PAGE THIRTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY ? 21, 1919. ---- ' H' 0 iL) CIR SAEREA LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Kifeet Sunday, May 4th, 1019 us will lenve and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johuson wsireet, GUING WEST Leave Ciiy No, 19 Mui] ,. 12.20 aun, No. 13 Fast Ex. 3.10 am. No. 27 Loeul to To- route .... .. BAS am, 10.17 am. No, 1 inter. Lid. . 105 pia. 1.46 p.m, Noo 7, Mult... ... 310 p.m, 347 pam, No. 31 Loval to : . Belleville .. .. . 648 pom, 737 pom. AOING EANT Leave City Arr. City No. 18, Mall 1.35 am. 2.17 a.m No. 16, Fast Express ... . i. 3.10 am, 3.52 am, No. 32 Loeal to Broekvilie .. ,.. B15 am 5.50 am. Neo. 6 Mail 1215 pam, 1252 p.m, Neo, 14, Inter. Lid 1.05 pam. 146 pom, No, 28 Loenl to Hroekyille .. .. 6.48 pom, 7.487 pom. Now, 1, 6, 7, 14, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily, other trains dally except Sunday. J. P, HANLEY] CP, & T.A, G.T.Ry. Ageney For All Steamship lines Pra, as ; 9, ' ook's Cotton Root Lompouna A safe, vel fable repulnting medicine, Bold in threa dé groos of 'stre pee Nou 1, 87 No. 2, 8 , 85 per bos Bold by all 'gists, OF ser srepiid on reemipt of pr ee pamplilct. Addrim THE Coox mEDICINE ce TORONTO PRT. (Feewprte DAN ARIANA A AAA MAA A TTA pass a dog fight on t! NAA A AN { CANADIAN PACIFIC ~ A NEW TRAIN THE TRANS - CANADA ALL SUBEPING CARS Between Toronto and Vancouver FIRST TRIP SUNDAY, JUNE FIRST Leave TORONTO 745 pom. Arrive Winnipeg 05 . 4 day Arrive CALGARY = ¥ yo day Arrive BANFF 240 p.m, drd day Arrive VANCOUVER 10,00 n,m. 4th day FIRST CLASS SLEEPING CAR PASSENGERS ONLY . wl Partieniars and tickets from F. Copway, C.P.A,, City Ticket } Office, Corner Princess and Welllngton streets. Phone 1197. 1 4 i DARLLLLLES LSE BD AAP AAA AAA ttt et ret. on ee ea Pn J HAN a ervice EN to-day. --to the-- Uttermost Is the Reo policy. The policy that has made the Reo the most popular ¢ar on the market Investigate our claims. justified. A trial convinces. Boyd's Garage, 129 Brock Street Phone 201 End Every Cott Before You Fit a Shoe Week-Old Corns Should Be Unthinkable These positive facts are © * They have been to now known to millions. re now. Somp Fri The pain of 2 Sern. can be. ate now rativel instantly sto; for. "ever, PP ; Th Corn aches are needless. ~ The corn itself can be Paring corns is folly. ended completely, and usually 'Old-time harsh and mussy' in' two days. treatments have no Blace. The method is Vag ine: t consists of attac a Blue- jay Plaster, forgetting the he kly, if fon, 3nd le letting things take on one cot w At Sw results have "been pri will settle itself fors proved by experience. 'ever : ae : BB Blue-jay J End Core Coley \ BAUER & BLACK, Limited Chicago, Toronto, abou of Sele Sree sions dr THE GW.Y.A. CONVENTION WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL HELD S50 FAR. The Kingstan Delegates State That Radical and Unreasonable Pro- _posals Were Voted Down. The provincial convention of the Great War Veterans' Association was the most successful held so far, and the resolutions passed show .jclearly the policy of the organiza- tion, It should gain a great deal of public sympathy from the action taken on many questions: The Kingston delegates to the conven. tion presented a very . interesting and complete report of the conven- tion, and paid special tribute to the solid manner in which the delegates voted down any proposals which were too radical and unreasonable. The following Is a. summary of the important resolutions passed: That all conscientious objectors and defaulters under the Military Service Act be disfranchiged (un- animous). That as a land settlement scheme is too narrow, the government be memorialized to assist soldiers in a similar way to re-establish them- selves in their own occupation, whatever d¢heir profession or busi- {ness might be, in order that a man {might he assisted irrespective of i{ his business. That two returned soldiers be ap- pointed members of the Civil Ser- vice Commigsion. That returned 'men in the civil {{service who suffer a recurrence of {their disability be given a reason- ||able leave of absence with pay, provided they do not draw pay' at the same time from the department {ol soldiers' civil re-establishment, That .the government he memor- {lialized to make. it illegal for land- {lords to diseriminate against pro- ||epective tenants because of the fact that there are children in the ten- ant's family. That all discharged soldiers who turned in their uniform under the former regulatiens be reissued with {uniform in order that they can use them at future parades. That the convention protest against the prohibition of the manufacture of oleomargarine. That all men who clfimed ex- empiipn as farmers be compelled to stay on the farms and not allowed to come into the-cities and occupy positions to which returned sol- diers are entitled. That in accordance with the pre- sidend's address, the Divine Being be recognized in some concrete form by the constitution, 'and that every meeting of the G. W, V. A. henceforth be opened with prayer. That free patents be granted to all men on homesteads previous to the war who were not at that time behind in their homestead obliga- tions, and who left the land to en- list. That the maximum penalty be imposed upon those who wear the returned soldiers service button without authority. That the export of butter, bacon, eggs and cheese be prohibited until it can be shown that the domestic market is being adequately served. THE WORLD'S NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM idings From All Over Told in a Pointed and Pithy Way. Twenty million dollars in gifts and signed pledges of the $105,000,000 sought in the Methodist Gententary campaign in the United States have already been received. Dr. MacNeil, of Arva, pleading guilty of having issued prescriptions for Hquor to two men not medically in need of it, was fined $150 and costs at London, General Deneckin, who is'econduct- ing operations against the Bolshevik army on the Volga, reports the cap- ture of 19,000 prisoners and twenty- eighi guns. Alt Watertown, N.Y., (thirty-two Watertown plumbers went on strike. Seventeen plumbing shops are closed, and practically every plumbing job in th city has been stopped. NEWBORO DOCTOR FINED, 3 Sectionmen's Quarters. Ford at a greatdér speed than ten sum of ten dollars on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. George E. Warren, Miss Myrtle Gorzlin and Kenneth Whaley were bugjness visitors in Kingston on has been confined to her home for the past six weeks with a severe at- tack of rheumatism, is not . improv- ing. Rev. and Mrs. 8, F. Tackaberry spént the past week at Jasper. Division court was held here on Tuesday with Judge Reynolds presid- | ing, The cases on the docket were: Ontariop Milling 'Co. vs Wm. Barker, Jackson, judgment for Plaintiff for | $20 and costs; Pine vs. Hull, judg- ment reserved, Mrs. Brady and daughters Miss Margaret and Mary are visiting rela- tives at Perth Road. Charles E. Westport. Harold Pierce who has just been appointed to this parish, and Westport. Westport, A number from here at- | Lock spent Sunday guests of friends Miss Mary spent the week-end in Smith's Falls. The picnic to have been 'given on Saturday last by the Women's Insti- tute in 'honor of local returned sold- fers, was postponed on account of man of Gananoque spent the week- end here the guest of Miss Reta Knapp. Melvin Hall, jof 'Harlem, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Lashley, of Toronto, are guests of friends in town and are about to purchase a summer home on Newhoro Lake, W. S. McVety, who has been dangerous- ly {11 at his'home here for the past three weeks, is much improved. Mrs. Perey Cavanaugh, of Belle ville, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cavanaugh here for the past month has returned to her home. She was accompanied by Miss Hamitt Cavanaugh. The C.N.R. . sectionmen's head- quarters, which: have always been here with W. H. Gorslin as foreman, are shortly to be changed to Crosby in order to even up the mileage and Delbert Whalen of the main line staff will have charge of the gang. Mrs. Jane Caskey, widow of the late Robert Caskey, died at Belle: ville on Sunday. Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, Hungerford town- ship, where she was born and resided nearly all her 'life. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the : Signature of For Speeding In Village--To Change Newboroe, May 20.--For driving his miles an hour in-the village limit, Dr. G. F.. Ackland was assessed 'the Thursday. Mrs, James Gibson, who judgment reserved; Steel vs Coozier, | judgment reserved; D. Creegan vs| Dier has purchased a fine . road | horse from Willlam Mitchell of] been spending past three months in| Kingston has returned home. Rev. | J. EB, Walker of Westport was in| town on Thursday. Mr. Walker has | consisting of Frenoy, Bedford Mines | Newboro will place a base ball [' team in the league to be composed of | teams from Athens, Delta, Elgin and | od rless, Cost of Coal and Wood far Outweighs Cost of Imperial Royalite Coal Oil for Cooking And when it's burned in the New Perfection Oil Cook* Stove it is doybly economical. Every drop is turned into H------ eless heat--the result of the scientific Long tended tire party given by Miss' Hilda | Haskins at her home at ~ Ramonds | Corners on Friday night.' Mr. and | Mrs. Charley Fleming of Foster's! here. John McCarthy and sister, | wet weather. Miss Marjorie Calg-; Blue Chimney Burner. stove gives at much less cost. many housewives. style to-day. NEW PE OIL The New Perfection saves you in other ways, too. It spares you the drudgery of ashes and kindling. It eliminates wasted minutes in waiting for the fire to draw. It concen- trates all the heat where you want it, umder the utensil-- none spread about to overheat the room and sap your strength. The New Perfection; Oil Cook Stove lights and heats instantly--is always ready---gives every convenience the gas Already 3,000,000 of thao stoves are in use bringing comfort and economy to just so New Perfection Stoves come with or without the oven and cabinet=--in sizes from two to four burners--: lways with the Long Blue Chimney. See your dealer and select your size and For Sale by Dealers Everywhere. ECTION SEASON OVES IMPERIAL OIL LIMIT (20, Power - Heat ~ Light [s3% a aR Trenton Soldiers "Ringed." Trenton, May .20.--~Thirty signet rings have been presented to Tren- ton soldiers .who © have returned from the war, and to mothers of men who will not return. The work will be continued until every - re- turned : Trentonian is similarly hon- ored. Witham Watchorn has been ap- pointed town constable and enforcef of by-laws by the Almonte council and will shortly begin his work as sanitary' inspector. 3 JASE eo) {4 CRLAR ancnes 8 Cities : a On Saturday Stanley Fiutcheroft, Flight Lieutehant Home, Pittston, died suddenly. He was at Helleville, May 29 ---Flignt-Liéut, Spencerville earlier in the day and |Ted. Yeomans, son of Dr. Yeo shortly after returhing -home went{medical heakth officer of thin olty. into a fiéld and immediately passed [arrivid home Saturday and was aec- away. He had been subject to heart!corded a hearty welcome. He sery- trouble. - Deceased was thirty-fiveled in the Canadian Field Artillery years of age. and In the air service, and Was London City Council agreed to al-lawarded the military medal for low the street railway company to bravery. 'He spent over a year in charge five cents straight fare on Germany 'as a prisoner of war, Sunday, and Windsor Council passed St Sea ---- a by-law for the citizens to vote on on Juge 14th, granting a fivecent| Pembroke is to give a big reception fare on the S., W. & A. Railway. to its returned soldiers on May 30th. i we Tue longer life of Goodyear Cord Hose makes its final cost lower. Yet,' to appreciate fully this better hose, . you must add to this the remarkable trouble - free service it yields. . Built of fuong, fant ded in pre Ssabbes ii cannot k or tangle. Your hardi~are dealer is. ready' and wili.z to tell you more about" this r hose. i Gee Himi--thien ask him to T you the | ength you, nced. * Goodyear Cord Hose, Smooth' Cover; 2c a : foot. Bh The Goodyear ire & Rubber Co. of Canada, Limited