Mowers Sharpened There is a great difference in the way lawn mowers are sharpened. Only experts should be allowed to put your mower in proper running shape. JUST THINK What a lawn mower has to stand and the rough ground it has to go over. Give your mower a chance; have it overhauled now. ONLY EXPERTS Touch your mower when it comes to us. And we make it cut grass properly, (not stones and bones. ) Bicycles Repaired that you have ever had. Bicycles repaired the day they are left. Tires, Tubes Bells, chains. Everything for your bi- «cycle. If you haven't got a bicycle you should have. SEE US TO-DAY SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." "Everything For Health and Happiness." June Weddings Pretty Boudoir Lamps, $4 and up; Elec- tric Toasters, Grills, Irons, Vacuum Clean- ers. 3 : » In the World of Sport THAT IT SEEMS The' City League is going ahead to make arrangements for the junior games, There seems to be no reason why several good teams should not, be entered in the league. Both the Collegiate Institute and Publie Schools are carrying on a league from which good material might be! drawn later on. Fans would be glad 10 see the youngsters given a chance to show their ability. The entry list will be kept open for a few days to permit the boys' organizations to decide whether they will enter the! league. / { The Y.M.C.A. is going to have a bicycle hike to Kingston Mills next | Saturday morning. A good time is! expected and among those who have signed up already are E. Battem, G. W. Young, Donald Morougham and A. M. Germain. A good sized. party is expected to take part in the outing which is the first that has been held in Kingston for some time, Joe is saying that it is nearly time that some of Kingston's successful business men should take an interest in home sports. There are all too few, men like the late lamented "Jock" Harty. ' Arrangements are being made for a local bowling tournament of Queen's green oh 'Tuesday, June 3rd,; The regular schedule begins on June 4th, Dempsey and Willard aren's train- ing as hand as the would-be cham- plofis in the old days did. Perhaps there are more attractions now! The celebration at 'the Fair Grdunds on June 3rd is going to be some "humdinger." Additional en- tries which have been made are: Golden Rex, 2.12; Frank Larush, Hull} Dick Bison, 2.18; George Pow- all, Belleville; Dolly Patch, 2.30; Dr. David R. Benson, Belleville; Ellis Pointer, 2.16; Tom Eilis, Chest- erville; Gusto the Great, 2.50, Pro- ctor Griffin, Brockville. Laura Pointer stepped a quarter of a mile in 36 seconds the other night at the Fair Grounds. Faust Patch touched the mile in 2.35." The railbirds are keeping their gleamers on the steeds as they slip around. : a. Esford is confident of getfing some pickings for his artists when the ball games start in earnest. He | tween the Brockville H says he has the best bunch that he has ever gathered together. M. 8S. Grace, honorary president of the driving club, 'may be invited to act as official starter at the races on June 3rd. He is well gualitied fof the position. Y.I.C.B.A. are right on the trail of teams that are willing to play ex- hibition games. To-night the Voea- tional Training School 'are schedul- ed to clash with the Irishmen and arrangements are being made to meet a picked team from K.C.I at a con venient date, The hoys at the Collegiate Insti- tute are taking a great deal of inter- est in sport. ' Besides the regular form teams a picked team will re- present the institution at exhibition games. No definite word has yet been received but A. E. Thompson, a former teacher at K.C.I, now in Brockville, is arranging a game be- School and the local scholars on "the King's Birthday in thé river town. The lo- cal collegians are getting lots of prac- tice: and should give account of themselves if they get the chance to meet the Brockvillians. Hammond Asks ~~ we "Who Has the Suits 7 "The suits, the suits, who has the suits?" ask§ W. Hammond, manager of the justly famous Young Irish- men. Phe aggregation . expects. to show up'at the Cricket Field for their first game in a litlle over a week. But alas! they have no suits. Man, ager Hammond claimg he loaned them to some of the aspiring "big leaguers" at Portsmouth ait they Were neyer returned. Consequently everyone is looking for togs and the Hatter's Bay boys will be asked to send back the uniforms they borrow- ed. 7 CLEANED UP ON FORM II. K.C.L. Third Formers Pulled Sensa- tional Win en Wednesday, Form III. of K.C.L pitched a tent over Form TI in a regular game of the- schedule played at the Cricket Field on Wednesday afternoon and the score wast unmentionable. The youngsters were in fine trim for the performance but the - 'final curtain was' entirely unsuspected. G.: H. Smith handled the game satisfactor- ily. : The teams: * Form 1IL.---Sugel, p; F. Morris, 8s; Brennan, cf; Hunter, ¢; Lyons, rf; Wilkinson, 3b; Cliffe, If; Moore, 1b; B. Morris, 2b. Form I1.--Wilson, ¢; Douglas, p; Hooper, 3b; Nigholson, If; Derry, 1b; Ralph, 2b; Hughes, ef; Gardiner, rf; Marsh, ss. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN es By GENEL BYRNES : ¢ the trenches and that of the athletic ishfcolonial representatives; events C. L. C. Ball Team May Not Organize .. It is quite. improbable that the Canadian Locomotive Co, workmen will not organize a baseball team for this season. Th® death of ex- President J. J. Harty struck the wobks pretty hard, and for that rea- son ft is probable that no C.L.C. team will grace the diamond during the season. The strike has also dis- located any arrangements that might have been made for organi- zation of a team, and players wiil likely he absorbed into other loeal teams. i 3 - REVIVE POLO IN ENGLAND. Hurlingham Club Preparing fof the Opening Match This Month. Indications point to a revival ot polo in England where it has been inactive since the outhreak of the war. 'Hurlingham is being made ready for the reopening of the sea- son. The opening contest will be for the Social Club's Cup followed by ultaneously at Hurlingham and Rochampton, with the finals at Hur- lingham on May 31st. ; ; The championship cup last won by Walter Butkmaster's famous Can- tabs, will be played for during the third week in June. 'The interregi- mental tournament, June 23rd to July 5, will conclude the season. ep KAHANAMOKU HASRIVAL. Kelii, a Conntryman, to Swim Against Famous Duke. John Keli, a" Honoluly swimmer, Is now regarded as a possible suec- cessor to the famous Duke P. Kah- anamoku. "In practice Kelii has shown ability which thas set his Hawaiian friends to. matehing his speed against that of his famous countryman. The two will probably clash this month, when the first Im- portant swimming carnival of the Hawaiian season will be held in Honolulu harbor, : -- api bis Does Not Underrate Dempsey. "I am nof underrating Jack Demp- sey," said Joys Willard in discussing his coming battle at Toledo. "There is too much at stake for me to take a chance with him, I have him dop- ed out as a rushing battler, and quite a boxer, who is able to take ad- vantage of every opening and to shoot in and knock a man out with either hand, T kmow only too well that I can punch hard enough to stop Dempsey or any living man. My hitting pow- er to-day is greater than ever it was, and there isn't a suspicion of muscle binding anywhere, " "And I can absorb punishment, too. Johnson hit me some awful eracks in that battle, but didn't stop me for a second. In fact, neither Johnson mor the crowd knew that I was 'hurt at all during thase twenty- six rounds. I feel sure that Demp- sey won't damage me as much as the 'Bid Smoke' 'did, but, even if he does, he 'won't have the satisfaction of seeing me give any sign of it.' ---------- Most Representative Athletic Meet. The. iret meeting of the Advisory Committee of the inter-allied games was held in Paris Monday. The committee Is composed of two mem- bers of each of the competing coun- tries. 'Delegates were present from Canada, Australia, Belgium, China, Czecho-Slovakia, France, Guatemala, Italy, New Zealand, Portughl, Rou. manda, Serbia, Greece and the King- dom of Hedjaz. The various speakers drew a parallel between the comradeship of field. At the suggestion of the Brit- may be added to the games program. If this suggestion is adopted. these the Whitney Cup ties, beginning sim-| style and shape for every occasion, for Dainty Summer Styles You can have three different pairs of PETER f the price of one pair of leather boots, and there is such a wide varie) of Fe White Boots, Oxfords and Pumps, that it is en easy matter to get just the Remember BP for Your holidays; especially for the boys and girls and chuldren. 20 The Best Shoe Stores Sell FERVENT, MACDONALD'S PRINCE WALES PLUG CHEWING Stag yy Sale of Refrigerators 10% Of events will include endurance con- tests and exhibitions To Slavic &ym- nastics by a hundred picked Serbians. eR | [IY 0 # Some men are candidates tor office because they can't help it--and some " 'because the people can't help it. - The average woman doesn Too often when a mans good deeds Too Foun 4 in equality of the sexes; she thinks % gem Te Lh 4 ; APS ll | speak for themselves he spoils the ef- | up for the she is a little more than equal. Se y : p 2 fi OR | on 5 ; fect by going around with his mouth iting g BRINGINGUPFATHER = « 3 nw ow ow oa AVE BEEN THINKING, al fT n Th : OF GOING TO womk- | | CMR IGG : OH' IF IT WAS THAT NEAR QUIT TING TIME t T START = LETTER" ¢