Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1919, p. 7

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is THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21,1918, = PAGE SEVEN G riff inS ¢R RAND "# ima | To -Night The People's Forum [ws] SEEDS 2 The Super-human Photo M au de e ------------ | HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR Today CYRIL Dramatic Production of CONDENSED ADVERTISING MATS | WANTED GENERAL : FOR SALE. buy them fram i " eon | WANTED «-- SMALL UNFURNISHED UANTITY OF SEED POTATOES, Af If not, why not buy All Times 16 4 "Ward. . Bash house hy June ist. Apply te Box FOUND q ply Wim. Taylor, Latimer. ee Hoag. We haye them in pack-| In C. Haddon Chambers New Comedy| secutive insertion hai L-S, Whig Off seat' * word. intima charge ® | ON TUBSDAY AFTERNOON IN Jo copiNgT GRAFONOLA. APPLY IN ev.ning, 231 Barvie street. age and bulk. : " 1 | nul 5h th Th 6 BE Doon ||| ™ Lb eas Litas Susy AGS Store WANTED. tral. Apply Box N-19, Whig wtlice. Aon same by calling at LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON; ALSO HELP - - - store. dump cart, etc. Apply New Eng- A * BY YOUNG MAN, A FURNISHED : land Bakery Branch Post Office, Kingston Sw e et MAIDS FOR Na on, HOSPITAL. room, in business section of eity. RETURNED SOLDIER'S PIN { b-<1 61 Er aciilian street. WANTED TO RENE AT ONCE HOUSE calling at 140 Queen street. ' a hs central locality: rent reasonable, . Hd In Rupert Hughes As- 4 GIRLS WANTED. APPLY AT THE Apply Box 1717, Whig Office. ON WELLINGTON STREET FRI- Jackson Press. > day morning a welght for a 16 INCH CORD WOOD, HARD AND soft Avpty to the Apply Box G., Whig Office, stating (No. C-32248), in. MacDonald AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, Br . price. : Park, near water' front. covers, etc. ' 15 years at the bu ous NATD, AP. - Owner may have same by ness. 'Judsou's Auto Tops, Bro vilie . A tounding Story tre | WANTED. TO PURCHASE HOUSE, horse. Owngr_ may have soft mixed; also hard and G.W.V.A, STRONG "BUY _OR MAN. FOR FEED central, from $4,000 to 35,000. {oF sdnie by proving property Bt brick. Apply New England Bake (Incorporated) Prices: B0e¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50, $2 store. Apply to 25 Brock stre sh cash, Address x P., Whig Office. the Windsor a AY ery. / . " N SATURDAY MORNING ' -- THE-- RESPECTABLE WOMAN HOUSE PO RENT, NICELY SITUATED, 17th, a Masonic Tig on I Meeting--Moundays at 7.80, 3 Days Commencing, plain cooking. Apply at "Orphans furnished or unfurnished; _ for Sydenham road, pear Elgin- HIRON i BEDSTEAD, (SPRINGS a practice. Tuesdays, § p.m. Home, long or short lease. Immediate burg. Apply to George IL. and mattress; washing machine No. 2, Blginburg, and hall" stove 150 Bay street, rdson Chapter, LODE, ud ' gston. Ph 2290. 2 and 4th Thursdays. Thursday, May 22 A MAD FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK.] ...Dosocton. lPuone 2180. Bliss. RR. ' Kingston. : : Twite Daily at 2.80 and 7.30 aoa, ses. | Apply fia dunnacn HEAVY GLEAMING AND MOVING. || A CHILD'S RING ON PLUM ST. wite a Fat 2. and o- p.m. - plowing - ardens, so n awns, have same y 3 ¥ pm. 1, E 2 5 Te A . A THIRTY-HUNDRED SPRING WAG. : , 'e - moving es, etc. James Curson. 3 i 34 Quebec street, Goldwyn Presents GIRLS WANTED, APPLY AT THE Phone 1523w. 28 Bilis Street. Gon nE M HAX gon, nearly new: in good repair; W ) PO APnlS girle, gaol wages. ly Daniels say, Limited, 131 Princess street, at = Sakell's, next Opera and wedding bouquets to order. Ou A GOOD HOUSE MAID; GOOD WAGES. 1: would rent for year. Furnish- Milling Co., Phone 52. LOST. Street, solid brick, modern, nearly i Other Features King #nd Barrie streets. don't matter if broken, I pay §2 to fox fur. Finder kindly return to : s COOK . : 1 1 for family of (wo. Apply to Mrs F. Terl, \ ' 3 y . 403 N. Wolfe Street, Balti- : a - ' a FHORSE, HARNESS AND SPRIN A ucti oneer 3 Big Acts Vaudeville--3 Cappon, 26 Barrie street. more, Md. § STRAYED FROM 343. UNIVERSITY yagon; also thoroughbred peagla tee ee -------- ---- le 7 A * Rawrs * hound 2 years old; trained do Matinee Evening HOUSEKEEPER FOR A FAMILY OF wg WILL BUY YOUR SORAP TRON, black, :grey stripes, Reward. © Can be seen at 236 Ontario trons, able for farmers and merchants. tomobile tire and rim. Finder! BARRED PLYMOU ROCK EGGS RESPON LE PERSON TO - ADOPT a Lite equipment, just overhauled aon 1 Nelson St, y zi . ! ! securit unlimited Habit $ 7 The Season Ss Most Suc- housework, either by day or month, city ay fnsurea at oweat 2 rooms. Apply 230 Barrie street. Rideau street. ONCE, A CAPABLE MXID FOR Agents. Phone 325. rat class condition; also an up-to- AN Hotel, eott ont House. : Stlsctions; your own tholce $34. Apply Mrs. Martin, corner King ed or unfurnistied. Careful ten- > PA AINA NN NINN NOTICE Reser ved Seats ki .50c COOK AND HOUSEMAID, APPLY ~ new, nice garden, possession At $15 PCr set. Send by parcel post Whig Office. three adults; could sleep home if metal, rubber and rags. We also "SUNDAY EVENING BETWEEN Kingston, Ont. GIRLS FOR THE WORK ROOM. M, Rosen & Company, 140 Rideau kindly notify. Fen. Creamer, Glen for batching; amous Cobourg ¥f you want an up-to-date y three w. ; eA o TO-NIGHT Diy Mrs. Adjutane Smite 10) Pri. | VIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FURNISHED AND UNEURNISgED | MOTOIOYXCLE AND SIDECAR. 1813 Capt. Jose h Dix, Awn= and cess street. | assets $61,187,215. In addition t , . AND WEDNESDAY EE RR TC I PH SP which the policyholders have for! pURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED and in first-class condition. See ON x , ; GST . Good wages. Apply Mrs. Oliver possible rates. Before renewin TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR x 1 housework. Must ler. genera ousewor ust unde FinsT CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD); date gas heater, excellent for heat. 's People ¥ . ngoton Laundry, Sydenham and a bx alling at No. cheap to quick buyer Apply to atts FLO 1 PRICES: ' 3 Princess streets. SECOND-HAND rear FIAND Eine GLees : a J. A. McKendry, Battersea, Ont, RIS " yient of new AMETHYST ROSARY. OWN * i 5 3 ROO ~ / 170 Wellington. St. Mat.: Children ' . 15¢ d e orman TWO EXPERIENCED yr G M 8, C. W. Lind- may have same by calling, i Bon n; | - Fresh cut flowers duily; funeral designs Adults FH ee ae .25¢ Ine 5 Heol Feature - =| MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE IMMEDIATE- Neal §5 cash, §1 per bd C. =" . , Limited, rincess of town orders given special attention, Evening TN oh ya 25¢ " 3 A PERFECT 36" and Maitland strests. * nants. Apply Mr. Wood, Beach : RESIDENCE, NO. 108 FRONTENAC Comedies and News Weekly and Mrs. Wm. Bermingham, Coroer|waANTED OLD FALSE TEETH, . IV IENIN "KK once $inly on premises to Mise H.L BEDFORD ON TUESDAY EVENING, A BLACK Sheets + -. . ' . GENERAL, EXPERIENCED, and receive check by\return mall, {Returned soldier, late of O.M.R.) --- pts referred. Apply at 238 Princess sell all kinds of bags, Includin 1 y 0 booki rin house sales. List pre 3 Eiginburg and Wesitbrooke, on the males hety pe, secure dates. Office, 10¢ & 10c & 15¢| 15¢ & 15¢ '& 25¢ street. feed, flour and potato bags, suit- Sydenham or York Road, one au- G.W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2191w. A n ; p Jame _-- » Light, pleasant work. Apply Miss street. Phone 2 vale * ' 2 strain; good layers, 13 for $1.50; 4 LEP Ah Ad hahha ~ McCalhim, N. C. Polson & Co, On- : settings, $5.00." Orders tak 'at g "AWNINGS tario Street. * lea Barrie street. in - FINANCIAL TO-LET. ; card ; # " - Awning, drop .a post ply Mrs. Adjutant Smith, 461 Prin Fire Inslirance Company. AVAlaDIG |" rune, AND 6 Thre Indian Powerplus with Prest-0- IMMEDIATEAY, HELP FOR LIGHT between 5 and 8 pam. at 116 : cessful Production Chown, 162 University Ave. old or giving new' business ge without board; very central. Apply rates from Strange & Strange, Box W., Wij Ofce. MEDIUM SIZED REFRIGERATOR, IN ing a room; can also be used for : 3 7 Stand plain FF ORKIngL ADDIY _ Mrs, all "mprovements; centrally locat. George Clar Wright, 107 Gore | FRONTENAC +LOAN AND INVEST. ' " cookin 1 F POsasme Star Fruit § arniva ni a street. ment Societys, incorporated 1861. ed. Apply 243 Brock street. nny. Ro Broc % Call morning " ONE. G Drenident, 'W, F. Nickie KO: viee- | FM FORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM Candy Store oNE, GOOD' MAN AS SALESMAN, asident, a B. ys Dningham. on Duthroom Mat. = New house: pol 7 'rontenac county; man with rig oney SS. on city an rm A x "8 ROSH HOUS , SA nroperties, municipal and county vate family. 213 Division stréet. s i Quende. pirocn 3 on lVASIoN . 3 preferred. Apply Mr. Hayes Watch for fresh strawberries. Hostel, from 11 am. to 2 p.m, and debentures; mortgages purchased. with barn, on Alfred r - zie coo: | Fair Grounds|S t ewa rt a IST Met TE Fomeom vom Pema, ciERy| ime ol. isd sie; de time. Special male on Saturdays received and interest allowed. R. 113 Nelson Stor. P og lots at East View Fark, 5 miles Pro C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- 3 Nelson Stree hone 1391). from Kingston. Apply J. D. Boyd, 3 made candy. mpi wn] Nee: ' aervice to all n 1X STENOGRAPHER FOR COMMERCIAL | ence street. Kingston. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, cLEAN| 10% Pine street. nN office; must also be quick at fig- ay McCann's Rea! Estate ures. Apply stating previous ex- 8 . ay 86 Brock street. Phone lau on RESIDEN ~ - ¢ » rime 31a Tuesday June 3 é ; ee i a ree Ap- PAINTING, A EA om, xo ply Box hig ce. G OL niversity avenue, op | Canada Food Board License: ' IY uoys " SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS an, airy tome; your own lock ana Sroqn'e University, ownea- by Prot Fruit, 9-1020; Candy, 11-410 ' IVF. MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME chandeliers refinished. J. "ity Storage, 299 rant; possession y 1st; or steadily--selling our 'guaranteed Carruthers & Co.; 298 Albert stroet: Sonn street. Phone 526; res. 989, Bile: $8, BOY A. B. Cun. 2. 50 Pace Purse - 300 trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- -$ eral commission. | 'Brown Brothers DENTAL, FURNISHED ROOMS AND, BOARD 12.16 Mixed Purse $300 Company, Nursery men, Limited, . Tor gentlemen, ne gens lini. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KIN Ww v . 30; Ww a] I Ds oF Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario, A.B. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.0.S, erkity Apply Box 91, ; hig Of good second hand furnit re "and 3 2) 200 Princess Sh cot near Montreal good Jocality. Apply Box 02, G ARDIENING AND ORD JOBS. APPLY street. Phone 1678. ' Office 'the conviction of any person or BASEB Pp, - ed On a Lav A » & SIT . r h S ih RN OLDIER DESIRES PO- . SPA) 8 ND SPARK DEN«| LARGE FURNISHED SITTING ROOM, GOOD ALL Produced 0 Lavish Seale RETU SOL. »- [DRS RK 8, i bedroom, or smaller furnish condition, also Columbia and Per- ®. Named Race Purse $100 v oe 5¢ gos 2350 'Princess screed. Ph fic is Stove: Any person having stoves ' POSITIONS WANTED. SEVEN ROOMED FURNISHED © to dispose of, we will + 3 eas . y highest prices. J. 2.50 Trot Purse "i. $300 DR. GORDON C. DEWAR, DENTIST, house: all conveniences; "UR Whig 335 Princess oA FA ow' For information leading to : Box 20, Whig Office. SEVERAL MOTORCYCLES IN persons taking down * lon @s driver; married man. Sat ad. .ellington street, oven fect bicycles; all makes of bi- Box W-19, Whig Office. bab; carria, t PIANO SIGNS Driving and Mati or ea Placed along the main roads PATHE SLOW MOTION PICTURES AGENTS WANTED. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS ae a ue SC phon: tear ' re rma. ly, wi = ABSOLUTELY ¥EW LINE POR CAN- {shes fomaered Den Sperienos. fin and Saunders White Wyandot- : A : J vassers:, Got in quick for big pro- out scar, Jehrs e Pe tes win in laying contest and win R. 5 RODGER y Re ras : 98 = "With Houdini fits 'and employ sub-agents; Pex- mare. dria in Be chan ily Nom a8 in Caron aire a aos in Dig. competition in show room, 132 Princess Street. a Specinl Music By the Strand Augmented clusive territory. Write Craig, 65 Bagot 'street. ket street, possession. Ast June 4 sigs rom prize winner $2.00 to z Orchestra Kenneth Avenpe, Torofffo, Ont Apply to 'A. B. Cunningham, 78 ]:4° per 15. Ten fertile eggs " ror B® C1 Yer "iy guaranteed or replaced free. Joe » Sree Xe ini Th hae arence street. seph White, Phone 2301 Rd atinees, alts, 3 dren, 15e LEGAL, -- ~4, Evegings, Adults, Soc; Children, 25¢ EDUCATIONAL. THIS DEPARTMENT 1s Portemouth. A. B., CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER ALWAYS I MATHEW AT oS, FRENCH, ENGLISH, 79 Clar- glad to hear from anyone thinkin t READ Carefully rt ¢ ay University Diploma): and solic oom. Taw-afios, 7 of using classified advertisin . BBAUTIEDL, FAST MOTOR Frog Fit ed ' . Pianotorte and theory . (Lond - Write or 'phone up about it, . Bons OS nauipped with 30 Call at 260 Princess Street , Tenders will be received up to College of MV Adam, 116 Clarence hay De able to help you. British storage batters qua Cle Sn iris or telephone 1283w' for your May 31st, 12 o'clock noon, for Steoet.. Phone Hie PAFESHANGING Spee Ms miles por hob, pe . | THURS., FRL, SAT Far HANGING PATONG: wo 7 . Pp, side curtains, cushi - wate rite stort under sow || Concrete Bridge at West-| yu, peer Fan gin of 'the Screen anmrmor en RES Te Dot tendart, ie Srosereare suse: management, which is mow ¥ ries and be convineed on your| BOAT HOUSE 32 § » PERT, Com.| LUUon Indicitar, Pyrene fire extin- anagem brooke . 1 and paper hangin, H plete with holghing ap.aratus for hon: Sposition fire 1 POWER & som ARSENE. RE, oIner Fo ley, 353 Queen street. Snone gasatine reiki Apply hotel West- Boat Lorie hor, VAN ALLEN & SON'S SHOR Township of Kingston. Brock and Berk nuiting "ake. Portsmigith, or, phone 1479. e ye ove Apply to H., een avenu UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS | 1586W or. 319% for: demon: WORKS . * The Iatter two A returned Terms and specifications can be UPHOLSTERIN the week month Chas. Bell, atter two are TAXL G. ! abuth, Phone Offer. eh " meoldiers who served overnens. Our seen at the office of A. H. Muir, City 4 i nek a alm is not to disappoint our cus Buildings. CALL DROF A CARD TO W. J. . 8 Pe Ron TAEYERS, .74X1. DRIVER, Gavin upholstersr, 116." Bagot te BATEMANS REAL, ESTATE AGENCY, tomers, and give antisfaction. 3 : : : RH. FAIR, BALE, 01 » , $400--LOT; 50 FOOT Al County Koad, Supt, , HOLY WAR DANGER T0 CONTRACTORS DOUBLE SEAFED COvERER FWAR| MAcionell treat: seer Jouneon . INFLUENCES BIG FOUR & Snorer, Siig be meen at Mr. | 3506.NRICK HOUSE. 10 WOOMS) Kingston Cement 5 i " ~ MacGregor' Bg4 Russell atreot. | all 'mprovemedts; hardwood floors Products Factory i Notice to Creditors e arisian The Sultan "May Be Allowed Tenders Will be received up to § TWO HOLSTEIN x grr CALVES wii ; - Mak H fix Pa. oF RATRICK Me , to Remain In Constanti- EE etre San he r-5, Ceylon Robigeon. Portsmouth. $o00n_rRESHED BRICK Neh Tan: E pro Semon Bi VIG: i a Rope. Sra th doy. Sgr | ToT ARNG SAROre Enon |, (0 Si liegt LAL, Linties, and Drain Tile, temac, Y a Pecn ny 18ress : Paris, May 21--The Buglish dele- bullding for Fy R. gp Faq Har seven bedroom e--bot Water heat rave Vili SADIE TAT py Th ree Vea (Ea i! fet Raul Shoes sii | mmo sion mmove. And all kinds of Ornamental [||to RS.0. Cap. ' oF; iitors and others having claims against | An Amaig Gripping Metro Comedy | allowed to remain in Copstantingple 3 arth LM ire 1 Factory, cor. of: Charlex. and he entato of mid Fairiek Medutey | pine " {and are anxious that the United ¢ oh . 5 . "Siti; Bence FALM--130 Agnus u MILES PRO on or a a secon ay O -. - Ne J. v me vas t t gston end . Pairick streets. : EE 1915, are required on or be- Coming Mon. "The Belle.of New '|States accept 'he position as man THOS. es rows - Altred street . short ale mn mo, : of Princess street, 150 WELLINGTON, PHONE 30éw, i . , » . = i ob. 8 Carnovsky"s. © Phone 346. ed sitting room and, bedroom. Ap- NORDHIEMER Kingston Gentlemen's Jazz and Jailbirds ready Ton. Bale wages Apply ply 51 Clergy street. Piglen repaired na To ene" alta 2 Reel Big V Comed it. . med PERSONAL ROOM FOR MARRIED COUPLE OR Bu street. Phone To3ow, i oh . lending to: tre city, Club, Kingston. do and all growths and skin blem the Tinitersity. Apply Box 19, : MASTER MYSTERY : BGGS FOR MATONING, FROM MAR. na - Whig Office. 7 ERT LL 1619 to de- York" JRGAIOEY of that city, as wel 48 AT les sie. 1819, 160 Hari Street liver to T. J. Rigney, 89 Clarence] menia, Phone 730W, streat, Kingston, solicitor for the de The « Hger of a holy war is in- "0 5 7 1 % 7 oe 3 mm nd { " od MEF BP, Saran ministrator of the said estate, their || : pe " » fuencing tho council, Which has ' " nimes and addresses and a particu- {] - . N ! J A je : : a kg i 1 f thelr clai d of ¢ Ti AJ ok advised that radical charges |§ : 4 | 7 tes it any. peld by thom; and that 4 ar: ; ill are inadvisable. 'without more for- |B VOR HE FRUTYUL TAKING ORDERS FOR PRESENT DELIVERY er sa t "ment ate sa ~ {i 'Ml eign troops a strategie points to | wneral minstrator will proceed to Slat {pits | ds tp heretofore ii steady the fo path mingle 7 Re ig) - 100 PER CENT. ' ocatna entitled thareid, tn i urd oxi ween the undersign- The Inter-Allied Commission, de- i) JN | lane OF WINTER S COAL 1 - dong 'business under the signated ¢o investigate the Asia : JH j ; ; th tad } ich he hen have EATS he, "will name of Bu & Graham, has Minor situation is still i» Paris, not be Luk . for any bit of aid an 'Deen dissolved by mutual con be} Sounetl of Four js finding | shall not Dave d notice at the timelfll sent. The business will be car- Hf of Turkey a dificult of such distrib ied gh bY 1, P. e, to whom TJ LE Omintstrator's Solicitors] Kingston, May 12th, 1919. of the west number 4 ot the pn upon the consisting tn part of horses, wiles fmplements, ' be Sftered for sale Sule

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