PUBL SHE D AWNUALLY T™E London Directory with Provinelal & Foreign Sections enables traders to communicate direct with MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in Londen aud in the Provincial Towns and Industrial Centges of the United Kingdom and the Continent of Europe. The names, addresses and other details are classifiad under more than. 2,000 trade headings, including EXPORT MERCHANTS with detailed particulars of the Goods shipped and the Colonial and Foreign Markets supplied; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged: under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approxi. mate Sailings. One-inoh BUSINESS CARDS of Firms desiring to extend their connections, or Trade Cards of DEALERS SEEKING AGENCIES can be printed-at a cost of 8 dollars for 4 each trade heading under which they are inserted. © Larger advertisements from 10 to $0 dollars. A copy of the dirgetory will be sent by parcel post for § dollars, nett cash with order. The LONDON DIRECTORY Co., Ltd. 25, Abchurch Lane, London, EC. 4, England, BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 105 YEARS. | Bags Wanted A. SPEIZMEN In any quantity---Xlour Bags, Feed Bags and absolutely clean Sugar Bagsh . Positively highest prices paid. 103 BOTT LES IN CISTERN. What Inspector Arnott Found in . Trenton on Friday. Belleville, May 27.---License spector Arnott visited a house af Trenton and 'made a search for l- quor; with the result that he made a considerable haul. He was in- formed by the woman in charge that she was not aware of any liquor be- ing about the place. ¥ 'A efstern con taining ahout a foot of water was ancoyered and a trunk and t®o val- ses were found. =~ These receptacles contained no less than 103 bottles of G. & W. Special, which the inspector confiscated. Owing to the material in the vatises not being water proof they fell apart and a few bottles were broken . \ The lquor was conflscat- ed by the inspector and placed in sale keeping. Later the man of the house arrived upon the scene and he also denied knowledge of the liquor. An information will be laid against the occupants of the premises under the Ontario Temperance Act, and the case will later be investigated by the police magistrate of Trenton, Many a good resolution has been shattered by a single "smile." RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK System LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Sunday, May 4th, 1919 Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnsen street. GUING WEST Leave City No, 10 Mail ., ..12.20 am. Ne. 13 Fast Ex, 3.10 am, No. 27 Loeal to To< nto vo 545 am. No. 1 Inter. hte « 1.05 p.m. No. 7: Matl ... «.. 3,10 pm. No. 31 Loeal te Belleville . . AS p.m. GOING EAST Leave City 1 am, City a.m, am, Arr. 12.57 2.52 1017 1.40 3.47 pom, 7.37 pom Are, Cit) 2,17 am 3.52 am, 8.50 a.m. 12.52 pan, 146 p.m. 648 p.m 7.37 p. Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run anity, other trains dail am, No. 18, Mail Ne. as 18 fn Noo} EA Loeal to Brockville .. ... 815 am Neo, 6 Mail 12:15 p.m. No. 14, Inter. Lid 1.05 p.m. No, 28 Lpeal t Broek . 3.10 am. 69 Queen S Street J. P. HBANLE Agency I In pom, | CANADIAN PACIFIC A NEW ALL ANB CARS Between To FIRST TRIP SUNDAY, JUNE FIRST « Leave TORONTO Arrive Winnipeg Arrive CALGARY Arrive BANFF TRAIN CANADA bY Vancouver o 7.15 pam. 2.05 a.m. 2ud day 5.30 am, 3rd day 1240 p.m. 3rd ur ' Arrive VANCOUVER 1000 am. 4th FIRST CLASS SLEEPING CAR PL SSENGIRS ONLY ars and tickets from ¥. Conway, C.P.A, City Ticket ner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1197. 20,000 Lbs. Fleece . WOOL Wanted ! Woul, Rai Raise, For 30 Dass, Guaranteed Washed . Ph "We: will pay os above ah prices, giving 'you a card guaranteeing you the raise for 30 days. John McKay, Kingston's Reliable AY Buyer [1H] WE .45¢ per lb. .60c per Ib. Lid. I From The Countryside Lennox and Addington BETHEL, May 21.~-The Goverivment Inspec- tor has been through here inspect- ing for hog cholera, but so far none has been reported. Capt. Harry Salsbury, has returned home. Mrs. Jacob Salsifury visited Mr. and Mrs. Curl on Sunday, The brick layers are at work finishing thelr part of the job on Mr. Balsbury's new resi- dence, = Mr, d Mrs. J. Galbraith gave a birthday party for their son Edwin on Monday evening, all his school-mates being invited and 'en- Joying a very pleasant evening, The new milk "drawer, Mr. Kennedy, started on 'his route for Yarker fac tory on Monday, May 12th. Mr. and Mrs, David Sauls were in Napanee on Tuesday. Mr. Barrie and family bave moved into George Hinch's house. Mr, Mowers and family have moved into one of J, Galbraith's hoyses. William Alkenbrack is at his father's, J. B. Alkenbrick's, for a few days, A. Jayne, Hay Bay, is at his brother's J. Jayne, Miss Hy- land, teacher, visited at her home, Bicknell's Corners, last week-end. Township Comes | KINGSTON. April 14.---All members in at- tenance. Minutes of last meeting adopted, Motion, Sproule-Shillington, that E. H. Stover be overséer of taa Sydenham road from Elginburg to Harpello corner and act as path- master of division 42. Motion, Sproule-Shillington, that Councillor Weller have power to spend $200 on division 32a. Motion, Sproule- Shillington, that Councillor Weller oversee repair road referred to by Mr. McKenary. Motion, Sproule- Weller, that Mr. Cliff have to expend $50 on road division 6 from his farm to the Bath road. Motion, Weller-Heaton, that Coun- cillor Sproule examine road com- plained of by Mr. Cliff, with power to act. Motion, Sproule-Shilling- ton, that Deputy Reeve Heaton re- pair road division 20 at earliest convenience. Motion, Sproule-Wel- ler, that the Standard Bank be the medium of deposit for township funds, and <¢hat G. A. B. Clark, reeve, and J. ¥. Leatherland, trea- * Eommmssm-- surer, have authority wpon order from council to sign cheques. Mo- tion, Sproule-Weller, that $1.50 per day be the charge for commuted statute labor. Motion, Shilling- iton-Sproule, 'that the colledtor's roll for 1917 be accepted. Motion, Sproule-Weller, that auditor's re- port for 1918: be accepted and they be paid. Payments orderd--$3.75, J. 8S. Knight ref. = statute labor for 1917; $3.60, Walt, Clogg, inspec- tion sheep; $11.25, Standard of- fice accouft; $2.40, J. 0. Bllerbeck, opening Portland road; $212, W. Patterson, five sheep and eight igmbs killed by dogs; $2.40, "DD. Hartman, opening road; §6, W. Richardson, culvert; $520, 8. W. Greer, inspection sheep; $18, M. M. Fowler, 36 rods ditching; $10.40, Charles Ewing, waking apring on auto; $18, W. J. McKendry, 36 rods ditching; 30¢, Municipal World account; $1.30, Provincial Beard cf Health, containers: $1656, RR. KE. Harpell, error in measurement of wire fence. Council adjourned to [meet on first Monday in June at 10 Ta.m. for court of revision and for general business. iron Some men earn their living by sell- ing 'taffy and others by giving it i' away. power' GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. > Toronto, May 27.--Manitoba wheat --In store, Fert William: No. 1 Northern, $2.24%; No, 2 Northern, $2.21%; No. 5 Northern, $2.17%; Nox 4 wheat, $2.11. itoba oats--Not quoted since -- in Winnipeg. - American ¢orn---No. 3 yellow, no- minal. Manitoba barley, in store, Fort 'William, not quoted. Ontario wheat -- No. 1 winter, $2.14 to $2.20; No. 2 winter, $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3 winter, $2.07 to $2.15; No. 1 spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2 spring, $2.06 to $2.14; No. 3 spring, $2.02 to $2.10; f.o0.b. ship- ping points, according to freight. "Ontario oats--No. 2, white, not quoted; No. 3, T6c to T8c, according to freight outside. Barley--Malting, $1.16 to $1.21. Peag--No. 2, $2.10, nominal, ac-| cording to freight outside. Buckwheat--Nominal, Rye---No. 2, nominal. Manitoba flour--QGovernment stan- dard, $11, Toronto. Ontario flour-----Government stand- ard, $11, Toronto-Montreal; $11, new bags. {llteed --- Car lots, dellvered, Montreal; shorts, $44; bran, $42; feed flour, not quoted; middlings, not quoted; good feed flour," per bag, $2.70 to $2.75. Hay---Baled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 1, $32 to $35; Nd. 2 mixed, $20 to $24 per ton; straw, eariots, $10 to $11. Montreal. The quotations were -- Oats--ex- tra No. 1 feed, 87%c. Flour-- spring wheat new standard grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolled oats--Bags, 90 lbs, $4.10 to $4.26. Bran, $42 to $42.50. <f£hoorts, $44.50 to $45, Hay---No, 2, per ton, car lots, $38 to $40, -------- Chicago. No. 3 yellow, $1.78 to $1.78; No. 4 yellow, nominal; No. § yellow, nominal. Oats--No. 3 white 68 to 68% c; standard, 683 to 693c. Rye ~No, 2,'$T.46 to '$1.47. Barley-- $1.12 to $1.23. Thmothy--$9 to $12. Clover--Nominal: Pork-- Nominal. ° Lard--$32.65. Ribs-- $27.75 to $28.75. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, May 27.--Flour un- changed. Barley, $1 to $1.13. Rye, 2 $1.40 to $1.40%. Bran, $37. Flax, $4.20 to $4.22. Duluth, Duluth, May 27.~Limseéd on Wa, $4.22 to $4.27; arrive, $4.18; War, $4.22; Jaly, $4.12 bid; Oct, 3.87%.) LIVE STOCK OOK MARKETS, nis Toronto. Toronto, May 27.~--Choice heavy Steers $14 to $15; choice butcher $13.50 to. $14; medium butcher, $12.50 to $12.95; common butcher; $11 $12; heifers, good to choice, $11.50 to $14; butcher cows, choice $9 to $12.50; do, mediunt $9 to $10; Bula, choice heavy, $10.50 to $12:50; , ood $0.60 to $10; do, light $9 fo. $9.50; do canners, $5.50 to $6.50; feeders, 900 to 1,000: 1bs., $13 to $14; do, 800 pounds $12 to $12.50; do 700 to 750 pounds $12.25 to $11.75; do, light mixed $9 to $10; grass cows $8 to $8.50; mileh cows $75 to $100; lambs $18 to $19.50; sheep, Hight $16 to $17; heavy sheep and bucks N= to $18; calves, $14 to oy ey. $14 40° a Ted and Watered ; $13.50; do f.o.b. §22.25; do at coun fry points $22. rien Montreal, © i Montreal, ay 27.--0hoice $12 to fr fom » $10.50 to medium, $8.50. to $10; | cattle, cows $12.60; goed, $10 to $11; medium, $7.50. to $9.50. Sheep, $11 to $13; , $15 to $19. Joes, Ib. 30¢ $23.25; do off cars,| - cows anid bulls, $10.50 to market weak; veals, 4s to $18; culls, $9 to $14; little calves, $11 to $13; fed calves, $8.50 to $11.50, Sheep and lambs--Receipts 7,860 head; market steady; sheep (ewes), $7 to $10; mixed sheep, $1050; wethers, $11 to $11.50; culls, $5 to $6; lambs, $12 to $16.50; culls, $9 to $11; spring lambs, §18 to $21; culls, $15. Hogs-- Receipts, 3,600 hepd: market steady at $21 to $2150; pigs, $20.25 to $20.75; roughs, $18.25 to $18.50. GENERAL TRADE, Montreal. Montreal, May 27.--Cheeése, finest easterns, 31% to 82c; butter, choic- est creamery, b563y to B6c; eggs, fresh, 52 to 53c¢; do, selected, 54 to bbe; do, No. 2 stock, (0c; potatoes, per bag, car lots, $2 to $2.10; dress- od! hogs, pbattoir killed, $30.50 to $31; tard pure, wood pails, 20 Ibs: net, 37¢c. © » Dm . Toronto, Toronto, May 27.-----Butter, choice dairy -50 to 55¢; do, ¢reamery, 60 to 65¢; margarine, 1b, 35 to 40cc Eggs, new laid, doz. 55 to 60¢; cheese, Ib. 40¢; turkeys, Ib. 45 to H0e; Towl,-1b. 42 to 46¢; dhickens, roasting, 45 to 60¢; geese, Ib. 30 .to 32e; oranges, doz. 85 to 60c;lemons, doz 25 to 30¢; grapefruit, doz. 75 to $1.50; pineapples, each 25 to 35¢; strawber- ries, box 40 to 45c; asparagus, 2 bunches 25c; beans, new, dt, 20¢; beets, peck 30c¢; do, bag $1.10; do, 'new, bunch 20c; carrots, peck 40c¢; de, bag $2; do, mew, bunch 10¢; cabbage, new, each 15 to 25¢; cucum- bers, each 10 to 20¢; celery, head, 10 to 25¢; lettuce, .3 bohs for 10c; 'onfons, imp., box $5.25 to $5.60; do, 1b., 16¢; do, green, bunch 5 to 10¢; leeks, bunch 30¢; parsley, bunch 10 to 15¢; parsnips, bag $1.10; de, peck 25 to 30c; potatoes, bag $2.15 to $2.25; rhubarb, - indoor, 2 for 26¢; do, outdoor, 4 for 25c; radishes bunch 5c; sage, bunch 5 to 10¢; spinach, peck 60 to 7b¢; savory, bunch 5 to 10e; turnips, bag $1.25 to $1.50; turnips, peck 30c¢; tomat- SUEZ CANAL STRIKE. All Workers at Port Said Affected Reports Allenby. London, May 27.--Right Hon. €. Harmsworth, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, stated in the House of Commons that General Allenby had réported that a stiike of em- ployees of the Suez Canal Company broke out on the 13th.of May and that subsequently all the workers at Port Said had struck. The strike had now spread to Suez In view of its vital importance, said Mr. Harmsworth, the Suez Canal service must be maintained, and this is now being assured with naval and mili. ta ry assistance. rn rp Country Estates Unaer Hammer. London, May 27.---A number of the big country estates with which England - abounds are going under the auctioneer's hammer, judging from the advertising pages of real 'estate journals. One advertisement of a country house for sale says the house contains fifty bedrooms. Old timers are sadly asking whether the "fifty bedroom? le "of entertain< ing will ever be seen again, Llewelyn Roberts of Clarence square, Toronto, and formerly of St. Catharines, was found on the Island shore with his throat: cut, ~Ool. W. A. Bishop, V.C., has been ordered by his dobtor to take & com- DPlete reat. i : gio. 76 to $30.40; lin Huht thts To to $20.15; hea smogth, $19.50 to Pe 75;- packing Sows rough. $19 to $18 $19. - CattlewsBest Little Capital' Time and again you have heard someone say, "If | only had a little 'capital back of me | know | could make money with that proposi- tion." Resolve, today, that you will not face Fortune emptyhanded.: Sow the seeds of your success by starting a savings ac- count with this Bank now. Bank of Nova Scotia Jalduw Capital t nS 500,000 Reserve Fund - 12,000,000 Resources + + 150,000,000 War Bond Interest Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. - The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service, <4 If you have not a Savings Account, why ch use 56 yous interest money to open one wi THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. Established! 1864, Kingston Branch, . APA As TOFIELD, Manager. Verona Branch, : . oT W. MeCLYMONT, Manager. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Kingston Branch, 3 Are yow practising home trade? We are glad to say some are, but we notice those who are mot. and private savinge: Then why betore handing your next order to an outside house. ilps Buy You Ouse Yooat Ertmmnss GOVERNMENT BONDS, ALL 186UES, B 10 76 BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. Phone 1728. - Forallnew ot. Suits $20 up to $45 All Prices Between