and has it running with cattle. Another boy has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Conray. Mrs. T. Arggstrong Is visiting her daugh- fer, Mrs. D. Buchanan, Sharbot ; Lake. Herbert Duffy made a fly- * ing trip to Kingston on Saturday. Munro was in. this vicinity on | ay, accompanied by Mr. Findlay, agent for sawing machin- es. Arbor day was observed by the school on Friday, owing to the in- glement weather the former week. The cheese factory here has not Countryside| +] Hughes', jopened this spring as yet on ac- count of being unable to cheesemaker. A.. Gray attend road and bridge meeting at Sharbot Lake on Menday last. % "VENNACHAR. May 17.--Dr. R.-E. Sparks, dent- ist, was here Friday and was kept busy all day. J. W. Jackson, jr, has been for the Jackson factory. G. W. Pennock, Harwood Lake, spent the week-end at R. Connors. Miss McKinnon spent Sunday at George Mrs. G. Flake and her daughter, Mrs. R. Bebeé, Plevna, re- newed acquaintances here. Miss Annis Gregg spent Saturday with Miss Mmnle Hughes. Service was conducted here by Rev. Mr. Mellow. C. Rose, Rose Hill, made a, business trip here Friday. . W. Haines, Deseronto, has been here on. busi- ness, and has sold his farm to H. Ball, ' Fishing is the order of the day' Alexander Jackson has a gang of 'men working on the automobile road west of Eagle Hill La WK Wilson, returned soldier, who serv- ed his country overseas for three years, has been appointed a Gov- ernment fire ranger. WILTON. May 19.---On Sanday, May 18th, the service in the Methodist church were 'conducted by Mr. McMillen, Toronto, in the interest of the Do- minion Temperance Alliance. Th» farmers have very little seeding done owing to so much wet weath- er. The Wilton Dramatic Club staged Ms - popular ® play, "Farm Folks," at the Sillsville hall on Thursday evening, May 16th, to a crowded house. All expressed themselves. more than pleased and gave the actors much credit for the splendid talent exhibited in their different parts. The regular month- ly meeting of the W. M. 8. will be hield at the home of Mrs. Charles Stover on Wednesday afternoon, May 28th* iThe Mission Band will hold its sext meeting at the home of Mrs. M. F. Parrott on Saturday afternoon, May 24th. " C. €. Hart- man, Yarker, was a caller in the village on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Caton, Toron- to, with George Simmons, Miss Lil- lie McDonald, Napanee, spent the week-end with her father, John MoDonald. Mrs. Birdsell, Chicago, with her brother, Harvey Mills. Eldridge Babcock has purchased a car, ° DELTA, May 19.----Miss 'Beatrice N.Y. State, is visiting here. Peter Hillibrand and Young, Sudbury, spent the wee! - end at home. Mrs. Mitchell, Fi- broch, Alta., is vivsiting her sister, Mrs, L. N. Phelps. Mrs. (Dr.) J. M. Kelly, is in the St. Vincent Paul Hospital, Brockville. Oddfellows' service in the Method. ist church on Sunday afternoon wis well attended. Ptes. John Cum- mings, Thomas Grant and William Baker have arrived from .overseas. Judge Reynolds, Brockville, was here on Tuesday. The 1.O.O.F. en- tertained some Athens and Brock- ville brethren on Tuesday evening. Rev. J. H. Murray attended a con- vention in Brockville this week. WESTPORT. May 19.--Mr. and Mrs. John For- rester, who have been spending the winter in. Windsor with their daugh- ter, Mrs, James Patrick, have Te- turned to Westport. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCann have returned oungstown, Ohio, after spending the past two weeks with Mr. Mrs. Thomas McCann, Pte. J. P. Kearney, who -has been serving overseas in a Highlanders unit for Walton; relatives John this week. Mr. an Mrs. J. '8 Myers 'were Brockville visitors this ok. James E." McCann has pur- chased from Mrs. OO. Martin her house on Bedford street, and will take possession June 1st. Bapper J. B. Foley, who returned last week from overseas, is the guest of his aunts, the Misses Foley. Miss H. at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, _re- turned home last week, Goria Lynch, B.S.C., left to-day for Sud- bury. Never make a confidant of every- body's friend. ¢ engaged as cheesemaker |, tof and | the past three years, returned home A. Lynett," who has been a patient' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MA Xi20,2919. | Hime il " mm THAR 'Not Only Rock-Bottom Truck Costs --but a Safe Investment T'S of just as much importance for Canadian' truck buyers to measure up the 'maker of the truck as to decide what size of truck to buy. During the last five years an average of fifty truck makers have gone out of business each year. Less than eight per cent of the truck: manufacturers in busi- ness today have been in business for over five years. ' A still smaller percentage of the trucks offered in Canada'are made in Canada-- can give service in the spot. The Maxwell ¥s built in Canada. By a nationally-known institution. . By an institution that has a big investment in a Canadian plant. 'By an institution that has an unequalled ufacturing record. By an instipfftion th&t has built up a vast dealer organization i Canada from coast to coast. z Maxwell concentrates on a one-and-a- half-ton job. Output is developed on a ound manufacturing basis. Large-scale - selling makes it worth- while for dealers to handle. the Maxwell Truck---and to carry M. Oberndorffer 124 Clarence St., Kingston ore miles por gallon ove miles om tires Maxwell parts, and complete. * The' Maxwell is a safe investment. And it is a better truck. Not a mere assembled mechanism-- but a scientific engineering job designed to carry economically four out of every five loads. Delivers more work in the same time than lighter trucks, incompletely equipped. Costs much less to buy, much less to operate, much less to maintain than trucks that can do only slightly more Work. Costs several hundred dollars less than other trucks of the same capacity. Lasts longer, depreciates less and commands a high resale price at all times. Saving time, earning profits for farth- ers, manufacturers, jobbers, wholesalers and retailers in every province in Canada. Put it to work in your business. Chassis Price--$1,550 f.0.b. Windsor. Maxwell service-is fast a ------------------ ---------------------------------- MAXWELL MOTOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. WINDSOR, ""QNT. ' I ------ ------------ (-- EE -------- A -------------------- a ---. -------------------- $9.75; May 3.---Council. met at 10.30 land, 5 35; R. 'Spoor, 11 days deck hand, $13; Geo. Rathray, on ard, $280; Jackson Press, tickets $13.35; WOLFE ISLAND, We have a supply of ROCKPORT NAVIGATION Co. Lan. STEAMER MISSISQ 'Effective May ist, 1919, Daily, § or Included Eveiaiay "evan ¥ modation for aut es. Rates for $3.00; tom or other ears, connectiong wt cent with N.Y.C. lines for all N.Y.C, points. Fhone 3108. Kingston - Cape Vincent Feny KINGSTON, ONT. aan: and 1.00 N a 4 month purser and stew- .. Crawford, nut coal, ale Still made in Kingston at , HUGH BENNETT dbl and wp i a

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