PAGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG; TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1919. In the Realm of Women --- Some Interesting Features Get a Packet, and Realize =SSSiN 7 DS what an infusion of Really | a | Farms Pure Fine Tea Tastes Jike For Sale ADR = & SON B586 © ' Real Estate & Insurance 89 Brock St Phone. 494° Black, Green or Mixed « Never Sold in Bulk Ae mits -- | pesmi -- -- The - Promoter's Wife By Jane Phelps never varies, : a am EE good to the NEIL REFUSES BAB HIS USUAL CARESS 1 J 'CHATER XCIIT, £ after this thought came to last drop. When Neil came down his aunt me, and tried to join in the con- was with me, so 1 could say nothing | yersation as usual. to him of a private nature. I was All through' dinner Nejl chatted terribly humiliated by the stand he | with his aunt iw his ordinary man- had taken, and--1 had discovered ner, but not once. did he address nothing. Had I, pérhaps I would not me, nor as far as I could see did he have felt so. chagrined. But the [look at me, Several times I tried idea. that he would tell..his office|to attract his attention but to no ness in the evening now-a-days," force that I, his wife,' was not to be | purpose, . Just as we finfshed Iishe remarked, 'but I cannot believe allowed in his private office was #o | heard Robert crying. it is right." Did I see a fleating betlittling. Then came the thought "1 wonder if he is sick," I said as {look of relief on Neil's face as she that he might only have said tnalil hurfted upstairs. He was such a spoke or did I imagine #t? 1 don- to frighten me, that he had not good boy, so bright and cheery, lcluded the latter as he rose almost glven such orders. Really it wasn't {that 1 eould not imagine him cry- immediately and told her that in quite sensible (o think that he ing unless badly hurt or ill, Neil [spite of her "business lecture," he would. It would humiliate him as [and aunt had Both followed me, he |gpoke facetiously, he must leave us well ag me to say such things to his immediately she more slowly, Rob- lon a very important business mat- employees. I breathed a bit more |ert had fallen out of bed. The nurse [ter . I followed him out Into the already had 'qujieted him, and was hall. 1 héld up my face for his making him laugh at the idea of fusual kiss. so big a boy being so careless as to "Don't sit up for me, I shall be roll on the floor. As Neil and Illate," he said as ' he opened the stood together in the door of the door, ignoring my Silent plea for a robm watching the little scene, | |kiss. slipped my hand into his and said: "Aren't you going "Please don't be angry- with me, [good night?" Neil. I know. I did wrong, but 1 "No. I have no wish to caress a have about woman 'whose sole purpose seems y her. Won't you 'forgive me, anal take back those unkiftd things you sald?" "I do not wish to discuss what you have done, now or ever. I shall expect to be @beyed however in that you 'nead never attempt to eritcize me again." His tone was filled with a port of disgust that hurt me ter- ribly, but aunt joined ns, asking what had made Robert éry, and so effectually preventing my reply. 1 remained' 'upstairs a few mo- ments, Tears were very near and 1 must not give way te them. Aunt would nt ofice notice anf ask the cause. When I went down to them she was making good her threat to urge him do give up attending to businéss in the evening because of the injury it was bound to be to his health. He was fidgeting and al- though he said nothing I felt he welcomed an interruption. "Bab gays all men attend to busi- OTR g-1 You need not Ge shake the 48 | A bottle, theres [#25 VAL no sediment. [ld . HOME GROWN' ASPARAGUS barb and Cucumbers, cljoice Strawberries, A. GLOVER bieonny No, 8.4828 -- THE MORE PERISHABLE FOODS Require experi handling and perfect refrigeration, while await ing your order. Nowhere will yon find the conditions and fae ties more perfect than at our white store--and strict cleanliness prevalls. " Cholce Roasts ... ... ... ... .. + seve. 20e and 30c a Ih. Veal Fronts .,. ou Veal BIMSE .e ih nis os haan A HOODS, Comer Earl and «oben Ib. Bartle Sis. Prompt Delivery oF -- TALKING IT OVER ~With Lorna Moon-- The Telgmann School of Music to. kiss. 'me ano, violin und other stringed struments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at Richest InFlavor . The full rich flavor of se- Ee Cyl and lodian leat evident in every Primus Tea. op | this morning.' A19t only needs a friend to {she "never put a bit of color on In {her lite' 'lof all, art - The Rouge Pot----In Moderation. There's more behind it than just a desire to look pretty," said the Pretty Lady who is forty, as she deftly dabbed a touch of rouge on each cheek. 'A touch of eolor is & great bracer if you are not feeling pn -- well. Before I put my war paint on in thé morning 1 feel 'quite invalid- ish, my cheeks are 80 pale; but after I have calléd in the rouge pot as first aid I go down to breakfast as lively as a ericket. # "If 1 happen to be too rushed to if put it on one morning Hubby will say, 'You are not looking well, my dear," and I 'I don't feel well And it isn im- agination altogether for I really: do Slump to zero when 1 catch sight of my pale face in the mirror; then, 5 remark, that 1 dort look myself, and the chances dre good of my having a headache for the rest of the day. "It's mental suggestion, of gourse~--pale cheeks suggest siek- [Hiesp,- wirile pink cheeks suggest health, and in these days of strenu- ous living a woman of forty needs all 'the health suggestion she can ®t, so me for the rouge pOt=-in moderation'! The rouge pot---in~ mederation, wouldn't that be a fine motte If we 'Would all 'adopt it? Thé worst of it is though, that women Beem | to be divided into two classes, women who don't rouge, and women who rouge 'not wisely: but too well" It's never the woman with ' the clear and heautifulkpallor who will 'answer, been so unhappy wouse. GUM DECAY CAUSES TOOTH DECAY ™ Healthy teeth nced healthy gums to hug them. Else they will loosen in Pyorrhea, Tiny openings will come in the gums to act as the gateways of disease gemms, which infect the joints or tonsils, or cause other ailments. Forhan's prevents Pyorrhea, if used in time and used consistently. No mere toothpaste does. Are your gums tender | gums? Are they bleeding ms? ~ If s6, you are certain to have ofrhea (Riggs' Disease). Four out of five peéple 94 are over forty haveit, To you we earnestly recommend Forhan's. Tt preserves the gums which hold the teeth secure. ; Brush your teeth with it. Forhan's cleans the teeth scientifically~keeps them white and clean; Se If gumeshrinkage has already set in, fart using Forhan's and 'cousult a dentist immediately for special treat ment, > : I 30c and 60a tubes. TAN Drupeists. REAN'S, LTD,, 307 St [James AI ; to spy upon me, and use underhand methods to gratify a vulgar curios: Tty." Tears fell in: gpite of 'me as ha closed the door. Tt seemed such a cruel speech. 1 don't think the full enormity of my aet had occurred to me until he refused to kiss me. We women are often lke that. A little 'thing sald, a caress reffised means more to, us than something of far greater import, "Aren't you coming in here, Bab?" aunf called. 'Suppose you play for me a little while, You hayes scarcely touched the piano for the last few days." I was thankful she was in the mood for music. § asked her not to switch on the lights 'as she fol- lowed me to the music room. As I often played so in the evening she sald nothing and seated herself to listen. 'While as I played a sym- pthony 1 knew she loved, sealding tears fell upén the Keys. To-morrow--An Unexpected Visitor. ASK RECONSIDERATION. the ' Peaca Phét--Declare. It Loiton Da hn Stgn- ed by a number of eminent profes sors and others, including the Bishop of Oxford, Arthur Henderson, leader of the labor party i the House of Commons, and H. 6, Wells, John Mazefield, Lady Gilbert, (George G. Murray and Jerotwe'K. Jerome, auth- ore, has been published here, urging 'the reconsideration of the terms of petites onthe ground 'ti the spirit' of the. fy President Wilson. clares 'that the te breach of faith witha and reduce' Germany of 'a subject 'nation 3 "It concluded with & statement that on sich a basis "if is impossible to Keeps away from the rouge pot. She foolishly enough covers one of her greatest charms by an abotind- ant coat qf red; bat her sallow, wilted, sister who ought to Indulge cap usually say with all t¥uth that | As for girls, they who have least reason, are the greatest offenders and 'good "taste, hide' their heads when a girl of ninteen gels hold of a rough pot. wr establish any true league of nations,' ee A A PAA ie hr Established 1870 TWEDDELL'S For all new style, good wearing Suits $20 up to $45 All Prices Between Indulge your fancy when you choose Penmans. If style, fabric and shade please you the name Penmans is your certain assurance of value, v qualities--and ghapliness. aw HOSIERY ALSO UNDERWEAR AND, SWEATER COATS mn BIANDARD. OF, EXCELLENCE a i any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts se- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street, Phone 1325; FORD CARS FOR SALE We have a few used Ford ii Which, we can sell reason- automobile repair Central Garage 835 King St. Phone one 21BE 3 King £| What is it? The new mars - garine. As good as butter for all, table and cooking purposes. Try Our Special Blend Coffee 45¢ "FARR NY 0 > YS