"THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. ° « bY Announcement Our own Royal jan Horse Artil- lery, consisting of A and B Batteries, which were stationed in Kingston before the war, and were the first of the overseas forces to leavefor the battlefront, will return to King- ston to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon. I would kindly ask the merchants and citizens to decorate their stores and homes with flags and bunting and to turn out and give them a Right Royal Welcome. --H. W. NEWMAN, Mayor. ry Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. Pure Maple Syrup, Per Gal. . . . . $2.40 All Fruit is high in price, why not put away more Maple Syrup for the coming winter? We can supply you. * - ¥ Phone 248 'Prompt Delivery | greet those who pi restaurant. Ther § phere here viting and hgspitable, which therefore is conducive to the , perfect enjoyment of sany of the palatable and deli- cious dishes with which our meni abounds. 1f you are one of those whg appreciate good food properly prepared and Morved we nvite your patron- age. Grand Cafe 222 Princess wireet, Two Doors Above Opera House | CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS St. Lawrence Ale & Porter Also manufacture all kinds of soft drinks. We deliver to all parts of the city. £ i ~~ ON SATURDAY 5 MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITY ® » ' 3 Country About ~=Full of Interest to Many. James Muir, Ottawa, bas purchas- ed -the Almente Gazette from James MoLeod. . The Clyde river at Lanark has on the rampage because of the fieavy rains, and some slight dam- ages ensued, "During Donald Caldwell's absence in Bagland the Mississippi woolen mill, Appleton, will be in charge of Wilmer Campbell. Paul Griffin, McDonald's Corners, Wednesday?last slipped away to Perth and returned with his young of 'bride, Miss Minnie Smith, Elphin, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sunbury, Lan- ark, announce the engagement of their daughter, Freda Ona, to Dr. Lloyd R. Stedman, son of Mr, and Mrs, A. N. Stedman, Drummond township. The marMage will take place early in June. The Renfrew Labor Union has de- cided that the schedule of Pay of street men from June 2nd, 1919, tin May 1st, 1920, will be forty cents per hour for a mine-hour day and time and a half forovertime, includ: ing holidays and Sundays. John Horricks, Prestonvale, aged thirty-four years died on May 26th. He lived all his life on the home. stead in Prestonvale. He is a son of Joseph Horricks. Ten years ago John Horricks was married to Miss Laura Allan, a prominent young lady of Balderson. -------------- THE VILLAGE OF YARKER. New Cheese Factory Completed-- Water in River Very High. Yarker, May 28.--The new cheese factory is completed and is making nineteen cheese a day and is equipped up to date, The county and township crushers are making and repairing the roads in the \ali- age and country roads. Mr. and Mrs: Willlam Warner, of Kingston) are visiting his grandfather and sister in the village. Miss - Steila Storms is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Storms. Mr. . Wray Wilson has gone to Belleville, where he has Secured a position in the cheese fac- tory. Ray Skinner is in Kingston taking special treatments. The farmers in this locality have not a great deal of seeding done on account.of so much wet weather, Babcock has returned home after spending some time in Toson~ to attending dental college. Master Fraser Reid, of Enterprise, has ro. turned home after visiting at the Commercial House. Thomas McNeeley, former mer chant, has purchased property in Newburgh. John Goode, Deseronto, called on his many friends in the village. : Miss Volilet Merrill, , of Serry, = Watertown, is at his} grandmother's, Mrs. C. Irish's. Mr. and Mrs. Fréd Bagle, Port Hope, Mrs. A. Williamson and Miss Lizzie Babcock. ~ Mr. and. Mrs. Button and baby have moved to the village Herbert MeNeeloy, of Napanee, was in the village recently, Sqme of .the old residents of the village never remember the water dn the river being so high for this time of the year as it is at présent. Somé of the young men spent the #th May in Kingston. Mr. Trs- oott, of Kingston, has accepted pany. J. B. Banderson is in Kings- ton to-day ok a business trip. Mrs. Colen Martin: and children have re- turned 'home after spending o month in Baneroft. V a NEWBORD NEWS Two Properties Sold-----Hard to Get. Newboro, May 27.--James Mori- |i for Bellgvills, 'where she will' arty has purchased the frame 4 . ing house < on. street from. in Sydenham, spent... a. day recentizd with her sister, Mrs. J. Wright. Pte. spent the week-end at the home 0f or fa NARCOTIC DRUGS, Awful Ravages of "Pope" In United fe Werte Little short of astounding is the report of a specidl committee ap- inted by the Seeretdry of the ISuty to investigate the use of harcotic drugs In the United States. It estimates that there are not fewer 1,500,000 drug addies in the jcountry. How. serioue is the situati ig revealed in New York City, w recently the police made a determine ed effort to Stop the illicit trade in cocaine, morphine and heroin. The open a special clinic where habitues lof the drug could be s led with their favorite dope. Otherwise the lunatic asylums of the city would have been: overcrowded. It lias been found that it is dangerous, if not fatal, to abruptly deprive drug-nsers their rations. If cures are to be made they must be made gradnally, and in order to give the confessed fiends the necessary supplies to Soothe their quivering nerves and support their tottering reason, they were treated at the rate of one hun- dred an hour. A special eall for more workers was issued, the .doc- tors on hand being utterly unable .to cope with the awful demand made upon them. It is to be 'borne in mind that the 700 addicts treated by the New York Health Department in one day were the sodden and helpless drug users who depended upon the illicit sellers for their daily supplies. There were not included those who had a supply of the poisons on hand, or who were not 80 desperately in the clutéh of the habit that they would face the pablici¥y of appealing to a clinic or those who have othier sources for pro- curing the dope not known to the police. The situation is not worse in New York than in other parts of the country, according to the committee's report, The drug habit appears to have penetrated every .part of the community, and in' proportion to population seems not rarer in isolat- ed farms many miles from a railway station than in the great cities. For instance, in one. Kentucky "dry" county it was found that about two per cent. ofthe population ore ré- sorting to ps oric as a stimulant. Tee Florida, out of a population of 7,000 there are $00 drug fiends. In this 'city there is a strict law compelling registration, so that the statistics are correct, although it would be rash to pre- sume that every drug user would register if We falt that he could se- cure a supply of his favorite ha- sheesh without registering. One point which the. committee was expected: to. determine was whether the use of harmtul drugs would be likely t6 be increased when national prohibition came into ef- fect. The evidence appeared to be conflicting om this point. In the larger cities the drug habit and the liquor habit were found to be gath- ering fresh vietimsi side by side, In prohibition ' regions, on' the other hand, a great congnmption of patent medicines and ¢ 'eantaining mor- would be necessary or to show to growth has been "and co-extensivi position with the Benjamin Com- are Henry Bishop for $900. 4 | Miss Laura Rushford left to-day. ver dress at the ann imeeting "of, the = Young Peopl Guild. Ered i Huns 5 Health Department thereupon had fo ! _ MORE GERMAN STUPIDITY. Issue Sweet Goodbye Letter to Prisoners of War. | 'Orattiness . and ' stupuity, so sirangely mixed in dil-Gercwan pro- paganda, is once more evident in a farewell document 'issued to. pris; oners about to leave Germany. No 'cooing dove could voice itself more 'softly than the German authorities in their plea that the' prisoners re- {turf to their homes with kind feel- iings towards their eaptors. So bar- barous has been Germany's treat- ment of prisoners that some observ- ers are justly enraged at this attempt to wheedle sympathy and gentle dealing for the vanquished foe at the Peace Conference. The docainent given to departing prisoners is »g- ster Gazette, which says that "as an example of ; have learned by bitter experience the true nature of the German, it would be hard to parallel." called "& Parting Word," and begins as follows: -- "Gentlemen, the war is over! A little while and you will see your native land again, your homes, your loved ones, your friends. When you are alrpady united to your families, thousands of our" countrymen will still be pining in far-off prison camps with hearts as hungry for home as yours. "You have suffered in confinentent ~as who would not? Your situation has been a difficult one. has been desperate.' Our country blockaded, our civil population and y suffering from want of suffi- cient food and materials, the enor- mous demands mage upon our ha- rassed land from every side---these and many other afllictions made it impossible to do all that we should have liked to do. Under the circum- stances we did our best to lessen the hardships of your lot, to insure your comfort, to provide you with pastime, employment, mental and bodily re- creation, It. is mot likely that you cumstances have been," 4 With square-head clumsiness. the authorities go on to admit that "er- rors lave been committed, and that there have been hapdships for which the former systeni was to blame." There have been "wrongs and evils on both sides," it is touchingly con- always think of that--and be just." "You 'entered the old 'Empire of Germany "you leave the new Repub- 1 hé newest, and, as we hope to make it, the freest land In the world" - Health Shown by Finger Nails. A French physiéian, Dr. R. Sabou- raud, of Paris, has made the study of finger-nails his life-work. Among her things he has discovered that means of your nails you can tell not only whether you are in poor health, but whether you are going to be iI. ? ly people have noticed white WS 8 on their fipger-niails, but f [are or sig- ned reat ho Br dander they signify either nervousness, skin trouble or the early stage of tuber- culosis. They are often to be seen on; the from goitre. ; Marbled nails are more frequent in women than {n men, but with the latter they havé more significance. They are not a grave symptom, for u will eften find them on persons 4 ool health. But they indicate a probability of seme trouble or other developing in the course of time. In short, concludes Dr. Sabouraud, the existence of marbled nails is a danger signal, not only demonstrat. J4ng in the apparently healthy a la- tent weakness, but also in conditions of poor health an augury that ser- --------------_ "No 'More Pyrenees." News comes that the international tunnel between France and s finished. When France and Spam agreed thirty-seven years ago, that two railway routes should be carried over the mountain wall, one Way of an.international funnel, published by. the London. Westain-: effrontery to men who' Our own | will ever knéw how difficult our ¢ir-' fessed, and "we hope that you will nds. of people suffering | ious results may ensue. : Minister' of each country |. I | 10,000 Pounds Ceylon and Indian Tea Worth from 80c to, $1.00. On Sale at 50c, and 60c per pound. sale ocers an opportunity to holsepeekers to day the Dost ton at A Aaving of 35 per cont. : : N _ "Garden Court" | The latest Thing in Perfumes, Talcums and Face Powder Taleum, 85c¢,; Face' Powder, -75¢.; Perfume, $1.50 the ounce. Only At : SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41° Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Men Who Want the New "Theyre New a You will find them at our store made up of Scotch ane English tweeds, blue or black serges, or fine vacunas, Prive to your satisfaction. ; Inspection invited. rs ' We also carry a big stock of all kinds farnishiiigs, trunks and suit cases. Barnet Lipman The Up-to-Date Clothing and Men's Fiien Headquarters |. | in Kingston ..{ For the Highest-Class Talking Machines in the World hos So > ! GG AR Ty ny i ; 3] vy «i CANADA'S PREMIER PIANO HOUSE ~~ 121 PRINCESS NGSTON. Montreal, Ottawa, Quebee, Bt Belleville and Three Rivers' : Ti 14 T sp 3 | Som ready Shop Tk: 10 THE EDITOR | Ths Coston, Taerine--at whol anses. _ Yarker, May 29.---(To the Editor): A news ftem in desc 16 farm roads be The Special £ of Semi-Ready Tall custoa tale community and the pub- |enables the "of the township of Portland, [ure suits at ue to the existence of the ; 8 "A fall ran ported Eg si f that the cutter que photo of | " Va Mie uot tit is sire. he four- ule at the shops asslires a livery on the day promised.