Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1919, p. 15

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) PAGE FOURTEEN It 1s Here v 1919 Indian On account of the U.S. government tak- ing over the plant of the Indian motorcycle this is the first machine we have been able ; to secure, so come in and look it over and leave your order as we can't get many this year. Be Over 60% of the motorcycles used by the U.S. Army in France were INDIANS If it stood the government tests and is good enough in those shell holes and bad roads it ought to be good enough for us. INDIAN BICYCLES And the good old Indian bicycles are made in the same factory as the famous motorcycles, and will stand the test of bicycle riders. Get Yours To-day. Only One Place - TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1919. TAT There will be a bicycle meet in Kingston on Labor Day which occurs | on September 1st. The labor mea in | the city are planning for a big cele- | bration on that day and Harvey Milne { has consented to arrange a bicycle | meet. Definite plans have not been | made but it is anticipated that a | splendid meet will be held. } -- { Kingston may have "Ruby" Millan, ! Jimmie and Charlie Stewart here | during the summer. They received | their degrees as dental surgeons on ' Friday night and are now with their | parents. Definite plans have not yet | been made as to what they will do In the summer, ! The local bowlers are. going "to {have a great season from al | counts, The healthy increase in membership is moat encouraging, and | it may be necessary to start another club if the numbers of those desiring atfmission increases. Already the Queen's rink is cramped for room and an auxiliary rink would be a great boon Mayor Newman will have to give up his bowling and Dr. Sands his work if the little town of Kitchener is not to beat out old Kingston. At Kitchener the following Canad- ian tegm is to play in a series of ~ An ~~ Every Woman's Ambition For Rosy - Cheeks Now Easily Satisfied Hollow chéeks with dark lines un- der the eyes, how a woman hates them! But rosy cheeks, clear skin, and bright eyes, give them to a woman and she is happy. The woman who attracts, whose fresh, dainty complexion compels ad- miration, is always careful of her health, particularly of her blood con- dion. Bad complexion always means bad blood. Girls, don't let your blood grow thin or watery. To do so brings on haggard looks and declining strength, Many a woman who has allowed herself to run-down, to develop that tired, worried look has built up again in' this simple way, Why don't you try it? At the close of every meal, just take two small chocolate-coated Fer- rogone Tablets--any person can do this in a minute. The action of Fer- rozone is apparent at once. It sets you up, makes you feel good, starts up your app , aids digestion, brings that old-ume feling of youth into the system again. Ferrozone puts'you on the right road---the one leading to health. Not _& man, woman or child need- ing blood, vigor, endurance---not a person who is weak, nervous or sick- ly, not a person in ill-health who : 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." won't receive immediate help from Ferrozone. As a tonic and restorative, as a health-bringer and body-bailder, Fer- rozone is unrivalled. It cures bécause RRR mn a The man who is well thought of Don't imagine tnat lang hair will #t home ought to stay there and {give you the strength of Samson, take no chances with a celd, un-|unless," like Samson,' you have & sympathetic world. head for it to grow on. Bl D507 os lor Wirson's "The National Smoke" The "extras" that go into this cigar--*ex= tra" time in the ageing--*'extra" expense in the 'curing--*'extra" care in the making. Sold on merit alone. : RE AnDRew Wi it feeds and nourishes, because it contains the elements that build up and setrengthen, For better looks and better health try Ferrozone yourself, sold everywlere, G0c per box, 6 boxes for $2.50. ac- * In the World of Sport - games with Bay City, Mich, and Battle Creek, Mich.: Mayor Gross, p, Kitchener; Mayor Kuti, Waterloo, ¢; Mayor Carter,Guelph, 1b; Mayor Mercer, Galt, 2b; Mayor Weaver, Hespeler, 31; Warden Panabaker, Hespeleg ss; Mayor Schultz, Pres- ton, of;"Reeve Stumpf, Elmira, Ii: Reeve Debus, Newton, rf. The May- or will have to sign up in the Mili- tary League here. | --~-- | Mooney Gibson, manager of the | Leafs at Toronto, is not equal to the {task of taking his turn behind the { bat regularly and Waiter Simpson, a Southern youngsten' who 'has a | fondness for thé morth, reported to- | day from the St. Louis Cardinals and | will relieve Sandberg. | A. W. Twigg is wo} going to exhi- { bit any of his dogs at the show of {the Montreal Kennel Association ou May 23rd and 24th, Charlie Mason, the most experienced fancier and judge on the continent--if not in the { world--will act as all-rounder. Mr. {| Twigg may go down for a day or two to look over the exhibits. | | | CANADIAN RACING { TO START JULY 1st The uncertainty regarding the resumption of racing in Canada had taken some edge off the King's Plate race, but from now on interest will re- vive. The Ontario Jockey Club is trying to ascertain at Ottawa on what information Hon, Mr. Meighen based his statement that peace will not be proclaim- ed in Great Britain until Au- gust. The intention now is to race just as soon as the proclamation is issued in the following order: Windsor, Kenilworth, Fort Erie, Hamilton, Connaught Park, Blue Bonnets, Dorval and Woodbine, one meeting of seven days each. This arrangement was based on the expectation that recing would resume July 1st, SEPP PPPFPP Er CEB G PP RII IP PEPER PEP r reed AAS EE EEE ES XE] TTTTIRTTTTTPITeETIeiteee BOWLERS' PALMS . ARE ITCHING 3 A successful season for the bowl- ers is anticipated 'by the officers of Queen's Bowling Club, and plans are being made to have as intarest- ing competitions as possible. The schedules are now in the hands of the printers and the games will sommence on June 4th. Twen- ty rinks have been formed, and there is considerable increase in the number of memifership of the club. Last year there Were éighteen rinks played, and h~w there are eight or ten.men on the waiting list who will substifute. At the present time J there are over eighty active mem- bers in the club, and there is some apprehension lest the grounds at Queen's University prove inade- quate. However, as they cannot be enlarged, an effort is being made to accommodate all the teams and it is expected that the games will be satisfactory. No tournaments have been an- nounced, but four rinks will likely go to Ottawa and Prescott to repre- sent the local! club at tournaments during the summer. Already the jbowlers' palms are itching to start the games, and it is possible that practices may begin as early as the 24th of May. x Oral Betting Prevails, There will be no change in enforcement of the laws the against +} bookmaking at thie New York tracks this year. The same condition of oral betting will prevail at Jamaica. The law which prohibits the public display of odds and the handling of cash, will be obeyed to the letter. There will be private speculation on credit and betters will be permitted to write the terms of their wagers on slips of paper. But there will be no orgaxized betting privileges and the operations of professionals will be curtailed as mluch as possible. Racing in the Empire state can be Successfully conducted without open bookmaking and public betting, This fact has been demoustrated ever since 1913, when the New York tracks were re-opened on the pre- sent conservative basis. If a friend comes to your office you'll be out, but if he finds you out you'll be in. 4 - Battling Nelson wants to referee the Willard-Dempsey battle to borrow money and finds you in, | ora STANDING OF THE LEAGUES. National League, Won. Lost New York .. ....:13 4 Brooklyn .. .... Xf 5 Cincinnati SE 7 Pittsburgh .. -... 9 Chiergo'. . .. .: 9 11 Philadelphia .. . § 9 St. Louis... 00h 13 Boston. ...." +... 3% 11 P.C. American League. Won. Lost Chicago 5 6 New York 5 Cleveland .... Boston .. Washington .. St. Louis 10 Philadelphia .. . 11 Detroit. .... . 8 14 rt International League. a Won. Lost Toronto 4 Rochepte®?, . ... b Buftafo .. .... . 6 Binghamton .. Baltimore Newark b 9 Reading .. 9 Jersey City .. .: 10 THIRD WINS THIRD GAME. KCI League Game Played at Cricket Field en Monday. The third form walloped the se- cond form in the third game of the Collegiate . Institute game at the cricket field to the tune of 10-7 on Monday afternoon. Thé game was well contested and witnessed by many enthusiastic supporters. of both teams Ten teams from the American ex- peditionary force will participate in a relay race from Chateau Thierry to Paris on Memorial Day . Each team will be composed of twenty men, each man to run five kilometres, or a little more than three miles. i MACDONALDS CANADA'S FAVORITE PLUG TOBACCOS FOR OVER 60 YEARS PUBLISHED ANNUALLY E London Direstory enables traders to communicate direct with MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in London and in the Provincial Towns and Industrial Centres of the United Kingdom and the Continent of Europe. The names, addresses and other details are classified under more than 2,000 trade headings, including EXPORT MERCHANTS with detailed particulars of the Goods shipped and the Colondal and Foreign Markets supplied; STEAMSHIP LINES atfanged under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approxi- mate Sailings. One-inch BUSINESS CARDS of Firms desiring to extend thelr connections, or Trade Cards of DRALERS SEEKING AGENCIES ean be printed at a cost of 8 dollars for edch trade heading under which they are inserted. Larger advertisements from 10 ip 80 dollars. A copy of the directory will be sent by parcel post for 9 dollars, nett cash with er. The LONDON DIRBOTORY Co., 14d. 25, Abchureh Sane, Londen, E.C. 4, BUSINESS 'ESTABLISHED 105 YEARS, A cool, clean shave for !/; of a cent! A cool, clean, satiny 8have for 1/5 of a cent--think of it! At least 500 shaves are obtained from 12 AutoStrop blades, and you often get more than that. A tum or two on the strop and your Razor is ready. After shaving you press a little lever, put the blade under the tap, wipe it off, god it is ready for the next shave. i ' There is no need to take the razor to pieces and assemble it again; simply leave the blade where it is from start to finish, This means time saved in the morning rush ~--'and a razor blade that's good for about six weeks' clean, cool shaves. There's nothing to learn about the AutoStrop Razor. A man takes as . naturally to it as a duck to water, and he gets'head-barber results from the start. The AutoStrop Razor is sold with a money-back guarantee, Every- where--razor, strop and 12 'blades, com- plete, in an attractive case, $5.00. AUTOSTROP SAFETY RAZOR CO., Limited AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada a AA | Living Room Tables, Bookcases, Chesterfields, Easy Chairs. Positively the best selec- tion and lowest prices. 230 PRINCESS STREET R. J * REI The Leading Undertaker TELEPHONE 5773 NA Ae Arr AA a er rr er a er Sr er er -------------- DON'T FORGET TO TAKE AD- VANTAGE OF THE REDUCED RATES FOR LIGHTING. GET YOUR HOUSE WIRED NOW. The H.W Newman PHone 44 | GL [AS de) Cu" Electric (o. 167 Prikciss St ONTARIO | MR. J1645- You LOOK SORE - I NEVER SLEPT ON SUCH HARD PILLOWS \N ME LIFE! 1 1 QUESS YoU 4OT THE PILLOWS THAT ARE STUFFED WITH CHICKEN {. FEATHERS,

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